out of cage

Chapter 989 Chapter 2206 Xie Changting gave birth

Chapter 989 Chapter 22.06 Xie Changting gave birth

Ten years ago, some conservative Jindanqi elders in Fang Juemen once threatened: Unless the world is overthrown, our sect will never start a war lightly.

However, this is not peace-loving, but to stand by and watch is beneficial to the interests of the sect. However, after the "tune spirit" system was destroyed by wandering monks, Fang Jue's red line was trampled on.

In the eyes of all parties, after Fang Juemen was enraged, the prices of magic tools, spells, elixir to restore mana, spirit stones and other bulk products increased significantly. Still very stable.

Wei Keng calculated according to the economics of the 21st century. The output of all kinds of spiritual materials needed by monks below the foundation stage in the sect has increased fifteen times in the past ten years. The potential of the door is huge.

As for high-ranking monks like the alchemy stage, our sect has increased by eighteen in this wave.This means that the total power of the sect has increased by [-]% in this position.

In short, low-level foundation-building wars can be crushed by the comprehensive forces of the sect, but if you invest in forces above the alchemy stage, the development of the sect will be at risk. After all, a sect that makes alchemy It is best to join the battle in the later stage, and monks in the early stage of alchemy need to stabilize their cultivation.

...The alchemy monks in the sect went out one by one, and Wei Keng stayed at the "spring" to observe the battle situation...

As Wei Keng expected, in this battle, Fang Juemen fought very cautiously, and sent those elders in the alchemy stage who had not broken through for a long time in the sect to the frontier spirit mine resource gathering point in groups of three, Then send a large number of monks in the foundation building and Qi training period to defend the stronghold.

The Yifang run by Wei Keng received monks who had returned from the frontier.

Narrator: In the rear, if you want to say that the department that knows the frontier situation best is the field medical team.

During the great battle, in the frequent battles, one by one in the early stage of foundation building, the middle stage consolidated the foundation, and began to loosen the bottleneck, and the late stage of foundation building is gradually preparing to start the Great Consummation, preparing to hit the realm of fake pills within 20 years!
In this battle, the fixed spirit spear designed by Wei Keng at the refining hall was used very much at this time, because these scattered spiritual veins had to gather into a few points with deep spiritual energy.This special magic weapon is especially needed!
It can be seen from this that the Zongmen's strategy is to drive a large number of foundation-building disciples out of the Zongmen to consume the spiritual energy in these spiritual mine areas. Wei Keng's feeling is that Fang Juemen's mountain gate has suddenly become much deserted. The popularity of the bustling low-level monks' workshop has dropped a lot.

Five years after Fang Juemen started the war, Wei Keng also met many other disciples in the sect.

Among them, Wei Keng and Zhang Zheng met each other several times, and Wei Keng found that his mana had been condensed a lot, but his evil spirit had also condensed a lot.

Of course, in terms of mana consolidation and cultivation, although Wei Keng was not on the front line, his non-stop planning was no slower than their cohesion.

On this day, Wei Keng was practicing in the sect, and suddenly felt a change in the spiritual power of the world.After doing the math, he whispered, "Indeed, the time has come."

Wei Keng arrived at the gate of the sect's core ahead of time. At this moment, Xie Changting's cave was very peaceful, and the aura seemed to flow still at this moment.

Wei Kengfei fled to the outside of Xie Changting's cave, activated the spirit-fixing spear and the surveying device, aroused the activity of the aura, and after starting the observation operation, he took a good position.

The two Supreme Elders of the Zongmen, a man and a woman, and a pair of monks, also came in the light of escape. Wei Keng saluted the two who were hundreds of meters away, and Lu Lujue waved his hand, letting Wei Keng continue to work on himself of.

The Supreme Elder is also used to Wei Keng's way of "asking".

"Knowing the details" and "Looking at the leopard" are the self-mottos of Wei Keng's sect. In the eyes of the elders of the sect: Wei Keng is extremely talented, and he will come up to observe all breakthroughs and enlightenment.

Here, the Supreme Elder launched a large formation to protect the mountain.

After three incense sticks, the other Jindanqi elders of the sect also gathered together.A few days ago, when this group of alchemy cultivators were discussing the strategy of defending against the enemy, they were very indifferent and ruthless to the low-level cultivators and cannon fodder arrangements, but now they all stood still obediently and did not dare to move as if they were in the Qi refining period.

Zhao Hengxiu (female cultivator) Supreme Elder, after completing the guarding and restraint, saw Wei Keng spread out a huge lens here and looked at Xie Changting's cave mansion among the Jindan disciples. He couldn't help laughing, and said to Wei Keng: " Fellow Daoist told me that after you reached the Golden Core, you just wandered around, it’s rare that your cultivation has never fallen.”

Wei Keng felt the gazes of fellow teachers and brothers around him, faced this Elder Zhao who was like Chang'e Feixian, and lowered his head to confirm: "Elder, my disciples are dull in aptitude, and they have to travel thousands of miles to practice."

