Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1005 The Almighty Su Yi

Chapter 1005 The Almighty Su Yi

Zhang Wei is leaving?

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Where are you going?"

"Jin Province." Zhang Wei stood up and turned around, smiling at Su Yi.

His expression was exceptionally calm at this moment.

"You also know that I grew up in an orphanage," Zhang Wei said, "but in fact, my hometown is in Jin Province, and there are some relatives of mine over there. In the past two years, I have been in touch with them and have been talking on the phone. , They have always wanted me to go back to visit relatives, but unfortunately I have never had time."

"Just two days ago, our law firm announced a permanent job in the Bingzhou office. I paid attention to it. The job is very easy. There is basically nothing to do, and there are travel subsidies available. I think In the past, I visited relatives by the way, and most importantly, I also had time to prepare for my bar exam."

"I've failed several times. This time, I really don't want to hang up again! I heard that Jin Province is an area where the judicial examination policy is relaxed, and there are extra points for taking the examination there. Compared with Shanghai, it is relatively It’s much easier to say.”

"Actually, I've been hesitating for the past two days whether to go or not. One is because I really miss everyone, and the other is because I'm not a decisive person. I can't make up my mind to leave..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei laughed at himself and said: "However, Xiaoli's matter and Jian Ning's matter have helped me make up my mind. I really plan to leave, do what I want to do, and go and have a good time." Work hard, quietly prepare for the judicial examination, and strive to become a real lawyer as soon as possible."

"Brother B, in fact, what you said just now is correct, it's just a bad advice. Since you came to the love apartment, you have helped me a lot. I should thank you. I really shouldn't have vented to you just now..."

Su Yi interrupted him with a smile: "If you really think so, I support you."

He handed Zhang Wei a bottle of wine, and continued: "As long as you know what you want, just do it."

Zhang Wei smiled, and shook the bottle with Su Yi, saying: "I know exactly what I want! Don't worry, Brother Yi."


The two picked up the wine bottle and blew.

"By the way, Brother B, my job transfer will take more than a month. For the time being, only you will know about my departure. I don't want others to know for the time being, because I don't want to be misunderstood by them. I just want to be a relationship deserters."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

There is no feast that never ends, because of the upcoming parting, Su Yi felt a little sad in his heart.

But what he didn't expect was that this was not the only parting.

Half a month later, Guan Gu Miracle had no choice but to go to the comic company he signed because he hadn't received the manuscript payment for three consecutive months. It turned out that the company had closed down three months ago, and the building was empty.

To make matters worse, Guan Gu's magical work visa is about to expire. If he can't find a job within seven days, he will have to face the fate of returning to Zhe Peng.

Su Yi didn't know about this at first, because the bar manager David had formally submitted his resignation to Su Yi.

Su Yi has no intention of pursuing wealth and scale, while David's goal is the stars and the sea. The goals and demands of the two are completely different, so naturally there is no way to cooperate any longer.

Su Yi and David belonged to a "peaceful breakup". David solemnly invited Su Yi to his home and invited Su Yi to a family dinner. Su Yi also met his wife and children.

Then David sincerely explained his thoughts to Su Yi.

Su Yi expressed his understanding and wished David a better future.

So for the next period of time, Su Yi has been looking for a new bar manager for Jianghu Bar.

He needs a stable, content with the status quo, but serious and responsible subordinate to help him manage the affairs of Jianghu Bar. Such a person is actually not easy to find.

Su Yi also found five headhunting companies to find talents for him. After interviewing dozens of people, he finally found a suitable candidate.

This person's surname is Lu, and he is a middle-aged man who looks very stable.

Su Yi knew Guan Gu's miraculous things because of the "shocking resume" that went viral all over the Internet.

This resume is a video, it was written by Tang Youyou at first glance, in which Guan Gu is magically shaped into "the last samurai". To be honest, it is quite creative, but it is really shocking. After watching it, Su Yi It was so embarrassing that there was nowhere to put my toes.

But embarrassment is embarrassment, and Su Yi also understands the situation Guan Gumiqi is about to face.

Among all the friends in iPartment, Su Yi actually has the least feeling for Guan Gu's magic, probably because he is from Zhe Peng.

During the Republic of China, Su Yi once felt that Zhe Peng people were all enemies and deserved to die.

He thought so and did it.

But in modern society, it is natural that we can no longer uphold this old vision, not to mention that Guan Gu Miracle has always been kind and respectful to him.

