Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 998 Zhang Wei's New Girlfriend

Chapter 998 Zhang Wei's New Girlfriend
"Don't think that I don't know about Zeng Xiaoxian, but you just want to watch the excitement from a close distance, right?" Hu Yifei sneered, "With your strange hobby of watching mother-in-law and daughter-in-law's bitter drama, it's no wonder that you can hold back when encountering such a thing! "

"So, do you admit that we will tear it apart as soon as we meet?" Zeng Xiaoxian chuckled, "Then I can't miss it!"

"Bitch!" Hu Yifei cursed angrily.

"Okay, okay!" Qin Yumo comforted with a smile, "Amanda used to be crazy about Wang Kara, and Wang Kara likes you, so she must compete with you everywhere. She uses you as a benchmark and always wants to surpass you. You. But it’s alright now, they’re married, so don’t worry about her any more!”

"Kara...isn't she a dog?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

"Amanda looks like a bun, no wonder she is followed by dogs!" Hu Yifei snorted coldly.

"Don't say that, I heard that Wang Kala has made a lot of money, and he is no longer the poor dick he used to be. Don't be a stranger for three days." Qin Yumo laughed.

"I knew it!" Hu Yifei suddenly said, "This is the real purpose of her coming here. Look, she will keep nagging about things that she can use to show off!"

"She told me last time that her husband bought her a yacht." Qin Yumo said.

"I bet, from the time she got off the car to going upstairs, she would yell at least three times just about the yacht!" Hu Yifei sneered.

"Really?" Zeng Xiaoxian didn't believe it, "What are you betting on?"

Hu Yifei took a look at him: "Whoever loses will learn how to bark for a minute!"

Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes widened: "So ruthless? Brother Yi, do you want to make a bet too?"


Su Yi, who was snoring and eating oatmeal, froze, and said speechlessly, "Damn, are you all too boring? Such a grown-up person bet on learning how to bark like a dog?"

"Then are you coming?" Hu Yifei asked.

"Come on! But I bet she mentions the yacht at least five times!" Su Yi said.

"Excellent!" Zeng Xiaoxian clapped his hands, "Then it's settled. If she doesn't mention the yacht three times, I win, and you two bark like a dog! If she mentions it three times but less than five times, Yifei wins, and I and I will win." Brother Yi barks like a dog; if she mentions the yacht five times, Yifei and I bark like a dog!"

"Deal!" Hu Yifei nodded in response.

"Hey, are you too bored?" Qin Yumo said speechlessly.

Immediately, she rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "I want to participate too! I bet she only said it once!"

Zeng Xiaoxian and Hu Yifei went down to greet Amanda soon, Su Yi cleaned up the kitchen, heard the sound of the door opening next door, and Guan Gu's magical voice talking to Tang Youyou, so he thought about going over to say hello.

When Su Yi pushed the door and entered, both of them were surprised.

"Brother B! You finally appeared! We all thought you had run away!" Tang Youyou leaned forward and said happily.

"That's right, Yifei said that you are--absconded in fear of crime!" Guan Gu was magical and silly.

"It's not impossible." Su Yi smiled and looked at the two of them, "It's the two of you, how is the world of two people doing?"

"Not bad." Tang Youyou couldn't hide her joy, "Guan Gu is quite good at taking care of people. By the way, I even brought you a gift!"

"Huh? Little Aunt Guan Gu, you are back!" At this moment, Lu Ziqiao and Zhang Wei walked in from the door, seeing Su Yi, Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up even more, "Little Brother Yi! I miss you so much !"

As he said that, he was about to rush up to give Su Yi a big hug, but Su Yi stopped him with his hand: "Stop, you smell like a woman's perfume, I'm not interested in having a second intimate encounter with a certain lady."

"Don't be like this, Brother Yi," Lu Ziqiao raised an eyebrow with a smile on Su Yi, "I don't mind, what do you mind?"

"Do you think everyone is like you? Playboy!" Tang Youyou said angrily, "Guan Gu has been spoiled by you."

"Have you ever considered that maybe Guan Gu wasn't brought down by me, but——shown his true colors?" Lu Ziqiao laughed.

"Hey, don't talk about me like that, I'm very pure!" Guan Gu protested miraculously.

Zhang Wei had been giggling all the time, and then interjected: "It's great, we're all together again, it's worth celebrating!"

