out of cage

Chapter 920 Chapter 20.25 The Dark Side of Earthlings

The source-tracing faction’s war in the Star Sea erupted at multiple points, synchronized with the second genetic war in the Behemoth Nebula, and there were other “regional conflicts”.

Wei Keng: Without the participation of the seventh level, it is not a war.The interstellar behemoth is not sensible, and escalates the "conflict" into a war.

Since the 63rd year of the traceability calendar, the traceability school has not lost the wind in a series of battles [-] light-years away from the great black hole of creation, and a series of battles with a series of giant forces in the star sea including the Arctic Jet Zone, which has aroused all the great forces in the star sea attention.Because the Tracing School is not just creating big black holes.

For example, Jiulanxing, Guangli Star District, and other big forces found that there were also traceability factions around them.

For such a seemingly "weak" but undisciplined and thorny force, it is difficult for the people of Xu Xu to describe the feeling of being "on the side of the couch" and "stabbed by the cold light" by the people on earth.

Therefore, just like the people on earth are sensitive to snakes, Jiulanxing is also very sensitive to the rebels "harbored" in the Behemoth Nebula.

At this time, the current development of the Behemoth Nebula situation has an indescribable feeling.

There used to be dangerous aliens everywhere, and the asteroids could be giant beasts disguised in the barbaric era. It has returned to the age of civilization. In the warp star port under construction right now, the large void fleet is pulling light streams from the stars, planning to create " "Parking space" (equivalent to 21st century parking space) completes the uniform space planning

And there are many characteristic buildings, such as rows of interstellar dust material collection surfaces with an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of kilometers. This material surface generated by countless hexagonal grids cleans up the orbit like a planet.Gather a large number of water molecules, as well as other minerals.

It is, by all accounts, an open civilized world.

But around the star port, giant beasts can be seen in the honeycomb force field constructed. These once cruel giant beasts that would attack merchant ships are now wearing a uniform of white ceramic armor, quietly in the force field deep sleep.

Of course, their armor has the same standard interface device as the battleship, which can replenish energy, and you can even see these behemoths line up with the fleet to enter the battleship.

Narrator: The Traceability School did not completely exterminate the monster-like humans. Out of humanitarianism, as long as the monsters surrendered, their survival is guaranteed.After all, many giant beasts have already fixed their survival routes before tracing their origins to the scene.With the sudden change now, I can't help but admit to these mistakes, but the behemoths who have been shaped innately have no way to survive.

…Wei Keng: Violence cannot be used to kill everything, only introversion can control it. …

Taxi Qiduo himself assured these "traditionalists" who have gone the wrong way, as long as they follow the foundation of human beings and give up the mainstream direction of development to the human race, these "monsters" are allowed to survive, (Master Wei: You may sing well dance), of course, the latest rule of heaven is that monsters are not allowed to "reproduce on a large scale" and dilute the natural population growth of humans.

Master Wei set up a "planning policy" for these Xinghai monsters in terms of fertility, um, that is, using emerging dark energy to set up a gene correction system in each negative entropy star core. The probability can grow to the interstellar behemoth mode by lying down, but the giant monsters pay the price for this,
It is genetically difficult to reproduce.It can't be to raise Gu outside the body, but a selected juvenile giant beast can only be born after hundreds of years of embryonic gestation in the body.

Wei Keng: In this case, the interstellar behemoth (demon) will pass on quietly,

The advantage of this is that even if there are other unkilled interstellar behemoths in the Behemoth Nebula, there is no need to worry about where to hide and become a hidden danger. These minorities will eventually be assimilated by the current mainstream of interstellar behemoths. Humans live in harmony.

Right, the new order is not perfect, so there are several prohibitions: one of them is that the human race and the demon race must not restart natural reproduction.

When Wei Keng set this one, he slapped his brains helplessly, because Master Wei knew that sooner or later in the future, there would be his "moving love" to be proud of breaking the ban.Of course, that may be the stupidity of the Joan people thousands of years later.

But right now, when visitors from other star seas arrive at this unique and modern star sea zone, they feel the openness and the pursuit of advanced concepts here, and also feel the tolerance of the characteristics here.

