out of cage

Chapter 955 Chapter 21.15 Don't Force

Mu Qianren's sword light hovered at a height of 30 people, a distance that even a monk in the early stage of Qi training had to look up to.

Those children who were waiting for the trial, looking up at the sword light of Mu Qianren seemed to be together with a wisp of mist floating on the mountain, which was out of reach.

Wei Keng heard the Foundation Establishment Stage calling him to come up, stepped his feet lightly, and appeared at a height of six feet in an instant, then changed direction in the air, like a rabbit rising and falling, standing on the sword light, This action made those children who were anxiously facing the trial look up curiously for a long time.

Mu Qianren saw Wei Keng stepping on the sword light, and also praised: "Brother's movement skills are no less than high-level sword control skills." When doing casual cultivation, what I want most is a flying sword."

Wei Keng took the sword light and left, while the children with miscellaneous spirit roots and four spirit roots started the first lesson of immortality!Even outer disciples need trials and tests, and there are differences between the three spiritual roots and the four spiritual roots.

The trial of three spiritual roots is easier, the probability of being eliminated as a handyman is only [-]%, while the trial of four spiritual roots requires several more trials of climbing steep mountains, and the elimination rate is as high as [-]%.

Of course, in the peaks of the Candle Spirit Sect, there are many strange routes for "heart test". For example, "Valley of Ten Thousand Insects" is a trial place. No child wants to go in, and the children who are called in are all dejected.

Some children with three spiritual roots can choose to swim through the cold pool or walk through the relatively easy trials such as the melting cave, so seeing that other people's trials are more difficult than their own, the children immediately raised their heads excitedly.

Xinxing is very important, and qualifications are also very important.Whether the road of cultivating immortals can last for a long time needs to be judged comprehensively.

Of course, if you don't have enough qualifications, you have to bow your head and admit it.Instead of trying to pretend to be "firm-minded" and force the sect to give equal attention.

In addition to qualifications and character, there is a third item, which is chance.

For example, when a child with four spiritual roots came, the monk looked at the child for a full second, and the child carefully took out a small box.The Foundation Establishment Sect immediately announced that they would go to the "Melting Cave" for a trial.

Wei Keng nodded: "I don't have enough spiritual roots. If I can take out some things and bribe my disciples, I can choose a slightly easier trial, because if you meet something good, it means you have the opportunity!"

There has always been a misty legend in the world of cultivating immortals. Some people seem to have weak spiritual roots, but they are very sensitive to misfortunes and blessings. realm.

However, such luck cannot be measured.

In a few breaths, Wei Keng followed Mu Qianren's sword light and left the spiritual examination platform.

Jian Guang led Wei Keng through one mountain peak after another. Wei Keng memorized the roads carefully, and found that many of the peaks he saw were repeated. Obviously, many of the mountains he saw were actually images.The shadows of these mountains are changeable, here is a formation.

In the end, Mu Qianren led Wei Keng to the hall. There were no pillars inside the building, and the dome was very high. When walking into the high hall, one would feel a sense of insignificance.

Wei Keng quickly saw several different cultivators on the high seat. Compared with the specific green clothes and regular movements of the foundation disciples, they looked very free and easy.

Some of the people present were in Tang Dynasty-style palace gowns.And some are in white long gowns, with black hair scattered, holding wine jugs and drinking lightly, and some are holding chessboards, playing chess with themselves.

After Wei Keng walked in, he stood quietly by the side and waited, adhering to the principle of "unqualified and qualified".Immediately afterwards, a wave of spiritual consciousness that was much stronger than the previous practitioners came towards him, and Wei Keng felt this penetrating force.Can't help being stunned, and can't help accelerating the true energy to stop this peeping feeling.Try to raise your head and resist the pressure of this powerful spiritual consciousness.But in the end, I still felt that my whole body was seen through.

Wei Keng has always had a good idea of ​​his own strength, even if it is someone like Mu Qianren who is firmly on top of one another, Wei Keng feels that as long as the timing of the mobile phone is right, he has a small chance of winning.After all, as long as it is within ten feet, and the explosive power can easily avoid the attacking spells, the true energy can easily penetrate the aura of body protection.

But at this time, facing the absolute power of these high halls, Wei Keng is now sure that he has no chance of winning, just like electrons can't shake the nucleus.

At this time, all the golden elixirs in the high hall looked at Wei Keng, as if seeing a piece of uncut jade.

One of the old men exclaimed: "It really is the hidden spirit root!" Then another powerful voice said: "Old Monster Chen, stop yelling, the hidden spirit root changes attributes according to the cultivation method, and this kind of spiritual root can be completed innately." Property changes.

Wei Keng raised his head at this time, and finally saw the scene around these Golden Core cultivators from the spiritual pressure. Among them, the three disciples of the previous Yilinggen and Tianlinggen were standing in the palace costume, the old man on the chessboard, And behind a golden robed guest, obviously these three have divided up the best spiritual root disciples.

