Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1002 Resolve

Chapter 1002 Resolve
"That's what happened……"

Tang Youyou explained the whole thing to Su Yi as briefly as possible.

The general idea is that they think that Zhang Wei found an old woman as a girlfriend, which is a sign of hunger and hunger. They decided to save Zhang Wei from this fire pit, and by the way, reverse Zhang Wei's twisted and perverted three views.

But they were afraid to tell Zhang Wei directly that Zhang Wei would have a rebellious mentality, so they recruited Lu Ziqiao, who is very good at picking up girls, and asked Lu Ziqiao to seduce the old lady, so that Zhang Wei would be "broken in love" and achieve their goal in a devious way.

"Brother B, what do you think of our idea? Is the artistic content high?" Tang Youyou finished speaking in one breath, gulped down a glass of water, looked at Su Yi with complacency and expectation, and waited With his praise and praise.

"Actually, it's part of my credit for coming up with such a perfect idea!" Guan Gu said with a smile.

Because you don't want your friend to fall in love, so let another friend seduce this friend's girlfriend?

Not to mention anything else, just this logical way to solve the problem——

Just let Su Yi spit out his old trough and didn't know where to start.

There are no good people in Hongdong County, and there are no normal people in the iPartment!

Su Yi looked at the two of them faintly, and said, "Have you ever thought that what if this old lady named Louise is not Zhang Wei's new girlfriend..."


Tang Youyou and Guan Gu's miraculous expressions froze on their faces.

"No, it's impossible!" Tang Youyou reacted and immediately retorted, "She came to the apartment to find Zhang Wei, and gave Zhang Wei a wallet!"

"So she said she was Zhang Wei's girlfriend?" Su Yi asked back.

"Zhang Wei said that he and his girlfriend met through a divorce case, and it just so happens that the old woman just got divorced, which means that this old woman is Zhang Wei's girlfriend!" Guan Gu said magically.

"So she said that she is Zhang Wei's girlfriend?" Su Yi then asked back.

"Zhang Wei said her girlfriend was older than him, and Louise also exaggerated Wei's cuteness! She said that Zhang Wei gave her a sense of security!" Tang Youyou continued to refute.

"So she said that she is Zhang Wei's girlfriend?" Su Yi continued to ask indifferently.


Tang Youyou and Guan Gu looked at each other miraculously, their expressions were no longer so sure, and there was a little guilt in their eyes.

"What did Zhang Wei say he was going to do when he went out?" Su Yi continued to ask with a smile.


Tang Youyou swallowed hard, and said in a trembling voice: "He said, he said he wanted to go to the movies with his new girlfriend, watch "The Mummy 4"..."

"If this old lady is really Zhang Wei's girlfriend, she should be watching a movie with Zhang Wei right now." Su Yi looked at Tang Youyou with a smile, "How could she be invited to the bar by a phone call from you, accept Zi Qiao's approach?"

"And don't you guys think this is outrageous? Zhang Wei may be a little stupid, but he's not blind..."

"So, we really made a mistake?" Tang Youyou already had a horrified expression on his face.

"I knew I couldn't be so hasty, now it's over, we misunderstood Zhang Wei!" Guan Gu miraculously played the hindsight angrily.

Su Yi sighed and said, "Don't you think that what you should worry about most now is Zi Qiao?"

"At your instigation, he harassed an old lady who is more than [-] years older than him. If he succeeds, congratulations, the absurdity of this matter will be even higher; Congratulations, your eldest nephew will become the first hooligan to harass the old lady in the iPartment..."

"No, big nephew, I killed you!" Tang Youyou was so clever that she screamed and was about to run towards Lu Ziqiao.

"Slow down!" Su Yi stopped her directly.

"You can't wait, brother B, Ziqiao will be treated as a perverted hooligan!" Tang Youyou was anxious.

"That's right, little brother B, let's go, stop Zi Qiao now, and avoid the worst thing from happening!" Guan Gu hurriedly said.

"Now you know you're in a hurry? Why did you go early?" Su Yi said angrily, "Besides, are you always so careless in doing things? Zi Qiao has already implemented half of the implementation, even if you interrupt them, the old lady will still think Zi Qiao is a pervert, if he finds out that he is Zhang Wei's friend in the future, what do you think Zhang Wei will do?"

