Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1006 Confession

Chapter 1006 Confession
When Guan Gu Miracle and the others rushed to the bar, Su Yi had already asked the new bar manager surnamed Lu to draw up Guan Gu Miracle's employment contract.

"Mr. Su, do you want to take extra care of Mr. Guan Gu's salary?" Manager Lu asked.

Su Yi shook his head: "There is no need for extra care, but don't lower the price either. You can talk to him. If his requirements are not high, you can sign him according to the normal salary in the industry. As for work, don't let him down just because he is my friend. Relax our requirements and standards, do business and save face."

Manager Lu chewed on the last eight words, nodded and said, "Then I know what to do."

While talking, the waiter led Guan Gu Miracle, Tang Youyou and Qin Yumo in.

"Boss Su, someone brought it here."

Su Yi smiled and nodded to the three friends, stood up and said, "I'm here to introduce you, this is my new experience in the bar, Manager Lu. Manager Lu, these three are my friends..."

After talking about standard social etiquette, Su Yi cut to the chase and said magically to Guan Gu: "I need an art consultant here. The first is that I need to draw anime portraits for the band members who will perform here; the second is that the decoration style of the bar needs to be updated. Every Both the deck and the box should be designed in different martial arts animation styles."

Su Yi smiled and said magically to the surprised and delighted Guan Gu: "Guan Gu, if you are interested in this job, our cooperation will sign a formal employment contract. Manager Lu will be responsible for the specific signing process. In terms of salary, You can also talk to Manager Lu, and I won’t ask questions.”

"Guan Gu, it's not the waiter, it's for you to continue drawing manga!" Tang Youyou, who couldn't hold back her screams for a long time, grabbed Guan Gu's magical arm and jumped up and down excitedly.

Su Yi couldn't help laughing and said: "Hey, I'm not a black-hearted capitalist, it's such a waste to have a cartoonist as a waiter."

"I know, I know, you are the best, little brother B!" Tang Youyou was so excited that he stepped forward to hug Su Yi, but was stopped by Su Yi.

"Come on, Guan Gu will be seppuku every minute." Su Yi said.

Everyone laughed.

Guan Gu miraculously blushed and scratched his head: "If it was someone else, I would be jealous, but if it was Brother B, I wouldn't, because you have always been a friend I respect very much."

After speaking, Guan Gu miraculously stood up straight, and formally bowed to Su Yi: "Little Brother Yi, thank you."

"Don't be too polite." Su Yi smiled and helped him up, "If you still have time after this job is over, I have other things I want to cooperate with you. So in theory, as long as you don't want to go back to Zhe Peng, you You will never have to worry about your work visa."

Su Yi said, blinking at Tang Youyou who was on the side.

Tang Youyou rushed forward and gave Su Yi a big hug.

"Brother B, thank you!"

Looking at this scene, Qin Yumo couldn't help showing his aunt's smile.

Next, Su Yi gave up the office to Manager Lu, Guan Gu Miracle, and Tang Youyou.

He and Qin Yumo came to the bar, ordered two bottles of beer and drank them.

"Xiaoyi, can I ask you a question?" Qin Yumo asked suddenly.


Su Yi sighed: "Is it about the three of us?"

Qin Yumo smiled bitterly: "I know that once this matter is exposed, our current harmonious situation will be broken, and we will never go back. But I'm already 29 years old, and I'm about to go to Xiaoyi! I don't have the time, and I don't have the confidence to spend it here."

Su Yi remained silent for a while, and said: "All good things are in dreams. Yu Mo, I hope we will be good friends forever."

If you want not to reject others, the best way is not to let her speak out.

Qin Yumo's face turned pale in an instant, she was silent for a long time before forcing a smile, and said, "I understand. Xiao Yi, can I ask one more question?"


"Yifei... I didn't think about it, I won't take the initiative." Su Yi guessed what she was going to ask, and gave the answer directly.

Qin Yumo nodded slowly.

She suddenly smiled, although the smile contained indescribable bitterness.

She raised the wine bottle and clinked glasses with Su Yi, and said with a smile: "No matter what, Xiao Yi, we will always be best friends, right?"

"Of course." Su Yi looked serious, "If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. Believe me, Yu Mo, there are very few things I can't do in this world."

