out of cage

Chapter 988 Chapter 2205 Inside the Zong, Outside the Zong

Chapter 988 Chapter 22.05 Inside the Zong, Outside the Zong

It has been 20 years since returning from the monster secret realm.Wei Keng knew that there would be a catastrophe in this world when he saw Taotie coming to the world.

Wei Keng: In the face of disasters, we need to be prepared at all times.

Wei Keng has been attuned to the spirit for 18 years, and after he is familiar with the mountains and trees here, he stood on Fangjuemen Lingyuan, watched the stars again for [-] days, nodded slightly, and noted in the system: "The telemetry is normal! "

The system also responded: "Please maintain the normalized optical observation lock."

Wei Keng jumped off the cliff, and the Tai'a sword stuck in the pavilion of Gushifeng next door flew over with a whiz. At this time, the Tai'a sword had changed drastically. This two-meter-long giant sword was covered with Full of hexagonal lines, it has become a painting style of technological creations.

Under this hexagonal grid, the reverberation of the spiritual power on the body of Tai'a sword has been enhanced to ten times under the blessing of runes, and the hexagonal grid on the outer layer can release the ten times the spiritual power Precision, up to four decimal points.

In terms of energy excitation density, it has reached the upper limit of the best magic weapon, and in terms of functionality, the density of forbidden runes is far higher than that of the best magic weapon.

And the ray of sharpness in Wei Keng's own consciousness can be stored in the Tai'a sword, giving it a spirituality unimaginable by other magic weapons.Just because Wei Keng's spiritual sharpness is directly connected to the system, the system computing system can design the most effective "firepower" projection for Tai'a Sword.

Let's put it this way, in martial arts, when Wei Keng maintains his own safety, he can transfer the Tai'a sword to the system control, so that Wei Keng can free up his attention to build other spell systems.

Wei Keng's Tai'a sword was perfect, and the remaining materials were not wasted.

The "giant clam" that accompanied me now has the same style of painting on the shell, and the clam shell that Wei Keng gave it has also been repaired, and it has become a hexagonal grid pattern, which looks like a cyber glasses box.

This added another bonus to the already powerful defense of the giant clam. Of course, Wei Keng also increased its attack power, casting a sword edge on the edge of its shell.

Wei Keng's current exclusive "Hundred Treasure Bag" has high defense, and what's more terrible is that the edge of the clam shell has sword intent, which is both offensive and defensive.

This giant clam is now completely close to Wei Keng. After Wei Keng brought it out of the well mouth in the secret realm, it entered the first sect of cultivating immortals. It spits bubbles in the spiritual pool every day, guarding the many spiritual herbs here, and its spirituality is also high. growing day by day.

Seeing that this giant clam is talented, Wei Keng also intends to cultivate it.
The few demon pills that Wei Keng gave it before had been pearlized by it, and the supernatural powers of the monsters contained in these demon pills, this giant clam has now mastered it.It can release a variety of magical powers such as demon fire, although its power is not as good as the original version.

At this time, the demon fire of alchemy, as well as the cultivation of spiritual grass to rain water, this giant clam can help him do a good job.

Wei Keng even planned to teach it to wash the floor, wash clothes, and boil water for itself.

Of course, all these trainings are inseparable from painting cakes, Wei Keng: Do it well, I will help you change your shape.

... Tridacna is becoming more and more virtuous, this fate was planted at this moment. …

In the small pavilion, Wei Keng brewed a wisp of green tea, and as the fragrance rose, it attracted cranes from the sky.

The person who was waiting finally arrived. This is the head teacher of Danzong, and he brought a Dzogchen nun at the alchemy stage. This nun, Fairy Yuzhi, is the princess of the Daxuan Dynasty.Oh, this is the princess from 300 years ago.

The emperors of the Xuan Dynasty have always only cultivated in the foundation-building period, so each emperor can often resist a six-year-old emperor. After the emperor ascends the throne, his clan has dragon energy. Growth, if the dynasty is prosperous and the people are safe, then the cultivation base can grow slowly, and there is a chance to become the alchemy stage after abdication.

This princess was canonized by the first emperor of the dynasty at this time. As for her coming to find Fang Juemen now, it is because of a hidden danger in her own cultivation.