"But I can't take care of that much now! The situation is extremely urgent, brother B!" Tang Youyou stomped his feet anxiously, "Our family is only Ziqiao..."

"Stop it, he's the only one in Zhang Wei's family." Su Yi shook his head, "I'll handle this matter, you just need to cooperate!"

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers and called the foreman not far away.

"What's the boss' order?" the foreman asked respectfully.

Su Yi pointed to Lu Ziqiao's table and said, "Did you see that over there? Later, if there is any violent reaction at that table, such as that old lady suddenly standing up and pouring wine, or slapping that man, you take All the waiters immediately applauded and gathered around, treating this incident as an anti-harassment exercise in the bar, treating that man as an actor temporarily hired by our bar, and in addition, from now on, we will videotape and take pictures..."

Following Su Yi's narration, the miraculous eyes of Tang Youyou and Guan Gu lit up.

"Wonderful! This idea is great, turning a bad thing into a good thing, and recovering all losses! Xiaoyi, I really admire you!" Tang Youyou said excitedly.

"It's not just admiration? It's simply admiration, brother B!" Guan Gu was also very excited, "It's lucky to have you, otherwise Yoyo and I would feel very guilty!"

"Tell me, what do we need us to do? Brother Yi, just tell us, we will obey you!" Tang Youyou said.

"I need you to act in a play." Su Yi said with a smile.

Tang Youyou's eyes lit up immediately: "I didn't expect there to be a surprise? It's amazing! What's the script?"

Su Yi didn't answer her, but pointed at her and told the foreman: "Give her three free coupons, and then you can prepare immediately, and you must be fast!"

"Yes! Boss!" The foreman hurried to work.

Su Yi said to Tang Youyou: "Your performance task is like this..."

Su Yi roughly talked about it, and finally ordered solemnly: "I only have one request for you, and that is - no, accurate, plus, play!"

Tang Youyou rolled her eyes and said, "I think I can interpret this role in three levels..."

"No! Then you step down, I will give this role to Guan Gu!" Su Yi sternly refused.

"Oh no, director, I promise I won't add any drama?" Tang Youyou immediately compromised.

Su Yi glanced at her suspiciously, feeling that what she just said was—"Oh no, director, why don't you listen to me fart for you? No..."

"Remember, this is not a drill! This is not a drill!" Su Yi said seriously, "The performance starts from this moment, gogogo!"

Tang Youyou rushed out immediately as if she had been beaten with chicken blood.

Guan Gu miraculously asked Su Yi: "Little Brother Yi, what should I do?"

"Watching a play." Su Yi smiled and picked up the juice on the table, and sucked it up, his eyes full of satisfaction.

Having successfully done a good deed with hidden merit and fame, he felt that his red scarf was a little more colorful.

On the other side, Lu Ziqiao had to bite the bullet and had an awkward chat with Louise for a long time, exhausting all his skills.

This experience is definitely the most colorful stroke in his history of picking up girls!
How could he have imagined that one day, he would launch an offensive against a white-haired old Beibi?

But for the happiness of brothers, for justice, and for——

To prove his all-you-can-eat charm, he went all out!
Now that the warm-up is almost done, Lu Ziqiao decided to launch the most popular attack!

He looked at the wrinkled Louise, gritted his teeth, unbuttoned his third shirt, showed his strong chest, and said affectionately: "Louise, do you know? I feel that there is something between us. There is an invisible fate! Believe it or not, we have actually been the lovers of the seventh life? But on the way to this reincarnation, I got stuck in traffic, so you came decades earlier than me! Fortunately, I finally caught up Yes! So I was born and you were divorced."

Louise was startled and suspicious, her eyes widened and she said, "Young man, are you drunk?"

She couldn't imagine why the gentle and elegant young man suddenly said such inappropriate words?

"Forgive me for being straightforward!" Lu Ziqiao approached Louise, continuing to be affectionate, "But I can't wait any longer, let the world's eyes go to hell! You and I both know what each other needs..."

As he spoke, he reached out to grab Louise's hand.

Usually at this point, even if the girl refuses, she will just shake off Lu Ziqiao's hand and say no politely, but if the girl hesitates or hesitates, then the girl will most likely be taken down by him.

