Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 999 Computation

Chapter 999 Computation
Amanda is taller than Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo, at least 1.7 meters, but her face is neither as delicate and three-dimensional as Hu Yifei, nor as gentle and fair as Qin Yumo.

Thin lips, almond eyes, slightly sharp.

"Let me introduce, Amanda, this is Yifei's boyfriend, Su Yi." Qin Yumo smiled and led Amanda over, "Su Yi, this is Amanda."

Su Yi nodded with a smile and said "Hi", which was regarded as a greeting.

"Oh, you are Yifei's boyfriend. You really look like a good-looking talent." Amanda's tone was exaggerated, with a look of surprise, "How old is Mr. Su? Where can you get a high school?"

While talking, he looked at Su Yi from top to bottom.

"It's about the same age as Yifei." Su Yi said with a smile, "Currently he is unemployed and living at home."

"Cough cough cough..."

Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo coughed violently.

Amanda was stunned for a moment, and her expression suddenly became weird, "You...Mr. Su is saying that you rely on Yifei to support you?"

"How is it possible?" Su Yi said solemnly, "Yifei and Yumo are raising it."

"Ahem..." Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo coughed even harder, and both of them couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, Xiao Yi, don't tease her." Qin Yumo gave Su Yi a reproachful look, and said to Amanda, "He just likes to joke, Xiao Yi is lazy, and usually stays at home most of the time."

"Otaku?" Amanda chuckled, and suddenly raised her posture, "Men still have to be ambitious, what's the matter with staying at home all day? Yifei, this is your fault, pick a man We still have to choose those who are willing to work hard, what's the use of being handsome? Can I buy you a yacht for being handsome?"


The veins on Hu Yifei's forehead had already begun to burst out.

Qin Yumo hastily smoothed things over: "Actually, Xiao Yi has a career, he is a literati."

"Really?" Amanda was a little surprised, and looked Su Yi up and down again, "You can't tell it at all, just looking at Mr. Su's face, he looks like a salesman selling insurance."

Su Yi, who just had time to watch the excitement, suddenly froze.

Su Yi?

Selling insurance?

"Pfft ha ha ha..." Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo burst out laughing almost at the same time.

"That's right! Let you mess around, and you're now selling insurance, right?" Hu Yifei couldn't help laughing, gloating.

Su Yi laughed and said: "The vision is clear, the perspective is different, it's amazing."

"Let's stop talking standing up, let's all sit down." Qin Yumo greeted.

"Where is Teacher Zeng?" Su Yi asked.

"Are you talking about the small-eyed doorman?" Amanda said, "This person is too inefficient and doesn't have a very good image, but he matches this apartment pretty well."

She looked around the room, tsk-tsk: "Yifei, if you don't care too much about this place, it's not bad."

Hu Yifei sneered: "That is, how can it compare with your mansion?"

"Of course I wouldn't compare this place with our manor." Amanda sat on the sofa with a smile, looking at Hu Yifei with a half-smile, "However, if I live here alone, I can barely stretch my legs."

Convex (fuck dish f*ck)!

Hu Yifei's eyes froze, and he began to take a deep breath.

"This is a shared apartment. Apart from me, Yifei and Xiaoyi, there is also a girl living here. There are four people in total." Qin Yumo explained.

"Four people!" Amanda looked incredible, "Then how can we live there?"

"This is a place for people to live, not for driving karts!" Hu Yifei gritted his teeth.

"Hey? How do you know that my husband bought me a new car?" Amanda said with a smile.

Hu Yifei's expression froze again.

"It's a Porsche." Amanda laughed. "I think it's too flat, but I heard that all sports cars are like this."

Hu Yifei sarcastically said: "It's so flat, how can you stretch your legs? But it's true, broken shoes, you can only put your feet, you can't stretch your legs!"

"You..." Amanda's face changed with anger.

Qin Yumo hurriedly smoothed things over: "Yifei is joking, haha, Amanda, you know that Yifei likes to joke the most."

Amanda put on a smile again: "Of course I know, how could I have the same knowledge as her?"


Hu Yifei had already clenched her fists loudly.

Su Yi was watching so lively that he almost got internal injuries.

It was the first time he saw someone other than him make Hu Yifei so angry.

But while he was eating melons, Amanda didn't intend to let him go, and soon turned her attention to Su Yi.

