Chapter 1004
Amid the repeated urging of the melon-eaters, Zhang Wei roughly told the story of his runaway ex-girlfriend Xiaoli in a convenience store and the man Qiangzi who took Xiaoli away at the wedding.

Everyone was shocked after listening to it.

"We are destined to meet from thousands of miles away?" Hu Yifei's eyes were dull, "What the hell line is this?"

"That's right, Lawyer Zhang, don't you think you're an idiot? You actually said such things to your ex-girlfriend?" Zeng Xiaoxian sneered.

"Don't say that, maybe Zhang Wei wants to reconnect with them—the bad relationship!" Lu Ziqiao raised her eyebrows and said with a smirk.

"You are wicked, Zi Qiao!" Qin Yumo gave him an angry look, "But Zhang Wei, what you said will indeed cause the other party to misunderstand, thinking that you either have not let her go, or you are excited when you see her. To incoherent."

"Hey, this is just a normal greeting." Zhang Wei argued unwillingly, "Please don't over-interpret it, please!"

"Normal greetings are like this." Tang Youyou cleared her throat, stood up and faced Guan Gu, suddenly possessed by a playful spirit.

"Ah, isn't this my ex-boyfriend Zhang Wei?" she called out with a "surprised face".

Guan Gu also stood up in a tacit understanding: "Ah, you are, you are my ex-girlfriend? What's your name?"

Guan Gu scratched his head miraculously, as if he couldn't remember.

"My name is Xiaoli." Tang Youyou sighed sadly, "Zhang Wei, I didn't expect that you don't even remember my name."

Guan Gu smiled lightly: "Everyone is so busy, who has time to think about the past?"

"I..." Tang Youyou hesitated to speak.

Guan Gu miraculously pretended to look at his watch, and said: "I have a meeting to hold later, so I won't chat with you, goodbye."

"Again..." Tang Youyou didn't say anything, Guan Gu had already turned around and left.

"See you." Looking at Guan Gu's miraculous back, Tang Youyou spat out the last word in frustration.

"I put my love into flowing water. Love is sadder than being loved. Listening to each other's words is precious. I think your gentle arms will wrap you sweetly..."

As the affectionate music sounded, everyone turned their eyes to Su Yi expressionlessly.

Su Yi coughed lightly and turned off the music on the phone, waved his hands and said, "You guys go on, I just want to see the atmosphere, let's set it up casually."

"Naughty!" Qin Yumo pointed at Su Yi dotingly, then looked at Zhang Wei and said, "But it's true, this is the normal way to greet each other like Youyou and Guan Gu, Zhang Wei, don't you really have no affection for Xiaoli?" right?"

"How could it be?" Zhang Wei suddenly raised the volume, "I was just joking and joking, besides, it's nothing like this kind of thing, it's normal for adults..."

"Normal?" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Is there a mistake? They are the chief culprits who ruined your normal life!" Zeng Xiaoxian exclaimed in disbelief.

"That's right, even a man can't forgive this kind of thing!" Lu Ziqiao said.

"Hey, you guys figure it out, you dragged him out to fool around and caused Zhang Wei to miss his wedding, you are the culprit, okay?" Hu Yifei said angrily.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao looked at each other awkwardly.

Zhang Wei sighed and said, "It's been so long, does it matter who is right and who is wrong?"

Everyone looked at Zhang Wei in shock after hearing the words, and then applauded together.

"Zhang Wei, isn't your realm too high?" Qin Yumo tutted, "For me, it is impossible to forgive Richard in this life. Although I have let go of this matter."

"I think Zhang Wei is right." Hu Yifei said.

"Do you feel that Zhang Wei looks like a person?" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smirk.

"Who do you look like?" Tang Youyou asked.

"Linghu Chong!" Zeng Xiaoxian said word by word.

"Who is this?" Guan Gu's mysterious face was blank, "Is it a star?"

"As the saying goes, the past is like smoke, and all grievances and hatred will be wiped away with a smile." Zeng Xiaoxian tutted.

Zhang Wei suddenly straightened his back, smiled and pretended to be reserved and cupped his fists: "I'm so generous, I've always been so magnanimous."

Lu Ziqiao sneered, and continued: "Junior Sister becomes a wife, so keep the green hat in your heart!"


Zhang Wei's expression instantly collapsed.

"Hahaha..." Everyone burst into unscrupulous laughter.

"You guys are wicked!" Hu Yifei said with a smile, "I think it's better for Zhang Wei to be more tolerant, otherwise? Is it really going to be ugly? I think his response is still very chic."

