out of cage

Chapter 930 Chapter 20.31 Breaking into the stronghold of the material transmutation system

The fleet sent by the great black hole of creation descended from outer space. This starship is in the shape of a pentagonal prism.

This kind of design is not uncommon in the sea of ​​stars, because everyone's spaceship is going to land in the atmosphere, and when it is easy to generate black barriers due to atmospheric friction during landing, it is necessary to quickly scan the terrain. Obviously, there is no room for innovation, and the scanning system also needs to be symmetrically distributed.

Just like the marine predators on the earth, whether it is sharks, ichthyosaurs, or later killer whales, they all follow the evolution direction of the streamline form of water droplets.

However, after the big black hole warship completely landed on the ground, Wei Keng couldn't help but wow it with a series of tasks.

The 100-meter-long spacecraft released a [-]-meter-scale nano-material deceleration parachute in the final stage of landing. These umbrella covers began to nano-deform at the last moment, and pavilions were built around the spacecraft.The entire spaceship is suspended in the air, forming the effect of the heavenly palace descending.

In the kitchen, Wei Keng pointed at the sky with a kitchen knife and muttered, "You guys still know how to pretend!"

Lu Qingtao, in the Good Fortune Heavenly Court (the event horizon area in the big black hole, in the information space where negative entropy is stored stably), his cultivation level is at the "Top of Questions" level. This level is converted into the dark energy level of the Star Sea Council, which is the late fifth level.

As the captain of the engineering construction team, he is looking at the white planet Tianji, which is the mortal cultivation world.

As the space fleet sent signals to the world, the display screens in the holy places of the ethnic groups in the major settlements below all received messages. After the village chiefs of each settlement kowtowed to the display screen three times and nine times, they began to scramble to introduce themselves surrounding situation.

On the spacecraft at this time, the person in charge of this response said: "According to the rules, we should put some supplies on these settlements."

Lu Qingtao nodded: "Yes, such a cold world is very poor. Well, then, I need to ask the residents what they lack? Quilts, ironware, or fuel."

The person in charge opened the comfort column and reminded: "This is usually not for us to ask. First give a random batch, and then give them as appropriate according to their pleas and obedience."

The logic of the responders: the group of people who created the big black hole must maintain the status of the giver, because they are here to perform the task of channel verification, not to negotiate with mortals.Putting in materials is only a secondary task, and it is necessary to "send charcoal in the snow" instead of "fighting for revenge".

Lu Qingtao made an ok gesture to show that he understood the situation.

When the two were talking, some systems in the spacecraft stagnated for a little bit (a few femtoseconds), but soon these traces of stagnation disappeared, and everyone on board did not pay attention to this.

And these conversations are completely reflected in the space-time coordinates. Wei Keng listened to this conversation according to the traces of time and space, thinking deeply.

Wei Keng: When the strong face the disadvantaged groups, negotiating with them on an equal footing will only increase the cost of communication.Because these vulnerable groups do not have the capital to negotiate.

Absolutely powerful forces with dominance are often more efficient in using unilateralism!

In modern times: The old developed countries such as Britain and the United States have such a set of experience in negotiating with underdeveloped countries.Very good control of Africa, South America.Even Tianzhu has mastered the ethnic groups of different cultures and languages ​​in the country.However, the emerging powers in the East are in Africa and South America. Because they are too equal, they are weak.Let those pseudo-countries that are not qualified to be independent take advantage of it.

Of course, these pseudo-national systems were all designed by the West. They were originally supported because they were most in line with Western diplomatic operations, and they could not implement the responsibilities promised to the outside world under the "equal cooperation" model.

At the beginning of the 50st century, the countries in these regions greatly overdrawn the credibility given to them by the East, which was once a developing country.As a result, the opportunity for the rise of industry was completely missed.After [-] years, the East will gather up the capital conditions that are too loose to the outside world.It has to be separated from the developing countries.

