out of cage

Chapter 929 Chapter 20.30 Continue to approach, mud step transplanting rice seedlings

Fifteen months later, create the big black hole Zishu area, the neutron star d3434 which is [-] light-years away from the black hole coordinates. (Wei Keng used to use the rotation axis of the target celestial body as the base point to divide the area into twelve areas).

The pulse signal emitted by the "star axis" of the neutron star has been aligned with the creation of the big black hole, providing an important parameter basis for the next observation.

It's worth mentioning that just as Wei Keng was washing his hands in the Golden Basin and the Traceability School was building, the battle between Jiulan Star and Liling Planet had already begun, and large areas of planets began to become war zones.

You must know that it has been 80 years since the last collision of the star sea powers (including the battle between Jiulanxing and the Arctic Jet Zone). For such a long time, the sixth-level dark energy seed players of the previous generation have crossed the dragon gate.

After the new planetary masters Le Xiaotian and Qirui grow up, the wind direction inside Jiulan Star is changing.

Both new and old factions now need to carry out new distribution of interests through external conflicts.The most supportive of expansion here is not the new school like Le Xiaotian, but the old school.

Because the new faction now has "Tian" species and is steadily growing compared to the old faction. According to the current development trend of Jiulan Star, as Le Xiaotian continues to export resources to contact allies, all the dark energy players who will be promoted next will fall to Him, the new faction will snowball bigger and bigger.

Therefore, the old-school dark energy players of Jiulanxing need to win over the remaining seed players through war when they still occupy the right to speak in the distribution.

It is worth mentioning that in the eyes of the old school, they feel the pressure from the newly promoted dark energy players like Le Xiaotian, and because of the communication, the new dark energy players like Le Xiaotian feel the strong pressure to catch up from the source. After all, what Le Xiaotian said "Farming and stable growth" is relative to the old-fashioned center of Jiulanxing, while the traceability faction here is relative to the Lexiaotian new faction. In the communication with the traceability faction, Lexiaotian has obtained high negative entropy stars (farmland), On the other hand, the Traceability School is a group of dark energy smelting areas (industries) developing at a higher speed, and it is also foreseeable that there will be a technological leap every fifty years of the blue star.

…Wei Keng: Tsk tsk tsk, if you want to maintain the ruling power, roll together, or learn how to make egg-filled pancakes with me...

In this new war of Jiulanxing, there are many old acquaintances of Wei Keng.

Among them, Wei Keng is more concerned about Cheng Ting, whether he can advance to the seventh level of dark energy like Zhang Wei, depends on whether he can wake up from the illusion of "being defined by others".

Of course, whether Lurem, Yuno, and Yunheng (gravity system) can win the right to speak independently in the hands of Jiulanxing's old forces depends on this war.

Of course, the forces in the creation area seem to be very eager to make a move for this war, so many high-level forces have moved there.

This is quite beneficial to Wei Keng, at least no one will bother him.

Wei Keng's first wave in this plane, a total of 840 five experimental stars, underwent a controllable "collapse" to form a "one-dimensional line".

Qin Xiaohan complained: "You have a very special self-positioning. You instigated others to fight at the door (Le Xiaotian was fighting in Liling Star) to attract their attention (the surrounding forces of the Great Black Hole of Creation), and you came here to steal the house and pick the lock!"

...Creating a big black hole, I never thought that one day, I would be unguarded. …

170 light-years away from the Great Black Hole of Creation, there is the Celestial Pole, a frost planet.

Wei Keng, who was in thin sportswear all over his body, opened his arms in the snowstorm and sang loudly: "Snowflakes are fluttering, the north wind is blowing, and the world is boundless."

Wei Keng Mensao would release it only when he was alone, and then asked Jing Guyu nonchalantly again, "Now, what is your plan for me?"

System: "Wait, in another six months, the creation side will activate this channel. As a local resident of this planet (disguise), you can get the opportunity to be received by the 'Heaven and Man' of the creation's big black hole."

In the great black hole of creation, people from outer planets are always being guided into the black hole to receive inheritance.

Wei Keng looked at "Jieyin" with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Obviously, the selection mode for dark energy users.

