out of cage

Chapter 962 Chapter 21.20 Spirit grass returns, people go to the way

Chapter 962 Chapter 21.20 Spirit grass returns, people go to the way

During the last three days of the spirit adventure, Wei Keng's team only had conflicts (sneak attacks) with four third-level monsters.

Wei Keng picked up four panaceas that were named by the elders in the gate and tried to collect them as much as possible. If they couldn't be collected, they had to be marked.

Oh, these rare thousand-year-old elixir are all the chances that Zhu Mingzong's high-level officials asked for.

Usually, they can't meet but they can't ask for it. They usually only get it at the "same level exchange meeting". As for the names and colors of these spirit herbs are marked on the materials of the secret realm, it is purely luck.

These four herbs are "Heavenly Sun Grass", "Jade Nourishing Algae", "Bisheng Manguo", and "Seven-Color Magic Sky Lotus".

The effect of Tianyang Grass is to refine the medicine for prolonging life. It is said that it can prolong life by 100 years.

It doesn't seem like much, but for those who are expected to advance to the Nascent Soul stage in the middle of the pill formation stage, it is equivalent to half an hour more time for answering questions during the college entrance examination in modern times.With the extra 100 years of mana, the probability of finding opportunities will be greatly increased.

The effect of "Jade Nourishing Algae" is to cooperate with other kinds of elixir, which is said to be able to refine the elixir that can increase the strength of the water-type spiritual root.

At present, in Zhumingzong, there is a woman cultivator in the alchemy stage with water-type heavenly spirit roots. When she was young, she was selected into the imperial palace as a concubine at the age of thirteen or fourteen. As a result, she lost her perfect jade, and there was a little lack.Therefore, the elders of the Candle Spirit Sect also mentioned this information to the Qi training monks during the exploration of the secret realm. Well, even providing clues is a huge contribution.

"Bisheng Manguo" is a sacred product that can restore the body of a sixth-level spirit beast under the thunder when it has passed through the catastrophe of transformation.

The "Seven-Color Magic Sky Lotus" has many effects, and the most famous one is the spirit grass in the baby-forming stage.

These are thousand-year-old spiritual herbs, the kind that are hard to come by.

For Wei Keng, these spirit herbs are nothing, but the location of the corresponding area is too important.The "Tao" here is invaluable to Wei Keng, the will that came to this world.

These spiritual grasses happened to be the areas where Wei Keng had surveyed and mapped a few rich spiritual energy complexes, so he pulled out these things conveniently.Later, Wei Keng found a lot of key information in his cave.Then an important decision was made.

Wei Keng summoned eight practitioners in the Qi training period, put four of the herbs in the collection boxes of four of them, and told them to crush the runes after going out, and give them to the court first. Eight boxes.Don't put it in public.

This is because those four herbs are too precious, one level more expensive than the bet that they made on Xiangxing. This is a chance at the Nascent Soul level. After they are born, it will definitely cause the other two sects of Jindan monks to join hands and turn against each other immediately.

At that time, when the Jindan battle broke out, there would definitely be countless casualties during the Qi training period.

If the spirit herbs are concentrated in the hands of a few disciples, and only a few disciples know the value of the spirit herbs, then Zhao Xiangxing will definitely give priority to guaranteeing the spirit herbs, and give up the qi training disciples.

However, Wei Keng distributed the spirit grass to the four Candle Spirit Sect disciples, and these four disciples had their own groups. If the disciples who practiced qi were drawn out by the ancestors of other sects, the spirit grass would be exposed. Right now, Xing must be responsible enough to save the lives of all Qi training disciples and prevent leaks.

…Wei Keng infers the choice of high-level monks from the perspective of human nature to be evil, and gives a chance to his fellow apprentices who took the same risk and met each other...

After Wei Keng briefly explained the stakes with these disciples, these are veteran qi cultivators who have been suffering for decades and are in a difficult state. Why don't they know what a hot potato they have in their hands.

At Wei Keng's request, each of them made a pledge with the heart demon oath.

Wei Keng led the team of 60 people and drove back in a mighty way.

At this time, it was the final stage of the most trial, and the competition and killing among each other had become incandescent. Of course, when these cultivators saw Zhu Mingzong's large team approaching, they all stopped and did not dare to move.

On the spirit boat, Wei Keng looked at the scenes on the "Road to Cultivating Immortals" and sighed.