"Seeing that you are so happy, did you encounter any happy event?" Su Yi asked.He also felt that the days when friends gathered together to fight, talk and laugh were very comfortable, and he enjoyed this feeling very much.

Zhang Wei was proud and shy, scratched his head with a smile and said, "To tell you the truth, I finally found the lover of my dreams!"

Guan Gu miraculously sneered: "Every time you meet a girl, you always say that."

"This time is different!" Zhang Wei retorted, "To be precise, what I met this time was not a girl, but a woman!"

His aunt's smile appeared on his face: "She is a thoroughly mature woman, beautiful and intelligent, knowledgeable, gentle and graceful..."

Su Yi couldn't help laughing and said: "When you meet her, is it like the spring breeze blowing over Lugu Lake, and the autumn water bathing Jiuzhaigou?"

"Hahaha..." The other three couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Wei blushed and shouted: "This time it's really different! This time I'm really not being self-indulgent! I can feel that she has feelings for me too! She's still an archaeologist!"

"Where did you dig her out?" Tang Youyou asked with a smile.

Zhang Wei said solemnly: "Yuyou, archaeologists are digging other people, not being dug by others!"

"Oh!" Tang Youyou nodded suddenly, "Then where did she dig you out?"

"Hahaha..." Guan Gu Miqi and Lu Ziqiao laughed wantonly.

"I'm really not joking with you!" Zhang Wei was a little anxious, "I really met my true love this time! And she is really outstanding. She spent ten years in South America for archaeology, and another five years for her discovery. She has published several monographs, and many newspapers have reported her deeds!"

Lu Ziqiao said: "You mean, it took her ten years to dig a hole, and another five years to post? May I ask this woman of yours, Gui Geng?"

"A woman's age cannot be revealed casually," Zhang Wei frowned slightly, "But according to my analysis, she should be a little older than me."

"Are you sure she is gentle and graceful, not kind?" Lu Ziqiao asked with a smirk.

"Zi Qiao's mouth is full of virtue. Is it easy for Zhang Wei to find his true love? You hit him like this?" Su Yi couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but stand up and speak out.

"That's right! It's too much, brother B is better!" Zhang Wei was very moved.

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry Zhang Wei, I absolutely support you! Talk about it! Try to make a good impression on the other party!"

"Hmm! Don't worry, brother B!" Zhang Wei was encouraged.

"Remember to call me when your girlfriend celebrates her birthday. I'll give you a pair of golden toads." Su Yi said seriously.

Zhang Wei's expression froze on his face.

"Hahaha..." The other three laughed out loud again.

"You, you are too bullying!" Zhang Wei complained sadly and angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'm joking with you!" Tang Youyou said with a smile, "The older you are, the older you are, which shows that you are attractive and a teacher killer."

Zhang Wei calmed down a little, and said reservedly: "Maybe only mature women can understand my charm, but I'm not at the level of a teacher."

"Zhang Wei, don't blame me for not reminding you, sibling love can't last long." Lu Ziqiao said.

"Why?" Zhang Wei was taken aback.

"It's very simple, generation gap." Lu Ziqiao said, "When a woman reaches a certain age, she will position herself more as a mother, and she will definitely take care of you like a son!"

"Zi Qiao, you are definitely prejudiced!" Tang Youyou protested, "You are discriminating against women! No matter how old a woman is, as long as she meets love, she will definitely arouse her girlish heart!"

"A girl's heart is temporary, but motherhood is forever." Lu Ziqiao said.

"Brother B, tell me!" Tang Youyou couldn't help him, and turned to Su Yi for help.

"For Ziqiao, most mature women who are older than him can see through his slutty nature at a glance. Even if they are attracted by his appearance, they can't accept his inner nature, so they point fingers at his words and deeds. "Su Yi said with a smile, "So Ziqiao picks up girls who are basically younger than him, because women with experience and connotation will not be fooled by him."

"Yes! This is the correct answer!" Tang Youyou felt comfortable, "Zi Qiao, admit it, in this respect, you are just inferior to Zhang Wei!"

"Just kidding! Am I not as good as him?" Lu Ziqiao was unhappy, "If you say that I am not as good as Xiao Yi, I will admit it. Who told him to handle the most powerful thing in our apartment! But say I am not as good as Zhang Wei?"

Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Yi: "Brother Yi, lend me 3000 yuan, and I'll go out and prove it to you! My charm is for all ages!"


"...Damn, you're just waiting to ask me to borrow money, right?" Su Yi said speechlessly.