"Speaking of cars, what kind of car does Mr. Su drive?" Amanda said with a smile, "I heard that a man is like a car, and you can tell a man's taste and personality from the car he drives. I guess, Mr. Su, you drive a Land Rover, right? Or a BMW? It can’t be Volkswagen or Geely, right? Ah!”

Amanda suddenly widened her eyes and covered her mouth: "Mr. Su doesn't have a car yet, does he?"

"I really don't have a car." Su Yi said with a smile, "Miss Amanda, what kind of taste is a man without a car?"

"How can a man without a car have taste?" Amanda covered her mouth and chuckled, "Mr. Su, you are so funny. A man without a car is considered good if he can live."

Su Yi smiled and nodded: "Yes, yes, it's not easy to live."

Amanda seemed to have found a breakthrough, with mocking eyes, and continued to output to Su Yi: "Mr. Su, you don't have a car, and you still live in a group rental apartment, so how did you catch up with Yifei?"

"Maybe I'm a good person?" Su Yi smiled.

"No money, no car, no house, how do you count?" Amanda sneered, "Mr. Su, are you going to hang around like this?"

"I'm quite satisfied with the status quo, and there's nothing wrong with it." Su Yi said.

"Hey, how can you be so unmotivated? Especially as a man!" Amanda said with a look of hatred, "Mr. Su, I feel worthless for Yifei when you are like this. You are nothing dream?"

"No." Su Yi smiled.

"How can a person have no dreams?" Amanda was incredulous, "What's the difference between that and a salted fish?"

"If you don't have dreams, you can be carefree." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Oh, you are really, tsk tsk..." Amanda shook her head and sighed, and looked at Hu Yifei, who had a strange expression on the other side, "I am not talking about you, even if it is difficult for a female doctor to find a partner, you can't lower the standard to such a low level all at once. low?"

Hu Yifei was originally full of displeasure, holding her anger and making up her mind to compete with Amanda, but seeing Su Yi laughing and teasing Amanda's performance, she was not in a hurry or annoyed, she suddenly felt that this was quite interesting.

Sometimes a lot of things are completely different when viewed from a different angle.

To her, Amanda showing off was annoying.But for Su Yi, I just watch you perform, and if I argue with you, I will lose.

Hu Yifei thinks this mentality is pretty good.

But besides being funny, she was still a little upset.

On the other hand, Qin Yumo couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Amanda: "Actually, Xiaoyi has achieved financial freedom. He wrote a bestseller and opened a bar with the money he earned. You heard that Jianghu Bar Have you ever been? Many celebrities have been here, and it is the hottest livehouse in Shanghai and even the country, which is owned by Xiao Yi. If he wants to buy a car or a house, he can do it anytime, even if he wants to buy a yacht. "

Amanda was stunned for a long time, with a face full of disbelief: "Are you kidding? How is it possible?"

She looked at Su Yi again: "If you're so rich, why would you live in a group rented apartment? Why would you be wearing cheap clothes? How could you not even have a car? Oh... I get it!"

Amanda was stunned, with an expression of Zhizhu on his face, and looked at Su Yi and Hu Yifei sarcastically: "Yu Mo, you want to put gold on Yifei's face, right? Actually, you don't have to do this, I won't do it because of Yifei looks down on a poor person who does not seek to make progress, and my husband said, don’t look down on poor people just because you are rich, don’t worry, Mr. Su, I will not discriminate against you.”

"Thank you." Su Yi said with a smile.

"It's okay." Amanda waved her hand, "I also often pay attention to the vulnerable groups in society. If Mr. Su really can't make it, you can come to my husband's company. He still needs a cleaner."

"Q is really tied." Su Yi sighed.

"Can you bear this?" Hu Yifei looked at Su Yi speechlessly.

Su Yi spread his hands: "He also expressed that he wants to respect me, and he also wants to introduce me to a job, otherwise, what do you want from me?"

"Yifei, well, don't compete with me." Amanda is very proud now, feeling that she has successfully overwhelmed Hu Yifei in terms of men, "Don't think that I am a charity, a classmate, I just can't bear your future It’s all just living in poverty. I’m in good condition now, and it’s your luck to give you a hand. Don’t be stubborn, how much is self-esteem worth? Right?”

Hu Yifei began to feel his teeth itch again.

She wanted to be as calm as Su Yi and treat Amanda as a joke.

But she really can't stand this vitriolic face!

"By the way, Yumo, where do I stay tonight?" Amanda was full of relief, and turned her head to ask Qin Yumo.

