out of cage

Chapter 926 Chapter 20.28 Clarify cause and effect with Chang Hengxi

Chapter 926 Chapter 20.28 Clarify cause and effect with Chang Hengxi
Wentie planet, after 100 years of voyage, has entered the Likan nebula area, and now has a material collection surface of 60 kilometers. This material collection surface is like a wind ear, facing tens of thousands of times thinner than the atmosphere, but relatively For the cosmic environment, the dense matter flow moves forward.

Enter the deceleration stage of Likan Nebula.The energy of the interstellar dust impact will be concentrated in the center of the mirror, so that the mirror will form a very bright concentration.

Chang Hengxi left the influence of dark energy to control all of this. The mirror collects energy and swims on the Iron Star with the four seasons of rising in the east and setting in the west. This provides a large amount of negative entropy for the internal ecology of the asteroid. In the past five years, dozens of Billions of people are awakened from hibernation.

In the 43 years of traceability, that is, 14 years ago, since Le Xiaotian, the new generation of Jiulan Star, invested, the scale of the star gate shuttle was expanded, and Wentie Star became an important hub. A large number of explorers from the Star Sea came here, making Here became a free port.

Wei Haohan, who "doesn't mention the bravery in the past", looks back on all this and sighs: It's like the hillside trees and ponds in front of our house when we were young, which were suddenly leveled and turned into commercial housing. …

Wei Keng arrived here as an interstellar investigator.

After coming out of the central area, I walked all the way along the road I once remembered, but everything is different, and the change of dynasty is nothing like this.Only the carved arched area in the center of the asteroid remains as a monument.

The tall, broad-shouldered Wei Keng walked here with a step like a measuring stick, causing some road inspectors to look sideways.They checked the identity of this extraordinary "foreign visitor", oh, it's an interstellar businessman.

Sixteen minutes later, Wei Keng looked at the area where the machinery was roaring. This battery factory used to be the factory of the Qiduo family. Of course, it has now become the property of Wen Tiexing's other family. stranger.

As a "monk", Wei Keng looked at his former property and only regarded it as a memory of the past. His only thought was to hope that everything would work well. Whether it belonged to him or not is not important anymore.I don't care about money here.

Wei Keng left here, smiled at the people along the way, and continued to move forward, unknowingly walking to his school back then.

Whether it is the navigator or the newly awakened young students of the Dark Energy Academy, when talking about topics they care about, they inadvertently look at this "boy" who is coming. Although they don't know each other, they feel that "this guy" is incomparable The fit here.

On this day, most people don't know that with the arrival of Wei Keng, their entire asteroid has established "Planck" scale time and space coordinates.Everyone, even a shed hair, is on the web.

And what about Wei Keng?Stay here and open a specialty store for space energy armor.

...Narrator: In the interstellar era, it is no longer suitable to buy fried noodles on the street...

About four months later, the central space wormhole fluctuated again.

It took about six or 10 minutes for Chang Hengxi to find out that a certain "troublemaker" was coming through his data on the balance of matter and energy in Iron Star.

And when such "traces" were revealed, it was Wei Keng who took the initiative to greet her.

In front of the energy mirror of Iron Star, Chang Hengxi collected the energy around his body and turned it into a suit of clothes. Chang Hengxi originally wanted to directly transform into a fighting state, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

And Wang Jian, who was beside her, watched Chang Hengxi staring in the direction, and asked her, "My lord, is the energy field here wrong?"

Chang Hengxi looked at the old subordinate who was cheated back then, and didn't tell him the truth.

Chang Hengxi: "There is no problem, you go and do your business, I will walk around alone."

Six or 10 minutes later, Chang Hengxi came to the underground artificial river. From the 40-meter tunnel, under low gravity, the water slowly fell to the ground like a string of pearls, and then flowed into the central ecological lake.

This is where Wei Keng and Sister Shenying talked. Master Wei didn't find out about his experience in dating girls from other databases.Wei Keng didn't know if the other planes were too lazy to record, or the downloaded content was damaged and could not be opened?So let alone Chang Hengxi right now, even if he met Qing Suyi here, it was also here.

Wei Keng looked at the group of fat fish in the ecological lake in the distance through the newly built electronic fence, and fell into memories.

Wei Keng: "Back then, Taxi could pass through this isolation zone and directly touch the water body. Oh, at that time, the class in the inner circle of the asteroid had this privilege.