Wei Keng: The reputation of people-to-people cooperation is very important, and trust must be established for success. However, sometimes some groups feel that it is too easy to be "trusted", and they will squander their reputation.

Let's put it this way, in the early days of modern times, the logic of the great industrial countries in the East: I am also poor and backward, and now I can develop, so I believe you can do it too, and it is planned that you can also rise.This gave Rang a new international reputation, which was also a "to-be-developed" country at the time.

It's a pity that these reputations were overdrawn in the end.

In order to prevent "capital" from being squandered, the ideology of the largest industrial country in the East had to be adjusted.Stop equating yourself with other "underdeveloped" countries.Begin to respect local conditions.

The forces of backward civilization must have reasons for being backward, and must be changed step by step.

When the party that develops first pays capital and cooperates with the party to be developed, the key point is to determine the performance ability of the party to be developed. (that is, the ability to achieve success and trustworthiness)

Wei Keng reassessed the current situation of these settlements on the "Tianji Planet", and found that they really lack the ability to perform.At least it lacks the ability to fulfill one's own expectations of "being able to accomplish certain goals".

Master Wei's expected goal is naturally "independent development" and "able to compete for the right to speak from the big black hole of creation". If Wei Keng supports the posture of "resisting authority" and assists the people of Tianji Planet, then he will give him "credibility" Most likely paid by mistake.It will even be taken out by the people here and sold to the Great Black Hole of Creation.

Narrator: At that time, Soviet Russia set goals based on "the performance of the parties in the Banjima War" and judged the credibility of the United Arab Emirates in fulfilling the goals. However, the Jewish military supported by the West pushed back.

Therefore, when cooperating with forces to be developed, don't give them a lot of "trust" when they come up, but treat them objectively, and encourage them to establish the ability to "fulfill responsibility" before investing in "credibility".

Wei Keng: I won't give money to children. Well, it's not about inequality, but I think children should study. Come on, I'll buy this set of test papers for you.

These "immortals" from the great black hole of creation can look down on this planet from the perspective of "benevolence".

Not only at the level of "material technology", but also because of the "will" that has long overlooked these "mortals" who cannot grow.

Wei Keng: "Right now, (the human beings who created the big black hole) will look down on (the marginal planet), it is indeed okay, but if 'looking down' brings arrogance, it may not be right."

Now Tianji Star has been contracted by Wei Keng, so not only Wei Keng is active, and Wei Keng suddenly has a little interest in the culture of the Creation Star District.

Six months later, Wei Keng boarded the plane as an indigenous young man born at the gathering point and became a hired worker for the "immortals".

...To log in to the battleship, you need to check your identity, but Wei Keng has a way. …

Narrator: In the 80s, in order to do work, enlist in the army, and complete the household registration information, the villagers will use some sophistication.Although Wei Keng hadn't experienced it in his previous life, he had seen such trivial things in many TV dramas.

A week before the materials were processed, Wei Keng brought eight giant toothfish that were comparable to piglets to the No. [-] living quarters of the wrecked battleship, which was the home of the elders in the settlement.

According to the official information of the fleet, Wei Keng was born in the gathering place, and the old village chief is a child of a distant relative's family separated by six branches.

After the general information has been reviewed.In terms of ability assessment, it is naturally not a problem.

On the ship, Wei Keng learned the official language of the creation area proficiently, and at the same time wrote a good report, which gave an overview of the climate and terrain changes of Tianji Planet in the past ten years.

Then I was full of spirituality, learned to operate the drones of the fleet, followed the instructions of the immortals who created the big black hole, and carried out the work of "photographing the landmark terrain", and took the initiative to contract the sampling work without their mention up,

For the first time and the second time for these tasks, the researchers of the Great Black Hole of Creation, let’s be more serious. The person who came from Tianji Planet is still responsible for the work.

But when he found that Wei Keng was meticulous in his work, he also took the initiative to hand over the work to Wei Keng, only to check occasionally. After all, these "immortals" also wanted to steal a little leisure.