When approaching the last [-] kilometers to the return point, Jian Guang of the Candle Spirit Sect suddenly found chaotic spiritual energy fluctuations in the distance when he passed through a plain, and soon three Zisongya disciples appeared in a panic. When they saw this When there is a large team, he deliberately leans over as if seeing a savior.And followed by a demon light.

This is very common in the world of cultivating immortals. It seems to come to join hands, but in fact it is to share the disaster.

Wei Keng, who led the team in the Candle Spirit Sect, waved his hand to stop the team, his pupils flickered, looked at the chaotic element, and said, "There are 26 falcon demons, all of which are second-level, everyone should take precautions."

...a broken-mouthed system: In the world of comprehension where the aura is declining, it is common sense for fellow daoists to step back, and you have to get used to it. . …

All the monks of Zhumingzong stopped, showed their fairy weapons, and formed a battle formation. As for the three Zisongya disciples passing by 600 meters away, the disciples of Zhumingzong all looked at them with ironic smiles. The queue is strong enough to ignore this threat.

It just so happened that this mission in the secret realm was about to end, and Senior Wei Keng hadn't shown himself in front of the disciples of the other two sects. At this time, the mission was almost completed, and everything was free.

Just like that, Wei Keng walked out of the defense line when the falcon flew up, and faced the falcon alone.

And when this group of flat-haired beasts flying over saw Zhu Mingzong's team, they thought they were with the human race (the disciples of Zisongya) who had stolen their eggs earlier. Without thinking too much, Red Eyes began to dive and accelerate.

Immediately, the three-headed harpies faced Wei Keng oncoming, and double-teamed them from three directions.

When it was less than six feet away, a white light flashed suddenly, and afterimages flew towards the three harpies, flying backwards like sparrows hit by a baseball bat.And the bird monster following behind didn't have time to react, and saw the human race in front of them disappear with a whoosh.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Keng was seen leaping in the air, and the four bird monsters were trampled down by Wei Keng, just like a ladder.

And Wei Keng also used his longitudinal force to go straight to the sky, and just appeared on the tip of a falcon monster's wing, holding its left wing, and swung it towards the ground. The bird's dive speed was three times faster than its own, It was smashed straight to the ground, forming a large pit on the ground.

After Wei Keng finished this action, he turned a big somersault in the air, and avoided the attack of another bird's wing by a small margin. After dodging, the inertial force accumulated on the back of the big somersault caught the stupid bird that hadn't had time to escape. , The volley kicked almost fell apart, and the feathers exploded in the sky.

This is the absolute "martial arts", high attack, only fast!The characteristics are displayed vividly.

Almost in a breath, the nine falcons were dead and maimed, causing the falcons that were chasing and killing to disperse immediately.

The soaring murderous aura shot out almost instantly, awakening the angry little brains of these monsters.

Wei Keng looked at the fleeing monster in the sky, and signaled his disciples to pack up the bird carcass and leave quickly. As for the three Zisongya disciples, Wei Keng ignored them and left them aside.

…After Wei Keng stopped, blood flowed on the ground, which seems to be a picture of the human race stepping on the wilderness in ancient times...

When entering the return teleportation point, Wei Keng looked back at the secret realm again, and said to the disciples this time: "Go back first, I will stay here for a while." The disciples in the Qi training period heard Wei Keng's words, and then , then thought of something and nodded.

According to their understanding: Wei Keng may have to get stuck next time to complete some special tasks.

At this time, a tenth-level qi training practitioner who was obviously an inner disciple said sincerely to Wei Keng: "Uncle Master, our task has been completed, there is no need for further complications."

Wei Keng glanced at him and smiled: "Yes, I know the number. I just asked the disciples of other sects to stay here for a while. When you go out, you have more time to contact my teacher."

Speaking of this, Wei Keng took out a sealed talisman with an encrypted letter on it, and Wei Keng asked the disciple in the Qi training period to hand over the talisman to Chao Xiangxing.

After all the disciples left, Wei Keng turned and looked behind him.

The three Zisongya disciples were a little nervous when they saw that Wei Keng hadn't entered the gate from a distance.Because earlier, he had a high probability of thinking that this might be a settlement.

Wei Keng stopped at a distance of thirty feet, and said to them, "Have you found all the opportunities in the secret territory?"

