Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1008 The end of this volume

Chapter 1008 The end of this volume

"Zeng Xiaoxian, you have already won a prize of 100,000 yuan, and you have used up an audience voting opportunity. Do you choose to take away the prize of [-] yuan and terminate the competition? Or continue to answer questions?"

On the TV screen, the host smiled and asked Zeng Xiaoxian who was sitting opposite.

Su Yi and the others gathered at 3601 to watch Zeng Xiaoxian's screen debut together in front of the TV.

Prior to this, Zeng Xiaoxian had answered three questions correctly in a row and accumulated a bonus of 100,000 yuan.

It's not easy, don't look at the questions in this show that seem to be common sense in life, as long as you pay attention, you can easily know the answer, but the human brain can't remember too much information that is useless to you, so these various Generally speaking, it is impossible for anyone to answer the question correctly.

For example, how long does it take for a sow to recover after farrowing?

When is World Sleep Day?

What is the name of TFboy's second album?
What is the total weight of Chang'e-[-] in kilograms?

You can find the answers to these questions by searching the Internet, but who usually pays attention to these useless spam messages?

Yes, this is all spam.

It is normal not to know these things, but knowing that it does not mean that you are knowledgeable and talented, but it proves that you are a boring person.

Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoxian is a person who is too idle.

And he was lucky, two of the first three questions were able to generate deep memories through life-related experiences, so he was able to answer three questions in succession.

"It's [-], it's fine, I'll take it when you see it, Mr. Zeng!" In front of the TV screen, Lu Ziqiao shouted excitedly, he looked even more nervous than Zeng Xiaoxian on TV.

"That's right, it's safe to be in your bag, don't be greedy, Mr. Zeng, or you won't be worth the loss if you fetch water from the bamboo basket!" Zhang Wei also looked very nervous.

"Besides, I have already answered three questions correctly, so of course I have to go ahead and continue to answer the questions! What's the matter if you give up halfway?" Hu Yifei said, "I think Zeng Xiaoxian should strike while the iron is hot."

"Brother B, Mr. Zeng told the host that he participated in the show with the encouragement of a friend. He was talking about you, right?" Tang Youyou asked curiously, "What did you tell him? Why is Mr. Zeng this time? Looks calm?"

Su Yi laughed and said: "Actually, it's nothing. I just told him that there might be something wrong with this show, and told him that if you give up halfway, you might not get anything, but if you persist until the end, you won't get anything." 5 million, and will also get the chance to become a TV host.”

Speaking of this, Su Yi spread his hands: "Then he decided to give it a go."

"Brother B, if you lie to him like this, if Mr. Zeng really gets nothing in the end, will he blame you?" Guan Gu asked in wonder.

"I didn't lie to him." Su Yi said with a smile, "I read the terms of the contract he signed with the program group, and according to the agreement, Zeng Xiaoxian really might not get a penny."

"Then this program group is too deceitful? Isn't this a scam?" Hu Yifei frowned.

"Not really." Su Yi said with a smile, "at least for Mr. Zeng, this is indeed a rare opportunity to become famous. If he can really win, the value of the program group to his follow-up promotion and packaging is not worth it." It’s worth 5 million, which is at least seven digits or more.”

Everyone chatted and watched TV.

On the screen, Zeng Xiaoxian really calmly chose to continue answering the question.

Under Su Yi's "indoctrination", Zeng Xiaoxian has already taken this show very lightly. For him, 500,000, [-] is just a series of numbers that he can't see or touch.

Only by achieving the final victory will he be honored and given a chance.

Otherwise, everything is nothingness.

Therefore, he is not nervous at all, on the contrary, he has a kind of detachment where everyone is drunk and I am alone.

The host has already started asking questions: "Excuse me, how many eyelashes does a normal adult man have on each eye?"

As soon as this question came up, Lu Ziqiao in front of the TV suddenly yelled: "Damn, what kind of weird question is this? Only ghosts can answer it!"

But Hu Yifei, Qin Yumo, and Zhang Wei looked at each other in surprise, and the three of them burst into exclamations of surprise.

"Scare me!" Guan Gumi was terrified, "What's wrong with you?"

"Teacher Zeng knows this topic, as long as he hasn't forgotten it, he should know it!" Qin Yumo excitedly said.

