out of cage

Chapter 960 Chapter 21.18 The Secret of the Secret Realm

Chapter 960 Chapter 21.18 The Secret of the Secret Realm
In the fourth cycle of the secret realm, beside a pool, an enchanting herb is fluctuating in the center of the lake, a man and a woman are confronting each other.Among them, the man blocked the red diamond emitted by the woman with a black iron shield.Gang and Rou collided, sending out colorful clouds and sparks, the two slapped each other's storage bags, and a series of spells blasted towards each other.

After the female cultivator was defeated and her whole body was restrained, she pitifully used the charm technique, while the man took the herbal medicine, coldly, and gave a backhand sword, the woman naturally withdrew the charm technique, showing a look of determination on her face, A set of flying needle instruments was shot out, and just after the two collided, there was a bang, and a spiritual pressure came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the two were shocked, put away the magical artifacts one after another, and evacuated each other.

Then Wei Keng came to the center of the lake, checked the area where the herbal medicine was produced, picked up some samples, and then flew away.

In the secret realm, disciples of various factions were fighting each other, but Wei Keng avoided it in the early stage and began to collect medicinal ore samples.

Regarding the value of those crystals and the medicinal effects of plants and trees, Wei Keng put them aside for a while, and after dissecting them one by one, he discovered many interesting details, for example, various ores have various textures .These lines are regular.

The width and size of these geological lines seem to be closely related to the concentration of the surrounding spiritual energy and the distribution of spiritual grass
Narrator: Geology is very interesting. You can't analyze a single stone, you can only care about its elemental composition, but if you analyze the texture, you can see the traces of the uplift and curl of the earth, and at the same time, you can analyze the rainwater and atmospheric residues. imprint.

In this quasar energy plane, there is no microscopic physical structure such as "atoms" and "molecules" on the main plane of the earth, so details such as rock crystals are slightly different from those on the earth, but the substances here can also record years of erosion and environmental changes. trace.

After hundreds of kilometers of large-scale sampling, Wei Keng, holding a "copper brick" as a geological hammer, quickly analyzed interesting information, and the texture information in the veins filled Wei Keng's understanding of the astronomical system here. Know.

When Wei Keng was a teenager, he was popularized with such a knowledge point: the iron texture of meteorite asteroids can be used to study various physical and chemical properties when the early planet cooled, and then deduce the conditions of the earth's core that humans cannot drill.

According to the current observations of quasars, the spiritual veins in the aura area were born by absorbing the energy of the heavens and the earth from the heavens and the earth!It comes from the continuous energy radiation of quasars, and the whole area is a process of absorbing energy.

As for the profound energy area, vitality is generated from the earth, which is a process of radiating energy.

Wei Keng discovered on a large number of stones: alternating lines.These lines have "bright lines" that emit energy, and "dark lines" that absorb energy, and those plants that absorb energy lines are quite dense, which are the predecessors of spirit grass and spirit stones.This is created in specific regions that happen to help the quasar irradiate energy towards solidification and develop the "Aura" region characteristic
What if in the starry sky, the quasar matter is insufficiently irradiated, and the matter begins to heat up a large star area?There is another kind of negentropy. ——The system prompts that there is a profound energy training area.

After Wei Keng digs the soil and slices the rocks, he will find that the spiritual grass grows in the area where the "bright lines" converge.

And those harvested spirit grasses will leave very small apertures in these places.

Wei Keng can also see "small voids" in these areas where geological "dark lines" converge on the earth, and such tiny phenomena are extremely easy to miss. ——Wei Keng secretly felt that this was also a kind of "spiritual grass", but it was not displayed in the area where the cultivator was located.

Wei Keng had a hypothesis: "Did the secret realm here also enter the profound energy area during the cycle of the starry sky? It's just a spiritual grass suitable for growing profound energy, but now it's all withered and dead in the spiritual energy area?"

Wei Keng stared intently at these alternating lines, the growth cycle of those spirit grasses obviously corresponded to the lines.That is to say, the staggered time of "Xuan Ling" may be the [-]th anniversary!
Wei Keng's first reaction: How the hell is this possible? The two regions of the universe are so far apart, the distance is like an astronomical figure.It takes tens of millions of years for a normal continent to make a tour. Can this secret realm travel so quickly?

etc!Wei Keng felt that he was bound by the common sense of geophysical rules.In my own universe, the speed does not exceed the speed of light at any time, and the macroscopic movement of matter is sliding in space!
And in this world where the physical structure is still superstring, matter and energy have poor stability, and may be able to jump like tunneling.

"Right," Wei Keng took a look at this secret realm. It seems that the cycle is very short for 40 years, but compared with the continent where the entire sect is located, this mass ratio seems to be not so novel with the huge difference in operating speed up.

Wei Keng thought for a while, and quickly ran to a plant of spiritual grass. With the "geological hammer" in his hand, um, a copper brick, he raised his hand and directly flew the second-level monster guarding the spiritual grass. The whole process was lightning fast. Cover your ears.The spirit beast didn't respond, as if it was pierced by firecrackers, and then lost consciousness.