Of course, Wei Keng also noticed that all the Jindans couldn't help but look at the swordsman in the golden robe on the right with half-smiles.do not know why?
But soon, Wei Keng understood, because the sword ear hanging on his waist was taken away from the air, and even the rolling blade wrapped in Wei Keng's belt was also played by the golden robe with.

Judging from the way he held the sword, Wei Keng was sure that this was the method of the Juque school.Obviously, this is the immortal cultivator that the patriarch of the Juque sect befriended back then.

Wei Keng immediately bowed his hands and bowed to respect the sages: "Boy Wei Keng, the No. 15th generation disciple of the Juque Sect. In the name of the teacher, he went down the mountain to train his heart, and occasionally got a fairy fate. Dare to ask if the senior is my ancestor Mo?" old friend?"

When Wei Keng came out like this, the original golden elixirs couldn't help being stunned. Wei Keng entered the mountain gate through the formal selection of spiritual roots, and theoretically he would be selected by the golden elixirs themselves.But Wei Keng turned passive into active, ready to move closer on his own.

Especially since Jin Paoke had already snatched a Lei Lingen, it would be obviously unfair to choose another one.Especially Wei Keng is now at the eleventh level of Qi training, and he is short of the foundation building pill!

Jinpao Ke couldn't help showing nostalgic look on his face: "Old man, let's go. The Juque School in the mortal world was founded by a friend my uncle made when he was in the mortal world."

Wei Keng judged from it that he should have two golden pills in his school.Of course, it is also possible that his uncle fell in the late foundation establishment period, but judging from the fairy formation left by Juque, it should not be the handwriting of the late foundation establishment period.

Wei Keng decided to recognize this important relationship, not for any reason, now he wants to clarify his identity, and the experience of being born in the Chushui land boundary and joining the mortal world of the Juque School is his beginning.For the Zongmen, if he develops along this foundation, he is someone who knows the roots and can take care of him.

But just when Wei Keng was about to talk further, the other Jindan monks in the hall quickly interrupted this good old relationship.

A Confucianism cultivator with a gentle face like jade asked Chao Xiangxing: "Senior Brother Chao, I remember that the school sent someone to test the spirit of Senior Hengxiang in the mortal world a few years ago. You didn't come at that time, now? Now he has entered the sect by himself."

It seemed to be for Chao Xiangxing to hear, but the voice was specifically exposed to Wei Keng.

Apparently, in the past few days, the sect has also sent people to inquire about Wei Keng's situation.I learned about a very interesting thing in the Juque faction, that is, before the recruitment of Xianmen, the mortal Xiantian who only had five spirit roots in the mortal realm (Mo Quanren), in order to guarantee the quota of four spirit roots for his nephew, directly sent Wei Keng sent down the mountain gate.

Chao Xiangxing's expression changed. His disciples had reported this matter back then, but he didn't care about it at the time. He didn't expect that today's omission was still a strange spirit root.

Chao Xiangxing was about to speak, but at this moment he found that the other golden core cultivators were all hanging high, he couldn't help but sighed, because now he had already accepted a seedling of Lei Linggen, and now he would take this "hidden spirit root" disciple It is really enviable to be summoned.So, he put away the Thousand Refinement Sword and threw back a top-grade magic weapon.

Chao Xiangxing: "Little friend Wei, your sword is old, use it, the way of immortality is difficult."

Wei Keng saw the sharp silver-white battle sword in his hand, with phoenix wings engraved on the hilt, and the words dragon, flying and phoenix dancing on the body of the sword.Furious.This is a high-level spiritual weapon, a sword weapon that was rare even in the foundation building period, and throwing this sword to himself at this time is considered a good relationship.

At this time, the old man Jindan said: "Wei Keng, as a foreign spirit root, you can choose a Jindan apprentice."

Wei Keng looked around and found that the image of Chao Xiangxing was blurred, and the spiritual pressure of the seven Golden Core monks was also becoming more and more obvious at this time. Wei Keng took a deep breath and said, "Senior Chao, please stay."

The zhenqi in Wei Keng's body vibrated rapidly, he broke free from the spiritual pressure, took three steps, and staggered to stand firm under the impact of spiritual power. , in fact, it hides the cultivation level of the Qi training period, but as a teacher for one day, he will be a father for life. Master Mo persuaded me to leave the sect first, and made me pass by the fairy fate, but still You have been kind to me, and I always feel uneasy when I change to another place. Please let the boy have no worries on the road of cultivation."

Wei Keng knelt down solemnly, then raised the long sword given to him by the court minister, but what he did was a teacher's salute.

The few Jin Dan who were preparing to accept disciples couldn't understand this scene, but they were speechless. It was understandable for Wei Keng to inherit the old relationship of his master.

It could be a coincidence that Juquemen missed this matter, but it would be better if Wei Keng was willing to continue.

The Cultivation of Immortals is actually very particular about the "identity of master and apprentice".As for the disciples who respect the status of master and apprentice, they can use it with confidence, and the inheritance within the sect can be delivered with confidence.