Wei Keng complained: It is against human nature to work hard and do things without asking for anything in return.In modern times, capitalists liked such "anti-human" workers, but in fact, those who really "anti-human" worked in their companies were undercover agents.

No, while Wei Keng was providing them with information, he was also "eavesdropping" on the conversations of everyone in the entire space fleet.

For example, on a certain day, Wei Keng heard such a conversation.

Crew [-]: "Have you heard that Daoist Rhinoceros is going to the arctic spray zone?"

Crew [-]: "Oh, recently, it seems that the Tongtian Lingbao-class weapons have been transported there."


Wei Keng passed the preliminary summary of information and determined many conditions inside the Great Black Hole of Creation.

…The reason why the Great Black Hole of Creation looks a little “out of touch” in the dark plane is because time and space are different from the outside world…

Six months later, under a clear sky and starry night, Tassie steered and shone onto a cargo spaceship opening toward the Great Black Hole of Creation.

When this cargo spaceship entered the turning point, the captain found that the energy consumption was reduced by 30.00%. He opened his eyes involuntarily, and then paused. This time the turning point was lucky.

Taxi Kairudder, who was hiding in the spaceship, optimized the energy collapse mode during the space warp, and paid the fare for the voyage.

After passing through six transfer points, Wei Keng changed three shuttle nodes in a row, just like changing the subway.

After the emergence of dark energy connected the "carbon molecular cloud" to the area where the information on the surface of the black hole disappeared, Wei Keng began to enter the photon layer of the black hole as if he had cracked the celestial shielding array

When stepping into the event horizon of the black hole, everything freezes.

The most magnificent stars on the earth are naturally the sun and the moon, but here, the most magnificent stars are the central black hole, which is absolutely transparent, distorting the surrounding space like a lens, and the center is like a hole being dug out The same deep channel, the channel is endless.

On the periphery of this passage, from far to near, there are a large number of scroll-style spaceships.

Of course, only on the periphery of the black hole, it can still be seen to be in the shape of a spaceship.

These tumblers.Reminds Wei Keng that he was driving a "Shanhe-class" spaceship in the North Pole where the master of the big black hole planet created. In addition to an energy axis inside the spaceship, there is a curled scroll continent around it.
Now the black hole of creation is from the outside to the inside, all of which are this kind of spaceship, just like the sparkling light in a pond

The spaceship rotates along the center, and the closer to the inside, the spaceship is pulled up and turns into an arc, rotating around the center.

Wei Keng stared at the "stairs" formed by these spaceships in the black hole and took a deep breath.

At the same time, Wei Keng discovered that his own dark energy pattern seemed to be distorted by the laws of physics in the center of this extreme mass celestial body.

...Wei Keng feels many parallel selves in time and space...

In the 034445 space station on the outer layer of the Great Black Hole of Creation, it can also be said that in the big world of the scroll, there is already an ordinary figure in the high-rise buildings here.

Wei Keng wandered here, with a bowl of space fried noodles in his left hand and a piece of zero-degree ice cream in his right.

On the system side, Jing Guyu: "Your Excellency, how is your vacation here?"

Wei Keng: "Oh, not bad, not bad, it tastes great, what, what did you just say?" After swallowing a mouthful, Wei Keng asked back.

Jing Guyu: "The flashing rules of the predetermined dimension area have been prepared for you. If you miss the time, then you can only enter the inner area."

Wei Keng: "Don't worry, don't worry, there are a few turning points in the inner layer of the black hole. Let me first investigate the customs and customs of the creation area."

Wei Keng: "By the way, let me ask you a question. Just now, did I eat smoothie or bread?"

Jing Guyu: "Sorbet, what's the matter?" Wei Keng nodded and wrote down silently in his notebook.And this notebook densely records a lot of such trivial matters.

In the supervisor's space, Jing Guyu was slightly stunned. She couldn't remember when Wei Keng recorded so much in the notebook, and many of the contents flashed out compared to her.