"Stylish?" Zeng Xiaoxian sneered, "That's because you don't know Zhang Wei!"

"I don't think Zhang Wei is telling the truth. The real situation should be like this." Lu Ziqiao said.

He and Zeng Xiaoxian looked at each other, then stood up in a tacit understanding.


"Zhang Wei!" Zeng Xiaoxian squeezed his throat and exclaimed in surprise, "I didn't expect to meet you in a convenience store!"

"It's you, Xiaoli!" Lu Ziqiao's expression changed rapidly, and finally let out a long breath and forced a smile, "It's really a fate to meet thousands of miles away."

"Zhang Wei, are you still unable to let go?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

"How can it be impossible to let go? Xiaoli, I actually let go of it a long time ago!" Lu Ziqiao said affectionately, "However, you are always the woman I love the most."

"Zhang Wei, it's impossible for us..." Zeng Xiaoxian said coyly.

"I know, I know..." Lu Ziqiao tried his best to look very sad, although his facial features were wrinkled together like constipation, "Xiao Li, the past is like smoke, in fact, I have let you go a long time ago, I don't care anymore, Goodbye, beep..."

Lu Ziqiao ran away crying.

"I put my love into water, love is sadder than being loved, every word I heard is precious, I don't see the man's tears, they stop in the eye sockets..."

The music sounded again, and everyone looked at Su Yi again.

"What are you looking at me for?" Su Yi turned off the music on his mobile phone with an innocent face, "I have to do something when the atmosphere is in place, right? Zhang Wei, I know you want to portray yourself as a handsome and unrestrained man, but this It's seriously inconsistent with your temperament. If you really don't care, why are you sitting here depressed?"

"As I said, I must have let go. I'm not depressed, I'm just thinking about something." Zhang Wei said.

"I think we should trust Zhang Wei. Isn't it great that he can let this matter go?" Hu Yifei said.

"It's impossible!" Lu Ziqiao said with a smile, "Zhang Wei, do you know how dangerous your situation is now?"

"Me? Dangerous?" Zhang Wei looked suspiciously around, "Am I being targeted by a perverted pervert?"

"Ah bah! Just you? Do you deserve it?" Lu Ziqiao spat at him mercilessly, "I mean, women are all aggressive animals, and they all hope that their ex-boyfriends will linger on them, wanting to die..."

"It's life or death!" Hu Yifei rolled her eyes, "Please don't say such obscene words, please!"

"Almost." Lu Ziqiao shrugged and continued, "When you met your ex-girlfriend, you pretended to be calm, which has already violated the vanity of the other party. The more calm you act, the more you will hurt her vanity. , believe it or not, she will come to you again soon."

Zhang Wei's expression changed slightly upon hearing this.

"Hey, are you too dark? Can't you be more inspirational?" Hu Yifei said, "I believe in Zhang Wei!"

"We know Zhang Wei and Yifei too well," Lu Ziqiao shook his head with a smile, "We were just afraid of you, so we made a big bet and made a mistake."

"Want to gamble again?" Hu Yifei's eyes were dangerous.

"Dice or Pai Gow?" Zeng Xiaoxian chuckled.

"Okay! You don't need to gamble!" Zhang Wei interrupted them, his face was very ugly, "This time Ziqiao is right, Xiaoli... came to see me again last night."

Lu Ziqiao slapped excitedly: "Look, how did I say it? I can even guess what Xiaoli will say to Zhang Wei!"

"You think you're a fortune teller?" Hu Yifei didn't believe it at all.

"Hehe, I guess, Xiaoli must have said some ambiguous words to you, and even belittled her current boyfriend, making you run wild and let your imagination run wild!" Lu Ziqiao said to Zhang Wei with a sneer, "But it's all a disguise, she His real purpose is to see that you still love her and you will do anything for her! When he sees you become a licking dog again, her purpose is fulfilled and her vanity is satisfied She will abandon you mercilessly again!"

"This...women are really scary!" Guan Gu miraculously shivered.

"Licking the dog?" Qin Yumo wanted to laugh, "Zi Qiao, you are so wicked, this word is really a great insult to personality."

"I didn't invent this word, it was invented by Brother Yi." Lu Ziqiao spread his hands, "If you want to be immoral, Brother Yi is also immoral."

"So it was Xiaoyi who said it?" Qin Yumo's eyes lit up, "I'll just say it, only Xiaoyi can come up with such a vivid and humorous kind mockery, Xiaoyi, you are awesome!"

"Hey, do you want to make the double standard so obvious?" Lu Ziqiao said speechlessly.

