out of cage

Chapter 978 Chapter 2134 Profound Realm

Chapter 978 Chapter 21.34 Profound Realm
Wei Keng and Zhang Zheng agreed to temporarily separate.

From Zhang Zheng's point of view, Wei Keng was completely hidden in this aura-filled area after he left hundreds of feet away, and he couldn't feel it through the concentric jade pendant.

Looking at Wei Keng's perfect concealment, Zhang Zheng frowned.The concentric jade pendant was given to him by the Supreme Elder, and its function is equivalent to the tracking mark on it to prevent it from being seen when catching elixir such as "spiritual ginseng" and "zhicao" that will escape.But obviously this thing is useless to Wei Keng now.

In fact, Wei Keng did not go far, but lurked in the rhythm of the aura, looked at them, and after confirming that they were walking towards the outside, Wei Keng walked towards the inside with confidence.

An hour later, in the inner circle.The thunder-attribute demon eagle in the sixth stage of alchemy is soaring in the sky, and it is Wei Keng who broke into the territory of this thunder eagle.

Facing the sudden provocateur, Lei Ying spread its thirty-foot wings in the sky, like a large passenger plane, oh, to be precise, the scale of Figure 160, and the speed is terrifyingly fast. From one side of the air to the other.

Its way of fleeing is still flashing and flashing, and it is thousands of feet long. During the fleeing process, it is a flashing lightning line. Only in the gaps will its huge figure flash, and then it will turn into a beam of lightning and flash quickly to another place ,
Relatively speaking, Wei Keng was like a little rabbit on the ground, running left and right to hide, and thunder kept exploding around Wei Keng.

Wei Keng dodged in embarrassment, being overturned and getting up in the bursting smoke.

The giant eagle in the sky had a great time, and after a few breaths, it was finally ready for a fatal blow.It began to dive into the thunder escape, and the unique thunder supernatural power appeared,
However, at the moment when it escaped to the ground and was about to release its death with its giant claws, Wei Keng disappeared - to be exact, it exceeded the monster's previous expectation of Wei Keng's speed.

That's right, Wei Keng didn't disappear suddenly, but flashed out of this bird's vision
Because Wei Keng staggered and ran for his life in a "panic" earlier, Lei Ying miscalculated Wei Keng's speed. When Lei Ying was preparing for the final culling, he had already focused his attention on the area covered by its claws.

But Wei Keng stopped acting at the last moment and left the circle at full speed.

The sword energy poured in from the left side of the demon eagle's abdomen, directly cutting into the demon core, and killed it with one blow. The moment the huge demon eagle fell to the ground, the pupils still had the chance to win.

After the demon eagle landed, it made a hole. Before its aura dissipated, Wei Keng flickered onto its head, continued to sink the sword light in, made a knife, and then flickered out.

After a breath, it flickered over again, and stabbed its wings again.up to three times.

Master Wei's "martial arts" never allows overturning, so there is no such thing as "full of self-confidence, never making up for one more sword".

They are all security determinations like "rigid military operating procedures".

After solving the problem, Wei Keng took out the monster's blood, demon pill, and bones at the same time, because these local creatures are very valuable for investigation when counting the material differences in the area.

After doing all this, Wei Keng came to the monster's lair and found the core points of the earth's spirit lines. Wei Keng planted some herbs that were expected to "mature for thousands of years" in these spirit lines. Go down, and then break into the foundation of the formation.

Because when the spirit grass leaves the Immortal Cultivation Continent in the secret realm, it will turn into a light cluster, which is a very good frame of reference, similar to the atomic clock and quantum locator on the earth.

Wei Keng sent in the outer area, and each of the spiritual herbs tapped in was mature for a hundred years, and more stable spiritual herbs were tapped in the core area.

And Wei Keng's penetration of each spiritual point, in Wei Keng's calculations, is the point where the spiritual energy resonates and condenses in the secret realm,
These points have been deposited in various places in the past to form spiritual lands, but if a series of small resonance points are erected between every two points, these small resonance points will affect the spiritual veins of the earth.

This will form a whole piece of resonance, and such a connection can provide the foundation for the super formation.

If it were in the world of cultivating immortals, it would be impossible for these weak spiritual points to form the power to activate the formation, but this small secret realm is much smaller than the continent of cultivating immortals.

The main veins of several huge spirit patterns in this secret realm are caused by the tidal phenomenon when the secret realm is a small celestial body swinging between large celestial bodies. The extraterrestrial star gang transforms the spiritual energy on the secret realm's veins. At that time, it will first come to Wei Keng to enter The point of the "spiritual acupoint" is on the top, and then spread in the secret realm along these inherent spiritual patterns, guiding the entire secret realm like a frequency.

As the secret realm rises into the star gang, the tide of aura is one wave after another.So as long as the spiritual point is entered, the next step is to wait for the spiritual energy to erode naturally to form the magic circle that Wei Keng wanted.

