Chapter 1003

It's impossible for Tang Youyou not to add drama, just like asking the Jews to withdraw from Jerusalem.

In the end, in this farce, Tang Youyou portrayed herself as a mother who has been harassed in the workplace and suffered a lot. After going through a story similar to "the temptation to go home", she successfully completed her revenge. After the great image of only doing public welfare, the curtain came to an absurd end.

Louise happily left with three free coupons from the bar as a thank you for her "passionate performance" and a group photo with all the actors, directors and staff.

Tang Youyou seems to have entered the drama, and she was still telling a group of bar guests about her tragic experience over there. This time, it turned out that her child was lost, and she went all over the world to find her child...

And Lu Ziqiao also managed to attract the attention of several girls because of his "performance" just now, he became the focus, happily together with the girls——

Played flying chess.

"Little brother B, why do I feel that the two of us are redundant?" Guan Gu said mysteriously.

"Don't feel it, just." Su Yi sighed and patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go, treat me to dinner."

"Why do you want me to treat you to dinner?" Guan Gu asked miraculously.

"Take it as making up for my wounded heart for you son of a bitch." Su Yi said.

"Okay, I accept this reason." Guan Gu Miraculously agreed immediately.

It's amazing that Zhang Wei didn't come back that night.

Until the early morning of the next day, Su Yi, Hu Yifei, Qin Yumo, and Zeng Xiaoxian were having breakfast while discussing about Amanda. Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou were also sitting on the sidelines, participating in discussions from time to time, and the atmosphere was very good easy.

At this moment, Zhang Wei took a girl's hand and suddenly pushed the door open, both of them had sweet smiles on their faces.

Not to mention Hu Yifei and the others, even Su Yi was shocked by this scene.

This is definitely the fastest girl in Zhang Wei's life!
"No wonder there is no one next door, so everyone is here." Zhang Wei said with a smile, then pointed to the girl beside him and said, "Let me introduce to you, this is my girlfriend, Jian Ning."

"Girlfriend?" Everyone repeated in unison, each with ambiguous and strange eyes.

"Uh, we two fell in love at first sight." Zhang Wei giggled and said, "Jian Ning, they are all my best friends, let me introduce you..."

Zhang Wei introduced everyone to Jian Ning one by one, and the latter was especially excited when she saw Lu Ziqiao: "You are Lu Xiaobu, right? I heard my mother talk about you! He praised you for your acting talent. Yesterday she Seriously, she said, I'm sorry I slapped you."

"It's all for the sake of art, what is this little sacrifice?" Lu Ziqiao said righteously.

"Speaking of acting, why did you do such an exercise in the bar yesterday?" Zhang Wei asked curiously.

"Uh, forget about it, Zhang Wei, where are you taking your girlfriend so early in the morning?" Tang Youyou hurriedly changed the subject.

"Hey, we're planning to go to the playground for a day, and I've already taken time off." Zhang Wei said excitedly.

The crowd looked at each other in dismay.

"What?" Zhang Wei asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, I wish you all a good time, have a good time!" Qin Yumo laughed.

Su Yi said: "By the way, Zhang Wei, go to Disney, our bar can help you reimburse 90.00% of the expenses."

"Really?" Zhang Wei was surprised, "Why?"

What Su Yi said just now is not a lie, he said that the bar can be reimbursed, he is the boss, if he wants to reimburse, of course the bar can reimburse.

But if you explain it further, you have to lie.

Su Yi snapped his fingers, raised his neck to Hu Yifei and said, "Yifei, tell me."

Hu Yifei and Su Yi had a tacit understanding, and immediately explained: "This is because Xiaoyi's bar has a commercial cooperation with Disney. This is the latest welfare activity launched by their bar to give back to old customers. Anyway, it's the same for everyone. , I might as well make it cheaper for you!"

"There is such a good thing!" Zhang Wei was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Brother B, you are really awesome!"

Su Yi smiled and nodded: "Go, go, have fun."

"Don't worry," Zhang Wei was very happy, "Everyone, let's go then!"

"Goodbye!" The crowd waved goodbye to them.

After Zhang Wei left with Jian Ning, everyone gave Su Yi a thumbs up.

"Brother B, you pay for a date, you are so great!" Zeng Xiaoxian exclaimed.

"That is, why didn't you reimburse us for my trip to Disneyland with Guan Gu?" Tang Youyou protested.