Wei Keng was uncomfortable with not competing.

60.00% of Tianji Star is ocean, but all the land is covered by glaciers ranging from 1000 meters to 4000 meters.

Here, only a handful of areas are viable, and humans have made eight settlements near the equatorial sea ice.Oh, such settlements are not official, but 1 years ago, wrecked and scrapped merchant ships.Plus some exiled bandits formed the early settlement.

About 5000 years ago, the dark energy in the great black hole of creation extended its control over here, suppressed the settlements for a short period of time, promulgated some orders, and then left again.

To the members of the core area of ​​the black hole of creation, the bitter cold zone is not worth staying permanently.Just come over regularly to deter them.

From the perspective of the central civilization, if the planet here develops too high, it will bring variables and breed space pirates. (Refer to the lighthouse of the main world to the center of Asia, Africa and Latin America, deindustrialization, denationalization, castration surgery)
Then the cost of maintaining channel safety will increase.So it is because of this purpose that the development here is restrained, and the talents here are regularly drawn away.

The edge of the Great Black Hole of Creation is formed, such a "underdeveloped belt around Gyeonggi".

In normal times, merchant ships that occasionally take this channel have a place where they can distribute prisoners.Or when the spaceship crashes and lands on this planet, they can find backup safety facilities.

...a village with low needs and high happiness for generations, isolated from the world, one day a despicable outsider came...

After Wei Keng arrived at the No. 150 settlement, he settled down.There are a total of 150 million people here, but the public ownership of primitive tribes is adopted. This settlement is divided into 1 buildings, each building has 150 people, and there is one speaker.And these [-] talkers, at the same time follow the electoral system to elect a leader.

Wei Keng told a speaker in the settlement here that he came from another distant place and encountered a snowstorm when he was chasing fish under the ice.

In order to pay homage to the mountain, David handed over the route map of fish migration under the ice.

Wei Keng lied to them and said, "The migration map of fish schools around the world was handed over to the ancestors when the family met a dark energy person (immortal) a long time ago. Now it is dedicated to your land."

Because this place is very closed, Mr. Wei succeeded in fooling you (the electronic fraud industry in the 21st century is looking for people with closed information.)
A few days later, according to this map, the people in the settlement here accepted Wei Keng after three successful ice digging and fishing.

Wei Keng received 90.00% of the goodwill, because there are only fish migration routes on this map, what kind of fish are on each route, and how thick the ice layer needs to be cut through for this depends on Wei Keng. live map to guide.

Wei Keng would never give them the option to kill the donkey.

Wei Keng felt that he would not be in danger if he did not touch the project of "the first speaker of the next village chief".
However, because Wei Keng, an outsider, was more attractive to women in the settlement, the young men with wispy hair and small eyes still hated Wei Keng.

Wei Keng accepted even these "blatant malice" with a smile. Compared with the naked evil, those packaged as justice, ordinary calculations and oppression.It is impossible to guard against.

Wei Keng looked at the young people in the settlement who secretly poked at him and made some bad connections: "It's normal to chase power and be jealous for women. Also, they speak ill of me behind my back and plan to form an alliance. Well, that's the behavior of junior high school students, understandable."

Wei Keng, who follows historical materialism, believes that many contradictions have not changed from primitive tribes to modern times.

For example: the fights between men caused by the unequal distribution of spoils will not be superior because they hold fairy weapons and charms, nor will they be inferior to shovels and dung forks.

There is no essential difference between the performance performed to please a woman because the woman is a village flower wrapped in a turban or a princess queen wearing a jeweled crown.

The spiritual boy in the village and the dog-licking culture in the self-proclaimed "knight" upper-class literature can also be classified into one category.

Wei Keng: Human beings are all the same in the pursuit of low-level organisms. Just because the packaging is new, it will not become a so-called "modern" thing.

... Master Wei is a "new" thing, new things will be developed wherever he goes, and will not change due to the environment...

Six months after arriving on this planet, the star core of this planet is already surnamed Wei.

Master Wei gradually carved out a negative entropy system in the interior of the star, all of which are changed silently by ocean currents under the ice layer on the surface of the planet.