The three guys who were about to split up and escape were taken aback for a moment. At this time, one of them said: "Senior, we haven't found a chance, but we are going to go back to practice hard and look for opportunities." Obviously they didn't dare to say that they Find opportunities.

Wei Keng pointed at the teleportation point: "Then go back quickly, don't fight here anymore."

After all, Wei Keng dodged to the side, giving way to a distance of several tens of feet. The three qi training disciples paused, handed over Wei Keng, and walked over cautiously, staring at Wei Keng while walking, ready to go. If there is a problem, leave immediately.

Although it is, the distance of several tens of feet made them get out of the feeling that the road to Shu is difficult.There seemed to be a fierce tiger behind him, and he didn't dare to run fast to provoke that fierce man (Wei Keng).

Finally they approached the portal, and seeing that Wei Keng really didn't intercept them, they thanked, "Thank you for letting me go, senior!"

Wei Keng shook his hand and let them go.After the space ripples flickered, the three people who entered the secret realm left the secret realm.Wei Keng continued to stare at the dense murderous intent in the secret realm, and muttered to himself: "Raising Gu. People shouldn't be like this!"

...Longevity, longevity, even if they live for tens of thousands of years, can they really surpass human beings who have lived for hundreds of years?A rotten tree that has not been thought of for tens of thousands of years is not as good as a person who has lived for a hundred years but can hear the truth forever...

In the last ten hours of the trial.By the side of a dry creek, a team of five people is attacking another group of people with a spell. They are obviously people who have cultivated immortality for decades, and their faces are terribly hideous. The eyes are really chilling—they are no different from the look of the group of dropouts who believed in young and Dangerous in the deathmatch in the ancient times on the earth.

Following the arrival of a spiritual pressure, two groups of fighters were fended off. Among them, the stronger side cast a spell on Wei Keng reflexively. It was probably a technique in the late stage of Qi training. come to kill.

Now, with Wei Keng's "grasp", the spell was defeated by the volley, and then these auras turned into sharp swords, sweeping past these people, some of which hit the hair and belts of their ears.

Wei Keng smashed the spell with one hand, and said: "The trial is over, go back, don't kill me here." It seems that he directly smashed the spell, but in fact, his fingers disassembled the spell structure extremely quickly, which is not the case in Lingwu. The ability to resist spells hard.

However, with such a move, the group of immortal cultivators who besieged looked at each other in blank dismay.

There were twelve of them, but they didn't dare to act rashly in the face of Wei Keng, because during the few days of the trial, they had already heard that Zhu Mingzong's team directly entered the inner circle under the leadership of a master.

The two teams of immortal cultivators looked at each other: the young swordsman in Zhu Mingzong's green shirt seemed to be the one in the rumors.

In the end, the group of monks who were fighting each other separated, walked in two directions, and then met again sixty miles later, forming a scene of chasing and killing each other.

Wei Keng shook his head at this.

Wei Keng took out Ling Zhifu's tools to smooth out the chaotic aura here, and then unfolded his spiritual consciousness, scanning the surroundings for a survey.

Narrator: Ling Zhifu is a monk who manages the medicine garden, and he is also a kind of cultivator.

After looking at the surrounding terrain, I sensed the general direction of spiritual power flow in this area, recorded the data on the map, and then started to rush to the second point.

In the final stage of the trial.

Wei Keng surveyed and mapped points one by one, and then used his vitality to induce them. During this process, Wei Keng also encountered surprise attacks from the remaining monks.

These monks are often casual cultivators whose lifespan is about to be exhausted, and they will become benevolent if they fail. Their various low-level spells and magic weapons have given Wei Keng a lot of insight. The ghost banner floating above the head can be lowered as many times as possible.

Because the observation points Wei Keng chose were all places with strong aura.

Wei Keng needs to reduce the interference items, and he doesn't want the aura to be chaotic, so he keeps fighting.

Regarding Wei Keng's behavior, he received limited gratitude, but most people cursed inwardly, mind your own business!Persuading fights in the secret trial field, tainted with karma.

On the eve of the closing of the gate of the secret realm, Wei Keng looked at the sun (quasar) above, and it seemed to be getting colder and colder.

...Xihe has not yet been promoted, how bright is it?Where is it warm in winter?Where is Xia Han? …

On the outskirts of this secret realm, the trial has ended, Chao Xiangxing stood in the queue of the gate, and he put the four boxes in his storage bag. After seeing the contents in the boxes, his heart jumped, and he wanted to The idea of ​​leaving immediately, but there is no change on the surface, after all, it is the Lord who has lived for 200 years.