So he planned to give Guan Gu Magic a chance to work.

However, he believed that if Guan Gu Miracle really needed it, he would come back and find him.

Guan Gu's magic has indeed reached the end of the mountain.

There are only two days left until the deadline for his work visa to expire.

His resume has gone viral all over the Internet, but no company intends to hire him.

Tang Youyou even asked Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei to ask Guan Gu to go to work in Qin Yumo's cosmetics company or Hu Yifei's university.

Whether it is a cross-border sales, or a foreign teacher, as long as you can continue to stay, the visa can be extended smoothly.

Hu Yifei's university has made it clear that it can't do it, and now only Qin Yumo's cosmetics company has not replied.

Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou waited anxiously in the living room. They had just called Qin Yumo to inquire about the situation, but Qin Yumo told them that he would be back soon, so we will talk about it in person.

Seeing Tang Youyou walking back and forth in front of him, Zhang Wei couldn't help but helplessly said: "Yuyou, aren't you dizzy?"

"Now I have one head and two big ones!" Tang Youyou said with a sad face, "It's been five days since I sent out my resume, why hasn't a company called?"

"Yuyou, didn't you keep telling me, don't worry, stay calm?" Guan Guwei was also in a bad mood, and tried to persuade him with a smile, "Let's wait, wait..."

Just as he was talking, Qin Yumo opened the door and walked in.

Tang Youyou immediately cheered up, and hurriedly greeted her.

"How is it, Yu Mo? What does your supervisor say?"

Qin Yumo sighed and said, "Our supervisor has already seen Guan Gu's video resume, and he told me that we have no plans to recruit foreign employees."

"It is very cumbersome for companies to hire foreign employees, and the HR department has to do a lot of related complicated work alone, so many companies are reluctant to easily hire foreign employees." Qin Yumo further explained, "I not only asked our company, I also asked several acquainted entrepreneur clients, and none of them were willing to recruit foreign employees."

"What's more..." Qin Yumo hesitated slightly, looked at Tang Youyou and said helplessly, "Yuyou, this video resume is really ridiculous, I will show it to the bosses, they have no idea what you want What to say. They think this is not a resume, but a spoof video..."

"Is it really that ridiculous? I think it's very good!" Tang Youyou frowned, "Yifei told me that the resume must attract attention, so I incorporated some elements of commercial films. Guan Gu, what do you think?"

Guan Gumi thought for a while, and said, "I think the music is good."

"Wait a little longer, I think there are still many bosses who haven't seen it, if they see it, they will definitely contact Guan Gu!" Tang Youyou said.

Zhang Wei shook his head and said, "Yuyou, this video resume of Guan Gu has gone viral all over the Internet, and all the bosses who should have seen it have already seen it."

"There are still two days..." Guan Gu said in a depressed mood, "Maybe, I really have to go back to Zhe Peng."

Tang Youyou's expression was gloomy, and she turned around with tears in her eyes.

"Yuyou, what's wrong with you!" Guan Gu suddenly became nervous.

"I'm sorry Guan Gu." Tang Youyou choked back tears and said, "I thought many people would like this resume. I've worked hard, but... But I'm afraid I've messed everything up."

"It's not your fault Yoyo!" Guan Gu Miraculously comforted her anxiously and clumsily, "Take this resume as a souvenir for me."

"Don't go! I don't want you to leave a souvenir! Guan Gu, don't go! I don't want you to go! Woooooo..." Tang Youyou couldn't hold back her sadness anymore, turned around and hugged Guan Gu and cried.

When Qin Yumo and Zhang Wei saw this scene, they felt very uncomfortable.

"Guan Gu, Yoyo, why don't you ask Xiaoyi?" Qin Yumo said.

"I've asked them this question before." Zhang Wei spread his hands, "But they thought Brother Yi's bar should have no shortage of waiters, let alone a Zhe Peng waiter, so they didn't ask."

"Brother Xiao Yi has always taken care of us, we don't want to trouble him anymore." Guan Gu magically hugged Tang Youyou and explained in a low tone.

"Hey, what time is it now? If you can't think of a way, you can go back to Zhe Peng! Why are you talking about trouble or not?" Qin Yumo shook his head speechlessly, "And Xiao Yi always has the most ways, even if his bar doesn't need Guan Gu, but It doesn't mean he can't help Guan Gu."

