out of cage

Chapter 961 Chapter 21.19 Entering the Inner Area

Following Wei Keng's order, the flickering monks began to cast spells in batches, preparing to force the monsters around and prepare traps.

The spirit beasts in the outer area of ​​the secret realm were too easy for Wei Keng.

In the previous battle, in the eyes of outsiders, Wei Keng arrived at the spirit beast in a blink of an eye, but according to the operation rules Wei Keng summed up by himself, every time he "hooked his waist" to bypass the spirit beast's perception area, and then A sneaky one-hit kill.

Wei Keng is clearing out these strange beasts in an orderly manner, with a clear purpose and a system: magpie nest and dove occupation.

All small and medium-sized secret realms are tens of millions of times smaller than normal continents, and have a faster cycle, and the elixir that falls on them will have sufficient conditions to develop.Then we have to consider a question, why are there no practitioners on it? 40 years is neither long nor short, why can't we survive it?
Wei Keng also put forward an idea, that is because during the shuttle process, when the aura attribute is just in balance, the practitioners in the two areas cannot coordinate their aura attributes when the environment changes suddenly.Even the magic weapon will break down due to the sudden change of energy nature, not adapting to the environment.Only grasses and insects with strong vitality can adapt to the transformation of this process.

Wei Keng also studied the caves of these monsters, and found that all the monsters guarding the spirit grass were monsters with the habit of dormant.Primary herbal medicines are mainly "insects, spiders, and centipedes" and "fish and frogs" are more common. Intermediate herbal medicines are "rats" and "rabbits". The monsters with higher intelligence and talent are not here! ——This is definitely a very strange thing.

Wei Keng: It's like coming to a village. If you don't have old age, you have to think about it.

In the secret realm, those thousand-year-old high-level herbs are guarded by "low-level flood dragons". It is worth noting that some of these dragons in the secret realm have poisonous liquid sacs, and some have "mating aphrodisiac sacs". It is not a standard equipment for high-level Lingjiao.

And in the Daxiu Immortal Realm, the supernatural powers of high-level flood dragons are also inclined to "demon fire", as well as magical weapons condensed with scales and bones.

As for condensing magical powers into aphrodisiac capsules, it is really too low-level.

As for these high-level monsters from the outside world, no matter how sexually promiscuous they are, they are all tasteful. If they don't find anything, they will do whatever they want.

…Wei Keng: The evolutionary history of these guardian spirit beasts in the secret territory is related to the environment. …

There are also these uncharted monsters, all of which follow some interesting rules.

For example, when they were digging caves, Wei Keng also seriously used his shovel to open up their lairs, and found that these monsters had dug along the underground lines.Oh, similarly, the root system of plants also grows along the lines and corresponds to the caves of monsters.

Reminiscent of the symbiosis of monsters and spirit grass in the secret realm here, and the monsters desperately guarding the spirit grass, Wei Keng speculates that these holes dug along the lines may be an important reason why they can escape the "secret realm switch".

There are still some closed loops between the spirit patterns linked by the roots of these plants and the caves of monsters!Note: Wei Keng was able to discover this closed loop, which shows how many caves of spirit beasts and pits of spirit grass have been dug.

In ancient times, Master Wei's behavior was exactly the same as those "rats" (a pejorative name for those who exploited natural resources) who collected lettuce on the grasslands and dug caterpillar fungus in the mountains.

As Wei Keng gradually grasped the distribution of the spiritual power of the earth veins, Wei Keng quietly approached some spiritual grasses. From the spiritual grasses, he could see what the structure of the underground cave where the monster was hiding might look like.

And in this battle, Master Wei also found the hiding place of the oriole who was about to make his final appearance among the group of monsters.

Now, while the monsters wait for the fruit to ripen,

Wei Keng hid his body and touched directly above the entrance of the cave. Following a heavy trampling, a third-level monster ready to ambush came out of the cave in an emergency. Then, just as his head poked out, his neck was wiped with a knife, and he hiccupped in less than two breaths. , this is an earth dragon.