Wei Keng moved so fast that he didn't talk about martial ethics at all.
Oh, master Wei's Wude is "to strike when it's time to strike, to be as quiet as a virgin and as quick as to move like a rabbit."

The spirit beast that guards the spirit grass has rough skin and thick flesh, and is a huge threat to immortal cultivators. If they don't die in one blow, they will face infinite counterattacks.

Wei Keng, who was in the spirit martial state, came into contact with them several times, and found that as long as he was quick, these unintelligent ones were quite easy to deal with.

One shot by Master Wei could make him "either dead or disabled" incapable of fighting.

Therefore, Wei Keng did not lack these spirit herbs. There were many samples of spirit herbs in Wei Keng's storage bag.

...The exploration is getting deeper and deeper, in the eyes of others, it is an inexplicable "crazy devil"...

After hammering the spirit beast to death, Wei Keng collected the spirit grass according to the requirements. After the collection of the spirit grass was completed, the entire root system of the spirit grass shrank rapidly, and finally seemed to disappear directly from the space. Wei Keng carefully observed the withered and disappeared leaves of the spirit grass aperture.Immediately compared with those suspected vegetation growth apertures found in the "Xuan area" in the inference, it was determined that the two were similar.

After mining, the root system of the spirit grass withered and shrank and disappeared before his eyes, but Wei Keng was sure that it hadn't disappeared, because the next time the secret realm was opened, the spirit grass would appear here again.

In short, these spiritual herbs are also the reflection of some kind of "physical scalar" under the action of consciousness.

This physical scalar quantity, before the energy storage is completed, the spiritual grass as a reflection will not appear in the place where the eyes of the immortal cultivator can see.

In short, the spiritual herbs in the negative mysterious area did not disappear, but did not appear due to insufficient energy levels. Maybe when they reached the profound energy area, they would suddenly appear after the physical energy gathered!
...every fragment of Wei Keng's cognition has been seen by people in the world of cultivating immortals, but the only thing that is lacking is the "mathematics" to connect them systematically...

Wei Keng: The boundary between matter and energy in the main world is extremely clear!Stones on the earth have been exposed to the sun for 1 years, and the stones generate the most heat, which cannot store solar energy, nor can it stimulate the conditions for mass-energy conversion.Only nuclear reactions and stellar burning can break this boundary

In the current world of cultivating immortals, there is a fuzzy transition zone between matter and energy, and the cultivators stand on this transition zone.

Wei Keng judged from the perspective of a plane traveler:
Generally, on planes with clear physical energy boundaries, machines must be used to cross the energy boundaries.

In the plane where life is difficult to cross the energy level, various magnificent machines will be developed.At the same time, society is highly organized, and power can suppress individual power along with it.

For example, even though the plane of China has psychic powers, high-energy weapons such as chemical energy and particle cannon still make psykers have to tighten their tails and obey the state machine.

On the plane of the energy transition zone, individuals can complete a large amount of information accumulation, so they prefer personal organizations.The classic representative is the world of cultivating immortals here, where the mortal dynasty is suppressed to the level of ants.

The cultivating civilization here seems to be detached and free, but it is still restricted by macrophysics. For example, Naka's "Shouyuan" is [-] years old in the foundation period, [-] years old in the Jindan period, and [-] years old in the Yuanying period.

And when cultivators look forward to the future, they have to face the phenomenon that the vitality of the world is not as good as it was in ancient times, and it is constantly declining, and the curse of the dim future inherited by Taoism.

Wei Keng has since come to an objective conclusion: the world of cultivating immortals may have puppet skills, but it cannot develop into a mechanical civilization.

The reason is simple, the transition zone of mass and energy can allow individuals to go to heaven alone, forming an extraordinary advantage over most ordinary groups in society.If the "group cooperation civilization" is forcibly developed, it will be difficult to form a solid cooperation mechanism with linked interests.

Develop industrial civilization in the Xiuxian area?Master Wei thought for a while, then shook his head,——at present, the conditions can only show puppet workshops

This plane is huge, and Wei Keng is still judging where the best "civilization accumulation area" is?

...The good fortune bell is beautiful, Yin and Yang are separated, where is the boundary between Yin and Yang? …

In the fifth cycle of the sun and moon reversal in the secret realm, Wei Keng was about to break through Qi training and directly build a foundation.

Wei Keng raised his head and paid attention to the nebula. At this time of day, the positions of the stars in the sky and the earth are just right, and one of the "stars" is particularly obvious in the aura of the sky and the earth.

This star Luo origin continent.Currently out of the "light-absorbing zone" in the material band.About 800 million years later, it will move the "luminous area" belt of quasar matter.

Of course, according to the current decline rate of the heaven and earth aura, about 800 million years later, the heaven and earth aura will just dissipate.

In the stage between the age of spiritual energy and the age of profound energy, there is an area that is difficult for practitioners to cultivate, but for life, it should be another path left by the way of heaven.