...At present, there are two continents in the starry sky,...

It is very rare for this secret realm of monsters to shuttle back and forth between the two Xiuxian continents. Wei Keng has already measured the orbit of this secret realm in the starry sky. ——It's like observing a natural satellite on the earth, and then setting up a communication base station on it.In this way, this natural satellite has become a space-based space base.

It is definitely a disaster for monsters when people start acting like monsters.

Lei Ying was the third monster that Wei Keng had defeated in the inner area, and since the third monster, Wei Keng began to speed up.

Six hours later, a mountain-like giant snake was entrenched in the canyon pond. It raised its head, and the demon pill was floating in its mouth, trying to absorb the essence of Tiangang. At that time, it took away its demon pill, and the giant snake was furious, but it found that the visitor had flickered to other places.

After three sticks of incense, Wei Keng kicked it and exploded. A three-eyed toad, which was comparable to a van and also in the late stage of alchemy, slipped away.

Then, Wei Keng ran into a sea of ​​flowers made up of swallowtail butterflies, threw a handful of the real fire of the sun into the nest of swallowtail butterflies, and left.

Master Wei is like a brat in the countryside, chasing chickens and dogs up trees and tearing down bird nests, he is omnipotent.

Ten hours later, Wei Keng returned to the canyon pond at the beginning, cut off the giant snake sword that had lost its demon core and had begun to weaken by seven inches, and the "Tai'a" sword plunged into the thirty-foot cliff Snake gallbladder was dug out.Let this troll die.

Then, I ran to the three-eyed toad. This toad is now squatting in the soil. Because the demon eye in the middle is damaged, it is being repaired. On the ground, and then, both of its eyes were gouged out and died.

...Pinghao is raining, why do you want to make it happen?Why should the deer be afraid of the threat of the author? …

All of a sudden, the group of monsters in the secret realm lost their lives exhausted from running around.

And after Wei Keng killed fourteen big monsters, he stopped suddenly in the strong wind in the sky.

Wei Keng looked in amazement at the innate true power in his body that had turned into a band of light, and was now devouring the power of the star gang here like a whale, and it was still extremely stable.

Wei Keng: "What's the situation? I don't think there is a scene in this world where you can upgrade your experience points after you kill the target."

After checking Wei Keng's situation, the system: "Magnetic force! This is the basic force that exists on all continents, and it often appears in liquid sea areas (some archipelago cultivation world areas). But strictly speaking, there is such a magnetic force in the secret realm." Of course, the total amount of primordial power is very small. After the monk masters the fusion of the earth veins and the magnetic element force, the star power in the outer layer can also be transformed." Just use this supernatural power)
Wei Keng: "Then what is my situation? Why is the magnetic element force attracted by me now?"

System: "In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, what grows in a yin place is yin, and what grows in a yang place is yang. Whatever you eat, adjust accordingly."

The system opened the "spiritual power substance" that Wei Keng intercepted after he stayed in each spiritual land. These spiritual power substances that spread throughout the core area of ​​the secret realm are now in Wei Keng's body.Because Wei Keng arrived in various places in a very short period of time, and this is like a key to communicate with the entire secret area.

This is the opportunity for "by mistake".Of course, to have such an opportunity, one had to shake the ground with fists and feet, and beat all the spirit land monsters to the ground.

This process must also be a battle of the same level, because only if there is a battle of the same level, the energy level of the monster guarding the spiritual land can affect the physical quantity linked to the practitioner's consciousness.

Theoretically, if it is the Yuanying period, or the separation and reunion period, suppressing various spiritual lands on the mainland will not be able to obtain the pure magnetic power.Of course there is another way.That is to establish a dynasty, similar to the Daxuan Dynasty,
When this dynasty was at its strongest, its emperor was majestic and suppressed all directions, and a little power of earth element would seep out from the veins of the earth, oh, this was called the veins of the dragon.It can then assist in practice.

But now, after Wei Keng figured out the principle, he began to release the collection, and began to conduct detailed tests.

Although he has not directly contacted other splits, Wei Keng still keeps his mission in mind and uploads data every time.And Wei Keng in other areas did the same, and soon fed back his experience.

Wei Keng let his geomagnetic force and Xinggang power alternately transform, and quickly found the trick.

In order to better display the effect of Yuanli, Wei Keng began to perform martial arts with Tai'a sword.The veins of the dance are the same as those drawn in the past.

This kind of exercise is to outline the space energy circuit.At the same time, let yourself become the central control center of this energy circuit, similar to "arrays" and "spells", but these arrangements are all on yourself.