At this time, monsters gathered in the spirit grass over there, and they didn't even realize that the "earth dragon" was hidden in this place

But Wei Keng killed the high-level monster with a single stab. , Those second-order monsters around were stunned, oh, they should have been killed.Immediately, he couldn't care about the spirit grass anymore, just like chickens getting frightened when they gather together to eat rice, they start jumping around and screaming.

And Wei Keng didn't talk nonsense with these second-order monsters. After solving a third-order monster, he went straight to find another third-order monster that sprang out, which was a swan-shaped monster.

After Wei Keng rushed over directly, the third-level monster in the grass obviously felt a huge threat, and jumped out and spread its wings. At first glance, it was a flat-haired animal with four wings. Of course, the spread feathers expanded to tens of meters. Edges of feathers gleamed with blades.Bounces like a blade.

The reaction of the third-order monster was obviously frightened!Wei Keng, the embryo killer, focused his attention on its vitals, making the bird feel vulnerable.

Just when the bird spread its wings and radiated thousands of feathered swords, like a cluster bomb in full swing, Wei Keng did not retreat, but rushed in like a white light, and preemptively grabbed the elongated limb of the unknown bird. neck.

Birds extend their necks to extend the range of their beaks.This is the same as that of a snake, and the feathers on the edges are unified backwards, which also prevents the snake from biting and biting at all, and slips directly along the fur. Therefore, big geese and eagles, after a fierce claw output to small snakes , just stretched his neck and pecked him to death.

But this elongated neck is too idiosyncratic and has a huge disadvantage that mammals can easily kill.Fortunately, birds either live in the bushes or fly in the sky. Except for kittens, agile creatures that can climb trees and burrow into grass, the weakness of birds' necks that are easy to be choked can be regarded as a fool.

Where's Wei Keng?The weakness analysis for this bestial creature is pretty good.

Wei Keng: "This is much easier to analyze than the weakness of human nature, and even easier to analyze than the weakness of industrial countries." Master Wei is the emperor of "Punish the Quartet Monster" in the Pandora plane, and he is studying this kind of physical evolution when he has nothing to do. Such a defect, how to slide the shovel.

For example, this big goose with a neck half a meter in diameter and five meters in length.

Master Wei raised his hand, slapped and waved the power of the spiritual explosion, slapped and bent the neck directly, and then the whole person flickered (jumped up) to hug the neck, and then curled up with force from the waist, as if overwhelming an opponent in a wrestling.After bending the opponent, he folded it directly like bending his calf, and the whole goose's neck was broken directly by Wei Keng's full body strength!
The giant goose immediately fell into a state of convulsions. Its huge wings flapped randomly on the ground. After setting off the last wave of flying sand and rocks, it became limp and unable to move.

The battle was resolved within five breaths, and Wei Keng plucked a feather, fanned himself like Zhuge Liang, and said to himself: "It's not so interesting!"

…Wei Keng regained his human form from his agility. At this time, the human aura on his body became a little weird. Of course, he was still a human...

As Wei Keng slayed monsters again and again, the layout of the true energy in his body was constantly being refined.

Wei Keng's innate qi now has seven major veins: one big tendon along the spine; four tendons in the limbs;

Supporting Wei Keng to make those dirty-looking actions in battle (lifting his vaginal legs, picking his eyes, pulling his hair) to make him feel as if he was surprised.

To complete this "instant move" with the fluctuation of spiritual energy, the spirit energy of the main meridian in Wei Keng's body is not only in the main meridian, but also needs many small veins.
For example, if you want to complete some subtle movements of the air-piercing crit, you also need to guide out small and high-speed veins to make the palm explode.And in this process, because the spiritual energy in the palm does not conform to some frequency band data rules of the spiritual energy field energy, the spiritual source in the body produces a burst effect, and Wei Keng's body will appear "strained".

So how to arrange the veins, Wei Keng now collects experience through hunting monsters again and again, let the system check and calculate, and start planning the small veins.