This is an experience routine summed up by Lu Ziqiao after many battles, and it has been tried and tested.

It's a pity that he didn't date a girl today, but the girl's mother.

How could a normal person accept such a ridiculous thing?
Louise felt that she had encountered a pervert, so she stood up like an electric shock, slapped Lu Ziqiao's face with her backhand, and shouted angrily, "Are you crazy? You pervert!"

Louise was about to leave angrily, but at this moment, the head waiter led a group of waiters smiling and clapping around.Louis Duns froze in place with a dazed look on his face.

Not to mention her, even Zi Qiao, who had just been slapped, was dumbfounded.

"Crack!" Tang Youyou's voice came from the outside, and following her, she quickly walked in from the crowd wearing sunglasses, and said loudly while waving her hands around: "Everyone, don't be nervous! Don't crowd around, relax, relax! This is just a women's anti-harassment exercise held at Jianghu Bar, the purpose is to let women bravely say no to harassment!"

"I declare that this exercise has been a complete success!"

"Oh oh oh..."



The surrounding foremen and waiters booed and applauded cooperatively, and some even sprayed fireworks.


Lu Ziqiao rolled her eyes, could it be that the little aunt used this reason to save the situation in order to avoid my embarrassment?
This idea is so amazing, if I encounter this embarrassing situation of being rejected in the future, I can do it too!

Lu Ziqiao was excited, and hurriedly stood up laughing, applauding and walking towards this side: "That's right, this is a drill, Aunt Louise, I'm sorry for scaring you just now, but I'm actually a very honest person. People like you only have respect and admiration for you, and never have any dirty thoughts, please forgive me, I was just acting."

"What the hell is going on here?" Louise still didn't respond.

"It's Auntie Louise like this!" Tang Youyou took the words with a smile, "Actually, what happened this time is a female anti-harassment exercise jointly held by us and Jianghu Bar, the purpose is to awaken women's sense of resistance, because in daily life When faced with this kind of harassment, many women are always very timid and dare not resist, which allows the bad guys to take an inch and makes the harassment continue.

"But, why did you choose me? Why didn't you tell me in advance?" Louise still refused to believe it easily.

"The reason why I chose you is firstly because I think you are suitable. You are mature, intellectual, and young. After I heard about your deeds from Zhang Wei, I think you are simply amazing. You are the new generation of us. A role model for women! So when I need a female character who can bravely say no to harassment, I think of you first, Aunt Louise!"

Tang Youyou looked at Louise's eyes filled with admiration, and continued excitedly: "And you really didn't disappoint us, your acting skills just now were great! You are so brave! Facing the harassment of bad guys, you used a Ji bravely slapped him and told him that women are never easy to mess with! Harassing women must pay a price! Louise, your performance just now is full of post-modernism romanticism, I give you full marks!"

"Really?" Louise smiled happily when she was praised, "Actually, I don't know much about acting. I just reacted instinctively!"

"This is even more remarkable, Louise!" Tang Youyou excitedly took Louise's hand, "This shows that you are a brave woman, you are worthy of all our women to learn from, you are a role model for women in our new era what!"

"Hehe, I just have more experience than you." Louise was even happier.

"But these are very valuable experiences!" Tang Youyou continued, "Louis, the reason why we didn't tell you the truth in advance is because we want to see your truest reaction, only the simplest performance is the most You can touch people's hearts, and I have to praise you again, your performance just now was so perfect! Louise, say hello to our camera!"

Louise shyly waved to a waiter holding a camera: "Hi, hello, audience, I'm Louise!"

After a pause, she turned her head and asked Tang Youyou: "By the way, where will it be broadcast after you finish filming?"

"Currently it is tentatively decided to be the Afghan TV station!" Tang Youyou said seriously.

"Actually, Aunt Louis, my identity today is not only the director of this scene, but also a victim of workplace harassment!"

Tang Youyou burst into tears, looked up at 45 degrees, and said tremblingly: "Three years ago, when I was eight months pregnant and still insisted on going to work..."

Su Yi, who was watching the play with relish, slapped himself on the forehead.

"Mad, I knew..."

(End of this chapter)

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