The Supreme Elder of Tianfu Peak, Lu Shangjue seems to be a casual cultivator, and he is very sensitive to Wei Keng's words: "Don't say that you are the spiritual root of the five elements! With your aptitude, if it is weak, there will be no talented people in the sect."

After finishing speaking, he swept towards the door, and the two disciples under his command, one is Tianlinggen and the other is Yilinggen.It went smoothly in the early stage, but when he reached Jindan, his cultivation slowed down, so his eyes were "look at other people's children".

Zhao Hengxiu smiled and comforted the Taoist companion Lu Shang: "He is an innate spirit body, and his body is always full of aura. The spirit tiger in the door hugs him to sleep every day, which makes me very envious."

The fairy fiddled with Wei Keng from the air with her finger-like aura.Wei Keng had to dodge his body to avoid the petal air current.

Zhao Hengxiu nodded, and warned: "However, even if you form an alchemy, those tigers and wolves outside the sect will see it as blind medicine."

Wei Keng bowed his head: "Of course the kid knows."

Lu Shangjue nodded and said: "So, enter the late stage of alchemy as soon as possible."

Wei Keng paused for a moment, "Master Uncle, this disciple doesn't dare to guarantee tickets yet." Wei Keng had already sensed the gazes of other alchemy stages of the sect.

Regarding the alchemy plan, Master Wei has a whole set of prediction methods. About seven years later, his own spiritual root will have a peak overlapping peak stage. At that time, it will be the best opportunity to enter the late stage of alchemy.Of course, all this cannot be said.

Wei Keng kept a low profile, just like the Eastern space launch in ancient times, facing the space fireworks experiments of the surrounding small countries who were exhausted in the technological competition, it was unobtrusive.

At this moment, the tide of spiritual energy in the world began to reverse.

A huge vortex of spiritual energy appeared in the sky. This vortex of spiritual energy was ten miles long, and the vibration of the spiritual energy produced covered hundreds of miles. The power of stars appeared in the center of the spiritual energy.Of course, after the power of the star gang enters the aura layer, there will be a thunder disaster.

This shows that Xie Changting has already completed the step of congealing a baby, and the next step is to go through the tempering of the thunder calamity, and no one can replace this step.Wei Keng was also staring at the celestial phenomena of these tens of miles. At this time, the scalar fixed spiritual rod within a radius of tens of miles is now collecting data on changes in earth veins and heaven and earth spiritual pressure.The system here is calculating based on the user's first-hand observation data to establish a data model
Wei Keng observed that at the beginning of the birth, the aura of the whole world began to resonate with the baby, instead of spreading outward from the center of the baby. When the baby started, the aura of the world became more A kind of "wave band", this wave band starts to become more and more obvious around the baby-bearing person, so that it forms a violent aura fluctuation
These "wave bands" are also "particles" to some extent, but they will become "waves" during high-energy propagation.

The system always notes at this time: In the consciousness-dominated state of Xiuxian Continent, various physical quantities will appear with additional information. For example, some physical quantities are in the form of spiritual grass, but they will become uniform light clusters in the star gang.Please pay attention to the current infant formation process. Various energy phenomena converge toward the center in the form of waves, which is the most primitive state of the physical quantity related to the infant infant.

Master Wei is checking and calculating his own physical steps, just like a nuclear physicist watching the diffusion process of nuclear explosion ion plasma and calculating the nuclear physical configuration.

In the process of checking the calculations, Wei Keng found that in the process of Xie Changting's infancy and arousing the celestial phenomena, in addition to causing significant aura fluctuations within a range of hundreds of miles, even if he traveled thousands of kilometers in a larger area, it also caused an insignificant one. The aura is solidified. If there are not enough fixed spirit rods to uniformly and sensitively record this weak fluctuation, the aura solidification will not be noticed by the immortal cultivator at all, which shows that the energy level process is not unique.It seems that there may exist, the energy level of a few gears higher!
Under different physical energy levels, the gap may be hundreds of times.Wei Keng couldn't help thinking.

At this time, Xie Changting had already started to conceive a baby.Clusters of lightning strike towards Xie Changting's cave mansion one by one, and sharp energy erupted one after another in Xie Changting's cave mansion. The sword energy collided with the echo of the thunder light in the sky, forming a terrifying shock.

Under the violent aura fluctuations, the alchemy cultivators who were thousands of feet away were all shocked and tried their best to maintain their protection.And those low-ranking monks in the entire mountain gate were so shocked that they passed out directly.

Wei Keng was relatively calm, except that he felt that the mana on his body trembled slightly with the fluctuation of the aura of heaven and earth, and the golden core in his dantian was functioning normally.This made the two Supreme Elders couldn't help but glance at Wei Keng.So much so that Wei Keng paused and paid attention to the other seniors before realizing that he was not hiding his clumsiness.

Fang Juemen's other golden elixirs, who were all filthy and vegan, couldn't help muttering in their hearts: "Does this mean that they have treasures on their bodies? Or is it that the mana in the middle stage of alchemy can resist the influence of heavenly thunder?"

The thunder calamity ended soon, and then there was a strange calm in the sky, and clusters of unspeakable fluctuations surged up.

