out of cage

Chapter 977 Chapter 2133 Form a team, leave the team

Chapter 977 Chapter 21.33 Form a team, leave the team

At this time, beside a small stream, a stalk of spiritual grass was swaying.There is a spirit dog guarding here.

This spirit dog is a very common second-order monster, which is equivalent to the late stage of Qi training, nothing special.

But at this time, around this small spiritual herb, there are a few late foundation-building monks ambushing, holding spells and magic tools, waiting for someone to come to the door.

For the trip to the secret land, it is the safest way to deliver the express delivery, but these foundation-building monks squatted to the armored train this time.

A person suddenly flashed to the center of the spirit grass. The puppy guarding the spirit medicine bared its teeth from the beginning, but when it saw a certain spirit energy ball jumping on the person's hand, it immediately wagged its tail, like a husky who opened the door and bowed to a thief. Oh, it was still the kind that had been fed ham sausage, and was about to bark at the group of ambushing people around, but was held down by Wei Keng raising his hand.

Wei Keng appeased the spirit beast, walked towards the spirit grass, and cast a flash of light on it, and the spirit grass immediately swayed.

But Wei Keng didn't pick it, but directly opened a halo. The mature spiritual grass shook, as if thanking it, and immediately escaped into the ground, never to be seen again.

…Based on the experience of the last trip to the secret realm, Wei Keng consciously saved some spiritual herbs as the coordinate points of the veins...

Just like that, the spirit grass was gone, and the spirit beasts guarding the spirit grass were gone, and Wei Keng himself wanted to leave, so those monks squatting on the courier jumped out, and a ghostly formation with twelve ghost banners appeared up.

Seeing this scene, Wei Keng grinned: "On your level, you also play formations?"

Wei Keng flashed the Kanyu compass in his hand, and flicked the pointer on it slightly. Suddenly, the wood aura in the eastern direction lost its balance, just like a mountain collapsed.

On the plane of empty twisting, Wei Keng began to study the calculation of the conversion between the stability and instability of the space environment. With an independent system, in the dark plane, the negative entropy of the environment is even more corresponding to the individual life.

After arriving in the realm of cultivating immortals, this system is still effective. After studying the basic physics, the skills of drawing the three major categories of cultivating auras, such as formations, runes, and prohibitions, were comprehensively analyzed, and a "big unified law" was created.

According to his own consciousness as a parameter, Master Wei divided the aura fluctuations in the world of cultivating immortals into Guangcheng, Chijing, Qingxu, Taiyi, Yuding, Lingbao, Huanglong, Puxian, Cihang, and fear. Stay, Tao Xing, Manjusri

According to the aura of Wei Keng Jindan as the center of the coordinate axis, the aura above Taiyi is suitable for spells.

The band after Samantabhadra is suitable for creating formations.

The three bands of Yuding and Huanglong are very compatible with divine sense, such as sword intent, martial intent and so on.

After Wei Dazhong found these standards, he boldly rolled up in this regard!
Wei Keng saw through the formation and movement of this ghost banner at a glance.First, the foundation of the formation was messed up with geomancy, revealing gaps.

While these raiders were frantically rearranging their formations, Wei Keng slightly swept his mind with his divine sense, trembling slightly on the frequency band of fear, then raised his hand, and an awl-shaped bun appeared in his hand. After the aura, it began to sink into the formation, which was about the scale of the aura that consumed 45 spirit stones, and the entire formation automatically disintegrated!
Note: In the world of comprehension, some families have broken the formation in this way. Some Jindan stage monks used a formation plate to put spirit stones, found the place where the specific aura of the formation gathered, and was slightly shocked. Just let the formations that Yuanying couldn't open in the later stage automatically break the ban. These secret techniques passed down by the family of cultivating immortals are the same as Wei Keng's technical experience based on the principle.

Wei Keng, who was in the golden core stage, didn't even move his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment, so he directly disintegrated these formations, and then dozens of runes flickered.A series of silk threads directly penetrated the bodies of these sneak attackers.

Wei Keng looked at these people who were wearing water spirit silk threads, and advised: "Don't move, if you move, these silk threads will cause you more pain."

Then Wei Keng waved his hand, and these late-stage foundation-building cultivators were pinned down like marionettes. The guy who was holding on to the trick a second ago to sneak attack, now his spiritual energy collapsed, and the spiritual weapon in his hand also fell.

