out of cage

Chapter 919 Chapter 20.24 Friends meet again

After the Behemoth Nebula War ended, in the 72nd year of Tracing the Origin, the Tracing Origin faction opened the star gate on the planet and started a new chapter in the history of "my family's door is always open, open to accommodate the world".

The space network road node controlled by the Traceability Sect here began to apply for trade with other star field forces, and at the same time connected to other Traceability Sect bases to transport materials and personnel.

In the core of Planet Lihai, in the star gate hall, the area of ​​the spherical hall is divided into energy platforms.

This [-] cubic kilometer vaulted underground space has now been constructed into an artificial city state. All the vegetation is sealed by glass covers. Between each layer, a large number of metal roads and energy transmission pipes are embedded squarely. here.

And outside the starfish, a large battleship from the Arctic Jet Zone swayed here at this moment.

When the crew of the "Chongming" battleship came down, just looking at the layers of glass cover outside the planet, it was obvious that the "tradition" here was gone.

The so-called "regional tradition" of the Behemoth Nebula is the creature hive style of the behemoths.The color of the dark red biological structures makes the insects feel the warmth of the "flesh and blood link", but makes humans feel uncomfortable.

The North Pole Creation Area still has such an impression of "tracing the source and occupying the Behemoth Nebula", which was too rigid in the past, just like in the 21st century, people in the New World mistakenly thought that the mother country of the Tang Dynasty still had braids.

Oh, but when Chongming saw some obviously genetically mutated human beings in some metal cockpits in some space stations, he was sure that he came to the right place.

As the captain of the Chongming, Chu Jinyan did not take the first step to disembark.After several battleships "Blazing Goldstone" and "Silver Blade" in front of her were robbed twice, she was already in a psychological shadow. , send people to go.

…Wei Keng: Tsk tsk, it looks very similar. I lost my bicycle three times when I went to school in the 21st century. …

Biting Jinyan is here on invitation. She had received the "safety report" newsletter from Zhangwei as early as a few years ago during the Battle of Black Rock Star.

However, in that communication, Zhangwei bid her a long farewell, and then generously wished Bi Jinlan to take good care of herself and the planetary lord who was promoted earlier.

This made Chu Jinyan feel a little uncomfortable? ——This kind of feeling is similar to the male owner of a large village in the feudal era on the earth. Maybe he doesn't like a wife who looks very virtuous, but suddenly one day the wife returns to her mother's house.

As for Zhangwei, following Jinjin all the time, it really gave Jinjin a feeling of "control". When this control was suddenly lifted, Jinjin was very dissatisfied.She is investigating now.

…six hours later.The battleship communicated with the planet countless times. …

The central tunnel of Starfish's planet opened, and a dark tiankeng suddenly appeared in the high mountains on the natural star list.Evenly spaced lights appear in the tiankeng, extending infinitely underground.

Biting Jinling paused for a moment, she did not leave the spaceship (being snatched out of the shadows), but directly radiated a beam of matter from the spaceship, projected it to the ground, and became her avatar, leading the team she specially selected, to come negotiation.

In the splendid underground city, the Wei Keng split led them into the tunnel of business talks.

Shenying Qiduo (Tasi Qiduo's older sister) who came as a businessman along the way has been watching the back of Wei Keng's split body.

Wei Keng: "Ma'am, what's on my face?"

Shenying: "Sorry, Your Excellency looks like an old friend I have seen."

Wei Keng looked at her separately. This carbon-based brain has a limited capacity, and it really can't remember some secondary memories from a long time ago.

But he said gently: "Then you may have mistaken the person."

Wei Keng: "It's been a long time, and I have changed a lot from the past."

A few seconds later, on the system side, Jing Guyu confirmed that Wei Keng had a split memory and really couldn't remember it.

She reminded Wei Keng, "Is she your sister?"

Wei Keng was slightly taken aback, and after looking through the information, he confirmed that this was Taxi Qiduo from Wen Tiexing's hometown.

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief: "I really don't recognize it." Then he laughed at himself, "I forgot too much."

Jing Guyu was silent. She thought that the multiple planes had wiped out a lot of Wei Keng's old consciousness, and now Wei Keng seemed to be walking further and further away.

…Did Wei Keng really forget everything that happened on Wentie Star that year? …

Menghen Qiduo (Tasi. Qiduo's biological mother), Shenying Qiduo (third sister), Caizhang Qiduo (second elder brother), Zhenzhao Qiduo (eldest sister)...

Although Wei Keng and them were strangers, Jing Guyu secretly marked them in an unknown place.

Wei Keng also marked a person, which he focused on concealing.

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