out of cage

Chapter 987 Chapter 2204

Chapter 987 Chapter 22.04

If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals; if the water is not deep, it will be spirited if there are dragons.After Wei Keng succeeded in painting the sword, he got permission to go out of the sect.

A dashing young man, carrying a spiritual rod on his back, traveled across thousands of miles.

Sometimes it is at the residence of the sect, but sometimes it is on the site of some dependent families.Of course, wherever Wei Keng appeared, it represented an opportunity.

Because when Wei Keng fixed the spirit rod on the air hole of the mountain.In a few years, the spirit veins here will grow stronger.Wei Keng stays for another two or three days, and the small spiritual veins will change from the original winding ones to smooth channels. Then, according to the map provided by Wei Keng, specific pavilions and pavilions will be built, and arrays will be laid down to raise the spirit. It's finished.

In the natural mountains and rivers, the trend of the spiritual veins can make the aura unobstructed, and the buildings of human beings can make the aura emitted by the spiritual veins accumulate and not disperse. Between this increase and decrease, the aura gathers in these buildings, condenses and does not disperse .These sects and cultivation families prospered.

And these sub-spiritual veins will eventually communicate with Fang Juemen's mountain gate through the role of the spirit-fixing rod, and become the main spiritual veins.

In the past ten years, Fang Juemen's aura has grown stronger and stronger, which is a sign of great prosperity.Therefore, when Wei Keng completed the first stage, there was a lack of materials for making spirit rods, and when he was about to use inferior materials to make the second batch, the elders in the door gathered the resources for the second wave of spirit rods for Wei Keng.

It was also because of this that the Supreme Elder relaxed Wei Keng's restrictions on leaving the sect.

Of course, Fang Juemen's great prosperity is only Fang Juemen's prosperity. The people in the mortal world are suffering, and the people in death are suffering. The same applies in the world of cultivating immortals.Over the years, due to the annual battle between the Six Yunling Sects and the Black Curse Sect, there have been many casual cultivators in the Northland. These casual cultivators escaped because they did not want to be caught.

Of course, it is impossible for the three northern sects headed by Fang Juemen to include these casual cultivators. You must know that there are many cases in the cultivation world where secret methods control low-level disciples and then send undercover agents to each other.

The law enforcement hall in Fangjuemen has also found out some undercover agents during the Qi training period over the years.

Many of these undercover agents wanted to get spirit herbs from Fang Juemen, especially the high-grade spirit herbs in that spiritual garden.Even his attention was directed towards Wei Keng.Therefore, Fang Juemen does not welcome outside casual cultivators more and more.

Perhaps Fang Juemen just wanted to hide his strength and bide his time.I don't want to be disturbed, but the Xiuxian family attached to Fang Juemen below completely regard Sanxiu as a competitor.

When Wei Keng began to fix spirits for the mountains and rivers, various forces in the Northland began to prohibit casual cultivators from opening caves privately.

It’s like the earth: after the oil drilling license is paid, you can drill according to your ability, but if the man-made natural gas pipeline is laid in this place, no one is allowed to wander around with drilling tools
The Spirit Pole is very sensitive to changes in the spirit veins of any period, just like a water meter connected to a water pipe, the holder of the given Spirit Pole provides information on how much spiritual energy has been absorbed.

For example, what is the concentration of spiritual veins in this area, and whether the consumption of spiritual energy is greater than the supply of spiritual energy.The law enforcement disciples sent by Fang Juemen will regularly record the data, and then hand it over to the families of these paragraphs.

When it comes to interests, these dependent families, compared to the rough cultivation of occupying the spiritual land in the past, have become the same as the landlord Lao Cai looking at his own seedlings.

After all, it is a mortal cultivating immortals, and the world of mortals is chasing profit.Each of the "Xianlou Qiongyu" built on the sub-spiritual veins can accurately calculate the spiritual energy flow of the spiritual veins, so the spiritual veins here are all overwhelmed by the local cultivating family.

In recent years, scattered cultivators have opened caves, resulting in the decline of the spiritual pressure displayed in the Dingling Pole. After the case of being chased by local monks, it has intensified the regional protectionism of the cultivators.
Wei Keng's comment: These local families have produced an extreme right trend of "driving out all casual practitioners".

Cultivating immortals is to go against the sky, and a dead fellow Taoist will not die a poor Taoist!

Wei Keng can't do anything about it, and sympathizing with casual cultivators can't change their status quo.Because casual cultivators have their own problems.

Wei Keng tried to come to some square cities, as well as some gathering places for casual cultivators of the outer sect, and helped them adjust their spiritual veins, and at the same time planned the construction of pavilions.It can be used for training.

but!Casual cultivators are casual cultivators. They wander around for a long time, live in no fixed place, and cannot be managed.Not paying the rent, leaving after taking advantage, or destructively absorbing spiritual energy are all common things.

You must know that these rogue cultivators who collect herbs are all of the kind that uproot them. When fleeing, after sitting in the teleportation formation, they directly destroy the section of the teleportation formation with a sword, blocking the pursuers.