At this time, one of the sneak attackers said: "Young master, we are from the Lu family in Beihe County. We were the first to discover this spiritual grass. It is a treasure of heaven and earth, and it is a virtuous one. You Gao De , We don’t know Mount Tai with our eyes, how offensive.”

Wei Keng: "I don't care what family you are. If you make a move, you will do it. Bring the storage bag." Wei Keng scoffed at the word 'offend'. He has been squatting for so long, and he is still sophistry.

After Wei Keng asked for their storage bags, he searched them. Wei Keng said, "Well, what the hell are these things? It's a mess. Is there any supplies for women's repairs? It's obviously bought by murder."

Wei Keng picked out some things, and also picked out some recipes, exercises, and of course an inconspicuous token. This thing is a large space teleportation token. Maybe the other party knows the goods, or maybe they can’t recognize them at all. I just felt that the fire was burning, and even lightning could not destroy it, so I threw it directly into my storage bag.There are too many cases like this in the cultivation world.

Wei Keng confiscated their crime tools and waved them off.

Among them, the foundation-building young man suspected of being No. [-] in the team looked at Wei Keng bitterly, but was stopped by the leader of the team, and he politely said to Wei Keng: "Thank you, thank you for not killing me, dare to ask your name?" .”

Wei Keng: "I don't want to say, you can do whatever you want." Then he drifted away.

When Wei Keng left, the second child couldn't hold back: "Brother Lin, this guy took me..." The late foundation-establishment cultivator named Lu Lin scolded immediately: "Shut up, maybe he hasn't gone far yet."

Unbeknownst to them, the runes left by the water spirit silk in their bodies are quietly searing on their bones.

There are killings everywhere in the secret realm, because killing is often the easiest solution, and the solution without killing is to stay in the middle, keep clear, and prevent the evil spirit of the environment from polluting the mind.

Ten hours later, Wei Keng joined Yunli and Zhang Zheng.

These two, holding the lenses and communicators given to them by Wei Keng, as well as a large number of charms, are hunting a fourth-level monster, which is equivalent to the alchemy stage.

Wei Keng arrived and looked at the monster trapped by the formation: "You two, just help me sweep the formation."

Zhang Zheng frowned: "Junior brother, this is a fourth-order monster!"

The fourth-level monster is equivalent to the early stage of alchemy, and most monks in this area are afraid to avoid it.

Zhang Zheng's provocation here is quite remarkable.A stick of incense ago, when he heard of Wei Keng's arrival, he was already worried, and Wei Keng meddled indiscriminately.

Wei Keng decided to confront him about this matter. Wei Keng raised his hand and rolled up a roll of fire aura, condensed and compressed it into a dagger, and then flicked it into the distance, shooting a terrible penetration instantly.

Zhang Zheng paused for a moment. This attack power and lethality were obviously foul.

Wei Keng looked at the surprised elder brother: "Before I joined Fang Juemen, I had a trip to the secret realm. Only in the secret realm can I use some of my methods."

After a stick of incense, Wei Keng slightly adjusted the formation, then negotiated the conditions with the twelve fellow disciples on this trip, and then rushed forward by himself.When the giant bear roared from the stone forest, Wei Keng stabbed his short spear towards its mouth, leaving a wound on its mouth soon.

When the giant bear rushed up suddenly, when Wei Keng was right in front of his eyes, Wei Keng dodged suddenly from a foot away, and the huge bear's paw slapped an empty space, leaving a big hole several feet in radius.There is no shock wave in this world, but the strong spiritual pressure still breaks all the surrounding vegetation.But then Wei Keng poked his ass with the second blow.

The giant bear roared all day long, and the rolling spiritual pressure fluctuated, making the surrounding disciples like sampans in the waves, and they had to unfold the protective spirit shields to stabilize their figures.

Wei Keng's agility is too high, and he sticks to the corner of the monster and starts to attack. It seems that there are dangers everywhere in the stormy sea, but the whole is like in the ancient times, the player assassin pulls the ass of the big boss with a knife, and the series of attacks continue to decrease blood bar.

Moreover, Wei Keng's defense is also extremely high, and it is by no means that he will lose blood with just a touch of aura fluctuations.

During ten breaths, hundreds of figures and bear paws interlaced rounds, the joints and head of this earth demon bear were inserted into a series of steel needles by Wei Keng, forming a resonance closed loop, which is similar to a formation. But it's actually forbidden.