Of course, Taxi turned on the rudder and spit at the fish in the lake, which became a release point for the dissatisfaction of the middle and lower classes.It's just too bad.Later, it was the super brave self who started the vigorous criminal path on the planet Wentie. "

...With the buzzing noise of the vacuum pipes shuttling behind him, Wei Keng's recollection of those "glorious days" was interrupted...

Wei Keng glanced at the asteroid social system that was in full swing to enter the industrialized operation at this time: Compared with the various injustices at the end of that time, now everyone is blocked from the isolation zone, and everything is fine.

Chang Hengxi found Wei Keng, and Wei Keng, who was leaning on the railing, generously reserved a seat for her. Seeing this scene, the ordinary staff at the side mistook them for a couple who looked very well matched, so they put on envious expressions.

But others didn't know that Chang Hengxi came to the appointment this time with a heroic mood of "dead fish and broken net". At this time, Chang Hengxi was staring at Wei Keng's waist. The small stick at his waist was the handle of Zhekong sword.

After Wei Keng officially took his seat, he proposed a plan that surprised her: "Reconcile. You don't have to worry about me, and I don't have to worry about you," and then opened the scan map of the matter in the Likan Nebula.

Wei Keng's "emerging" observation of the Likan Nebula is far more detailed than Chang Hengxi's dark energy perspective

Chang Hengxi has always wanted to penetrate the heavy element region of the Likan Nebula.

Without high-quality dark energy to observe it in detail, rushing into it is equivalent to breaking into the Bermuda area without satellite navigation in the age of sailing.

And this belt of heavy element material can make the "Wangjian" and "Liuhui" of those people that Chang Hengxi wants to take care of can go a step further. Of course, apart from these staff who have followed Chang Hengxi for the longest time, there are other people who can also do that. "Dark energy laboratory in the high-energy area of ​​​​heavy elements" benefits!
"How to save a fish quietly? That is to pour water into the entire dry lake"

Wei Keng's drunkard's intention was not to drink, he still came to find Chang Hengxi, but to cover up that person from back then.

Wei Keng glanced at the place where he went to school back then, where the girl (Can Xing), a descendant of Chang Hengxi, was still talking and laughing with another boy.

…Wei Keng: I went to Mount Tai. Everyone in the world knows that I came to Mount Tai. They don’t know that I went to Mount Tai for one person...

Wei Keng smiled at Chang Hengxi, and then submitted a very, very generous proposal.

It can even be said that Wei Keng used the annual tribute to seek peace. After Chang Hengxi confirmed it in writing, he asked, "Do you have any requests?"

Because Wei Keng came over so strongly and talked about such a simple issue, she really couldn't understand what it was.Is it unnecessary?

So other people don't understand, the system's guess: this belongs to Bidong, (Wei Keng) is in a state of self-confidence, and has taken irresistible help to the lady.It's like a silly local tyrant who doesn't know how to chase girls, and spends money on girls to move them.

Jing Guyu was beaten by Wei Qiang (Wei Keng's younger brother).So now staring at this scene on the monitor platform, I began to bring in the nostalgia.

Wei Keng will not admit that this is a wall, but his mentality at this time belongs to machismo.

Narrator: On Earth, men and women speak the truth, and sometimes they are subdued with softness.Therefore, in order to take the initiative in a certain matter, the males on the earth gave up talking to women, but force them directly.

Wei Keng glanced at the two in the supervisor's space: he was afraid of reasoning with them.Because sometimes, it doesn't make sense.But do things first, wait until the critical moment, and then clarify your position, it will be easier to speak

Of course, Master Wei didn't know that he cut first and played later, which made his supervisors go crazy every time.

Thanks to the fact that Qin Xiaohan knew that Wei Keng was dogmatically enforcing a strict division of labor between pastoral surveillance and time travelers.And as long as she herself starts with the duties of a supervisor and asks first, she can figure out that Wei Keng is targeting.Only then can we continue to cooperate.

Right now, the "pastoral mode" of Wei Keng, Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan has been quite rigid.
In fact, Wei Keng can coordinate the work of the traversers at the moment. For example, Fanhong is like them, and Wei Keng is both father and mother at the beginning.However, Wei Keng handed over the standard supervisor job of explaining tasks to novice traversers to Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan.