"Hey, Xiaoyi doesn't run a charity organization, why should he reimburse you?" Hu Yifei said, "Don't everyone know the reason why he reimbursed Zhang Wei?"

"That's right, Zhang Wei is too stingy." Lu Ziqiao said, "The playground is the place where you can spend the most money, but Zhang Wei is the character who is the most reluctant to spend money. He chose to take his new girlfriend to the playground, which will only fully expose He is stingy by nature, Brother Yi donates money and helps out with friendship, just to help Zhang Wei, this is showing loyalty."

"But Xiaoyi, you can help Zhang Wei for a while, but you won't be able to help him forever. Sooner or later, Jian Ning will discover Zhang Wei's true nature." Qin Yumo said.

"I didn't intend to help him forever." Su Yi smiled, "I just want Zhang Wei to spend the day happily and carefree. As a friend, shouldn't it be?"

"Then can you let us spend today happily too?" Lu Ziqiao asked, "I have a suggestion, let's do group activities today, how about going to have fun together?"

"Agree!" Tang Youyou's eyes lit up, and she immediately agreed.

"I agree too!" Guan Gu's miraculous woman sang her husband Sui.

"Of course this kind of group activity cannot do without me!" Zeng Xiaoxian also became excited.

"And me and me!" Hu Yifei said eagerly, "I wanted to go out and have fun for a long time, so today is it! Yumo, what do you think?"

"Everyone go, I can't spoil everyone's fun, right?" Qin Yumo said with a smile.

All eyes fell on Su Yi.


Su Yi smiled and spread his hands: "Then where are we going?"

In the end, everyone agreed to go to a resort in the suburbs for a day and a night, and come back tomorrow morning.

Stealing a floating life, one day is free.

This must have been the most carefree day Su Yi had ever had. Except for Zhang Wei, the seven of them just rented a seven-seater car and headed straight to the suburbs.

Eating, picking, catching chickens and sheep, playing cards, playing around, campfire party...

A full and happy day.

Everyone drank a lot of wine and slept until noon the next day before returning to the love apartment with unsatisfied feelings.

Everyone chatted and laughed into 3602, and saw Zhang Wei sitting alone on the sofa with a gloomy expression.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

"Zhang Wei?" Tang Youyou spoke out first, "Why are you sitting here alone?"

Zhang Wei forced a smile: "I'm afraid that if half of you say it, it will scare you."

"...It's such a cold joke." Lu Ziqiao said, "You're not sulking here because we didn't take you out for fun, right?"

"We didn't take you there because we didn't want to disturb the two-person world between you and Jian Ning," Hu Yifei explained, "It's hard for you to find a girlfriend, and it's not good for us to be light bulbs."

"I'm not sulking. I'm really in a bad mood, but it's not because of you." Zhang Wei waved his hand.

"Could it be that you broke up with your girlfriend?" Guan Gu's eyes widened miraculously.

"Flash points?" Zeng Xiaoxian had a strange expression.

"What are you thinking, you can't expect me to be better!" Zhang Wei said angrily, "Jian Ning and I are getting along well. We had a very good day yesterday, and she praised me for being different."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei paused, hurriedly picked up the two small receipts on the table, walked up to Su Yi and smiled apologetically, "Brother Xiao Yi, you agreed yesterday that you will be reimbursed, so you mean what you say?"

"Of course." Su Yi took a look at the receipt and suddenly frowned, "Only these two?"

"That's right!" Zhang Wei said with a grin, "Of course, there is also the fare when we go there, but we take the subway instead of the bus, so we don't need to be reimbursed for this little money!"

Su Yi couldn't help sighing.

Zhang Wei suddenly became nervous: "Is there any problem, brother B? Could it be reimbursed? This is 800 yuan!"

"Eight hundred?" Lu Ziqiao frowned, "If I remember correctly, the Disney tickets alone cost 400 yuan per person, so the two of you will cost 800 yuan just to buy the tickets, right?"

"Yes, it's really too expensive." Zhang Wei said.

"Then what about your food? What about your water?" Qin Yumo asked, "You don't have any other consumption? Like some souvenirs or something? Didn't you buy some?"

"Speaking of which, I have to share with you my little money-saving strategy." Zhang Wei immediately lifted his spirits.

"Oh, no..." Everyone cried out after hearing the words.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhang Wei looked confused.

Hu Yifei sighed and said, "Everyone just admires your unswerving personality. Tell me, what is your little money-saving strategy?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and began to talk vividly: "Let me tell you, when I entered the door, I deliberately wore a thick coat. I packed eight rice balls and two packs of cotton candy in the two sleeves! The security check Sometimes they will ask you to raise your arm so that you can bring in your food under your sleeve..."