As for Master Wei, he is very tolerant of these "children" who are still in the state of natural persons.At least they will not use adult means to deal with kindergarten children.

Wei Keng: Using nuclear weapons to intimidate children to steal their candies is a very low-level behavior.Oh, another way, play mobile games with them, win all their candies, and chase them to hack at the same time, forcing them to retreat.This is "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude".

The second generation of the village in the reinforced concrete building in the settlement knew about such things as tripping themselves up and digging ice traps at their door. Wei Keng never thought of using dark energy methods at all.

On the system side, Qin Xiaohan knew: Wei Keng's so-called "tolerance" was by no means muddling through, but highly targeted, subverting the root of the problem.

Qin Xiaohan pretended to regret and sighed leisurely: "Okay, okay, you dig the hole, and then cover it with a camouflage net, but you are a good person!"

...Wei Keng: What I want to do is replace the old with the new...

Wei Keng understood: Why did those guys in this village want to control themselves.

Its root lies in the hereditary existence of the high class, which nominally sets up a fair mechanism to stimulate everyone to contribute, but is afraid of the situation that will be honored, so they want to use improper means to suppress those who threaten their status.

This is the root of hypocrisy of all the superiors in the feudal era.Their "magnanimity" is just to make you work hard, not to let your achievements surpass the master, add Jiuxi, and he will give way.

The best punishment for those who are in a high position but act low is to force them to fulfill their promises and let the wheel of history turn in the direction of progress.

Some information light spots flew out of Wei Keng's palm, and these information light spots flew towards the rooms of ordinary people and children in the residence.

In the next few months, in the eyes of everyone in this place, the overly expressive outsider finally became honest, obediently handed over the knack of locating the fish parade route, and then stayed in the village to take care of the children .

Wei Keng has become a teacher, and the basement of the building is full of children from ordinary families. At first, they just wanted to eat grilled fish. Wei Keng marinated the fish, grilled it with charcoal, and the heating method made the fish very delicious.Then, Wei Keng began to tell them stories.

Wei Keng: "A long time ago, on another star in the sky, there was a continent. There was a lovely boy named Zheng Nian. He was very good at mathematics and could clearly calculate how many fish there were in the water. Raise the iron fork, predict the angle in the water, and insert the biggest fish.~~~”

Wei Keng gestured to the big fish, took out a water glass and inserted a pencil into it, pointed to the pencil's "broken line", and explained to them the angle of view deviation caused by the refraction of water

After listening to the story and getting information, the children began to think wildly in their dreams at night.

At night, in the dream, the children saw the "tour map of the whole universe" in their consciousness, and sensed the cosmic runes.However, if you want to obtain cosmic runes, you must learn more knowledge.

And for these children, because Wei Keng is the most knowledgeable storyteller in the village.

Faced with the questions of these curious children, Wei Keng smiled and began to incorporate some stories and some modern scientific knowledge into it.

Of course, systematic knowledge instillation will inevitably make these young natural people feel boring.

In the first week, Wei Keng talked about geometry, the role of division in fields, and the application of the principle of leverage in building houses.

In the second week, Wei Keng talked about the calculus operation of "interest rate application" in business.When combining chemical equations, the combustion and decomposition of organic matter was carried out, and then the substance analysis was carried out.

second month.Wei Keng talks about the infinite division of force and parabola.There are also exponents, which few people understand, but there are still two children who want to know what magical applications are involved behind this knowledge.

It's the end of the second month!With increasing difficulty of knowledge.

A child was finally gone.Wei Keng looked at the empty classroom and muttered, "Even if you're a foreigner and don't understand, you should have some fun. Do you know the corresponding term in science fiction?"

Of course, Wei Keng does not intend to teach these teenagers the knowledge of nine-year compulsory education within a few months, but merely to "enlighten" them, that is, to understand that the world has complex knowledge.

According to their interests, talent judgments were made, so, in these children's dreams at night, Wei Keng, as a fairy, began to distribute inheritance.