When Jing Guyu was puzzled, Qin Xiaohan on the side took a deep breath: "He should have discovered something. But we don't know at this time."

Jing Guyu: "He has never blocked us, what happened to him?"

Qin Xiaohan didn't have the usual smiles at this time, and responded 12 times seriously: "We are the monitors now. Even if the monitors are perfectly connected with the traversers, they cannot replace the traversers. They travel to the front line to understand the situation. The meaning of time travel is actually , allowing human consciousness to reach another starry sky and perform observations!"

Qin Xiaohan opened Wei Keng's note in time and space, and she suddenly did not know when Wei Keng recorded a large number of "inexplicable" rules that every rotation period around the black hole must abide by.

Qin Xiaohan whispered in his heart: "He is observing, observing time! From his point of view, he is experiencing now, and we cannot observe the phenomenon."

…Indeed, Wei Keng now observes many parallel timelines, including different Qin Xiaohan and Jing Guyu, and they don’t realize that…

Wei Keng, as a seventh-level dark energy user in the space-time system, possesses a planetary-scale dark energy field, and is now experiencing the phenomenon of "leap time".

Time, the time in modern physics, is defined by the cycle of objective matter. For example, the sun’s revolution cycle in the early days was one year, and the earth’s rotation was one day. When to sow.Later, human science and technology continued to advance, and began to use external substances such as mechanical clocks, quartz clocks, and atomic clocks to accurately define time.

However, when all these material cycles fail and chaos occurs, for example, the sun rotates once a year, but this year is ranging from [-] days to [-] days. After the quartz clock oscillates for one week, the corresponding atomic clock oscillates for one week. Periods are not equal?Then how to define time.

Is time defined by conscious feeling?After working five hours, I can clearly feel that I have been working for a while.Five hours after drinking the tablet, the feeling disappeared. How to determine the two period of time?
In the great black hole of creation, it can be said that matter is multiplying and duplicating every second!And many atoms overlap differently in space, so timing is very complicated.

The matter here is very clear, and every particle proliferation has a clear lineage.

According to Wei Keng's surveying and mapping, judging from the growth of the material lineage of the scroll continent under his feet, it may have expanded by more than 6000 times.

Wei Keng: "This place is very friendly to the transformation of matter, but the threshold for the space-time system is very high."

However, the threshold is high for ordinary people. Wei Keng, who already exists at the seventh level of time and space, can still use his time and space ability.

Wei Keng discovered that it happened in parallel timelines, and they all converged into one end point in the end, and then the diverse histories of the past began to blur and overlap, just like the fusion of memories.

From the perspective of Wei Keng's observation, he concentrated a little bit to experience the feeling of splitting.

A vulgar understanding of this macro process is similar to a TV series, where two scenes of the same actors but different scripts are suddenly played on two timelines.

For example, just now, I held a smoothie in one hand and bread in the other. The process of eating bread first and eating smoothie first existed at the same time!It's a very strange feeling,

But after both processes are over.When interrogating the outside world (the system) only one process can be interrogated.Whether it's the people here or the two supervisors, they only know one process in the end, and they don't know many processes that Wei Keng has experienced.

Or "forgot".

Because Wei Keng had asked before, and had personally heard what they confirmed, the next second would be another answer.

This is scary, and it means that there are multiple timelines in the Overseer space.

Wei Keng pondered: "Time, what I can see is not a line. It's a set of timelines stacked together." (Every time Wei Keng asks Jing Guyu, it is equivalent to letting the wave function collapse, and he can freely determine the time line process.)
Wei Keng stared at the big black hole, guessing: This may be the unique perspective produced by the dark energy of the space-time system approaching the supermassive wormhole.

Such a phenomenon beyond the plan of the supervisor naturally cannot be acted according to the original plan.

Therefore, Wei Keng got rid of the fixed turning point arranged by the system for himself, and prepared to take a step into this distorted space to measure.

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