"That's right!" Zhang Wei said in surprise, "I accidentally burned my own eyelashes with a lighter once. I counted them on purpose, and it was more than [-]. I told Teacher Zeng at that time!"

Lu Ziqiao, Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou were dumbfounded.

"Damn, is there really such a boring person?" Lu Ziqiao said that he raised his posture.

Sure enough, Zeng Xiaoxian on the screen smiled calmly and chose the correct answer with certainty.

He received a prize of 500,000 yuan.

"It's amazing! Zeng Xiaoxian, you have answered four questions correctly in our program. If you answer one more question correctly, do you know how much bonus you will get?"

"It's 1 million!"

The host said emotionally and passionately: "If you really answer one more question correctly, you will become the first millionaire produced by our program! But I also want to remind you that the next question will be very difficult, and Very unpopular. If you get it wrong, you lose everything!"

"So, please answer me carefully, take away the 500,000 bonus, or continue to answer questions?"

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't take virtual numbers seriously at all. He smiled coquettishly and said loudly: "To me, money is just a series of numbers. Compared with money, I want to challenge myself! So, I choose to continue answering the questions." !"

His high-spirited Declaration of the Second Secondary School instantly made him countless fans.

Even the friends in the love apartment who know why he is like this have to admit that Zeng Xiaoxian is still very handsome at this moment.

Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoxian still knew the answer to this so-called unpopular question, and he successfully answered it correctly.

Whether it is the program site or in front of the TV, it has become a boiling ocean.

Next, as long as Zeng Xiaoxian answers one more question correctly, he can win the ultimate prize of 5 million!
"The answer is right, the answer is right, the answer must be right..." Tang Youyou and the others were very nervous, and even started to pray with their palms together.

Seeing this, Su Yi smiled and said: "Calm down, Mr. Zeng still has one time to ask for help outside the court to no avail. No matter what the question is, as long as he calls, he will win."

"That's right!" Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up, "He can still rule out two wrong answers!"

"But what if we don't know the answer to this question?" Zhang Wei asked.

"So you can bring your notebooks here now." Su Yi said, "While the host is asking questions, you can search for answers in Qiandu. As long as Zeng Xiaoxian doesn't know the answer, he will definitely choose to ask for help outside the venue. Call any one of us on the mobile phone. Then we can tell him the correct answer directly, isn't that all right?"

"That's right, why didn't we think of such a simple question?" Tang Youyou suddenly said in surprise and joy.

"I'm going to get my laptop! My computer is fast!" Qin Yumo hurried to his room.

After she took back the notebook and was ready, the host had already started to ask Zeng Xiaoxian the last question on the screen.

"What year was the Beatles' album 'Help' released?"

Unless you are a die-hard fan of this band, the devil will know the answer to this question.

Without even thinking about it, Zeng Xiaoxian chose to ask for help off the court.

The host was very surprised: "Zeng Xiaoxian, you seem to be very confident. Do you trust this person you want to ask for help? Will he tell you the correct answer?"

"Of course!" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled calmly, "He is omnipotent, if you are his friend, you can always trust him."

"I'm really curious about this friend of yours." The host smiled, "Okay, then let us see if your friend will disappoint you. Please start the off-site chat." Wire!"

Zeng Xiaoxian dialed the phone confidently.

After the call was made, Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "Brother B, are you watching the show? I want to know the answer."

On the other end of the phone, Su Yi turned on the handset and said with a smile, "Let everyone tell you the correct answer."

He holds his phone up to everyone.

"B!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

"Did you hear that?" Su Yi took back his phone and smiled, "It's B from AB."

"Thank you, brother B!" Zeng Xiaoxian was determined.

After hanging up the phone, Zeng Xiaoxian made a decisive choice.

Unsurprisingly, he became the first successful contestant of this show, and whether it was the show or the love apartment, it became a sea of ​​joy.

Everyone was sincerely happy for Zeng Xiaoxian.Everyone thinks that this is the beginning of Zeng Xiaoxian's rise to fame, but only Su Yi knows that this is the brightest moment in Zeng Xiaoxian's life.

After the fun, everyone still wanted to continue to be happy, so Su Yi simply took everyone to Jianghu Bar.

Everyone had a great time tonight.

Because everyone knows that after tonight, it will be rare to get together like this in the future.

