out of cage

Chapter 956 Chapter 21.16 Listen to the arrangement of the sect and obey the adjustment

After Wei Keng left, he asked Sun Xu, "What's the matter, that man?" What he was talking about was Mo Siyou, that disciple of the Four Spirit Roots, who has been a disciple for four years now.

Sun Xu: "Now it's the second floor of Qi training, it seems to have entered a bottleneck."

Xiangxing snorted coldly: "Poor aptitude, doesn't practice hard, and hangs out with other people in the market all day long. If he wants to be free, why bother to cultivate immortality?" Siyou looked quite impatient.

Sensing Master's fury, Sun Xu didn't dare to speak, and smashed the jade pendant around his waist.This is the token of the Juque sect.

Sun Xu: "Master?"

Zhao Xing said indifferently: "Master Uncle should take care of the old man's children, of course, but the sect has its rules! Give him (Mo Siyou) a word, if you can't advance to the fourth level of Qi training within ten years, then go down the mountain Go." Sun Xu: "Take orders."

After the disciple left, Xiangxing shook his head. His uncle is now starting to advance to the Nascent Soul stage.Whether it will be successful or not, but he is preparing to gather the power of the family and give up some unnecessary people.

Let's put it this way, his uncle practiced freely all the way, and there are too many people who take care of him. Every few years, there will be descendants of the spiritual root of the casual cultivators, who take the "chance" to enter the fairy gate, but these The disciples who entered the sect didn't even have a foundation building period in the past hundred years, which was obviously a waste of sect resources.

It's okay to say that it's poor aptitude, and the temperament is also bad. These years, the secret realm has been opened, and there are no people who even go to the secret realm.

The arrival of Wei Keng is an intensification of contradictions, which proves that those good friends who are taken care of by the Chao family do not even want to abide by the final bottom line.

Xiangxing turned to the boy of Lei Linggen beside him: "Zhao Han, you are my closed disciple, and I will contact you, Senior Brother Wei Keng, more in the future."

This boy from Leilingen naturally understood what his master meant, and he was certain in his heart: "Senior brother Wei Keng, your aptitude is not inferior to mine."

On Wei Keng's side, after taking the props facing the row, he immediately came to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. The person guarding the Buddhist scriptures pavilion was a senior brother in the late stage of foundation establishment. Wei Keng said hello to his senior brother carefully, and then showed his waist card .At the same time, a "red envelope" was also sent, the amount was not much, only twenty spirit stones, the senior brother immediately said politely: "Junior brother, what are you doing, the elder's token, you can read it at will, and choose a practice method And three magical powers."

Although this foundation-building senior brother returned the "red envelope", he squeezed it very tightly. Wei Keng said with a smile: "Senior brother, I just came to the school. Although I was recorded as a registered disciple by the elders, I have no relatives and no reason. I need to be self-reliant. I want to learn." Some talisman techniques."

The Foundation Establishment disciple frowned: "Pills, utensils, and talismans are all broad and profound categories within the arts of cultivation. Junior brother, just listen to what the senior brother said. Just look at some things. Don't rush into it on a whim." .”

Wei Keng: "Thank you for reminding me, brother. I just learned about it. Of course, I have to be cautious about whether I can enter the path."

The foundation-building cultivator accepted the spirit stone, and then pointed Wei Keng to several book collection areas.

Wei Keng entered the Sutra Pavilion and started to collect knowledge—— Regarding the exercises, the exercises in the qi refining period are actually Yehu Zen, which is purely deduced according to the system, how to accumulate spiritual energy, and erected like building blocks.

So much so that Wei Keng doesn't have any special supernatural powers at all in spells now. Of course, there are not many people who can stop a stack of spells towards the enemy's face with such "money ability".

Now that Wei Keng found the excellent exercise recommended by Xiangxing Xing, Tianhe True Solution, Wei Keng took a look at it and immediately selected it.

Wei Keng: This happens to be related to my preparatory work, that is, to observe the starry sky. This Tianhe true solution uses the faint light of star bites to purify spiritual power. This technique is rare to allow monks to build foundations naturally without taking foundation building pills. of.

The normal situation is to start building the foundation on the ninth floor of Qi training, but Tianhe Zhenjie can press down to the No.13 and No.14 floors, and build the foundation when the aura is refined to the very essence.

However, this also has a shortcoming. To continue to practice after the foundation is established, the spiritual consciousness required is very strong, which is more than three times that of the normal spiritual consciousness. Some games in the 21st century are very fun, but the graphics card requirements are particularly high.

Wei Keng is only [-]% sure that he can achieve the spiritual consciousness that is three times higher than that of the normal foundation-building period after foundation-building, but after calculations, Wei Keng is sure that there are other ways to remedy it.

Spiritual consciousness is equivalent to the "electronic control system" in the system, but sometimes, it can be "mechanically controlled". The speed of the innate true energy in the body is already hundreds of feet per second. Consciousness is much slower.

Note: There are many supernatural powers to strengthen the spiritual consciousness, such as the quenching magic and splitting magic in the Tibetan scripture pavilion.Wei Keng didn't choose these two, but he did some research on the nature of divine consciousness.