What Wei Keng gave to the children who left in the first week were some physical-level dark energy construction methods.For the children in the second week, dark energy inheritance such as "kinetic energy transmission" was provided. As for the children who persisted until the second month, there were only two children. Wei Keng gave the inheritance of the dark energy structure of the energy system.

Energy control, even if it is only the most obvious and best-controlled energy operation of electromagnetism, is a mid-to-high-end inheritance among ordinary people on a prosperous planet like Water Blue Planet.

As for inheritances like nuclear fusion and photon solidification, Wei Keng also has them.If there is a child here who can persist until the third month, Wei Keng will introduce a dark energy system such as strong and weak forces, gravitational constraints, etc.

Of course, if you stick to the fourth month and can complete some not-so-difficult calculations, it is just a simple class assignment with formulas.

Wei Keng is ready to give all of himself!However this is impossible,

After waiting for Wei Keng's plan to fail, Jing Guyu judged: "For a young man with super curiosity, this is harder than buying a lottery ticket to win the special prize. Those who can buy a lottery ticket to win the special prize are all the emperors of Europe, who think they are ordinary people." Sir, when did you feel that you were so lucky?
Qin Xiaohan explained the material: it is extremely difficult for such "strong curiosity" to appear in primitive society areas. Only when civilization has passed through dozens of generations of stable inheritance, social productivity will allow children's initial curiosity to be maintained until adulthood.

Wei Keng silently agrees with this statement: because only adults still maintain a childlike innocence yearning for natural science, so society will acquiesce in the growth of children with stronger curiosity.

[In the multiple planes, only when Wei Keng fills in a piece of soil in the messy stagnant water can the skin star grow and shine]

In modern times, the reason why it was difficult for underdeveloped countries to have super scientists was not just economic underdevelopment.It's that adults are not "stupid" enough, and they don't want to be "stupid".

Firecrackers blow up cesspit, magnifying glass burns ants, these boring things, adults have to let go of their image to do it.

Children in underdeveloped countries are too precocious. They start to know about "money" when they are young, "talk about sex" when they are in their teens, and they can walk around the streets like adults at the age of fourteen or fifteen.

Oh, let's put it this way, the leaders of the youth gangs in old Shanghai are said to have shown the "courage" of adults in their teens, and the big shots in Latin America are all able to bring "white powder" to the inspector's nose at the age of ten. Outstanding!
Wei Keng murmured: "When I was a teenager, I probably still watched the naughty blue cat ask three thousand questions. It's not as good as the giants in the world who have shown the attitude of a hero since childhood at the same time. Hey, the appearance of a man. "

Wei Keng wanted to sow seeds with great interest, but he was a little disappointed.We can only admit the basic reality, first teach the soil children, the soil accumulates into a wall, and then teach the brick brains, and wait until the brick brains build a furnace to produce steel, and finally pan for gold.The layout of civilization must be drawn gradually.

…Master Wei wanted to preach the word, and knocked each child on the forehead three times, but they all chose to go home and sleep...

Wei Keng decided to set up a century-old "digging" plan on Tianji, and a "shooting star" outside the sky directly stopped in the sky at the equator, and began to plan for harvesting.

In the settlement, the adults fighting in the cold wind turned their attention to the starry sky.

In the captain's room of the wrecked space merchant ship, the chief speaker of this ice and snow settlement (White Beard Village Chief) finally saw the heaven and man again on this "altar", that is, the screen connected to the signal tower, and knelt respectfully Down.

In order to ensure their own authority, the person who takes the lead in kneeling will force others to kneel to the powerful outsider who comes only once in a long time.

[Wei Keng: I understand this. In the modern era, the 'Qing' high' 'artists' and the merchant's 'Jia' and 'shallow' style writers, in order to ensure that they continued to maintain their aesthetic authority in front of the public with increasing tastes, I will work very hard to connect with the outside world, and regard the outside world, which is always far away, as an ideal art town]

At this time, Wei Keng was on the edge of the settlement, looking up at the spaceship. Wei Keng had known about this spaceship for a long time.That's why they rushed to the secret planet ahead of time.

Wei Keng turned his head and looked in another direction, which was the direction of his own star core calibration. At this time, it was also a bright star hanging high in the sky, but no one else could see it except himself.

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