Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 997 Fried Eggs

Chapter 997 Fried Eggs
Su Yi’s upper mobile phone was bought when he earned the first draft fee. He had already separated from the pursuit of the brand materially, and thought that it was pleasing to the eye and usable, so he bought a fake phone at that time.

Later, although he made a lot of money and opened a Jianghu bar, he never changed the counterfeit machine and was too lazy to change it.

"Okay, just use it." Su Yi took Qin Yumo's cell phone and looked through it. It was a very neutral cell phone, and it was no problem for men to use it.

Seeing that Su Yi "happyly" accepted his gift, Qin Yumo immediately beamed with joy.

"Hey, I found your phone, so you should give it to me too?" Zeng Xiaoxian protested.

"Be good, I'll buy you something delicious in the future." Qin Yumo said to him with a smile.

"That's what you said! I want to eat luxurious hand pancakes!" Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes lit up immediately.

"And, look at your pursuit!" Hu Yifei sneered.

"I am contented and always happy!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"By the way, Yu Mo," Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly thought of something, "I answered a call for you in the morning, saying that I made an appointment with you to visit you tomorrow. It seems to be... what is it called Avatar?"

"Avatar?" Qin Yumo was confused.

"Or it's Avanti!" Zeng Xiaoxian said uncertainly.

"You mean Amanda!" Qin Yumo said angrily.

"Amanda!" Hu Yifei's eyes widened suddenly, and he cried out, "Amanda is coming here?"

"You know him too?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked suspiciously.

"Amanda is our high school classmate!" Qin Yumo explained.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously: "Looking at her expression, this Amanda looks more like a loan shark!"

Hu Yifei complained to Qin Yumo with a disgusted expression on his face, "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

"I forgot!" Qin Yumo stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, "She contacted me online last week and said she would come, but we weren't..."

Halfway through the conversation, he looked at Su Yi.

Hu Yifei understood in seconds, and coughed a few times unnaturally.

During Su Yi's absence, she has been discussing with Qin Yumo about Su Yi.

"Brother B, to celebrate your return, why don't you go to the bar for a drink tonight?" Zeng Xiaoxian suggested with a smile.


"Okay, let me treat you to dinner." Su Yi said, "Ask Zhang Wei, Zi Qiao and Guan Gu."

"That's good! I agree!" Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes lit up immediately, "I'll call Ziqiao!"

"Then I'll contact Yoyo and the others." Hu Yifei said.

"I'll call Zhang Wei." Qin Yumo said with a smile.

Su Yi looked left and right, feeling like he had nothing to do.

It's a pity that none of the other four could come.

Lu Ziqiao was busy hitting home run with his new target, Zhang Wei had to work overtime to catch up with the documents, Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou had too much fun out of town, so they changed their tickets and would not be back until tomorrow.

But the four of them were very happy to hear that Su Yi was back, and everyone clamored to have a word with Su Yi.

So only Su Yi, Zeng Xiaoxian, Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo attended the afternoon party.

The party process was relaxed and flat, nothing special happened, everyone chatted easily, and the previous estrangement quickly disappeared.

After the party, the four of them went to Jianghu Bar together.

Su Yi found David and learned about the business situation of the bar.

Jianghu Bar has been built into the top livehouse in the whole magic city, a small show venue for 500 people, it is hard to get a ticket every day, and the business is very hot.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as making money every day.

If this kind of business is maintained, Su Yi will be able to recover all the investment costs in just three months.

The success of Jianghu Bar made David ambitious. He wanted to replicate this model and open chain stores in five cities at once. Su Yi didn't have such a big ambition and didn't want to waste this energy.

For Su Yi, the money is enough.In this world, he neither wants to pursue too high status nor too much wealth, he is here to enjoy life.

But Su Yi couldn't refuse.

After thinking about it, Su Yi told him that chain stores could be opened, but he only bought shares under the brand name "Jianghu Bar", and he would not invest a penny, and he would not interfere in anything.

The tone was firm and there was no room for it, so that David couldn't speak again.Although Su Yi agreed, it was the same as not agreeing.

What else is there to say if you don't invest money?

Looking at David's disappointed eyes, Su Yi knew that this employee would not be able to keep him.

He had to find himself a new bar manager.