The other two Jindan monks also saw that Chao Xiangxing took the four boxes and did not let the four boxes participate in the gambling fight, showing a slightly thoughtful expression.

However, when Chao Xiangxing saw the letter handed over by his disciple, he couldn't help frowning, and looked at the disciple of the Qi training period: "Did he say anything to you before leaving?"

Several disciples in the Qi training stage were stunned for a moment, not knowing why the cultivator in the golden core stage looked unhappy, the spirit grass had obviously been brought back.But someone who was smart immediately thought that there might be something wrong with Wei Keng.

So the leading disciple said tremblingly: "Brother Wei asked us to come back first, he said to help us buy some time."

Chao Xiangxing confirmed it a few times, nodded and stopped asking, because at this time the other two Jindan also got the news of returning disciples, a disciple of the Zhuming Sect, calmed down some fights inside, and the cultivation base of the foundation period was very shocking.

Among them, Zisongya Golden Pill: "Fellow Daoist Chao, the noble sect has good methods. Can you explain the secret method of sending foundation-building disciples into the secret realm?"

Obviously, he was not reconciled to the failure of this elixir gambling.

Chao Xiangxing: "Zhao Daoyou, can't you afford to gamble?"

This Zhao surnamed Jin Dan: "I'm just curious, um, Daoist Yang should be curious too." The Yang surnamed Jin Dan raised his eyes and asked: "The gate of the trial is about to close, that disciple of your sect, Is there an accident?"

Chao Xiangxing snorted coldly: "My disciples don't need to worry about your sect, just wait for the next gambling fight."

Wei Keng did not come out after all.

Wei Keng's rune to Chao Xiangxing is: "Thank you, teacher, for taking care of me all these years, but my chance is in it, I need to devote myself to the Tao, I am afraid I will never return, so don't read it. The message is free and easy, but it makes Chao Xiangxing sorry.

The trial was finally over, Zhu Mingzong deserved to be No.1, but the spiritual herbs that can be used as the main medicine in the foundation period far surpassed other sects, and the six thousand-year-old elixir that appeared in a row made the two factions that had already lost couldn't help but envy.

But Chao Xiangxing had already sent a message to the sect, and soon an elder in the sect at the late stage of alchemy came to meet him.Of course, a Nascent Soul will also be nearby, but it is not necessary and will not appear.

After Chao Xiangxing calmly won the bet from the two fellow Taoists, he left with his disciples in the Qi refining period.

...The returning cultivators are still sailing on the earth, but the flying stars in the sky are getting higher and higher...

After flying a thousand miles towards Xiangxing, he handed over the disciples in the Qi refining stage to the elder brother in the late stage of Jiedan to lead him, and he sat on the spirit boat of the Yuanying stage and offered four spirit herbs.

In the space of the spirit boat, which is like a mortal tea house.

Nascent Soul stage old monster looked at these four spirit herbs and sighed: "Unexpectedly, there is such an opportunity inside that secret realm. Hey, but only Qi training disciples can enter."

Chao Xiangxing absent-mindedly nodded in response: "It is a great fortune to be able to gain such a reward after entering this time."

Nascent Soul's old monster, his eyes were bright: "Fate, you can't force it, don't worry about gains and losses." This loud shout awakened Chao Xiangxing.

Chao Xiangxing woke up suddenly, and then thanked Patriarch Yuanying. At this time, Patriarch Yuanying returned the four spiritual herbs to him: "Since the spiritual herbs collected by your disciples have not come out, the ownership is now yours. Go back After the sect, it's up to you to decide."

The Nascent Soul monster would not directly confiscate the four spirit herbs and distribute them to other alchemy monks. At this time, Zhu Mingzong had not yet been reduced to the crisis of exterminating the faction, and needed to concentrate resources to cultivate a Nascent Soul stage.

Concentrating resources like that seems to be more efficient, but it seriously hits the enthusiasm of the disciples in the sect.

As for the Nascent Soul Stage, it will only remind the alchemy disciples who need it to prepare the price and go with the court minister in exchange for the spirit grass.

This not only guarantees the competitiveness of the sect, but also allows the disciples who exchanged for the opportunity to be grateful, grateful for the opportunity that is only available when they are attached to the sect.

 Too tired today, go to bed early tonight
(End of this chapter)

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