Qin Xiaohan and Jing Guyu are also rigidly "diligent and thrifty in housekeeping" in the monitoring space.Although they are also king-level traversers, they say what they say in their own exclusive world.

...The mutual division of labor in the pastoral era has now become respectful, ...

Now back in Wentie Star, four light seconds away, Zhen Xun watched Wei Keng manipulate Chang Hengxi, and shook his head helplessly: He (Wei Keng) didn't have to do this to Chang Hengxi, Chang Hengxi (Yu Xing) was right about his situation. Clearly, after a lesson, she will never be as arrogant as a woman on earth.

Just as Zhen Xun expected, after Chang Hengxi calmly accepted his fate and signed the contract, he even asked Wei Keng what else he needed to do.

Wei Keng paid special attention to Chang Hengxi's claim that he would share the results of some projects with her in the future, and hoped to maintain a long-lasting and positive cooperation with her.

Chang Hengxi suddenly had a feeling of unreality, but she felt that Taxi Qiduo's attitude was very similar to the attitude of negotiating with her life on the spaceship back then. It was because she was sure of something and it had to be something.

Chang Hengxi was puzzled: But what is he looking for in me now?

Chang Hengxi confirmed that Wei Keng's second dark energy "space-time system" seems to have been completed.

Chang Hengxi was puzzled: Taxi Qiduo sits on top of the dark energy in the star sea, wants to do things, and has a variety of ways to complete them, but why should he find himself now?

...Chang Hengxi was looking at Wei Keng's dark energy, and Wei Keng was also judging Chang Hengxi's dark energy, which was arranged by his brother back then. …

As the conversation continued, Wei Keng tried his best to appease the sister-in-law, gradually.Chang Hengxi also felt that Wei Keng's attitude was very strange, as if because of some affection, he had a special attitude towards himself.

Chang Hengxi also started to mention some topics. When the Xinghai Council was mentioned, Wei Keng mentioned his "Xinghai Wanted Warrant" as if he didn't know anything about it.

Chang Hengxi carefully observed Wei Keng's expression, and guessed that Wei Keng's next answer might be prevarication.

There is an unwritten rule in the Star Sea Federation that "there are no wanted criminals above the seventh level of dark energy." Because once they reach the seventh level, even if they have the will to disobey the Star Sea Federation, they will acquiesce to the princes of the separatist side.

This was formed when the Star Sea Empire collapsed 3000 years ago. At that time, there were too many rebellions everywhere. As a political system in the Star Sea, the Empire could not suppress all planetary suzerain classes.

For example, Behemoth Nebula, after 8000 years, there were four seventh-level dark energy users on those planets. They were despised by the orthodox when they left inhumanity, but after surviving the siege of the Star Sea Empire, they handed in a letter of guarantee: Behemoth Nebula as long as it is not exposed to the outside world. Harassment, launching genetic weapons on other provinces, and other Star Sea forces basically acquiesced to the existence of these crooked things.

Wei Keng looked at Chang Hengxi and started talking.Smiling and nodding.

Wei Kengsheng looked around anxiously: "If I am wanted, well, there should be interstellar police squatting in front of my house now, waiting for me to go home and throw myself into the trap."

Chang Hengxi immediately explained: "Now it's not the Xinghai Council who wants to arrest you, but the entire Xinghai side wants to know your conditions. Your conditions are enough to get a large number of fertile administrative stars."

In Chang Hengxi's view, Wei Keng's rebellion and separatism are all very boring.

Chang Hengxi himself squatted Wen Tiexing back then, but didn't he occupy the mountain as the king - to establish a separatist regime in this place where no shit?That is a picture of the ground as a prison.

Wei Keng couldn't help asking: "Back then, why were you here (the iron asteroid)?"

Chang Hengxi was slightly taken aback. After being asked back, she obviously didn't want to answer, but after Wei Keng turned his head and was not interested in knowing, Chang Hengxi realized that she didn't answer, and Wei Keng obviously succeeded in refuting.Then he sighed and said, "I am waiting for someone. According to the agreement, I will wait for him for 300 years. When you are doing things here, the time has already expired."

At this time it was Wei Keng's turn to be silent, because Wei Keng just knew who she was waiting for? ——Wei Qiang.

Chang Hengxi tapped the water drops on the side lightly with his fingers, and said in a low voice: "You have measured Xingyu information and the channel of the turning point with me, then?"