Fairy Yuzhi's eyes lit up when she saw Wei Keng, because Wei Keng's appearance was so much higher than those of hers: "Fellow Daoist Kang, you really are in full bloom."

Facing this female cultivator who was born in the palace of the Daxuan Dynasty, Wei Keng kept smiling but kept a respectful distance. He was completely immune to her natural charm. Wei Keng said, "Fairy Yuzhi is also beautiful. However, there are some flaws."

After pouring a cup of tea, the fairy was slightly taken aback, she was sure that the alchemy cultivator in front of her was as determined as iron, and she didn't even waver, so she put away her charm

Note: Before forming alchemy, Wei Keng might still be a little distracted by the charm. After all, men are still young until they die, but after reaching the current state, the standards for female sex will become higher and higher, and they will demand perfection more and more Thinking about it, this Fairy Yuzhi was obviously incomplete, and she couldn't arouse Wei Keng's desire.

After the two parties were seated, they began to discuss this issue. The Daxuan Dynasty was noble and sacred in the eyes of ordinary people, but in fact it was "excessive lewdness" in order to increase mana.

This is the problem of Fairy Yuzhi at this time. On her white lotus root arm, there is a spot like a small snake. This spot exudes such a "lewd" atmosphere, it is a spot sore.

Everyone knows about this disease.Wei Keng's simple answer is "evil invasion"

As for whether it can be treated?Of course it can be cured.Of course there are various treatments.

1: Practice with a pure heart and few desires, take a lotus ice pill every day, and it can be eliminated after 50 years.And the repair is non-destructive.

2: Now use the wooden needles made from the thousand-year-old Fuyun pine in the north of the mountain to pierce the acupoints and pull out the poison. The effect can be seen in [-] days, but the essence will be weakened, and it will take more than ten years to recuperate, especially without any sexual desire.

3: Look for the purple-patterned dragon head bee that ranks 843 on the strange bug list.At least at the Golden Core level to absorb this sore.


Fairy Yuzhi obviously thinks about everything, and she does not deny such things as being pure-hearted and ascetic, but it is obvious that she is "too busy" to do so with so many faces.Throwing charms and shouting at Wei Keng, "Good brother, think of a way"

Master Wei usually goes as far as this kind of "filthy" female monk, but now Elder Danfeng's face makes Wei Keng have to continue to feel his pulse.

Fairy Yuzhi's reward is the Tianluo Ding, the treasure of the Daxuan Dynasty, this great tripod is to Danxiu, what a good sword is to Jianxiu.Elder Danzong couldn't solve Fairy Yuzhi's problem by himself. He knew that Wei Keng was amazingly talented in these medical skills.

In recent years, many foreign practitioners have mixed into Fang Juemen.They were either alchemy, or spells, or weapon training, and they filled the vacancy of Fang Juemen's talents for a while.

But these guys either took some kind of elixir, there was black energy in their consciousness, or they were cursed.

The elder of Fang Juemen's punishment hall wanted to kill them directly, but Wei Keng stopped them, just in time for Wei Keng to try his medical skills.

Over the years, [-]% of the casual cultivator disciples who came to Fang Juemen to seek medical treatment were relieved of their troubles by Wei Keng, and turned into Fang Juemen's disciples.

Coming back to the topic, now Danfeng really wants the tripod thrown by the Xuan Dynasty, a cultivating family in the east.So he used the favor that Wei Keng promised to Danfeng.

Wei Keng thought for a while, then raised his hand and reached into his "Hundred Treasure Bag", that is, the opening of the clam. The clam shell opened as Wei Keng's hand reached. After Wei Keng touched the pill area, The clam sensed something, and held Wei Keng's finger with the clam meat very reluctantly. Wei Keng could only comfort it with his hands, and then took out the elixir.

Wei Keng: "Tianqing Pill! It can dispel the turbid energy of the essence and turn it clear, and it can almost cure your hidden diseases."

Fairy Yuzhi stared at this high-grade pill and exclaimed, "Friend Wei Keng's alchemy is really superb."