Finally, with Wei Keng flicking lightly, the entire Earth Bear stopped suddenly, and a large number of blood cracks seeped out of its veins. Its violent mana was like the release of a mountain blasting detonator. Its huge 20-meter-long The body had to be enlarged to [-] meters after the crackling spiritual energy exploded continuously, and in the severe pain, but after zooming in, it looked bulky and its flaws were obvious.

Under Wei Keng's notification, Zhang Zheng hit the monster's demon core with his sword, and the monster was killed.The fit of this physical output and controls is perfect.

The spiritual pressure that Wei Keng exposed as a whole was only in the late stage of foundation establishment.

It can't be said that even if Wei Keng and Zhang Zheng eliminated the monster, the teammates on the periphery also interfered with the giant bear with small attacks.This giant bear was originally lacking in intelligence, and was distracted by various things. His moves like a storm couldn't beat Zhong Wei Keng at all.

Of course, in the team, the cultivators are all high in EQ and can speak. "Senior Brother Wei Keng is superb in technique" and "Senior Zhang Zheng's sword intent is fierce", anyway, it doesn't cost money to say good things, this dangerous job of containing giant monsters, Wei Keng has killed it, and Zhang Zheng leads the team to flatter and save aura, He Le And not for it.

Wei Keng was very humble about these compliments, at this time, he didn't show "received", because he didn't want to be coerced by words.

After Senior Brother Zhang assigned the receipt of the goods, Wei Keng began to discuss some more detailed work steps with the team in a serious manner.

Wei Keng didn't get any of the materials for the Earth Bear, but "begged" the team members to take the array disks they made for surveying and mapping, and drill the rock veins where the array disks shone.

These foundation-building monks looked at the formation disks. The structure of the formation disks is very simple and nothing special, but Wei Keng's request is obviously a bit "unconventional". It can be roughly guessed that it is "fengshui kanyu" in the arts of cultivation. .

But geomantic omens are all used in the formation of the gate of the sect, as for this secret place?Wei Keng wants to establish a sect here?
Of course, Zhang Zheng knew Wei Keng a little bit. As a humanoid spiritual material in the school, Wei Keng had no shortage of monster material. He might indeed have some special work when he came here.

Two days later, the two sides went forward in this way. With the cooperation of Wei Keng and Zhang Zheng, the fourth-level monster basically arranged for half an hour, and then Wei Keng went up to restrain the monster, making the monster miserable. The sword pierces the brain.

After finishing, everyone came to divide the materials. Zhang Zheng distributed each material fairly, and Wei Keng asked people to help him conduct surveys within [-] miles around him.

Of course, during the search process along the way, Wei Keng encountered a second-level monster, and the third-level monsters were also cleaned up. The cultivation base in the late quenching stage is as sensitive as a human being catching a grasshopper. With a slight pull of the hand, the other The bones are broken.

Wei Keng previously intruded into several spirit beast territories, collected initial geomancy data, and roughly judged the overall direction of the spirit pattern in this secret realm. He found that the spirit pattern of the ground vein in the secret territory and the other two brightest "broken" in the starry sky The orientation of "crumbs" is corresponding.

One of the two fragments that can be seen in the secret realm at this time is the Zhengzhou Continent. As for why the land veins in the secret realm can be matched with "stars".

Wei Keng remembered the story of cultivating immortals written by Elder Jing Taishang, which described the "Two Instruments Xuanguang" cultivated by the cultivators in the sea area on the edge of the mainland. Wei Keng whispered: "Earth element magnetism!"

Earth element magnetism is the key to practicing Liangyi Xuanguang supernatural powers! And the earth element magnetism on Xiuxian Continent not only makes the sky outside the sky become "liangyi light" over the sea area Xiuxian world, but also can affect some nearby secret land veins outside the sky The direction of the spirit pattern.

... There are nine places, why should they be buried?What should Yinglong draw?What is the history of the river and the sea? …

After the fifth day of exploration, the team had penetrated into the core area of ​​the secret realm, and there were basically no disciples from other sects here.

Wei Keng, as a treasure hunting guide, led the team towards the inside.

At the time of the third round of starlight changes today.

Wei Keng: "System, just at the moment when the energy of the earth system exploded, the phenomenon of mass accumulation of matter was scanned."

