Chapter 1000
Zeng Xiaoxian is an atypical self-defeating personality disorder.

While being abused, despised, dominated, and controlled by others, he will feel sorry for himself, win sympathy from others, and then get spiritual satisfaction, and he will never tire of it.

So don't look at Zeng Xiaoxian who often complains that Lisa is bullying him again, or that Lu Ziqiao is tricking him again, talking about bitterness and hatred, in fact, he enjoys this feeling, especially when others further sneer at him, he even more enjoyed...

In other words, he enjoys being a "underdog".

Therefore, the doorman Zeng Xiaoxian quickly ran to wash the sheets and get towels for Amanda while protesting, and even pretended to be friendly...

Amanda walked around upstairs, and went downstairs leisurely again.

"Yumo, Yifei, when I came up, I heard that there is a swimming pool downstairs in your community, right?" She said with a smile, "Are you interested in going swimming together?"

"Amanda, why did you suddenly want to go swimming?" Qin Yumo asked strangely.

There is a swimming pool in this community, but everyone understands the public swimming pool in the community and the hygienic environment.

"You don't know, my house has a swimming pool, and I have to swim for half an hour every day." Amanda smiled, "If I don't swim someday, I will feel uncomfortable."

"It's coming again..." Hu Yifei held his forehead depressed.

Amanda glanced at Hu Yifei, her expression remained unchanged and she continued to smile: "Yifei, swimming is an entry-level sport for nobles, don't you not like it? This is not okay, although you lost your head and found a poor man for a while, but You can't relax your demands on yourself, after all, the best age for a woman is only a few years."

"I won't go! I don't like swimming!" Hu Yifei refused with a black face.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Amanda shook her head regretfully, "That's such a pity, Yifei, if you had a private swimming pool at home, you wouldn't say such a thing, and you would definitely like swimming as a sport. "


Hu Yifei began to take a deep breath.

"But if you count on Mr. Su... well..." Amanda shook her head and sighed, "I don't think you will have a private swimming pool in this life, what a pity..."

Convex (fuck dish f*ck)!

Hu Yifei glared angrily, and her fists were already clenched.

", then Amanda, you are really happy!" Qin Yumo saw that the situation was not right, and hurriedly stood up again to smooth things over, "Then you go get your swimsuit, if it is too hot at noon, you will not be able to swim Woolen cloth."

"Then I'll go." Amanda responded with a smile, her eyes shifted and fell on Su Yi again, "I still need a sunscreen..."

"Amanda, don't go too far!" Hu Yifei couldn't help standing up any longer, her eyes flashed fiercely, "If you don't want blood to flow here, you'd better stop thinking about Su Xiaoyi! Don't even think about it!"

"That's right, Amanda, it's not appropriate for Xiao B to put on sunscreen for you, so go and get your swimsuit!" Qin Yumo smiled reluctantly.

"Why be so stingy, I didn't say what I was going to do..." Amanda muttered a few words, seeing that the atmosphere was not right, she shrank her neck, "Okay, forget it."

Turned around and went upstairs again.

"I'm pissed off! I'm pissed off! Don't stop me, I'm going to chop her up! Chop her up!" Hu Yifei gritted her teeth and was about to rush upstairs. The strange thing was that she didn't go straight, but from Su Yi goes around here.

Su Yi immediately stood up and hugged her by the waist, cooperatingly persuaded: "No, Yifei! Be sure to calm down! Murder is against the law!"

"Don't stop me! Let me go! Let me go!" Hu Yifei writhed in Su Yi's arms, struggling with teeth and claws.

"No! If I don't let go, you don't even go to the kitchen to get a knife, how do you chop it?" Su Yi shouted.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Then Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo both burst out laughing.

"I hate it!" Hu Yifei reprimanded and thumped Su Yi's shoulder, "If I didn't tell you, would you really want to help her apply sunscreen?"

Su Yi shrugged: "You know, I'm not very good at rejecting others."

Seeing that Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo's eyes became unfriendly at the same time, Su Yi continued calmly: "But I know you will help me refuse, so I am not worried at all."

"Then what if we don't help you refuse?" Hu Yifei snorted and said angrily.

