out of cage

Chapter 918Chapter 20.24 is here to "start a prairie fire"

Tracing back 70 years, Behemoth Nebula's "Destruction of the Demon Heavenly Court" operation began.

The tracers, according to the time axis and space axis set by Wei Keng, must complete six ambushes within one day.

The specific battle plan is.

In the first wave, the strike was carried out in the Guihai area, and the battle ended within three hours of the time difference. The enemy group was dragged down in the Jiaxu area and trapped in it for at least fifteen hours.At the same time, the other three giant beast channels should also just enter the interstellar black barrier area.

The second wave is to fight in the Wushen area. When the troops from the Guihai area come to support, this part is resolved, and then they go to the Jiashu area to fight.

The third wave was to fight outside the black barrier area.

Thirty hours before and after, divided into three steps, each step is an absolute surplus of troops to fight more and less!

The precision of this plan fully shows the excellent criminal style of Taxi Qiduo on the grain iron asteroid.

Chang Hengxi felt uncomfortable looking at it. She greeted Taxi Qiduo now, and felt that her whole body might be targeted.

...In the eyes of the humans on the Promise Planet, the aggressiveness of the males on Earth has been fully developed, isn't it a pervert...

In this nebula area, in addition to the 130 second-order third-order source tracers (not including the reserve team) participating in the battle, there are thousands of warships, millions of engineers, and thousands of energy space tunnels.Continuously transport the surrounding star materials and energy.

For details, you can refer to: The situation of the battle of the Ten Absolutes on the empty twisting plane.

[System Note: The criminal talent of Earth males is the original version of war talent, but not all criminal organization abilities can be developed into war organization abilities. You need to read books, know the composition of strength, and need clear moral guidance to unite people. ——It just so happens that Master Wei has the appearance of a middle-aged man]

…The black rock star is like an ant nest that has been stabbed open. The mass giant squad led by Zhang Wei excreted waste liquid in the carbon-based sea of ​​​​the star core. …

Five hours after the Battle of the Black Rock Planet, the ambush against the interstellar giants began.

Zhenxun, Chang Hengxi already knew that Wei Keng was going to kill these giant beasts, and he had already started hugging a small bench (setting up a space neutral isolation zone), or squatting on the top of the wall (horizontal outside the giant beast nebula) Titan Warship Lookout), to capture these details carefully, but when it really started, the two of them were still horrified.

Compared with the Earth, humans on the Promise Planet are better at politics. As for the military, Wei Keng has repeatedly proved that the wars of Earth people are not limited to paper data.

In the first wave of attack, in the Guihai District, the three strongest interstellar behemoths (including Yayu), under the reflection of the flickering artificial flares of the stars, the "dagger" charged from the side and wiped them all out!
61 tracers, with the cooperation of 30 warships flashing out, the division of labor is clear, and the quantum cloud swayed in front of them (equivalent to directly putting on a sack) appeared deadly within [-] seconds, without any outside perspective , was destroyed by the sublight mass warhead (sap).

The first wave of attack went smoothly, giving the third-order source tracers plenty of time to plan.After finishing this game, rush to the next game quickly

The fourth behemoth hit by the second wave fell on the "sublight speed warhead" without any suspense, and it snowballed quickly. It was originally scheduled to be annihilated in the fourth wave, but now it is annihilating the five interstellar behemoths nearby.

In the third wave, when the behemoths rushed out of the atmosphere to fight back, the behemoths had just emerged from the high-speed friction "black barrier" (the particle shield generated by the atmospheric friction to block communication is called the "black barrier"), and they collided head-on. The "Ten Unique Formation" system based on the time-space axis.

All [-] interstellar behemoths were wiped out!
Even though this is an old inheritance system, even though they are very backward, they are still serious planetary existences.

In the sea of ​​stars, most planetary dark energy players drive battleships to meet one-on-one, and they also have to avoid them.Now it's like being slaughtered, all of them have been wiped out.

This made those few bystanders (Chang Hengxi) feel that their own dark energy levels are much higher, and their necks get chills when they see this scene.The "murder" of the Traceability School is too compact, just like Taxi Qiduo hijacked the plane in Wentiexing|
It's okay to trace the source if it doesn't target people. Once you decide to target people, it will be like a thorn in your back.

Zhenxun checked the data from the earth again: "In the entire history of the earth, there have been political alliances, but more of them are wars. Killing, massacre, men are higher than wheels, beheaded, older than seven years old , Cut. This makes the Earth civilization survive thousands of years of history, only experience, fierce war screening!"

If it is given stability, then the years will be quiet and good, if it cannot be stabilized, life will be turned upside down.

Zhenxun's summary: So the two monitors of the earth unconsciously want to attach to him, instead of controlling like us.Because I can't control it at all!
But fortunately, as long as a long-term goal can be determined for the man on earth, accumulation can be the main goal.Then you will walk ethically.Don't reprimand him for "how decent" in various small places!In that way, when it is really necessary to contain the "big problem", it will not be effective.

...After 70 years of tracing back to the source, after tracing back to the killing of human beings, the "body" of the Behemoth Nebula was changed in a bland way...

The seventh-level upper-level members of the entire Xinghai region did not understand at this time, and now the seventh-level members of the Behemoth Nebula have all disappeared.

But in the Behemoth Nebula, after the third-level source tracers solved the problem, they quietly sealed their swords and did not spread the news. The lower humans are still fighting the final war with the dark energy players of the gene factions on the planets.