"...Strong!" Zeng Xiaoxian gave him a thumbs up, "Zhang Wei, there are actually so many delicious things inside, there is no need to bring them from outside..."

"Cut, 30 yuan for a skewer of barbecue? 80 yuan for an ice cream? Even a bottle of mineral water costs [-] yuan, and a casual meal costs hundreds of yuan. Only fools buy food inside." Zhang Wei disdainfully said, "It's absolutely impossible to cheat my money!"

The crowd fell silent for a while.

"What he said really makes sense." Lu Ziqiao pointed to Zhang Wei and said to everyone.

"Don't swear!" Tang Youyou glared at Lu Ziqiao, "Zhang Wei, you only brought rice balls and cotton candy, what about drinking water?"

"Tap water." Zhang Wei took it for granted, "There are public toilets at intervals. I took two empty plastic bags and went to the toilets to pick up tap water. In fact, there is no difference between tap water and mineral water. I always think that mineral water Water is the biggest deception of the 21st century..."

Σ(°△ °|||)︴Σ(°△ °|||)︴Σ(°△ °|||)︴!
Everyone was astonished at Zhang Wei, and they all gave a thumbs up.

"I guess Jian Ning praised you for being different, she must have said it when you fetched tap water from the toilet to find her." Su Yi said quietly.

"How do you know?" Zhang Wei asked in surprise, "Actually, she said the same thing when I gave her a plush toy."

Hu Yifei immediately cheered up: "It's okay, it's okay, you even gave her a plush toy!"

"Why didn't you ask me for reimbursement? What about the receipt?" Su Yi asked.

"Can this one be reported?" Zhang Wei was surprised and delighted, "Didn't it mean that you can only buy it at the amusement park?"

Su Yi had a bad feeling: "You...didn't you buy the plush toy at Disney?"

"Of course, I'm not stupid. There are hundreds of dollars each, which is simply robbery." Zhang Wei said proudly, "I bought it on Bingxixi, and it only cost me eight dollars..."

Everyone raised their foreheads together.

"Zhang Wei, I was defeated by you!" Qin Yumo broke down, "Didn't Xiaoyi tell you that he would reimburse you 90.00%? Then why are you saving so much?"

"That's right!" Zeng Xiaoxian said, "90.00%! It's equivalent to a 80% discount! 30 yuan ice cream only costs [-] yuan, [-] yuan kebabs only cost [-] yuan, and most importantly, [-] yuan mineral water only costs [-] yuan , there are two yuan a bottle in the small store outside! You don’t take such a big deal, this is not your style!”

"That's right, don't you know how to settle this account?" Hu Yifei said speechlessly.

"And, do you think I'm stupid?" Zhang Wei acted as if you don't want to lie to me, "Even if 90.00% of the reimbursement can be reimbursed, it still costs a lot more than I do now! This is quite The promotional activities held by the supermarket are actually trying to trick you into spending more money. I won’t do this kind of trick three years ago.”

"Besides, being thrifty is my greatest strength. Jian Ning and I have just started. Of course, I want to show her my best side."

Qin Yumo sighed, stepped forward and patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder and said, "Zhang Wei, you are so outstanding, I don't think Jian Ning is good enough for you."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Su Yi shook his head. He finally understood that the iPartment's weirdos always have the ability to get things back on the track they are most familiar with.

"Since you're not because of Jian Ning, what are you trying to do when you're sitting here depressed early in the morning?" Su Yi asked, changing the subject.

Zhang Wei hesitated slightly, and said, "Okay, it's not a secret, let me tell you the truth, I ran into my ex-girlfriend in the convenience store downstairs this morning."

"Which one? Sally?" Lu Ziqiao asked.

"Or Moran?" Qin Yumo asked.

"No, it's Xiaoli." Zhang Wei said.

Except for Su Yi, everyone was sluggish.

"Which one is Xiaoli?" Tang Youyou asked everyone's thoughts.

"It's the one who ran away from marriage." Zhang Wei said with a bitter face, "I didn't expect that after so long, I would meet her again, and the man who took her to escape marriage back then, the two of them—huh?"

Zhang Wei stared dumbfounded at the crowd who were already sitting on the sofa and sharing melon seeds.

"Where...where did you get the melon seeds?"

(End of this chapter)

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