"I know, you are the almighty Little Brother B." Qin Yumo laughed "puchi", and tears suddenly flowed down, "But what I want most, you can't do it."

Su Yi was silent.

Qin Yumo said: "I know you have never rejected others, Xiao Yi, if I speak now, will you reject me?"

Su Yi looked at her and shook his head slowly: "No."

Qin Yumo was stunned for a long time, then suddenly got up and walked over to hug Su Yi, whispering in his ear: "You know, Xiao Yi? These two words are really the most gentle words I have ever heard in my life."

She hugged Su Yi hard for a while, and when she let go of Su Yi, she seemed to have regained her original happy mood.

"Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything!" Qin Yumo said with a smile, pointing at Su Yi's nose, she deliberately warned fiercely, "Don't tell Yifei about this! No, it's Don't tell anyone!"


Su Yi nodded: "OK."

"After a while, I'm leaving." Qin Yumo said, "But don't think too much, it's not because of you, but because of a promotion opportunity given to me by the headquarters. I will become the person in charge of a large district. It's a big step in my career and I don't want to miss it."

After a pause, she said in a low tone, "That's why I suddenly asked you. I need your answer to help me choose."

Su Yi nodded slowly.

"You won't just go and never come back?" Su Yi asked.

"What? Can't bear to part with me?" Qin Yumo asked with a smile, "If I really leave, will you miss me?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded affirmatively.

Qin Yumo's eyes turned red suddenly, and he took another step forward to hug Su Yi tightly.

"I will miss you too." She whispered in Su Yi's ear, "The kind that I really miss..."

After Qin Yumo left, Su Yi asked the bartender to open a bottle of Xuan V, and drank most of the bottle by himself.

At a certain moment, he raised his head if he felt something, and saw Hu Yifei looking at him not far away, with strange eyes.

Su Yi smiled and waved to her.

Hu Yifei walked over.

"Danny, bring me a wine glass." Without talking to Su Yi, she first asked for a wine glass for herself.

Then he poured himself a full glass of wine without saying a word, and drank it down in one gulp.

Su Yi watched this scene with a smile on the side, and didn't stop it.

Hu Yifei didn't say a word, then poured himself wine, drank two more glasses, and drank the whole bottle of wine.

Her cheeks were flushed, she burped, pointed at Su Yi's nose with a smile and said, "I'm one step late, and I'll punish you with three glasses of wine! Now, we can have a good drink together!"

"You want to drink with me?" Su Yi asked.

"Who will accompany you if I don't accompany you?" Hu Yifei cut, "Zeng Xiaoxian is too good, Lu Ziqiao is too slippery, Guan Gu is too rigid, and Zhang Wei is too rigid. Who else can drink with you besides me?"

As soon as Su Yi was about to speak, Hu Yifei interrupted him and said first: "Be forewarned, you and I can only be called brothers when we are drinking. Normally, you are a man and I am a woman!"

Su Yi smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

He said to bartender Danny: "Bring another bottle of wine."

"Good Mr. Su."

After the two had a drink together, Hu Yifei looked at Su Yi and said, "I've never seen you drinking too much, and I've never seen you have anything on your mind. Xiao Yi, can you tell me what happened?"


Su Yi smiled and said, "Because of parting."

"Although parting is inevitable, although I have experienced too many partings, I still feel lost because of it." Su Yi looked at Hu Yifei and said, "Don't ask me who is leaving, because I promised not to tell."

Hu Yifei held back the question on her lips, and waved her hand depressed: "Okay, okay, don't ask!"

"What about you?" Su Yi asked, "I don't think you're in a very good mood."

"Can you tell?" Hu Yifei asked in surprise, "I'm in a bad it obvious?"

"That's not true," Su Yi said, "It's just that I can see it."

A smile flashed across Hu Yifei's eyes, and he sighed: "It's not because of our school's Taekwondo club. The old coach in charge has retired. The school leaders know that I will be a little bit better, so let me take over for a while. Unexpectedly... ..."

As soon as he said the beginning, Hu Yifei's tone became a little gnashing of teeth.

Next, Hu Yifei talked about a series of wonderful things she encountered after taking office as a taekwondo coach.