Zhang Wei will leave tomorrow, and Qin Yumo will leave next Monday.

The iPartment suddenly lost two friends.

Maybe three, because Zeng Xiaoxian made a phone call just now. During this period of time, he has to obey the arrangement of Modu TV Station. As the first winner of a million-dollar prize, he will go on a promotional tour across the country, starting tonight.

If there is no accident, he will not have time to return to the love apartment for at least a month.

Everyone was astonished at Su Yi again, because the facts proved that Su Yi's "guess" was right again!
The next day, Su Yi personally drove Zhang Wei to the train station.

When he came back, he found that Qin Yumo left without saying goodbye.

Hu Yifei looked at Su Yi with strange eyes, and hesitated to speak several times.

"What did Yu Mo tell you?" Su Yi asked.

"No, it's nothing." Hu Yifei blushed and looked away.

"Come on." Su Yi sighed, "You're going to get me soon."

"Go to hell!" Embarrassed, Hu Yifei kicked over, but Su Yi dodged, making her kick in vain.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Hu Yifei pretended to be calm, but how could her beating heart beat Su Yi's perception?

"I'm going to school. I have to take advantage of Saturday and Sunday to sort out the student materials. My taekwondo class will officially start on Monday." Hu Yifei deliberately changed the topic, "Hey, I'll give you a chance. Don't you want to accompany me to work overtime?"


Su Yi sighed: "Is there any reward?"

Hu Yifei thought for a while and said, "If you accompany me, I will go to dinner and watch a movie with you."

Su Yi was stunned for a while, then quietly said: "Is this punishment? Why do you repay your kindness with revenge?"

"Go to hell!"

Hu Yifei punched him again.

This time Su Yi didn't hide.

On the way to school with Hu Yifei, Su Yi received a text message from Qin Yumo.

"Cherish the people in front of you."

Su Yi looked at Hu Yifei who was driving, and fell into deep thought.

"What are you looking at? I'll cut out your eyeballs!" Hu Yifei said fiercely.


Su Yi smiled politely, bowed his head and replied, "Okay."

Half a month later, Su Yi received a call from 032 and returned to the company again.

"The film festival is here, and you have been nominated for Best Actor!" No. 032 excitedly said, "Our film has also been nominated for Best Picture, so you will walk the red carpet with me then!"

"Okay!" Of course Su Yi would not refuse.

"We have a great chance of winning this time!" No. 032 said excitedly, "If you can really win the Best Picture and Best Actor awards, your future is limitless. Of course, it will also be of great benefit to me!"

This is not the first time Su Yi has participated in a film festival.

The scene this time was still very shocking. In the end, with the quality of "Republic of China" and Su Yi's outstanding performance in the film, he was successfully selected as the "Best Actor Award" of this Alpha Film Festival!
This is a coveted honor for first-line actors!

Winning this award is almost a step into the threshold of actor!

In addition to a symbolic trophy, Su Yi also received three generous rewards.

First, he obtained three first-line actor death-free cards.

Second, he got five excellent film sources, which are the kind of films that can get rich resources.

After becoming a first-line actor, there are very few external forces that actors can rely on. How to improve themselves in the studio world becomes the top priority.But in many films, there are actually no resources and opportunities to improve the strength of actors. At this time, the opportunity to have excellent film sources is very rare.

There is a third reward, that is, Su Yi gets a "vacation" set!
Similar to the love apartment, a vacation studio where you can stay indefinitely and come and go at any time!

The vacation set is to choose from one of three sets, three sets, three worlds with very different styles.

The first is the world of "Human World", the second is the world of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", and the third is the world of "Resident Evil".

One is modern, one is martial arts, and one is the end of the world.

The first two are fine, the last one——

Are you sure it's a vacation set?
Choose one of three, which one should you choose?

After becoming the best first-line actor, in addition to these obvious benefits, of course there are many invisible benefits.

First of all, his fame has increased greatly, and his number of fans has almost doubled seven or eight times at once, and this number is still increasing rapidly.

And the three practice films he made before, "Storm", "Sewing Machine Band" and "Infernal Society", got the chance to be screened, and many audiences became interested in the plays he had acted in before.

Second, his pay was doubled.

Originally, after he became a first-line actor, his salary has increased greatly, but now, his salary has increased by 50% on the original basis.

(End of this chapter)

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