System: "Relevant data is 5.00%, please continue to move forward, and now we need to deploy 86 detection points to improve the dynamic modeling of the data. It is estimated that after [-]%, the source of earth-type spiritual energy can be improved."

Wei Keng was greeted and stopped.

Zhang Zheng, who was traveling with him, asked Wei Keng what he found. During this trip, he was responsible for protecting Wei Keng and collecting some important elixir. He had collected almost all of them now, but he felt that Wei Keng was very strange.

Zhang Zheng stared at Wei Keng who was "swimming" in the aura.Since entering the secret realm, none of the spirit-hunting pets in the team have as keen a sense of smell as this junior.

Wei Keng ran to the other side of the hill and started digging the hole. It took about a stick of incense to dig the hole, just like dragging a bamboo mouse out of the cave, dragging out a bunch of bright yellow things.

After this thing was discovered, it still wanted to drill into the ground, but after being injected with a ray of true energy by Wei Keng's unfolding spirit lotus, it became docile.

Wei Keng released the spirit source, and then stuck a trace of pure earth spirit on his finger.When he came to the team, he asked the monks in the Foundation Establishment Period, "Which one of you is a practitioner of the soil system?"

At this time, a foundation-builder with a goatee said in a friendly voice, "Senior brother, I'm next."

Wei Keng raised his hand and cast a spell: "Well, I'll keep it for you when I leave the secret realm."

The goatee's foundation-building period was overjoyed, and he quickly promised that he would work hard for the next trip to the secret realm.

Wei Keng temporarily kept this group of spiritual energy in Zhang Zheng's custody. Zhang Zheng was stunned. Although he had encountered it many times, he still felt Wei Keng's feeling that he didn't take "spiritual things" seriously. Very different.

What Wei Keng was considering at this time was not the mysterious spirits, but the special position of this secret realm in the starry sky. Before he was about to land on Zhengzhou Xiuxian Continent, he saw that this was a double-star system, that is, two Xiuxian Continents were entangled. Arrived at Zhengzhou Cultivation Realm, while Huozhiji went to another one.

According to Wei Keng's observations, the orbit of the Monster Beast Secret Realm is between the two Cultivation Continents.

In the exploration of the secret realm, Wei Keng, who is not interested in drinking, said: There are two purposes for mining spiritual objects and handing them over to Zhang Zheng for collection. First, the whole team is waiting for me, so we have to give everyone expectations. : It is to make the atmosphere of the team harmonious, not to kill each other for the sake of profit, because at this time, for these sect disciples, seeing such a generous Wei Keng, it is better to simply say something to Senior Brother Wei than to attack the same sect.

Zhang Zheng wants the team to manage well, so he must collect supplies.

Wei Keng patted the soil aura on his hands and said to Zhang Zheng: "Brother, let's find another place."

Zhang Zheng took a deep breath: "Brother, if you go further inside, you may encounter monsters of the fifth and sixth ranks." The fifth rank corresponds to the early stage of alchemy, and the sixth rank corresponds to the late stage of alchemy and Dzogchen.

Wei Keng: "Before I came here, I said that everything in the team is decided by the senior brother. However, I personally hope that the senior brother will leave me alone." - Wei Keng obviously asked Zhang Zheng not to follow him on the last part of the road coming.

For Wei Keng, the continental spirit patterns on the outer circle are not yet obvious, and a large-scale sampling of rock samples is required.

But in the inner circle, the changes in the aura tide are very significant, and the related aura nodes are also very clear, and they are clearly occupied by monsters.

When Wei Keng said this, he looked up at Xinggang again, as if there was a big mystery there.

Illuminated by the beautiful extraterrestrial starlight, Wei Keng's fair face condensed a kind of persistence in seeking Tao.

Zhang Zheng looked at Wei Keng, thinking about what Wei Keng would say, because the elders of the Zongmen asked him to protect Wei Keng, so he must take Wei Keng out.But in fact, here, Wei Keng didn't need protection, and he was very keen to find that the hole cards reserved by Wei Keng hadn't been revealed. "

Zhang Zheng secretly suppressed the master's instruction "If he is disobedient, how to use force" and said in a calm tone: "Then junior brother, I also want to find some opportunities in this area. Let's separate temporarily. If there is danger, please Pinch this."

He handed Wei Keng a concentric jade pendant, which could alert his teammates to danger within hundreds of miles.

(End of this chapter)

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