out of cage

Chapter 925 Chapter 20.27 Prying the cage door

Chapter 925 Chapter 20.27 Prying the cage door

In the 83rd year of the origin calendar, the missions of the "little traversers" in the main world have been completed. For example, those traversers (Yanming Fanhong's team) "died" one by one, oh, they were in the dark plane Death from the human perspective, waiting in the corner of the universe, just like junior high school students after the class physical examination, finish it first, and wait for others to come back in the class.

So far, only Fanhong is left, and this guy has unlocked to the second level of traceability.It can be regarded as several rounds of life and death.It is also the hardest to exercise.

When he saw the death of his first teammate (loss of [-]% consciousness and return), he was greatly saddened.In the great grief, he finally reconciled with his teammates. After the second teammate also died, there was such a kind of tension and despair. He didn't know if it was him. Forward, continue to advance with the ideals of the dead

When the third and fourth teammates were over, he finally realized it in his numbness, and he had a rational understanding of past conflicts. However, from different perspectives, there were problems in the analysis of both sides, and everyone would have an analysis, and he began to be objective. , and of course began to be highly rational.

Of course, he no longer has any resentment towards Wei Keng, the person who sent him to this plane to be cannon fodder. Fend for itself.

But now, Wei Keng saw him again, announced that his mission was over, and connected him to other teammates in the universe who were working in the hidden snow area. He was stunned, then let out a long sigh, and thanked Wei Keng.This feeling is like Monkey King coming to Lingshan and finally taking off the tight band.

Now in the Behemoth Nebula, Fanhong is carrying out the final task handover: "Senior, the hidden dangers of the old gene trend in the Behemoth Nebula are still there in the mainland, and now it is fully open with Jiulan Star, will it cause hidden dangers of internal instability?"

Wei Keng looked at Fanhong, nodded and encouraged him to continue: "What do you think will happen if you waver?"

In the Behemoth Nebula, the sky is much clearer than before. Huge light planes replaced the mixed interstellar dust. These millions of kilometers of light planes also turned into lighthouses. Fang's small battleship.

Fanhong flipped through the information of the main world, and then looked at the development of human beings in this sea of ​​stars. It seemed to be "taste" and said: "The outside world is chaotic and complicated, and it will still affect it. The light of traceability shines on the area, especially the next generation. Without us Fighting for opportunities in this great era, they will be very contradictory when they undertake everything we create."

Wei Keng knew what he meant: In the sea of ​​stars, the dark energy route still appears tall.It is very difficult to be firm and unwavering in the center of traceability.Just like the value of "labor is the most glorious" in ancient times, when it is connected with an area with a relatively backward historical process but developed productivity, it is easy to be impacted by the value of "look at money, speculate in real estate, and speculate in stocks".

Wei Keng nodded, approving that Fanhong could see this question, but then shook his head.

[Fanhong's team is the team that voted for the sacrifice of his teammates, only this has created a huge demon]

Wei Keng: "When we open up a new path, there will inevitably be contradictions, and when there are contradictions, there will be doubts. Questions are not for fear, they are new topics. If one way of proof does not work, then use the second way of proof. Since history exists Then continue to prove it. No one can scratch the full stop of history!
Fanhong looked at Wei Keng, then nodded,

Wei Keng looked at Fanhong like this, and smiled slightly: "Actually, I have seen many people driving backwards. Well, you will see many people driving backwards in the future. Don't be pushed backwards by the countercurrent, stand up, and let's encourage each other."

Fanhong looked up at Wei Keng blankly.Wei Keng picked his fingers, lowered his head, and said, "Before embarking on any road, one must not have the illusion of 'smoothness'. After embarking on the road, one must be prepared to betray any companions, and even more vigilant against oneself Possibility of apostasy."

Wei Keng stared at Fanhong: "However, as a pioneer, after seeing the problem, we can draw the red line early before everything happens. In that case, when the symptoms of the problem appear, we will explain the truth repeatedly, and the enemy will still be obsessed with it. There is no need to be hard to let go, just pick up a weapon and do it, um, criticize."

Wei Keng's tone gradually pointed: "As long as you look back on history and make sure that you have done your best, you will not have any 'possible' or 'if' assumptions in your mind."

At this time, Fanhong was shaking his mind like Huang Zhong Dalu.Once again, he looked at Wei Keng with complex and shocking eyes.

At this moment, Fanhong already knew: Wei Keng knew that their team had passed.

Fanhong: That kind of past has always been in my mind, and I use the tone of "if" and "if" like a nightmare to explain the worse possibility that will happen in the next course of my life.At one point I was terrified and curled up, but not anymore.

In space, the star, as a clock tower, rotates [-] times.

Fanhong went back.It left through the dimension channel opened by Wei Keng, oh, Wei Keng has advanced to the seventh level of time and space, and just like "emergence" is the connection between the eternal heart and the source.At present, the space-time system is also connected with traceability.The characteristic is that without the assistance of the main world, it can directly base on the rules of the plane and send human consciousness to the dimensional layer.