The merchants found that in the Behemoth Nebula, although the consciousness is embedded in the energy body, the carbon base still maintains the existence of the human body. Although it is the mainstream, there are still "subhuman" human beings wearing mechanical armor in many specific positions in space. Walk in space.

Narrator: After reaching the age of 120, the native humans here cannot regenerate naturally, so they can only unlock part of the monster gene.

And this surprised those external observers such as Chu Jinlan. Here it was announced to return to the orthodox path of human beings, but there was no complete racial replacement?It's incredible.

When the interstellar empire reached its final stage, its "Riyan" clan (the ethnic group of Qingsuyi) determined through "super-calculation" that it must be thoroughly purified before it can complete the task of recovery.

Tracing the source: "We have preserved the history of the route of the giant beast, so that you can know why you, as a human being, took a fork in the road and how to deal with it."

...behemoths and starships fly together, prominences and star rings are the same color...

With such a harmonious scene in the Behemoth Nebula, Jin Jin reminds these external communication personnel that they don't know that the suzerain-level interstellar behemoths of the seventeen planets in the local area have all been wiped out, and the ones left are all "singing and dancing" cooperative factions behemoth,

The luck of Jiulanxing, the Arctic jet area eats gold, and has a wrong understanding of this, thinking that aside from the old historical issue of "Taxi Kairudder", other Xinghai areas can also reach a peace with the new generation of tracers protocol.

But if what they want to know is that all those seventh-level planet suzerain-level behemoths are gone, then that's another matter.

Master Wei's viciousness has always been to cleanse the top forces, rather than "femme fatale" to care about the poor people below.

No matter how unbearable the dark energy system of the Behemoth Nebula interstellar behemoth is, it is also the suzerain of seventeen planets.They are all capable of changing into adults, and have extremely high intelligence. They have even walked in other star sea areas, made friends, and reached friendship with the guardians (level [-]).

The inherent impression of the promise star is that the giant beast sector is a force, and the biggest representative of a force is the planetary suzerains.

If the Traceability Sect kills all the lower-level behemoths and expels those planetary suzerains, it will not cause shock to the friendly nations.But it is precisely this group of people who were taken away by Taxi Qiduo, who killed all the top planetary suzerains.

This is an act of extermination.Today the Traceability School can destroy the giant beast, but what about tomorrow?
Moreover, less than seventy Jiulanxing years have passed.Therefore, due to "complicated influences", Taxi Qiduo has not disclosed the specific process of fighting the giant beast nebula planetary lords, whether it is in business talks with Chu Jinyan, or with Jiulanxing's representative.

Oh, of course, the big case of Wei Keng, even if it happened, no one in the entire Xinghai came to arrest him.

With his hands in his pockets, Wei Keng said indifferently, "Even if I'm exposed, at most all the interstellar forces will definitely reject me. Anyway, everyone has always rejected me." (The coterie of promised stars is very strong)
But whether it can be exposed or not, Wei Keng is not like Traceable to communicate with the outside world because he is in the predicament of being blocked. No, Chang Hengxi never wants to meet Wei Keng again.

Chang Hengxi's perception of Taxi Qiduo now is this: this pervert who killed seventeen people buried the bodies in the backyard. (Throw all the corpses in the orbital area of ​​​​the white dwarf) Then continue to open the shop with a smile on your face, and greet the guests outside.Then publicize the original owner's "prosperous (dead) shop transfer" to himself

Wei Keng's white dwarf at the scene of the crime is covered by heavy energy: Oh, these interstellar behemoths usually sleep for hundreds of years at a time, so they disappeared collectively, and no one found it in a short time.

It is conceivable: Chang Hengxi, who has always understood but was covered, is so "fucking".

She didn't feel safe staying with Wei Keng.From her point of view, the man smiled innocently on the surface, but his hands under the desk were covered with blood.

...Wei Keng has prepared a draft of his self-defense in the interstellar court: non-toxic and not husband, the one who makes a big deal~ (protracted)~ informal (speed)...

Xu Xingren didn't even think that behind this "pervert", there were two women (Qin Xiaohan and Jing Guyu) who were recording the whole book.

From this point of view, people on earth are a little "perverted", and they don't know it.

Zhen Xun, as a seventh-level dark energy user on the original plane, still follows Wei Keng, and he is also "black when he is close to ink".She began to help Wei Keng cover up the crime scene.

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