"That's right, Little Brother B is omnipotent, he must have a way, I'm so confused, why didn't I think of this!" Tang Youyou hurriedly wiped away her tears and snot, and hurriedly took out her phone, " I'll call Brother B right now."

Guan Gu Miraculous also showed nervousness and anticipation.

At this moment, Lu Ziqiao opened the door and entered, and the voice came first before the person arrived.

"Guan Gu, I heard that you are going back to Zhe Peng?"

"Hush!" Everyone stared at Lu Ziqiao and made a gesture of silencing him.

"Hey, Brother B! Help..." Tang Youyou cried out as soon as the call was connected.

"Don't worry, speak slowly." Su Yi said gently on the other end of the phone.

"It's Guan Gu. Guan Gu's work visa has expired. His original comic agency closed down three months ago. If he can't find a job now, he will be sent back to China in two days..."

Tang Youyou recounted the matter incoherently, but in fact Su Yi already knew what was going on.

"Brother B, we have tried everything, and now only you can save Guan Gu!"

After Tang Youyou's voice fell, Su Yi was slightly silent, and then said: "If it's convenient, you can bring Guan Gu to the bar now."

Tang Youyou was startled, and then asked in disbelief: "Brother B, you mean, you mean...can you help Guan Gu?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "It's not a big deal, I'm not helping him, it's mutual benefit. Then I'll wait for you?"

"Okay! Okay! We'll be there in ten minutes—no! We'll be there in five minutes!" Tang Youyou hung up the phone, and immediately ecstatically shouted at Guan Gu: "Guan Gu, Little Brother Yi has a solution, he promised to help you ! You don't have to go!"

"Great, great! Ahahaha!" Guan Gu also exclaimed excitedly.

He and Tang Youyou hugged each other, laughed and danced.

"I just said Brother B has a solution!" Zhang Wei smiled gratifiedly, "You should have gone to him a long time ago."

Seeing this, Qin Yumo also showed his auntie smile.

"Hey, isn't it!" Lu Ziqiao yelled dissatisfied, "I was about to turn the tide at a critical moment, why was I cut off right after I came out?"

"What do you mean? You can also help Guan Gu?" Qin Yumo asked in surprise.

"Of course!" Lu Ziqiao said, "I have a friend who immigrated overseas recently. Before he left, he transferred his company to me."

"Together with his assets and business?" Zhang Wei suddenly lifted his spirits.

"That's not true, he just changed the legal person to me." Lu Ziqiao said, "I'm planning to use this company to make a big splash recently, and I'm currently in a state of seeking talents."

"That's really a coincidence." Qin Yumo asked with great interest, "What is the main business of your company?"

"Main business?" Lu Ziqiao was taken aback, "What is that?"

(^~^;) ゞ!
Everyone looked at each other.

Zhang Wei let out an "uh" and asked again: "Yu Mo means, what does your company sell?"

"This... I haven't figured it out yet!" Lu Ziqiao said.

"Then how many employees does your company have now? Where is the office?" Tang Youyou asked.

"Good question!" Lu Ziqiao called out, "So far, the company has only one CEO, which is myself, and the office location... I think this living room is very suitable as the headquarters of Qiao's Culture Co., Ltd."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Yuyou, didn't you tell Xiaoyi that you'll be there in five minutes?" Qin Yumo said.

"That's right, I have to leave quickly! Hurry up Guan Gu!" Tang Youyou came back to his senses, pulled Guan Gu Miraculously and ran out.

"Hey, hey, you haven't answered me yet!" Lu Ziqiao shouted behind them.

But Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou ran faster than rabbits.

"I'll go and have a look too!" Seeing Lu Ziqiao's gaze on him, Qin Yumo immediately broke away before he could speak.

In the end, Lu Ziqiao's eyes fell on the dumbfounded Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei was clever and said, "I'll go down and have a look, and provide them with legal assistance."

Lu Ziqiao sneered and said, "Go ahead, it seems that I, the legal advisor of Qiao's Culture Co., Ltd., can only find someone else."

Zhang Wei, who was about to leave, was taken aback for a moment: "Legal advisor?"

"Yes, Lawyer Zhang, are you interested?" Lu Ziqiao said with a smile.

"What did you call me?" Zhang Wei was taken aback.

"Lawyer Zhang." Lu Ziqiao said.

"Ah..." Zhang Wei held his chest and cried out incomparably intoxicated.

(End of this chapter)

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