Regarding the consciousness, Wei Keng assumed that it was a physical quantity. Master Wei was not interested in tearing off his consciousness, and let it rise slowly like a slice.

After picking things out, Wei Keng went to the miscellaneous library and picked out a "Star Watching Atlas".When there are several changes in the stars in the starry sky, there will be changes including the increase and decrease of the vitality of the sky and the earth. This book describes quite interesting, and Wei Keng has it in his pocket.

Then Wei Keng rummaged through the fragments from the corner, and was suddenly surprised. There was a copy of "Alchemy Art" in it. He took it out and looked, nodded and threw it into his shopping box.

With these things, Wei Keng came to the front desk to check out, um, report.The foundation-building disciple watched Wei Keng choose these weird things, so he couldn't help but glance at Wei Keng.Wei Keng smiled awkwardly: "This, try, try."

The foundation-building disciple looked at Wei Keng, picked up the treasure refining formula and said, "Among the most unreliable things, this one is the most reliable for you."

The magic weapon is generally the dantian real power of the alchemy stage that is continuously accumulated, and the treasure refining formula is used by the disciples of the foundation building stage to nourish the magic weapon with blood essence. This thing was originally used by the evil sect to refine the blood evil magic weapon. After the ancestors of this sect captured it, they improved it and became the ability to use essence and blood to support the magic weapon. However, after improvement, it was found that although this thing can make the foundation-building stage far exceed the combat power of the same period, it has been refined too much, too much. It still damages the foundation, making it impossible for the monks in the foundation period to advance to the golden core, so they are stuffed into the corner.

This disciple guarding the Sutra Pavilion, seeing that Wei Keng's energy is too strong, on the contrary, it seems to be a good match for this treasure refining art.

Wei Keng: "I'm just doing research on this, and I'm not going to practice at the foundation building stage."

The disciple guarding the scripture pavilion said, "Since the younger brother said so, I will stop nagging." After the two began to copy the information, they bid farewell.

After leaving the Sutra Pavilion, Wei Keng looked up at the sky, and there was a vast starry sky beyond the strong wind.

Wei Keng asked the system: "System, how many self-splits have come to my side?"

System: "Sorry, this is a confidential state."

Wei Keng was puzzled: "Huh?"

The system responded: "This is a secrecy established for all your needs. There are unknown existences in this world. Although we have established a consciousness information defense system, it is not ruled out that there are transcendent beings who can read the key information in your consciousness, so you As an individual, you don’t know the information of your group at all, which is a kind of protection for your group.”

Wei Keng nodded: "If I observe the galaxy, other selves (in other Cultivation Continents) should be able to match the perspective, right?"

System: "Of course."

... On the ninth day, place the family?There are so many corners, who knows how many?What's the matter?Twelve points?Are the sun and the moon safe?Lie Xingan Chen?

From Tanggu, second to Mengsi. …

Wei Keng came to his cave, which was very simple, with only stone tables and chairs, and one could tell that the previous owner was also an ascetic.

Wei Keng walked into the cave and found a stone room. On the blue floor of this room, a gathering spirit array was deployed around a section of spiritual veins. Of course, it was because the spiritual veins were connected here.This place can be called Dongfu.

Wei Keng unbuttoned his shirt at this time, and the spiritual energy was released at this time. Wei Keng's body was not lacking in spiritual energy, and it could even be said to be emitting a weak spiritual energy.The true energy in the body is constantly circulating, and after Wei Keng discovered that the circulation of the true energy is not only involved in spiritual energy, but can even produce some spiritual energy.

"Spiritual source", this is a source that can generate spiritual power, which is naturally generated in the mountain. According to Wei Keng's guess, it is under large-scale mass accumulation, or under high-speed conditions, that "spiritual energy emerges" will appear signs.

Once this sign is generated, it will continue to flow. From this point of view, the "spiritual source" is more like a kind of flame, fueled by the vitality of heaven and earth, and the spiritual source is determined by the rules in the area of ​​​​the quasar.Similar to the internal conditions in the reactor, the reaction continues with a catalyst as the core.

It's just that from the perspective of the creatures in this world, the burning speed of this kind of flame is too slow, and because of the continuous absorption of spiritual energy, it is possible for the "flame" to be extinguished due to heat absorption.

This spiritual source existed in Wei Keng's body after he established his foundation, and it was being generated by the high-speed rotating true airflow, but the spiritual energy produced now was negligible, and the amount emitted was the difference between a candle and a volcano.

However, the ray of aura that Wei Keng produces every day is quite pure!

System Note: Your aura has a unique effect on breaking through the bottleneck, but the problem is that it may also be quite effective on others. Friendly reminder, if you save a lot, you may be used as a cauldron.For example, "Pure Spirit Body" and "Phoenix Spirit Body".

Wei Keng: "Well, what, the cauldron furnaces should be all women." System: "In this world, there are many female cultivators who are stuck in the Golden Core Dzogchen. If it doesn't work, you can try to promote it. "

Wei Keng: "No, I practiced the Chunyang Boy Kungfu."

System: "Pay attention to the road, don't hold your head up and look at the stars."

During the system reminder, the absent-minded Wei Keng immediately began to control Feijian to circle the sea of ​​clouds.

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