The alchemist Yun Dingzi of our sect also praised: "Junior Wei, this pill is, is it used, the turbulent spirit moss under your spirit waterfall?" There are many people asking for it, and the sect has closed it)
Wei Keng nodded.Then he looked at the wisp of pill energy released by Yun Dingzi when he opened his sleeves to collect the pills from the giant clams.

Surprised: "Last time I saw senior brother Qi Hong talking about it for a long time. Why hasn't the new alchemy bottle been refined yet?" Stable and improve the alchemy rate, this is the exclusive magic weapon for improving the details in alchemy. Wei Keng is very skilled in techniques and does not need this special magic weapon, but when Wei Keng teaches the disciples of Danfeng by hand, he researches out auxiliary tools for them)
After Yun Dingzi was punctured, he said with emotion: "Brother Qi's crafting workshop still lacks a few ingredients, so I have to go outside this month, brother."

After seeing off Fairy Yuzhi and his senior brother, Wei Keng returned to his cave from the pavilion where he received guests.

Wei Keng looked at the herbal medicine in his hand, it was a gift from Fairy Yuzhi, and Wei Keng added a few more seals!A few minutes later, under Wei Keng's gaze, spirit insects disguised as dewdrops began to appear on the spirit grass.

Wei Keng pinched the aura worm, hummed slightly, and broke the taboo to see the secret of the worm. After learning its structure, Wei Keng squeezed it to death.Fairy Yuzhi, who returned to the Daxuan Dynasty, paused slightly, and then sighed.

Fang Juemen now has a novel way of slowly refining the pill, and all factions are looking into it.

On Fang Juemen's side, Wei Keng taught the slow refining technique, but due to the special refining method, Wei Keng is still the only master of "Jue Xue".

In terms of choosing medicine alone, Wei Keng used his spiritual energy as his tongue to taste some details of the elixir.However, other alchemy requires the help of "elixir cylinders" and other equipment.

As for the spiritual maintenance details of the spirit grass before alchemy, Wei Keng has more operations
Wei Keng implanted the spirit grass into the vegetation of the spirit eye gathering array for a few months to conceive and cultivate, so that the damaged medicinal properties could be restored.And it has a tacit understanding with other elixir.

Finally, during alchemy, alchemy is not just a process of fire refining. First, water is bred, then wood is born, and the first baking is carried out. It is carved inside, and finally it is refined in a large fire, and then quenched again to ensure that every ray of spiritual energy is used most efficiently for the alchemy...

Although Wei Keng's alchemy technique takes a little longer and requires more preparation work, and he doesn't even have much chic fire control technique, he can always produce high-quality elixir in terms of technique.

Wei Keng is already ingenious: no matter which school of alchemy, no matter how high-end it is, Wei Keng can always streamline the so-called mysterious alchemy experience with different scales and tedious steps.

On Earth, this is the process by which traditional crafts are replaced by modern scientific systems.

Technological progress is the precise control of all relevant conditions, and the posture of the middle man follows the steps to replace the craftsman's craftsmanship.

But on the other hand, if you don't understand the relevance of each step, the steps in the inheritance process will become more and more simplified. In the simplified steps, personal experience will regain the upper hand.

The "middleman" understands the cause and effect of every cumbersome step, and this is "clumsy hands and diligent practice".

This is the case for alchemy, and the same for refining equipment.The so-called spiritual objects of heaven and earth are the forms of physical quantities at various energy levels.

When Wei Keng promotes its production, he scalars some attributes, so that he can make continuous progress in his own refining operation reference
But it is this kind of "big clumsy like a coincidence", which makes those alchemists in the sect who are eager for quick success and quick benefits very anxious. These self-proclaimed genius alchemists want to learn quickly, but they can't bear it
You can refer to the urgency of the citizens of other developing countries after the rise of Eastern industries in the 21st century.

...Wei Keng crushed Fairy Yuzhi, and the worms left behind began to increase his vigilance and conduct a comprehensive investigation...

Yun Dingzi and Qi Hong are two "good Taoist friends" that Wei Keng made in the sect. Now Wei Keng is very clear about what is hidden behind their compliments to him.

Wei Keng has not deliberately competed with them for business in recent years.Arrive at Danfeng every year, reduce the number of rented ground fires, and avoid their interests, but despite this, the grudge still exists
At this time, Wei Keng took out Yun Dingzi's list of herbal medicines, and marked some of the hidden dangers deliberately by this fellow Taoist, some of which were obviously left on purpose.