And in the middle of the secret realm, what Wei Keng thought to be a very pretentious behavior appeared in the past. With his punches and kicks, the fluctuations in the space trembled accordingly, and these movements all carried a magical Tao rhyme!
This kind of rhythm is unique to Wei Keng's movements at this time. Others can only imitate the form if they imitate it, but they cannot imitate the charm.And as Wei Keng pulled out the Tai'a sword energy behind his back, the rhythm between its opening and closing was transformed into a sharp aura with sharp angles.Every ray of starlight in the sky penetrates into the sharp edge.

For cultivators, performing martial arts is to integrate their will into the energy frequency that they want to integrate into the world. If the self-will is interrupted, then it is over.

The process of letting go of thoughts is like burning out firewood.The moment you pull out from the "Taoist meaning", you will feel lost. This moment of sudden enlightenment is called by the monks that it is something that can't be met.

Wei Keng was very interested in this process. He kept trying to integrate into the frequency of the aura of heaven and earth, and took out a part of the acting data in the system to watch continuously.I didn't worry about the sense of gain and loss of "the intention is exhausted and the opportunity is broken", but it is more in line with the atmosphere of enlightenment.

And in this way, Wei Keng's intentions seemed to be continuous, as if a plan had been set, following the waves of aura fluctuations to escape the entire secret realm.

Wei Keng's martial arts performance was very long, not an hour, but a full seven days, until the center of the entire secret realm was filled with Wei Kengyi, and most of the spiritual energy vibrations reached a critical point, a critical point where space was torn apart and matter tunneled.

As Wei Keng directly pierced the center of the land with a sword, a bottomless pit was formed silently.The matter inside evaporated directly, and it was too dark to see clearly.

And as Wei Keng's penetrating sword hit the center of the veins, all life in the entire secret territory felt a chill,
At this time, in the secret realm, monsters and beasts grew up here. Whether it was on the cliff or in the pool, whether it was in the jungle or in the tree formation, birds and insects all jumped out as if they were in a frying pan.

At this moment, all the foundation-building trial practitioners who broke into this world also sensed this scene.

When Wei Keng's martial arts intention was about to be completed.

In a valley, Zhang Zheng looked at the group of four-color apes living there. These apes can be randomly awakened to earth, fire, wind, and earth talents. —A total of 23.Quite difficult to deal with, all in the middle and late stages of foundation establishment.

Due to the lack of Wei Keng, the key "master", everyone retreated a bit.The plan set by Zhang Zheng is no longer a strong attack, but "focusing on spiritual materials".

Two hours later, with an explosion, Yunli led the team to lure the monkeys away, and Zhang Zheng entered the interior to scoop up all the spirits.

The group of monkeys who reacted came after them, and of course they soon fell into the trap.

In the area of ​​the first wave of traps, Zhang Zheng stopped, and shot two carbines at the three monkeys who came first. Before the monkeys could react, more than 50 spells on both sides were activated at the same time.

At the moment when the bombardment ended, the three monkeys discovered that the sword energy had penetrated their chests before they even opened their eyes.

At this time, the second wave of monkeys saw this scene, and two of them went berserk on the spot.But at this moment, a murderous aura suddenly came from the sky and the earth. The monkey's madness had just begun, and the rioting spiritual power in the pupils was like a punctured balloon, forcibly calming down.

These monsters were in palpitations, stopped chasing and stealing their precious spirits, and killed the human monks of the same race, and began to return to their camps with their tails between their tails, as if they were afraid of some terrifying natural enemies.

The other disciples on the side were stunned for a moment——the whole battle had just entered the state, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Zheng paused and said to the surrounding disciples: "Everyone, let's share the spirit grass here. As for the next monsters, if you have urgent needs, please tell them. If there is no urgent need, let's leave quickly."

Then Zhang Zheng said to Yunli: "Hurry up and put the main materials in the storage bag, and distribute them after they go out. I will inform Wei Keng that the world has changed here, and we must evacuate as soon as possible."

...The wind and currents in the sky are like waves pierced by a wooden stick, leaving a long trace...

And at this time on the Xinggang, Wei Keng is pinching a flexible "little bug" with his fingers at this time. Of course, if someone in Yuan Yingqi sees it, he will immediately retreat, because this is a space that even they are afraid of. crack.

As Wei Keng reached the extreme, he could tear apart the space casually. Of course, this kind of tearing was only limited to the sharpness of his fingers, elbows, and soles of his feet, just like when a mortal warrior's burst of anger is often fingertip position.

Wei Keng was still full of ideas, but the blow just now was obviously just "Li Guang shot the stone", and it was done by chance.

Breaking through the space like this cannot be done casually.It is necessary to have a deeper understanding of artistic conception, but it is also a glimpse into the next big realm.

Oh, Wei Keng is the source of the change in the secret realm at this time!And just like the birth of a baby in Dharma cultivation will produce the spiritual pressure of heaven and earth, making all the low-level monks bow their heads and reach the spiritual realm, it will cause the power of all monsters to tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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