According to Wei Keng's guess, at that time the cultivation culture will decline, the "individual freedom" culture will be suppressed, and collective cooperation and industrial civilization will be developed.

But Wei Keng must also admit that there is a very thin ring region in the entire quasar.

There is a stable period of about 1000 years in these ring areas, that is, after a maximum of 1000 years, there will be a revival of profound energy here.

And civilization has only these 1000 years.

Wei Keng: "1000 years is still too short. Once there are some centrists in the middle of the process, as historical papermakers, after a few hundred years, they may have just developed some mechanical civilization, and I am afraid that it will disappear, and the leftover machinery will become The puppet art in the hundred arts of cultivation. Therefore, the people in the culture must be tricky enough."

Wei Keng retreated with such emotion, and a few hours later, he reached the [-]th level of Qi training, and at this time, his body was overflowing with liquid mana.The foundation will be built quickly at any time, but Wei Keng still wants to do something more extreme.

Wei Keng flew out of the retreat area and began to fly along the relatively inert area of ​​aura in the secret realm.

...Since ancient times, in the world of comprehension, there has been no record of monks surviving in the secret realm, and even the remaining spiritual weapons cannot be seen...

In the 11 days since entering the secret realm, Wei Keng quickly deduced some secret realms with more concentrated aura according to the condition of the spiritual patterns on the rocks in the secret realm!

The map given by Zongmen recorded many environments where the spirit grass grows, but this is only the surface, and there is no pattern, and once every 40 years, the disciples who rely on the Qi training period will land in the secret realm, which is 1000 times in 25 years.Most of the Nascent Soul stage cannot accumulate relevant data in the Shouyuan period.In the cultivation world, the general lifespan of sects is no more than [-] years. (This is similar to the law of the earth dynasty), those maps only studied some furs of the secret realm, and the furs such as spirit grass were collected every time.

The truly precious things should be enriched in certain areas, which have not been found in the past.

It was Wei Keng's first time to systematically study the situation of this secret realm.After the preliminary study of the secret realm, he directly approached a central goal.Along the way, the spirit yuan turned very fast, and the spirit grass that escaped on the road was not as fast as Wei Keng.

… Wei Keng looked at the setting sun: I have to hire a group of people. …

In the secret realm, the fight was still going on, and Wei Keng quickly gathered a group of practitioners from the Candle Spirit Sect on the way, and activated the "mother order" to contact everyone in the sect.

Due to the Zongmen's order, these trainees were a little reluctant at first, as if they were worried that Wei Keng would confiscate the spiritual herbs in their hands.

Naturally, Wei Keng would not snatch the lifeblood of these unlucky bastards. After taking the risk a few times, he took the initiative to distribute spiritual herbs to them. Behind Wei Keng.

On the 11th day of the trial, a large number of monsters gathered on a cliff, and the center of the monsters was that cliff.There is a fruit tree growing on the cliff. There are dozens of ruddy fruits growing on this fruit tree, but the core is golden.

The monsters looked at these fruits eagerly and did not dare to move rashly. At this time, a grey-haired disciple of Zhu Mingzong led Wei Keng, pointed to the fairy fruit tree in front of him, and asked eagerly, "Senior brother Wei, what kind of fruit is this fruit?" !"

The Qi training disciples around looked at Wei Keng with burning eyes. Wei Keng's cultivation level showed that he was at the level of the Foundation Establishment Stage (later stage), which was unbelievably strong. They completely understood why, they had to get a mother-child token to enter the secret realm, isn't this Zongmen is controlling them, but wants to provide them with thighs.

The disciples of the Candle Spirit Sect followed Wei Keng across the periphery of the secret realm. Along the way, they encountered those second-order monsters (the peak of Qi training), and were kicked to death by Wei Keng.

Although these monsters and these Qi-training Dzogchen disciples of the Candle Spirit Sect can win the fight, they will consume more than half of their mana, and even risk the wear and tear of their magic weapons.

And Wei Keng flashed across a distance of three hundred feet, and the aura fluctuations were very weak, as effortless as killing a chicken.

And even those third-order monsters that they couldn't reach, Wei Keng took the initiative to come to destroy them.

You must know that in the secret realm, these third-tier monsters are in the foundation building stage, and they are often used as tools to divert disasters. In the entire secret realm, Wei Keng is a rampant existence.

Now Wei Keng pointed to two places next to the spirit fruit, one is an inconspicuous mound, and the other is the lush grass beside it: "There are two third-level monsters, well, work in groups, I will deal with the mound first, It can be solved in about [-] breaths. The first group will go to the east to block the monster. After [-] breaths, don’t let him pick the fruit. The second group will watch the fruit for me and pay attention to whether there are hidden fellow.

The third group is on standby at the periphery.Attention everyone, once I can't deal with the first monster in a hundred breaths, then the plan is over and evacuated. "

Rows of immortal cultivators nodded, promised.

 I have something to do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so I don't have to wait at night.

(End of this chapter)

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