"Zhang Wei, tell us carefully, we want to know the details." Tang Youyou said to Zhang Wei with a smile.

"It starts with a divorce case..." Zhang Wei was about to tell the story with a smile. He looked at his watch subconsciously, and his eyes suddenly changed: "Oh, I'm running out of time, and I even asked her to go to the movies with me. I have to take a shower first, next time, and I will tell you the details next time!"

After that, he hurried to the bathroom.

"Divorce?" Guan Gu miraculously scratched his head, "Zhang Wei found a divorced woman?"

"It's nothing, as long as he doesn't destroy other people's families, it doesn't matter!" Guan Gu smiled miraculously.

"Let's go, Ziqiao, I'll take you to get the money." Su Yi estimated that Hu Yifei and the others would be back soon, so he called Lu Ziqiao to the next door.

"Little Brother Yi is righteous!" Lu Ziqiao was very happy.

Not long after the two left, Tang Youyou and Guan Gu were miraculously packing their luggage. A gray-haired grandmother walked in and asked with a smile, "Hello, is Lawyer Zhang Wei here?"

Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou immediately looked at each other, their eyes widened in horror.

Could it be... This is what Zhang Wei called a mature woman, an archaeologist, right?
which is bigger?
"You, you are..." Tang Youyou asked in disbelief.

"I am the client of lawyer Zhang Wei." The old woman said with a smile, "He forgot his wallet in my car just now."


"Divorce case?" Tang Youyou confirmed with a trembling voice.

"That's right." The old lady nodded of course, "My case was handled by Lawyer Zhang for me."

"Grandma, hello..." Guan Gu greeted in embarrassment.

"Don't call me grandma, do I look old?" the old lady said unwillingly, "Call me Louise, this is my business card!"

Guan Gu Miraculously and Tang Youyou took the business card with a smile.

"You are all Zhang Wei's friends, right?" Louise said with a smile, "He is such a cute boy."


Tang Youyou and Guan Gu's magic felt their hairs stand on end.

"That's right!" Louise laughed, "He works very seriously, which really makes people feel safe."

sense of security!
The two widened their eyes in horror.

"His eyes often remind me of my first husband." Louise continued.

Tang Youyou's eyes widened.

"There is a fourth term." Louise continued.

Tang Youyou and Guan Gu looked at each other in horror.

"Then, does that Zhang Wei know these things about you?" Tang Youyou asked in disbelief.

"Of course I know," Louise said with a smile, "I really like Zhang Wei, and when I'm with him, I feel like I'm many years younger."

Guan Gu mysteriously said: "You are not old at all."

"Really?" Louise asked.

"Of course, otherwise, why wouldn't Zhang Wei see it?" Guan Gu wondered.

"Hehe, this is Zhang Wei's wallet, please pass it on to him, I'm leaving first." Louise said goodbye with a smile.

The two watched Louise leave, looked at each other, and then gasped together.

"Zhang Wei...too, too..." Guan Gu was miraculously unable to find an adjective to describe it, "This is terrible!"

"Unless Zhang Wei has never seen a woman, how could he not see that there is at least 40 years old difference between this old lady and him!" Tang Youyou complained in disbelief, "Maybe she married his first husband At that time, Zhang Wei was still wearing crotch pants!"

"No, we can't let Zhang Wei jump into this fire pit! We have to think of a way!" Guan Gu said magically.

"What do you want to do?" Tang Youyou spread his hands, "Zhang Wei has been selectively blind, I'm afraid he won't listen to what we say."

At this moment, they saw Lu Ziqiao coming in counting the money with a happy expression.

The two were startled at the same time, looked at each other with subtle expressions, and then looked at Lu Ziqiao together.

Lu Ziqiao sensed that something was wrong, and put away the money vigilantly, saying: "I declare in advance that your money has not reached the repayment date we agreed on, so you can't ask me to repay it in advance!"

"You have postponed the repayment five times. Even if you paid back yesterday, it's not considered early!" Tang Youyou waved his hand, "Don't worry, it's not asking you to repay the money, but another matter!"

"What's the matter?" Lu Ziqiao was still vigilant.

"It's about Zhang Wei..."

At the same time, 3601.
Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei walked in with a tall, fair-skinned woman.

Su Yi was sitting on the sofa fiddling with his new mobile phone, looked up, stood up with a smile, and stuffed the mobile phone into his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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