"Then you guys better take a picture of me applying sunscreen to her husband." Su Yi sighed, "It's a pity that I have never had a chance to be an adulterer since I grew up, let alone being caught. ..."

"Go to hell!"

Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo Qiqi rushed over, while Su Yi expertly hugged his head and curled up on the sofa.

Zeng Xiaoxian walked in with a bucket of laundry detergent, and what he saw was the scene of the second daughter pressing Su Yi on the sofa again.

His eyes were dull: "This picture seems familiar..."

The two girls stopped their hands one after another, and Hu Yifei let out a sigh of relief: "Finally, the fire in my heart has been relieved!"

"Are you riding on Little Brother Yi?" Zeng Xiaoxian's expression became weird.

"I really want to kick that dirty head of yours!" Hu Yifei said angrily, "What are you doing here? Didn't you go to wash sheets for others?"

"There's no laundry detergent, I'll borrow laundry detergent." Zeng Xiaoxian said, and complained, "Why do your high school classmates ask me to wash the sheets? I'm not her servant!"

"Tell her, what's the use of telling us?" Hu Yifei snorted coldly.

"Teacher Zeng, if you don't want to do it, you can refuse." Qin Yumo said.

"Aren't I afraid of embarrassing you?" Zeng Xiaoxian explained, "What if she misunderstands that your friends are not friendly to her?"

"Thank you!" Hu Yifei said angrily, "Compared to this, I am more worried that she will misunderstand that our friends are all softies, and he can do whatever he wants!"

"Little brother Yifei said you're a softie!" Zeng Xiaoxian immediately complained to Su Yi.

"Hehe, she said I am who I am? What right does she have to say whether I am soft or not?" Su Yi sat up while arranging his hair.

Not only did Hu Yifei think of something, she gave Su Yi a hard look, her pretty face flushed slightly.

Su Yi suddenly changed the subject, looked suspiciously at the three of them and said, "Hey, what about the bet before? Why didn't you mention it? Who won? Are you planning to play tricks together?"

"Who cheated?" Hu Yifei said guiltily, "We didn't..."

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat..." Su Yi interrupted her with a smile, "Yifei, being brave has always been your virtue, so don't lack this virtue."

"You are so wicked! You lack great virtue!" Hu Yifei stared at Su Yi and said, "Okay, I admit, the three of us lost, you won! Amanda lifted her yacht three times at the gate of the community. From entering the building door to getting on the elevator, he mentioned it twice, no more, no less, exactly five times, you guessed it right!"

"Isn't it Yifei, so you will confess and be lenient?" Zeng Xiaoxian wailed, "Do you agree to kill him or not?"

"Are you going to reverse the agreement?" Qin Yumo also said angrily, "Yifei, you're selling us all out, isn't it too disrespectful?"

"I also sold myself, okay?" Hu Yifei argued forcefully, "Okay, I admit, I can't do it with my eyes open!"

"You just can't do this to Little Brother B! If it was me..." Zeng Xiaoxian sneered.

"Zeng Xiaoxian, do you want to die..." Hu Yifei looked at Zeng Xiaoxian dangerously with his fists clenched.

"Okay, pretend I didn't say anything." Zeng Xiaoxian shrank his neck.

"Since you all lost, please fulfill your bet." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Little Yi, don't you really want us to bark like a dog? It's so embarrassing..." Qin Yumo blinked and looked innocent, hugging Su Yi's arm and acting like a baby.

Su Yi interrupted her righteously: "There are no fathers and daughters in casinos..."

"Ah bah! You still want to be my father!" Qin Yumo pushed Su Yi away, stared at him and said, "Just learn, and sooner or later you will come back!"

"Hey, isn't this Yifei's catchphrase?" Su Yi smiled and looked at Hu Yifei.

Hu Yifei was so angry that her teeth itch: "Su Xiaoyi, don't be too arrogant, you will fall into my hands sooner or later!"


Su Yi sighed: "I've tried my best to keep it, what else do I need? Hey, are you screaming or not?"

"Woof, woof, woof!" Hu Yifei yelled, staring at Su Yi viciously.

Su Yi Le: "This is a Samoyed."

"Wow! Wang woof!" Qin Yumo also called out.

"This is Bian Mu." Su Yi smiled from ear to ear.