Since she couldn't see all the information from the angle of view, Chang Hengxi sighed and conjectured: "Then you have surveyed and mapped in other places, based on what I know about you. Are you looking for something?"

When Chang Hengxi said this, he was still loose on the outside and tight on the inside, guarding against Wei Keng, and the whole area could maintain a high level of response

Wei Keng began to repeat the machine seriously: "Oh, I am surveying and mapping the starry sky, which is a normal scientific research behavior. These are determined by my normal development needs, and the outside world has no right to intervene." It’s nothing to do with other people! It’s nothing to do with you!)
Wei Keng didn't want to continue talking with Chang Hengxi about Xinghai politics, so he began to try to end the topic.

...Wei Keng's goal now is to make this place enlightened. Only when it is enlightened enough can some people grow up. …

Chang Hengxi found that the surrounding space had loosened, and the core control of the stargate space transition point was unblocked. Of course, the stargate control team at the center of the iron asteroid knew nothing about all this.

On the contrary, at this time, Wang Jian sent a reminder to Chang Hengxi that the Stargate system suddenly performed a system update with the highest authority just now.Ask if it's relevant to her.

Wei Keng also sent a piece of information to Chang Hengxi: "I adjusted it casually, so that the interstellar turning point and the efficiency of information transmission scale increased by one tenth."

Chang Hengxi looked at Wangjian and confirmed: "I updated it" (In order to stabilize the situation, she embraced Wei Keng's behavior.)
In the core cabin, Wangjian on the commander-in-chief's chair, looking at the place where Chang Hengxi is on the interface, is a famous relaxation spot area, as if meeting someone.

But after he turned on the surveillance camera, he could only see Chang Hengxi alone in the guest seat.But he is still sure - there are people near Chang Hengxi, because Chang Hengxi will not buy things from small and medium-sized shops in the scenic spots there.

Wang Jian tentatively asked: "Do you want to change the system password?" In fact, he has already started to reset all the six security systems of the Stargate.After all, blocking is worse than sparse.

Chang Hengxi breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Wang Jian: "You can arrange it as you like, and report to me afterwards."

Chang Hengxi knew that no matter how the entire iron asteroid star gate could be changed, it would be useless.Because it is the upright planetary master of the "space-time system" who is breaking in now.

After Chang Hengxi's call ended, Wei Keng asked Chang Hengxi, "Has he not advanced to the sixth level of dark energy point?" Chang Hengxi realized that Wei Keng was talking about Wang Jian.Then he shook his head: "He doesn't have such luck."

Wei Keng stared at Chang Hengxi and said, "If he was following me, I wouldn't answer like that!"

Wei Keng: "The blessings and misfortunes of a person who has nothing to do with himself and has no clear obligations can be commented on as his bad luck. However, a person places his hopes on you and takes you as the benchmark for his actions. If you become a guardian, then his success or failure is actually your responsibility, and you can't say it's "his luck" lightly."

[Just like in ancient times, some powerful powers pushed a country for something, and as a result, this weak and small country did not adapt, and a humanitarian disaster occurred. This powerful country shrugged before packing its bags and turning in, and sighed with witty slang: "It's not what I taught is wrong , it’s because the quality here is not enough.” Then he drifted away. ——Wei Keng: This is immoral. 】

Wei Keng may have made many mistakes and showed "discomfort" when implementing changes in this plane, but Wei Keng is reflecting on any results related to himself!It may not be remedied, but it is prepared for the future.So much so as to be "worthy" of the blood that flows forward.

Wei Keng issued a final warning to Chang Hengxi: "You chose the civilized route including Li Kan Xingyun, but this road is related to the survival of many people. You do not have absolute freedom. If you say give up, you will give up."

Wei Keng got up and left, seeming to have thought of something, and handed a "token" (the token that Jing Guyu used to let Wei Keng hold his thigh back then) to her.

Chang Hengxi froze for a moment, then stood up abruptly, she looked at Wei Keng and wanted to ask "how is that person?" and "Why did Taxi Qiduo have that person's token".

Wei Keng smiled at her: "As for me, it's his brother. For some reason, he was born before me, and I was frozen in time and space for hundreds of years, and then I started to grow. By the way, at that time, you were arranged by him. Auxiliary, but~" Master Wei rubbed Renzhong, whispered: "As the eldest brother, I have to go my own way. By the way, you go your own way too, don't wait for him..."

(End of this chapter)

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