The students either learn to paint, or play Go, or sing with their voices hanging out. Their lives are playing and playing, and none of them are here for the sport of Taekwondo.

The reason why many students want to join the Taekwondo club is because they must join the club, and this club does not need to buy teaching materials.

The students didn't even know the rules of Taekwondo, which made Hu Yifei furious.

She has always been a person who strives to win, and she can't tolerate the work she participates in being messed up, so she formulated a package of devil training plans. In order to stimulate the fighting spirit of the students, she even held a group arena match with a certain taekwondo club at her own expense.

As a result, 0 students played and got a humiliating defeat of 17 to [-]!
The whole army is destroyed!

This was unprecedented in Hu Yifei's working career. She could not accept this fact, but she couldn't change the incompetence and salty mentality of the students.

She was very depressed, so she came to the bar to drink away her sorrows. Who knew that she just ran into Su Yi who was also in a bad mood.

"Xiao Yi, I have to admit this time, I failed..." Hu Yifei said dejectedly, "My education method doesn't work for them, and I can't do anything for them. I may not be able to teach them to win."

Su Yi smiled and said, "Have you heard the story of Yugong Yishan?"

"Are you trying to tell me that gold and stone are as good as they are sincere?" Hu Yifei frowned, "I can be more patient with them, but it also requires their own efforts, otherwise, I'm just wasting my efforts in vain."

"No, I'm not asking you to break through the south wall." Su Yi said with a smile, "I just want to tell you that it is impossible for Yugong to move the mountain, because the mountain cannot be leveled. So at the end of the story, the gods in the sky helped him move it away." these two mountains."

"So... what do you want to say?" Hu Yifei looked confused.

"As the saying goes, rotten wood can't be carved," Su Yi said with a smile, "This group of students didn't come here for Taekwondo at all. They don't like Taekwondo at all. If you force them to learn from you, the result will only be counterproductive."

"You are Yu Gong, these students are the two mountains of the Taihang Wangwu, and it is impossible for you to succeed in moving the mountains, so you have to tell your school leaders to let them help you remove the two mountains and give your family The gate is replaced by a plain river."

Hu Yifei understood a little: "You want me to apply to the school leaders to expel these students?"

"That's right." Su Yi nodded, "You just said that the old coach in the previous term didn't teach Taekwondo at all, but only taught the students singing and dancing. In this way, the students who really wanted to learn Taekwondo would have been forced away by him. Those who stay are all dawdling students. If you really want to run this taekwondo club well, you have to clear out these students who occupy the latrines and call back those students who really love this sport. "

Hu Yifei was a little stunned, and his spirit became a little cheered up: "Your way of thinking is a different way..."

"Your purpose is to run the Taekwondo club well, not to let these students learn Taekwondo." Su Yi said with a smile, "If you think about it this way, isn't the situation immediately opened?"

"That's right, this batch of students is no good, so I'll change another batch!" Hu Yifei's eyes lit up.

But soon became troubled again.

"But the whole school knows that I led the team to lose 0-17, and now the Taekwondo Club's reputation is rotten. I'm afraid that I will expel this group of students, and no students will come to sign up again." Hu Yifei said with a bitter face.

Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "I have a way, which should help you."

"What way?" Hu Yifei's eyes lit up.

"Make a short video to promote it." Su Yi said with a smile, "Students are very enthusiastic. If you let them think that you are very powerful and admire you, I think many people will be willing to learn from you."

"Shooting a short film?" Hu Yifei was puzzled, "How to shoot? What to shoot?"

"This is still Guan Gu's inspiration to me." Su Yi became interested, "But we must not be as exaggerated as his shots. I will help people to the end and send Buddha to the west. The big villain. How about Yifei? Are you interested in doing a good job?"

"Of course!" Hu Yifei couldn't wait, "Quickly tell me, what do I need to do?"

Just when Su Yi was advising Hu Yifei, Zeng Xiaoxian also ushered in a major opportunity in his career.

He's going to be on TV!

As a contestant, he will appear in the large-scale quiz reality show "Who Can Become a Millionaire" that will be broadcast on Shanghai TV this Friday night!
(End of this chapter)

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