And it just fits the frequency band of spiritual power, so Wei Keng's fighting movements have an aesthetic feeling in line with the way of heaven in the eyes of the human race in the spiritual world.

System: The so-called martial intent and sword intent in this world, the reason why they can use a small amount of aura to give a sense of oppression, is in line with the frequency band.

Right now, when Wei Keng's infuriating energy with a instantaneous flow rate of almost a thousand feet begins to penetrate the details of the body, the overall flow rate of the infuriating energy in Wei Keng's body has dropped slightly, but in terms of strength, Wei Keng raised his hands according to the "energy Accurate" shock.

Wei Keng now uses his fingers to pick up unrefined spirit ore, and flicks it, it is like an "energy beam" that directly penetrates the fur of a second-order spirit beast.

The real energy accumulated in the past three years was better distributed in these ten days, laying an excellent foundation.

The speed of the zhenqi in the main vein has decreased, which means that the sub-vein can more flexibly control the flow of the spirit energy in the main vein, and the spirit energy can explode suddenly or stop suddenly.

In this process, the spirit energy circulates the meridians without "overheating" and "silting", which increases the efficiency of the spirit energy in the body. This means that when Wei Keng further impacts the next step of innate qi, the so-called "bottleneck" will be reduced. .

Sometimes the bottleneck is not "not enough true energy", but the energy is impure, or the veins and veins are too complicated, and a local blockage will occur after impact, resulting in an imbalance of energy compression and condensation.

...just like a nuclear reactor, more control lines are more controllable...

This battle soon ended. The third-order monster was chopped into pieces by Wei Keng, the blood of the monster was collected in the jade bottle, and the feathers were separated.

The spiritual fruits were also picked by Wei Keng with a special technique, and the spirituality remained perfect, and they were sealed in a white jade box.

Oh, as for those second-order monsters, after Wei Keng broke the goose's neck, and after Wei Keng glanced at them with a knife-like gaze, they retreated immediately.

Wei Keng greeted the disciples of Zhu Mingzong's Qi refining period, and quickly divided up the things.

In the current material distribution, the disciples of other sects are the ones with the highest cultivation level, and they put all the precious herbs in their own storage bags for centralized storage, while Wei Keng is scattered in the storage bags of several people here.

Other sects are afraid of being attacked. In theory, those with the highest cultivation level have the highest probability of escaping when they encounter danger.And Wei Keng here is: "Do I need to escape?"

Just like herbivores, the eyes are evolved on both sides (horse, deer, sheep), in order to obtain a larger perspective, vigilance; the eyes of carnivores are horizontal in the front (human, cat), in order to lock the fleeing opponent, the situation is different, The strategies are different.

There is no doubt that Wei Keng is playing close combat, and his style of play is also biased towards close combat.It is very suitable for the bad battle between this secret territory and these monsters.

At present, Wei Keng basically has no risk in this secret realm, if Wei Keng stops exploring.

At this time, Wei Keng had already placed the spiritual objects with the other disciples, so he could share the monsters, and at the same time, he dispelled the idea of ​​"taking risks" in the team and plotting against his wealth and wealth.

Whether it's the rare spirits needed by the Golden Core Stage and Nascent Soul Stage like Millennium Spirit Grass, or the materials of monsters.

Wei Keng was handed over to these qi training disciples.Anyway, when this thing goes out, it will be searched out by the spiritual pets of Jindan period.Oh, if Mr. Wei went out to find them for bulk materials such as spiritual blood, they would not dare to turn against themselves for a few spiritual stones.

Wei Keng: When you are absolutely strong, you can be dignified and upright. As long as you don't think carefully, the weak dare not think carefully.

As for the disciples in the qi training period, they let down their guard because of this. At least they don't have to worry about someone in the team snatching the spirit grass.

As for Wei Keng's own storage bag, there are some low-level spiritual objects (plants, trees, ore samples), as well as his own magic tools and spells, and the few things that Chao Xiangxing saved his life are still under pressure.