Qin Yumo's face is also a little ugly at the moment.

After all, she also regards Su Yi as her man. It's no wonder that Amanda belittles Su Yi so much, she is happy.

Displeasure was written all over her face.

So she never spoke, nor persuaded Hu Yifei, nor did she make peace with Ximu.

She also expected Su Yizhi to stand up and show Amanda some color.

But to her disappointment, Su Yi didn't seem to take it seriously at all.

This made her admire Su Yi's magnanimity, but also regret not seeing Su Yi's fierce counterattack.

She knew that if Su Yi wanted to hate someone, he could definitely make him doubt his life.

Richard and Shen Linfeng are lessons from the past.

At best, Amanda is a bit of a bitch, and also very shallow. Compared with the first two, her rank is still far behind.

Qin Yumo didn't believe that Su Yi had nothing to do with this woman.

"You can live with me." Qin Yumo forced a smile at her, "I prepared a sofa bed, we can chat at night."

Amanda pretended to be embarrassed: "Sofa bed? Then how to sleep? I'm not used to sleeping, I will definitely have nightmares. Or..."

She rolled her eyes and looked at Hu Yifei: "I'll sleep in Yifei's room!"

"Are you kidding me!" Hu Yifei exploded directly.

"Could you already be living with Mr. Su?" Amanda covered her mouth and widened her eyes, "My God, Yifei, then you are too unreserved!"

"You..." Hu Yifei couldn't bear it anymore and stood up abruptly.

Seeing that the scene was about to get out of control, Qin Yumo hastily dissuaded him: "Of course not! Xiao Yi and Yifei both have separate rooms, how could they live together? Hehe, Amanda, you want to live in Yifei's room, of course Yifei has no objection It's..."

"I..." Hu Yifei wanted to refute, but Qin Yumo kept winking at her.

"Hehe, we are all old classmates, happiness is the most important thing, isn't it?" Qin Yumo tried to smooth things over.

Hu Yifei's chest rose and fell violently, and he swallowed the bad breath with difficulty.

"Then I'll go up and look at the room." Amanda achieved her goal, got up with a smile and walked upstairs.

After she left, Hu Yifei angrily questioned Qin Yumo: "Yumo, what are you doing!"

Qin Yumo said: "Amanda is not bad in nature, Yifei, ten years have passed, in fact, there is no need for everyone to be so incompatible, right? I think you can take this opportunity to talk to her more, maybe you Maybe it will resolve the misunderstanding of each other?"

"I didn't have any misunderstanding with her! I know exactly what kind of person she is!" Hu Yifei said angrily, her eyebrows were raised upright, and her eyes fell on Su Yi again.

"Su Xiaoyi, you just keep silent and let others ridicule you? Where's your integrity? Where's your dignity!"

"Who said I didn't say anything?" Su Yi laughed, "I'm obviously cooperating with her cynicism, and let her play to the fullest."

"Then do I have to thank you for her!" Hu Yifei was furious.

"Okay, okay, Yifei!" Qin Yumo hastily persuaded, "Xiao Yi, you are really, I know you are a good man and don't fight with women, and you don't want to be as knowledgeable as her, but she said it was too much, you have to Retaliate a few words? Otherwise, people will really think you have no temper and are weak to be bullied."


Su Yi shrugged: "Okay, then take her to the bar at night and earn back your face."

"It's more or less the same." Hu Yifei was satisfied at this point.

In fact, as long as Su Yi proves that he is the owner of Jianghu Bar, Amanda has to swallow all the sarcasm he said before, and it will be very slapping.

Hu Yifei was in a better mood. Just as she was about to speak, she heard a "jingle, clang" at the door, and Zeng Xiaoxian fell in panting like a cow with a bag on her shoulders.

"Obviously I'm your classmate, why should I be asked to carry the suitcase!" Zeng Xiaoxian exclaimed angrily while wiping off his sweat.

"Do you really want to hit someone?" Hu Yifei snorted, "I'll give you a chance, she's upstairs!"

As soon as the words fell, Amanda came out of Hu Yifei's room and said with a smile: "The room is not bad, but the sheets are a bit old."

Turning her eyes, she saw Zeng Xiaoxian at the door, and Amanda's eyes lit up immediately: "Huh? Dude, you came just in time, wash this bed sheet, and bring me a clean towel by the way."

As she spoke, she threw the sheets down from the attic.

It happened to cover Zeng Xiaoxian's head.

(End of this chapter)

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