"Wow woof woof woof..." Zeng Xiaoxian also called out.

"Damn it, Erha is here too!" Su Yi was startled.

"Pfft..." Hu Yifei couldn't help but laugh out loud, and Qin Yumo also laughed.

Zeng Xiaoxian went crazy, he intensified and continued to yell "Aoooooooooooo".

"What are you doing!" Upstairs, Amanda came out of the room and looked down in shock, "I heard a dog barking just now. Someone here has a dog? And there is more than one? This is too unhygienic, isn't it?" ? Dogs are very dirty and defecate everywhere.”

"Hahaha..." Su Yi couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You just defecate everywhere!" Hu Yifei said angrily, and couldn't help laughing.

Qin Yumo giggled and said to Amanda: "There is no dog, we are joking."

"Childish!" Amanda sneered, "They are all adults, and they still play such childish games. Yifei, no wonder you found a poor man, so you haven't grown up yet."

These words were so disappointing that even Su Yi, who had been feeling nothing all this time, frowned.

This Amanda is somewhat endless.

"Is there no one of you to go swimming with me?" Amanda didn't notice how annoying she was at all, she smiled and looked around, seeing no one talking, she shrugged and said, "Okay, then I'll just go by myself , but the doorman has to follow me and help me with my bags."

"Me?" Zeng Xiaoxian pointed at himself full of grievances, "By... well, let's not make an example!"

Hu Yifei couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and secretly cursed "bitch".

"Ah, I almost forgot." Amanda yelled suddenly, then took off the diamond pendant around her neck, and handed it to Qin Yumo in front of her, "I can't wear this when swimming."

Qin Yumo was taken aback, and asked in confusion, "Why, your diamond is not waterproof?"

"Of course not." Amanda said with a smile, "My husband gave me this one called the Desert Star. There is only one in the world. It is very precious. It is an earth gem. It is best not to touch water. Help me Take it."

As soon as she finished speaking, except for Su Yi, the other three looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What do you call this?" Qin Yumo suspected that he had heard it wrong, and asked again.

"Desert Star," Amanda said with a reserved smile, "don't envy me too much, after all, many people have never had the chance to see such a big diamond in their life, and you are just one of them."

The three looked at each other again.

"Desert Star...could it be a brand?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked hesitantly.

"Of course not, Desert Star is the name of this diamond, and it is its unique name!" Amanda laughed.

Hu Yifei rolled her eyes and looked at Qin Yumo: "Yumo, I remember that your diamond is also called the desert star, right? How many stars are there in this desert?"

Amanda was stunned, and looked at Qin Yumo: "Yu Mo, you also have Desert Star?"

"Haha! You don't know that!" Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly became proud, and he was the first to explain, "Yu Mo's ex-boyfriend was a diamond seller, and Yu Mo's desert star was given to Yu Mo by him! Strange, yours is the desert star, and Yu Mo's is also the desert star, whose star is the real one?"

"Yu Mo's is of course not a fake." Hu Yifei also became excited, and said happily, "Last time Yu Mo wanted to donate this diamond to charity, so I asked a professional authority to appraise it and estimate the price. People are willing to pay 3 million to buy it, but Yumo didn’t even sell it. Yumo, the star of the desert, has a red root and complete certificates. Amanda, do you have a certificate for your diamond? Are you sure it’s real?”

"I, I don't have a certificate..." Amanda's face turned pale, she looked at her diamond in disbelief, and argued, "But it can't be fake! My husband is a king of aquatic products, and he is not short of money. ! There is no way he could buy me fake diamonds!"

"Yes, yes, Amanda, maybe there really are two desert stars in this world." Qin Yumo comforted him hastily.

"Is it true, don't you know if you test it?" Hu Yifei managed to win a game, how could he let this opportunity go?

"Zeng Xiaoxian, where is your banknote detector? Take it out!"

"Why, is there a watermark on the diamond?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked while taking out a money detector pen and handing it to Hu Yifei.

"Nonsense, of course not!" Hu Yifei was very excited, and while snatching the diamond from Qin Yumo, she hurriedly said, "A real diamond will glow under ultraviolet light... Aha! Look, a little light None! This diamond is fake!"

(End of this chapter)

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