So let the casual cultivators abide by the consensus and cherish a spiritual vein that belongs to them?Arabian Nights.

In the world of cultivating immortals, just because casual cultivators seek to be unrestricted, they have to be restricted in resources everywhere.The resources acquired by casual cultivators are increasingly falling into the hands of those families!
And even if powerful casual cultivators establish order in the city, these casual cultivators who have begun to settle down will gradually spread out and become families and sects.

Fang Juemen itself began to expand to the edge of the outer gate.It can be said that it has become stronger, but there are also more contradictions.

With the sword family monks, the other party was extremely respectful, but seeing those casual monks was like seeing a beggar.There are many cases of young ladies and young masters bullying casual cultivators who come to the world of cultivating immortals.

In the world of cultivating immortals, it is not suitable for farming, but once they start to have permanent income, immortal cultivators do not rely on chances in the dark, but calculate their own capital, and the shackles of the world will follow.
...In this other world, heaven does not necessarily reward those who work hard...

It was another stage of work. After a day of work, Wei Keng leaned against a "big cat" on the cliff, and lazily squeezed towards the soft and furry part.This white tiger, called "Guxue" in the sect, raised its front paw, and patted Wei Keng to signal him not to crowd around.

Said the tiger.This is a monster that the Supreme Elder subdued 70 years ago. What is the specific state?

Wei Keng didn't know, but this monster was able to speak human words and warn Wei Keng, obviously very intelligent.

It is said that this tiger had a very fierce personality back then, and was kept in the Demon Subduing Cave under the mountain all the year round.Two ribs are pierced straight through.It is said that the qi training disciples who feed him every day are at risk of being stunned by the power of his spiritual consciousness.

Later, the elder Jing Yuzhen made some agreements with him, and after all, he made the tiger a spirit beast to protect the mountain.

As for Wei Keng now, because the aura is moist and can purify the mana of this monster, he is very presumptuous towards this cat.

Wei Keng put his hand on the tiger's cheek: "Come on, Bai Linglu, show your teeth, be fierce." Wei Keng picked up the name Bai Linglu casually.

The white tiger patted Wei Keng's hand away - if it could bite, it would have already bit it. Wei Keng's hand was covered with a hard armor, and his fingers were digging at the tiger's saber teeth.But you can take it in anytime.

The tiger ignored him and didn't say a word. Wei Keng was a little bored, turned over, leaned against the tiger, his face was covered with soft fur, and grabbed the tiger's skin with his hands, and began to use the spiritual source to rectify the disharmony of the tiger's demon power. .

As early as a few years ago, this tiger was still very angry at Wei Keng's way of grabbing the cat, especially when Wei Keng touched certain places (the cat's belly), he turned his head like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and was about to bite. .

But the man-eating mouth is soft and the hands are short, the giant tiger, feeling the stagnant spiritual power on his body, was opened up by the clear spiritual energy, and lay down lazily like a cat basking in the sun.As for the key parts of this tiger, well, the hair can be so thick that it can block Wei Keng's hand.

Wei Keng's closeness reminded the white tiger of how it felt when it was guarding the spirit grass a long, long time ago. During the process of nurturing its own spirit energy, the spirit grass just innately corresponded to the spirit energy in the spirit beasts vying to kill.

The spirit beasts accompany the spirit grass, and a considerable proportion do not devour the spirit grass that accompanies them, because after a long time with the spirit grass, they have feelings. The same goes for not eating meat.

The power of Wei Keng's spiritual source was transported for a long time in the tiger demon's body, he was a little sleepy, and fell asleep on the tiger's body.The white tiger carefully placed Wei Keng in its arms, showed a helpless expression in a humane way, hugged it gently, and then stuck out its tongue to lick it.

Wei Keng in the Profound Realm didn't care about the power of this giant beast at all, because if it had murderous aura, Wei Keng would not be a spiritual herb.And at such a short distance, Wei Keng has many ways to defeat the monster with one blow.

At this time, in Wei Keng's dantian, the seven-color spiritual lotus was slowly rotating. After fighting with the gluttonous true spirit in the secret realm, the dilapidated spiritual source after exhausting all his strength had recovered in total.But in a state of dynamic imbalance.

For example, wood and earth spirit sources are the largest, about 1.8 and 1.4, water and fire, 0.7 and 0.6, gold 1.0, ice 0.5, thunder 0.64, wind 1.36.

The material mode is more primitive and the energy level is higher,

For example, the Yang Lingyuan and Yin Lingyuan near the lotus seeds are between 0.3 and 1.7, which are in periodic fluctuations.

Under this periodic fluctuation, the space power lotus seed of Wei Keng's seven-color spirit lotus seeped out waves of energy, and this space energy melted gold, stars and steel, and then turned into silk threads, which melted into Thailand bit by bit. Ah Jianzhong.

Wei Keng has used more than half of the materials now, and on the Tai'a holy sword, [-]% of the fine lines are as dense as integrated circuits!
(End of this chapter)

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