A villain appeared above Xie Changting's cave mansion, this is the newborn Nascent Soul, and at this moment those silk threads began to come up like mist.

Wei Keng stared at this scene closely, this is the process of conceiving a baby, the heart demon tribulation!Hundreds of years of life, who has no memory?

Beauty is like jade, so it is a pity to make friends, and it is a pity to have royal power and hegemony, but what is indelible and can be used to gather the basis of "Yuanying"?

Wei Keng is now observing with his eyes wide open, and Xie Changting's self-consciousness is now moving towards a higher energy level carrier.

After staring at it for a while, Wei Keng murmured, "Will part of this process be lost?"

The system also confirms: In this process of convergence (infant formation), some of the original non-objective "consciousness" quantities are excluded, and those non-objective "consciousness quantities" will return like drops of water after being excluded, which is Heart Demon Tribulation.

Xie Changting Yuanying, with a loud shout, got rid of the entanglement of these demons, and the meaning of the sharp swordsmanship was as hearty as the summer heat being dispelled by the sudden downpour of rain.

Nascent Soul is done!It scanned the surroundings, and all the low-level monks who watched felt a sense of oppression.

The moment he became a baby, his spiritual thoughts flashed across the entire mountain gate in an instant. Since he was a sword cultivator, his spiritual thoughts carried strong vigor.

At this moment, all the alchemy disciples in the door could not look at him.As for Wei Keng, he raised his head and cupped his hands facing the gaze.Be the first to congratulate him.

Xie Changting is a swordsman, while Wei Keng Jindan is a fusion of life and will, and it is definitely not something that can be crushed and succumbed by this sword.

Inside the sect, the clouds were drifting, the vegetation was swaying, and all the leaves and mountains were sharp at the moment.

Only within a hundred feet around Wei Keng, there are still ink and wash landscapes, and the painting style is opposite.

And this also allowed the Supreme Elder, who was also able to maintain a "light wind and a calm cloud", to confirm that Wei Keng belonged to "magic power and spiritual consciousness" and was solid and deep.

...When Xie Changting was a baby, Wei Keng was thinking about things, but unconsciously catered to him,...

Wei Keng whispered: "To become a transcendent existence, you have to cut off some and intercept your nature. But what?"

Wei Keng looked at Xie Changting's returned Dongfu Nascent Soul, and confirmed one thing: "The stability of this physical structure also limits life to a certain extent. This can only pretend to be part of myself."

After giving birth, Xie Changting withdrew his consciousness and began to enter the stage of rest. The elder Taishang also ordered the sect disciples to return to his cave.

All the disciples in the alchemy stage surrendered their orders to the elders who were thousands of feet high.

At this time, everyone was in a variety of emotions, some of them formed the alchemy and failed twice, and now they have mixed feelings, while some people imagined that they could become Nascent Soul monsters one day.

…Pro-Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs…

At the observation point outside the main peak, after Wei Keng retrieved all the data, he began to enter his cave for analysis.

Wei Keng clicked on the futon, and the futon turned into a sofa. Master Wei sat on it and turned on the system.

System: "A large amount of energy is required to form an alchemy, and the emergence of will is required as the core of "matter, space, and time"."

Wei Keng: "Just like the condensation of water vapor, there needs to be a condensation nucleus."

The system started to gossip: "Please don't describe it as simple junior high school physics. This is a more complex physical reaction. The formation of pills and infant formation are new structures formed by a large amount of energy, similar to the collision of neutron stars to condense gold and other heavy elements! Gold It is stable, but there are also unstable ones, once they become other extremely short-lived structures, they will collapse." (The atmosphere of this dialogue seems to be two junior high school students discussing the mysteries of the universe)

Wei Keng: "I have observed in detail the two points predicted previously, one is longevity (stability), and the other is mana qualitative change (energy level)."

After forming the pill, the lifespan will increase to 800 years!The life expectancy after childbirth is 2000 years, which is a definite cycle.But these are all limited to the contemporary world of cultivating immortals, and they are promoted routinely.

The particle where consciousness resides has changed from a short-lived particle to a long-lived particle!In this process, there are actually several "other options" left in the physical world.

For example, some Nascent Souls turned into ghost cultivators in the late stage, became zombies while alive, or became demon cultivators with secret methods, and their longevity is completely different from that of humans.

System: "Now, the golden core is a part of the foundation of your consciousness, but not all." The system marked Wei Keng's spiritual source: "Your consciousness is also here. And in the innate essence that has penetrated the whole body in the dantian. "

Wei Keng silently examined himself, at this time he was a complex.I used to organically integrate various personalities of "unruly", "peaceful", "lazy" and "hardworking when accumulating".

And all of these can be split and turned into extreme personalities.

In this world, there will be obsessions and attachments, in short - just like children can't contain their curiosity, young people can't stop their blood, and old people always want to be stable.The expression of self-awareness is bounded by the foundation!

Wei Keng saw through his multiple personalities, and suddenly realized something.

After Wei Keng confirmed himself: Then!This is who I am.

(End of this chapter)

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