Chao Xiangxing, at this moment, was very proud of himself, the original discomfort due to the mistake in the recruitment of the immortal gate at the Juque gate, was immediately washed away, and he said to the other golden elixir: "Everyone, this child is indeed destined to be with me."

Seeing this, the other Golden Core cultivators sighed, and they couldn't force it. After all, to be able to bear the spiritual pressure of the Golden Core Patriarchs forcefully and take three steps to catch up with them is really "pure in heart and pure in heart".

Chao Xiangxing said to Wei Keng: "I will accept you as a registered disciple for the time being. After the sect reports, come to the crossing peak~" After saying this sentence, he left as a master.

When Wei Keng heard the word "registered disciple", his expression did not change. Although the gap between "registered disciple" and "official disciple" was very large, many people going out and out of the sect would feel wronged because of this.

But Wei Keng himself didn't care about this.

Wei Keng looked at the stars with constant trajectory above his head, and whispered: "As long as you do the right thing, you don't have to think about others. Cultivation of immortality is not dependent on immortality, let alone I am walking on the road."

Seeing that Wei Keng had calmly resigned from the "registered disciple", all the Jindan elders couldn't help but secretly nodded.

Chao Xiangxing has been watching Wei Keng's reaction, the so-called "registered disciple" is to gag the mouths of other Jindan elders.

What he meant was "I'm not robbing disciples", but in fact this swordsman planned to cool down for a period of time before accepting Wei Keng as an official disciple.

In this slightly complicated process, Zhao Xing was actually a little worried that Wei Keng would fail the test in it, and his heart grew grudges, which would affect the progress of his cultivation.

Looking at Wei Keng, who was kneeling and bowing towards Xiangxing, he thought to himself: This child is in the state of a child in the spirit test platform, and he should be able to get through this little heart-training calamity very quickly.

…Wei Keng: Don’t bother yourself with anything that can be taken away by others. …

After Wei Keng left the hall, he began to try fencing the sword with great interest.After floating in the clouds and mist for a long time, he came to the Zongmen Hall.

An old man who had built a great foundation and completed the foundation met Wei Keng with a smile, gave Wei Keng the badge of a disciple who practiced Qi training, and gave Wei Keng a place to practice.

After receiving the first ray of sect welfare, Wei Keng ran to Crossing Peak just like doing a task in the game.

This is a hollow in the middle, like a "herringbone"-shaped mountain.Here, after Wei Keng waited for a short while, he was greeted by a swordsman named Sun Xu, who was an immortal cultivator who went to the Juque Sect to test his spirit.

After he brought Wei Keng into the Immortal Mansion, he looked at Wei Keng up and down, and Wei Keng looked a little creepy.Asked: "Brother, do we know each other?"

Sun Xu said: "We should have known each other that year. I came here a month after you left Juque Peak."

Wei Keng was trying to remember whether he had offended his enemies: "Well, this."

Sun Xu: "How is it? How does it feel to be tricked down the mountain by Mo's persuasion?"

Wei Keng paused, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, it's nothing. Originally, I went up the mountain to conceal my identity. Master Mo's arrangement naturally has his reasons."

Sun Xu stopped in his tracks: "His reasoning? Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Wei Keng: "Why do I have this idea?" Then he added: "He (Mo Quanrang) has his difficulties, but I have my own ideas. He didn't force me, so why should I force him."

Sun Xu nodded.

In the hall, Sun Xu said to the high platform, "Master, Wei Keng has already arrived."

Xiang Xing sat on the stage and looked at Wei Keng as if looking at a hand-made figure. After a long time, he said to Wei Keng, "Have you tried to build a foundation once?" Sun Xu on the side was stunned.

Wei Keng: "Teacher Mingjian, during the breakthrough Qi training period in the Luo Kingdom, the spiritual consciousness and magic power have been printed, but there is always something specious."

Zhao Xing nodded: "Well, it's true that you use martial arts to enter Taoism. You have a good heart. I can't accept you as a formal disciple now, are you annoyed?"

Wei Keng raised his head and suddenly smiled: "Teacher, if you keep reminding me, I might really have it."

Wei Keng's sudden calmness made Xiangxing laugh. The powerful spiritual pressure shook Wei Keng like a sea wave, and Xiangxing said, "If you don't think, you are innocent."

Xiangxing gave Wei Keng a jade slip and said, "Your spiritual roots are good, but your qigong exercises are messy. Go to the sect and choose a set of exercises. Remember, the one that suits you is on the third floor. "

Wei Keng: "Thank you teacher."

Zhao Xing nodded, and then made another request: "Your bone age is less than 30 years old, you might as well postpone the Qi training and foundation building for three years."

Wei Keng paused: "Teacher, this is?"

Zhao Xing: "If you build the foundation three years late, you will have a chance." Then he gave another jade slip again, and the name on the jade slip was "Secret Realm of Gravel Mountain".

Wei Keng paused slightly, he seemed to have some doubts in his heart, but his face was still respectful: "Mr. Xie reminded me."

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