Let's communicate in the world of cultivating immortals!That's it, it's impossible for the other party to help each other purely!
Wei Keng: "Actually, I didn't keep any tricks, but they have impure minds. They always feel that I kept it." (All the steps of Wei Keng's alchemy are cumbersome. hand.)
Two years later, Wei Keng sent the adjusted elixir into the alchemy furnace, and began a long synthesis. After eight years of slow refining in the alchemy furnace, colorful lights were formed in the sky!After Wei Keng obtained the elixir, he stuffed the six elixirs back into the shell of the giant clam, fulfilling the promise of appeasement.

Unknowingly, Wei Keng's cultivation has passed the middle stage of alchemy!

...How can you get the mountain girl from Heyao, and pass it on to Taisang?Concubine Min is a match, and she is her successor.Hu Wei is addicted to different flavors, but he is full soon? …

After Wei Keng entered Fangjuemen, No. 30, five cold and hot days, the bell of the sect hall rang, and the penetrating alarm bell rang through the entire sect, entering every monk's cave, and the sect that had been at ease for several years The atmosphere at the door suddenly became tense.

All the golden core monks flew to the main hall to meet up, and of course Wei Keng also fled in a hurry.

The war between the Six Yunling Sects and the Black Curse Sect has become incandescent, and the conflict between the Six Sects and the Shangheng Sword Sect has not subsided in the past few years. The first-level monks refused to give in to anyone, and the fighting skills of the golden core stage appeared.

Fang Juemen was originally standing on the dry bank.However, when the Golden Core cultivators of Purple Maple Valley were hunted down by Shangheng Jianzong, they fled to the north and encountered Fang Juemen area along the way. The pulse adjustment array can be easily destroyed.

Fang Juemen didn't want to fight at first, but under the guidance of Wei Keng, the three main spiritual belts were opened up, the speed of gathering the vitality of heaven and earth towards the mountains was accelerated by [-]%, and the spiritual energy of each branch of the spiritual vein was enriched by [-]%!
The several spiritual stone minerals that had been exhausted in the gate were re-used by Wei Keng.

These exhausted spiritual mines were connected to the end of the spiritual veins by Wei Keng, and they were used to store the excess spiritual energy that was swallowed and exhaled every day when the vitality of the world was at its peak.A small amount of low-grade spirit stones have also begun to condense in these exhausted mine veins. Over time, after hundreds of years, the spirit stone mines here will recover.

Fang Juemen wanted to farm, but the golden core of the Six Sects directly stepped on his face, which was unbearable.

The Golden Core Formation disciples in the sect who have not closed the death test have arrived one after another. On Fang Jue Peak, the elder Taishang assigned tasks to these Core Formation disciples, such as Zhang Zheng, Yun Li, these new Core Formation disciples, will bring the Foundation Establishment stage disciples. Disciple, go to the front to garrison, that is to push the power of our sect directly to the territory of the six sects of Yunling.

The task of one of the Supreme Elders, Jin Dan, is to unite the forces of the Jin Dan family in those places.

As for the other missions that Jin Danqi received, there were defenses against the counterattack of the Yunling Six Sects, and there were also those to prevent the Black Curse Sect from taking risks.

Wei Keng could tell that Fang Juemen didn't want to end the game right now, of course—Shangheng Jianzong must be gearing up and decided to teach the Yunling Six Sects a lesson.

In the hall, all the golden cores had received the task, and Wei Keng suddenly realized that he was not assigned, which was very special in the hall at this time.So he asked the Supreme Elder: "Restore the spirit vein?"

Supreme Elder, Su Zhaoyuan glanced at Wei Keng: "The destroyed spiritual veins have been sorted out by our sect's mage." He didn't say anything, but his meaning was very clear: "Stay honestly in the sect."

Wei Keng took the lead with a hook, but in his heart was a small theater, for example: "Pull out Tai'a, and make an impassioned statement 'my sword is not bad' to ask for a fight."

Of course, the system sarcastically said: "I don't dare to use my tongue!" - Wei Keng confirmed: "I am indeed a bit of a troublemaker."

(End of this chapter)

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