Although it still needs the response of the supervisor, otherwise it will not be able to return to the main world accurately, but the current situation proves one thing: that is, the dark plane has the potential to send "traversal consciousness" to the surrounding multiple worlds against the main world.

The door of the cage opened a crack for Wei Keng.

...Of course this seam is alive and will open and close...

After Fanhong entered the dimension tunnel, he met Yan Ming and Ji Ruo.Only then did they realize how much Wei Keng had laid out for them!

After Fanhong and the others returned to the near-dimensional area of ​​the main world, they met Qin Tianfang. In the sky, Qin Tianfang stared at Fanhong after reading Fanhong's information, and said with a smile: "You are really lucky."

Fanhong was attracted by the identity of Shangqing, the other four traversers beside Qin Tianfang. Of course, Qin Tianfang was still the main position among these four traversers.

Fanhong tentatively asked: "Excuse me, are you an acquaintance of Senior Wei Keng?"

Qin Tianfang was slightly taken aback, and looked at him curiously: "You call him senior?" Peng Haitao (the younger brother of Pandora Wei Keng's younger brother), the most senior Shangqing next to Qin Tianfang, twitched his lips.

Obviously, Wei Keng has a similar identity with ordinary traversers on the plane, and he was complained by the traversers who later learned the truth.

That is to say, if you see the expressions of the senior traversers in front of you, immediately remedy and explain: "We were just arranged by Senior Wei Keng, but we are not~."

Except for the exception of Wei Keng, in the space-time system of the main world, the concepts of hierarchy and upper and lower are ubiquitous.

Qin Tianfang interrupted: "He asked you to call him senior, so you can call him that. He joined the time travel group in the 27th century, and his qualifications are the same as mine." Then he glanced at Peng Haitao: "That guy likes and doesn't know The newcomers mingle with each other."

Yan Ming and Ji Ruo obviously had bright expressions on their faces. Now it is the 32nd century. Wei Keng, an old senior, did not grow up for several years, but a character from 500 years ago, when time-traveling technology was just established.So Wei Keng can be regarded as the existence of Taishan Beidou.They also finally understood why Qin Tianfang said they were lucky.

Yan Ming's teams recalled that although Wei Keng rarely talked about the main world, whether it was the Behemoth Nebula or the Battle of the Beehive Star, Wei Keng was able to synchronize with the strategy of the Tracing Source Command.

Thinking about it now, even those kinds of advanced dark energy smelting dispatched by traceability are not controlled by the supervisor, but Wei Keng's private.

Yan Ming guessed conservatively. All the advanced dark energy smelting was tested by Wei Keng's technical route, and one-third of the output was provided by Wei Keng.

They are desperately trying to grasp their destiny, but there are people covering them behind them.

But such a good leader, it is difficult for them to meet again.

…Of course, there are good people in society, but most of the people you can meet are those who pretend to be good people. …

Qin Tianfang gathered the scroll-shaped interface in front of him, and initiated an invitation (mobilization) to them: "The fourth plane war is entering the final stage, and the traversers of the free faction mass-produce the so-called "fate" on the plane by manipulating "fate". High-conscious travellers", now they have gone mad and turned a large area of ​​time and space into wasteland. Now I want to recruit you.

By creating the protagonist of fate, they selected the bloodlines that had traveled through time and space in an unfair way.With the luck of the entire plane, only one or two people were raised!Use the "abundance" of the history line to support the time and space lords! "

It has to be said that Qin Tianfang's words are very provocative. He seized on "the biggest disadvantage of the liberals in the past 200 years", and many grassroots in time and space resented the liberals' monopoly of time and space resources under the guise of freedom.

For mid-level and low-level traversers like Yan Ming, as long as a high-level traverser takes the lead, they will definitely go to "support the scene" and "follow Gan Te Niang."

But in the main world right now, under Qin Tianfang's pressing force every step of the way.The liberal faction also began its final madness.In order to maintain their "belief", old-fashioned time travelers such as Michaelena and Monat would barely maintain justice, but now they have completely lost it, and have begun to change the time-space recruitment system randomly, "If you cheat one, you can pack it One", even the traversers of the main world will not be spared.Has successfully "unknowingly" offended public outrage.

Liberals are currently suffering from internal and external troubles, and tracing their origins all come from the heavy damage caused by the "multiple planes of time and space" incident.

If it weren't for the most experienced wave of traversers from the Liberal faction getting lost in the "Multiple Plane Incident" and suffering from outside, the Haotu faction would not press every step of the way.In terms of internal worries, there will not be a power vacuum, allowing those madmen who have no background to come up and mess around.

Narrator: In the history books, there is such a note for every peasant uprising in the East that "the dominance of the old dynasty was severely damaged".

(End of this chapter)

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