Even some dark energy users who are on the verge of level six don't know the situation.

After the Battle of Heiyan, in the battle hall, Wei Keng called out the silent palm from the front line,
After the sixth-level dark energy commander went through a life-and-death battle, especially after his teammates helped him survive, his thoughts were obviously much more mature.

Wei Keng: "I called you back because there is a new mission."

Zhang raised his head slightly, seemingly heavy, but nodded.From being reluctant to join the war at the beginning, now he has begun to admit that this "human reason" war has brought his life to a direction that he really needs to pay attention to.

However, when Wei Keng turned on the screen, he was slightly taken aback!This is his dark energy structure, and it corresponds to the five standard stellar test sites. In these test sites, Wei Keng set for him [-] energy measurement targets.

Zhang Wei was stunned. More than 4000 of them were planning projects that he had planned to advance to the seventh level. Now Wei Keng gave him [-] tasks, which was far more perfect than his plan.

After all these experiments were done, what would happen to him?He himself is clear.

After reading the blueprint, Zhang Wei slowly raised his head and looked at Wei Keng.

Zhangwei: Every time you come here, you come to mock me, but why?
Wei Keng said leisurely: This is the task entrusted to you by the organization, complete it well, and experience why you are alive.

Regarding Zhangwei, Wei Keng has always sighed, a trapped Miao Miao should let him understand what real light is.

In the entertainment culture of modern times: a boy who would tear his heart and give everything for the girl he loves is always talked about by the women holding handkerchiefs, and quietly sets up targets for his future partner in accordance with this film and television drama .

However, Wei Keng, as a man, lamented that if a person wants to judge the value of his own life, he should look around the world and judge the correct value in a broad sense from society.Don't take the life of the protagonist of "Shuangwen" seriously.

Master Wei's expectation for Zhangwei: As a man, he must be able to support the sky, protect the soil under his feet, and let the soil bloom, instead of giving up the soil to protect a flower, and holding a flowerpot to serve.

...Six months later, Zhangwei took the spacecraft to the controllable star designated by Wei Keng...

The head of the astral control department, saluting him after seeing his battle experience in the Behemoth Nebula, opened the stellar tunnel, revealing a vertically downward wellhead on the surface of the hot star.

He who used to be impetuous, now submerged in the stars, suddenly found that he can look at these data correctly and calmly!
He thought about it, and suddenly understood that his mind was very small, so most of the time he didn't know what he was doing, so every time he did something, his mind was blown back and forth like a kite by the "wind" .

Now what he wants is clear, he has a deep understanding of the world, he is on a broad road, and he knows that it takes hard work and sweat.

Zhang Wei said silently: The current self is precisely the guy (Wei Keng) who beat him up to break through his own fog.

In the 71st year of the traceability calendar, the dark energy of Zhangwei, which had been at a standstill for a long time, began to grow step by step. ——In this regard, Wei Keng said in a personal note: The prodigal son will not be exchanged for money when he returns.

...Master Wei, under his own framework system, began to write down the general outline 'morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor' are indispensable...

Wei Keng added his point of view in a low voice. In modern times, at the stage of primary and middle schools, many teenagers often fell behind because of being more impetuous in the teaching of sitting meditation in the classroom. This kind of swearing, this kind of "young and inexperienced", belongs to not knowing what you are doing!But who caused all this?
For various reasons, education only focuses on "intelligence" education,

To deal with the "body",
Contempt for "labor" education
Ignore "moral" education. (Encourage small reports, cultivate the ability to flatter superiors from an early age,)
Perfunctory "beauty" education. (Everything is based on the satisfaction of the leaders who visited the festival after the rehearsal programs have been tried and tested)
There were many "bad kids" defined by that era, and in the more impetuous adult concept, the reason for thinking that "bad kids" were bears was that there was not enough social reprimand.

Wei Keng really wanted to growl at this time: Those children who fight, moleste, rob, etc., are born to think that they are bad?
At that time, the society has long been aligned with money, and no one has studied for the rise of "justice".

When adults in the whole world don't bother to tell children, what can knowledge do?
Those muddle-headed teenagers will only grow up without a sense of direction, and just follow the biological chaos.

Who would do meaningless things?
Adults will be tired of the boss's meaningless meetings, not to mention that children under the age of 15 will find a direction to work hard for the empty shell of "Germany, sports, art, art and labor" education?Is it waiting for these children to enlighten themselves?
And when these children grow up to the stage where they finally understand the meaning of knowledge and realize that they are muddled, it is already too late.At that time, those who knew that they should study had already missed the age of reading, and could only read rebirth articles, yearning to repeat them again.

Wei Keng watched Zhang Wei embark on his own path. As the leader of the middle man, he now expects the future generations to be: must look at the world, must connect the perspective with the majority of people, must find the correct values, understand The self-importance of learning knowledge and increasing ability by oneself
...Multiple planes, Wei Keng was liberated, and after liberation, Wei Keng began to summarize his own framework for "growth"...

In the vast sea of ​​stars, Wei Keng stared at the big black hole of creation in the distance, and said in a tone of nostalgia for the past: It is to start a prairie fire! (in a high tone), I have been here for a long time now, and I will stay for a long time in the future, I can't lie down.Although I am not the most suitable, but my heart is not corrupt.

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