"You care about me!" Qin Yumo snorted, then turned to ask Su Yi, "Little Yi, why don't you talk much today?"

"I was hit by Zhang Wei." Su Yi sighed, "I already poured him a good hand, but he still played poorly in the end."

"Then what do you think about Zhang Wei and his ex-girlfriend?" Hu Yifei was a little annoyed that Qin Yumo was flirting in front of Su Yi, and couldn't help asking with a cold snort.

"Of course, let her go as far as she can!" Su Yi said without hesitation, "Running off with other men at the wedding, this kind of humiliation is absolutely unforgivable to anyone, including women. Ladies present please Just imagine, on the day of your wedding, your groom ran away with another woman, what would you do?"

Hu Yifei thought of Qin Yumo coming out to snatch the marriage when she and Su Yi got married, and immediately gritted her teeth and said, "I will send this adulterer and adulterer to see God together!"

Qin Yumo also glared at Hu Yifei, and snorted coldly: "I will die with them!"

Tang Youyou looked solemn: "I'm different! I will bear the humiliation, pretend to have amnesia, get close to that woman, and work three jobs at the same time, come..."

"Shut up!" Everyone yelled in unison, and Tang Youyou immediately shrank her neck and hid behind Guan Gu's magic.

Su Yi smiled and spread his hands and continued: "So if it was you, would you choose to forgive?"

The three women were silent at the same time.

Hu Yifei suddenly raised her hand and said, "Well Zhang Wei, I was wrong, I can't forgive, so I shouldn't persuade you to be generous."

As she spoke, she suddenly grabbed Zhang Wei by the collar and pulled him up, gritted her teeth and said, "Promise me, don't let those adulterers and whores go, okay?"

Zhang Wei shivered in fright, and said in a trembling voice: "But...but I don't want to take revenge on them, I just want them to never bother me."

"Zhang Wei, you said Xiaoli came to see you last night, what did she come to see you for?" Su Yi asked.

"She wanted me to attend her and Qiangzi's wedding, and offered 200,000 to compensate me." Zhang Wei said in a low tone, "I rejected her."

"200,000! You still refused?" Zeng Xiaoxian exclaimed, and then suddenly said, "I understand, the reason why you are in a bad mood is because you regret it now, right? After all, with your saving speed, you can save 200,000 At least seven or eight years."

"I think Zhang Wei is a man this time, so he should refuse. He must be principled, and of course he can't ask for money he shouldn't ask for!" Hu Yifei said.

"Aren't you a fool if you have money?" Lu Ziqiao snapped, "Besides, they owe you Zhang Wei, so you should take the money and treat it as mental damage expenses."

"I'm not depressed because of money." Zhang Wei explained, "I'm just... well, I don't know how to say it, but I just know the news of her marriage, and I'm in a bad mood."

"This means that you still can't let her go!" Tang Youyou said.

"I've really let her go." Zhang Wei explained helplessly.

"That's because you're upset." Su Yi leaned on the sofa and said leisurely, "Why can the person who hurt you get happiness if you're upset, and you're upset that they put on a high-ranking attitude to compensate you, as if using money? It can buy your self-esteem, heal your hurt, and make them feel at ease about the wrong things they have done."

"You don't understand why the world is like this, why good people don't get rewarded, and bad people live so freely. Why do you work so hard to live, but always encounter failure and misfortune."

After a pause, Su Yi looked at Zhang Wei: "In addition, you have already realized that Jian Ning will not contact you again. You screwed up again, right?"

Zhang Wei's face froze, his face suddenly turned red, and he shouted excitedly to Su Yi: "No! Of course not! You think you are a roundworm in my stomach? Don't think you know me very well!"

After that, he turned around and rushed into his room, slamming the door hard.

The loud noise made everyone shudder.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the atmosphere was once very awkward.

Su Yi sighed leisurely and said, "I shouldn't expose Zhang Wei's thoughts in public."

"It's not your fault, Xiaoyi." Qin Yumo said hastily.

Su Yi shook his head: "It's really my fault, I'm too relaxed, a little thoughtless." He stood up, walked to the kitchen, and took out two bottles of beer from the refrigerator.

"I'll go talk to Zhang Wei alone." Su Yi said with a smile.

Everyone nodded in unison, watching Su Yi knock on the door of Zhang Wei's room.

After Su Yi went in and closed the door, he saw Zhang Wei sitting beside the bed with his back to him.

"Brother B, I've decided to leave." Zhang Wei said in a low tone.

(End of this chapter)

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