Wei Keng now arranges for a few people to collect elixir, while others are sent to drill the soil for surveying and mapping to help him save working hours.

For example, in the drilling and collection of ore, Master Wei has to run around by himself, and he has to drill underground, wasting time. Now these qi training disciples are not in vain.Wei Keng gave a stack of charms, and they were happy to do it for them.Of course, Wei Keng would not let them run far, about five miles away, and each time they only gave them a stick of incense time to move around within five kilometers.

Wei Keng often pointed to the mountain in front of him, asking them to go to a conspicuous place to drill some samples.

During Wei Keng's expedition, he was very pragmatic. Every time Wei Keng killed monsters, although they exclaimed, no one shouted "magic skills are invincible" under Wei Keng's stern and selfless face.

The "flattery" in the team is often because some people are dispensable in the team and want to perform, but have no effort.He is really busy with work, so he has the confidence not to say those hypocritical words.

Everyone made the best use of their resources. Along the way, when they met the disciples of the other two sects, Wei Keng also sent someone who could speak to them to "respect first".Wei Keng is very cautious, as long as the opponent retreats, he will never pursue it!

This is because when "killing monsters, picking herbs" can compete fairly and win, there is no need to take risks! (In ancient times: when the rule system is beneficial to one side, that side can maintain strategic focus.)
Compared with the serious and nervous cultivators who came here in the past, Wei Keng himself was very lively.

... During the trip to the secret realm, Wei Kengxing's picture became more and more complete, filling in many gaps in the system, which shows that this trip is valuable for me...

After No. 16 days, when Wei Keng's team entered the inner circle, it was a sunken basin, the overall terrain was symmetrical, and a river ran through the center. Wei Keng looked at the flat land and vaguely felt that such terrain was very familiar.

At this time, the system murmured: "Ding Dong, welcome to Summoner's Canyon, please select a mode."

Wei Keng immediately understood why he felt familiar, but after being prompted, he still said rudely to the system: "Shut the fuck up."

In my own system, every time I provide some key information, I can't forget "kouhei".Think about it, in fact, I am the same, I also like to hum a little tune to the system when I have a little achievement.

About why the system has these rambunctious words.

The system indicated that perhaps during the transmission process, the non-core dialogue system overlapped with some of Wei Keng's own thinking patterns.

Going back to the moment, in the inner circle of the secret realm, the environment is very complicated, just like Jurassic Park, there are bursts of singing of monsters, which makes the disciples of the refining period who followed Wei Keng nervous.

A grey-haired monk obviously felt that this operation was already very rich, and he could exchange it for foundation building pills when he went back, which was enough for foundation building.He wanted to retreat from taking further risks, so he couldn't help but said to Wei Keng, "Senior Wei, this place is too dangerous. We~~"

Wei Keng looked at the old monk, and then at his other juniors, and understood that the fate of the team has come to an end.
The aura in the central area of ​​the secret realm is very strong, but it is also a place that the various schools in the past have never set foot in. It is suspected that there will be fourth-order monsters, which are equivalent to the monsters in the early stage of Jindan.

【Based on Wei Keng's inference, the early stage of the golden core period is the limit of the monsters here, because once the level of spiritual power reaches a certain level, it has already exceeded the upper limit.It will inevitably fall to the adjacent continent.At the same time, Wei Keng inspected the bones, and the monsters here have experienced a spiritual energy wash in a cycle of 40 years.Only in one of the stable periods of spiritual power can the alchemy be formed, and in the 40-year stable period, it is already difficult to form alchemy, and to break through to a higher level, for these ordinary insects and beasts that are likely to have the opportunity to float up from the mainland, It is absolutely impossible. 】

Wei Keng instructed these disciples: "From now on, no medicine is collected. Let's go around all the monster areas and help me collect ores and other items here. You will return after three days."

Don’t wait for Chapter 2, I can’t make it tonight, I’m out of town now, get up early tomorrow, good night, Chapter 2 will be done tomorrow night

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