Early the next morning, Su Yi was awakened by a hasty knock on the door.

"Su Xiaoyi! Open the door, open the door! The sun is drying your ass, are you still sleeping? Get up quickly!" Hu Yifei's loud voice made Su Yi's brain buzz.


Su Yi had no choice but to get up and open the door, yawning and said to Hu Yifei outside the door: "Madam, it's [-]:[-] in the morning, and the rooster hasn't even crowed yet, is it really okay for you to disturb people's dreams so early in the morning? "

I don't know why, after returning to this world this time, Su Yi slept very comfortably and relaxed, without even the slightest bit of vigilance and vigilance.

Hu Yifei dissatisfied: "Hey, don't tell me you forgot what you promised me last night! You said you would help me!"

"I promised to help you, but there's no need to get up so early, right?" Su Yi pointed helplessly at the clock hanging in the living room, "Didn't Yu Mo say that Amanda would arrive at eight o'clock yesterday? There's still an hour and a half left ! I’ll go catch up on the return sleep first, and you’ll come back to me in an hour…”

With that said, Su Yi turned around and was about to walk into the room.

"What the hell!" Hu Yifei couldn't help but dragged Su Yi's arm out of the room, and dragged him to the bathroom, "Although Amanda didn't arrive until eight o'clock, we didn't discuss anything last night! You Go wash your face and wake up, your mouth stinks to death!"

"Hey, men and women can't accept each other! Don't take advantage of me..."

"Take advantage of you! Go wash up, I'll wake Yu Mo up, and make breakfast by the way!"

After a while of flying around, Su Yi still sat on the dining table after washing up.

After a while, Qin Yumo packed up and came out.

"Morning, Xiao Yi!" She greeted Su Yi with a smile, looking in a good mood.

"Morning." Su Yi waved to her, and continued to chat with Hu Yifei, who was busy in the kitchen, "You have always been fearless, but this time you are facing a big enemy, it seems that this Amanda has left a big shadow on you what."

"Like facing a big enemy?" Hu Yifei sneered while frying eggs, "I just can't stand her! This woman has always been pretentious, and she always compares herself to me in everything, but unfortunately, she can't compare to me in everything! Whether it's figure, appearance or academic performance, including popularity, I'll hold her head high!"

"Then you don't have to be so nervous," Su Yi said, "Since you have completely crushed her, and now you attach so much importance to her arrival, isn't this inconsistent?"

"Hehe, Yifei is afraid that she will capsize in the gutter and be inferior to Amanda!" Qin Yumo said with a smile.

Hu Yifei sneered: "Just rely on her? Give her another ten years, and she will still be inferior to me! It's just that she despises the enemy strategically, but pays attention to the enemy tactically. This Amanda doesn't come sooner or later, but I heard that Yu Mo lives with me and is coming, and she must be here for me! I guess she must have saved enough money recently, and she wants to show off to me!"

"Yifei, she just asked me to catch up on the old days, there will be no problem." Qin Yumo said helplessly, "I think you really think too much."

"Although you and her were best friends when you were in school, the person who knows her best is me, not you!" Hu Yifei sneered.

"She just got married not long ago, and we didn't go to her wedding, so she asked us to get together." Qin Yumo said.

"Married?" Hu Yifei raised her eyebrows, "Is she married?"

"That's right," Qin Yumo said with a smile, "She's married to that Wang Kara in our class."

"Hehe, then they are really a good match!" Hu Yifei smiled.

Su Yi sniffled, and quietly said: "Yifei, do you feel like you forgot something?"

"What?" Hu Yifei was stunned, and then his face changed drastically: "Ah! My fried egg!"

After 3 minutes, Hu Yifei brought a plate of dark things and placed it in front of Su Yi.

"Don't say it's not delicious! And you must eat it clean!" Before Su Yi could speak, Hu Yifei warned with staring eyes.


Su Yi's face wrinkled into a bitter gourd: "Hu Yifei, don't go into the kitchen in the future, really, if Amanda knows that you fry eggs like this, she will be very happy."

"That's right!" Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, her expression changed immediately, she pointed at Su Yi and warned, "When she comes later, don't mention fried eggs! And you, Yumo!"

"Got it!" Qin Yumo said while eating cereal.

