out of cage

Chapter 917 Chapter 20.24 Gang crimes

On Black Rock Star, the giant beast gene body tribes here faced the traceability faction who had experienced many battles.Just like the desert tribes in West Asia faced the iron heels of Mongolian Khan in the fourteenth century.Basically, the army was defeated under the first round of firepower and charge.

The interstellar behemoths in these "sacred land" areas are not even as powerful as other areas. They are all focused on "rituals", and the obsidian patterns on their shells are all uniform.

In the later stages of the war, other regional behemoths were forced to carry out technological revolutions, which accelerated the growth process of planetary behemoths and directly integrated into steel mechanization.And the giant beasts on the Black Rock planet are still native.

This is because the Black Rock Planet is a sacred place on the Behemoth Planet,
Similar to the family of the last feudal king's mausoleum guards during the Industrial Revolution, they still wore armor and swords to guard the royal mausoleum when the outside world was in turmoil and machine guns and cannons were over.

In the past, Black Rock Planet relied on the "retreat" of other giant beast tribes to maintain local peace.

However, the outside world retreated, but it also made the giant beast tribe here still develop an arrogant mentality when they did not make progress.

They looked at the menacing source-tracing fleet and the mass giants that quickly penetrated into the atmosphere and drew meteor-like light marks, and roared "Dare! Blasphemy?" questioning, but they are unwilling to see that the times have changed.

The origin-tracing humans in space looked at these writhing black giant snakes, and curled their lips indifferently: "Do you still think you are a noble sacred beast?"

…When force needs control and order, so there is morality, but the old power system collapses, don’t expect the old ideas to still be respected...

The Black Rock Star War is a game, and the Tracing School faction already knew the significance of the Black Rock Star behind the Behemoth School from the war.

At this time, moving the planet is to lure the snake out of the hole.Wei Keng's "emerging" dark energy has detected all powerful giant beasts in the entire nebula, and named them by number.

This blacklist has been handed over to the third-tier members of the Traceability Sect (not Wei Keng).

The third order of the Traceability School, who is currently qualified to adjust the position of the engineer of the stars, has now begun to transfer over.

In fact, long before the last Starfish battle, when these wild beasts bared their teeth, the supreme commander of the Traceability Faction (Wei Keng) had already planned to give them a one-pot fight. Of course, the ambush on the Starfish did not start in the end.

Of course, it wasn't that Wei Keng was cowardly, but that after comprehensive discussions among the other traceability factions, they felt that a better timing could be arranged.

First of all, at that time, the 67 stars controlled by the source-tracing faction had not yet been able to tune the tidal connection between the stars to the optimal combat excited state.

Furthermore?It is that the giant beasts have weaknesses, which can be further exploited.

The allusion in the Warring States policy: "One effort, then decline, three exhaustion", is to emphasize the importance of "group state synchronization" in battle.The team is the strongest at the beginning of the alliance. If the excitement is reduced after a wasteful mobilization, if it still fails after the third mobilization, it will be exhausted.

"Excitement" is a physiological state, which is the whole-hearted preparation made by human beings in order to deal with the crisis and important work.

When human beings face the most important things, they will be excited with their own kind.This is an inevitable social evolution.Drumming on the battlefield in ancient times, as well as the exciting pre-war mobilization speeches in the industrialized era, are all techniques of "social psychological frequency modulation".

But for beasts, they can be excited alone, ready to kill all directions, but they lack socialization, and the higher the star sea behemoth, the more unique it is (sarcasm).

The seventh-order behemoths encountered the Traceability Sect for the first time, gradually began to wake up, and when they began to gather together, they were all preparing for battle. There was no doubt that they had the possibility of joining forces. (Wei Keng's sword was the group of beasts), but at that time Qingsu also forcibly intervened, this was the first drum.

During the Battle of the Sea Planet, the giant beasts showed signs of gathering for the second time, and this is the second drum.Chang Hengxi narrated and introduced the Traceability School in the past, which made the monsters re-acquainted with the Traceability School, and they hesitated, and then delayed again.

But now this war is the third drum. After preparing to fight the first two times, but it didn't start, the giant beasts can't help but enter a relaxed state, and at this time, the source tracing faction is ready to fight for real.

In short, the Traceability School also "drums" three times, but as a socialized human being, the cycle of life day after day, each time has a total accumulation. Much easier.

...Master Wei is going to let go, and now let the third-order tracers rule the world. …

Tracing the source faction, a total of 130 two tracing the source of the third order were concentrated here in the battle of the Black Rock Star.

While the behemoths were still thriving slowly, preparing to join hands for the third time, (tracing the source) the human hunting team had already entered a fighting state.

First of all, we mobilized the reconnaissance, set foot on the roads of these Xinghai behemoths back to their homes in advance, and when they were about to start fighting, they would reload head-on in a short wave in the way of Mount Tai, and the mass giants relied on their energy and logistics advantages. Release the nuclear explosion, suppress the herd, wait until the herd is ready to retreat, and send forces to the side to detour.

On the way back to the lair for all the herds, the Traceability faction dispatched through the time difference, arranged the order, and dispatched the troops one by one to concentrate, one by one "knife".

As an old criminal, Wei Keng made detailed plans for the various behaviors of the giant beasts this time.

Among them, in the preparation plan, the traceability party knows the "smell" of each giant beast in the star sea, um, that is, the unique radiant energy of each giant beast, and accurately tracks the "beast trace" in the interstellar, and traces the source. Pai also completed the "onomatopoeic deception", which is to simulate the giant beasts (roaring) and trick them into taking the bait.

The plan of the traceability faction was not formulated in a day, but was formulated long ago and kept preparing.

Let's put it this way, some of the current actions were prepared when the starfish ambush back then.

When Wei Keng "confessed" the motive of the crime to Zhenxun, he confessed to himself: In the language of the earth, this has been planned for a long time

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