"Since Amanda is married, it proves that my guess is correct. She must have come to show me her married life, including her husband!" Hu Yifei snorted coldly and looked at Su Yi, "Su Xiaoyi, test Your time has come, I will give you a chance to pretend to be my boyfriend."

Just as Qin Yumo was about to say something, Hu Yifei said to her first: "Don't worry, it's just a pretend!"

"What do I worry about?" Qin Yumo said with a smile, "Don't forget the three chapters of the contract, those who change the status quo first, and those who want to move away."

"Thank you for the reminder!" Hu Yifei rolled her eyes, and then said to Su Yi who was holding the black thing, "My request is not high, as long as you can suppress Wang Kara, it will be fine!"

"I haven't even seen this person before, how can I suppress him?" Su Yi spread his hands.

Hu Yifei waved her hands indifferently: "You can play whatever you want, anyway, even if there are ten king Kara, they will definitely not be as good as you."

Qin Yumo on the side nodded approvingly.

"So confident in me?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Be less smug, it's because the opponent is too weak, not how strong you are!" Hu Yifei deliberately hit Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled and said, "Is there any reward for helping you so much?"

Hu Yifei thought for a while: "How about I make you breakfast for a week?"

Su Yi looked at the things on the chopsticks, and sighed: "Hu Yifei, no matter what, you can't repay your kindness, can you?"

"Pfft..." Qin Yumo couldn't help laughing.

"Hey! I just accidentally made a mistake this time. This is a small probability event!" Hu Yifei argued, "I'm usually very good at frying eggs!"

"A certain person said yesterday that he had never made fried eggs in his life, so he planned to try it this morning." Qin Yumo smiled to expose her.

"Really? This so-and-so is so hardworking and studious, he must have a bright future!" Hu Yifei said without changing his expression.


Su Yi finally plucked up the courage, took a bite of the dark thing, and swallowed it with difficulty.

Hu Yifei asked Su Yi expectantly, "How does it taste?"

Su Yi looked at her blankly: "Madam, I ask you to be kind."

"Okay, okay! It's not hard for you." Hu Yifei snatched the bitten off fried egg from Su Yi's hand, "Actually, I'm a good cook. I'll make milk oatmeal for you. I'm good at this."

Su Yi sighed and said, "It's really hard to imagine that someone would think that adding two spoonfuls of oatmeal to milk is a culinary art."

Hu Yifei protested: "You don't understand, different proportions of oatmeal are added, the taste is different, and the nutritional value is also different. There is a lot of knowledge in this."

"Hehe, you are fierce, everything you say is right." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Ah bah!" Hu Yifei blushed pretty, and glared at Su Yi, "Smelly rascal!"

Qin Yumo looked down, and suddenly smiled and said to Su Yi: "Then, is everything I said the truth?"

"Must." Su Yi gave her a thumbs up.

While talking, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

"Huh? Are you guys eating breakfast? Do you have my share?" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"Do you want fried eggs?" Hu Yifei asked.

Zeng Xiaoxian immediately lifted his spirits: "Eat! I love fried eggs the most!"

So Hu Yifei gave Zeng Xiaoxian the black ball that was bitten by Su Yi.

"This... are you sure this is not a fried tire?" Zeng Xiaoxian was a little suspicious of life.

"It's good to eat something, why so much nonsense!" Hu Yifei didn't have that much patience with him.

"Hehe, I don't want to eat such poisonous things!" Zeng Xiaoxian pushed the plate aside, "Isn't that Avatar coming this morning? Do I need to do anything?"

"It's Amanda!" Qin Yumo corrected, "She said she would arrive at eight o'clock, so let's wait for her at the gate of the community 10 minutes earlier."

Su Yi raised his hand and said, "I refuse to go down to greet him, because my role is a high-quality man, and I don't need to show kindness or approach any woman except Yifei."

Hu Yifei was overjoyed: "Yes, that's right! That's it! Xiaoyi is waiting at home, and Yumo and I can just go down."

"What about me?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

"Why are you joining in the fun, Mr. Zeng?" Qin Yumo asked, "You are also like Xiao Yi, waiting at home, wouldn't it be nice to be a high-quality man?"

"No, I think I should represent iPartment and express our kindness and enthusiasm to the guests!" Zeng Xiaoxian said righteously.

(End of this chapter)

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