Chapter 1009
"Actor Su Yi, the performance task of the movie "Zombie" starring you is as follows——

1. Playing the role of Qian Xiaohao, he lived in Room 2442, Hong Kong Court, Health Village, a public housing estate in North Point, and hanged himself once;
2. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, save ten ghosts above the shadow level;

3. Defeat a hairless head independently.

Note: First-line actor performance tasks are no longer rated. Completion of ordinary performance tasks will reward 200 director points, and there will be no penalty for failure; because you won the best first-line actor award, the reward will be increased by 50%. "

Hong Kong Island.

Familiar Hong Kong Island, familiar taste.

Su Yi is carrying a heavy suitcase in his right hand, a wooden box full of sundries in his left arm, and a white cloth bag containing various props on his back.

He was standing in front of the towering dilapidated building, behind him a dilapidated bus had just left and got into the winding mountain road covered by dense forest.

The mountain wind is bleak and cold, and the mist is filled; the shadows of the trees are swaying and rustling.

A few lines of ravens yelled chaotically, circling and flying around the building.

The sky was very gloomy, and the leaden clouds seemed to be pressing tightly on the roof of the building.

The humid and hot air seemed to indicate that a storm was coming.

2003 years.


Su Yi looked up at the towering building in front of him, and felt a strange feeling of stepping into the dusty years in his heart.

After he entered this world, he was on a driving bus. At that time, the surrounding environment was still a bustling and bustling modern neighborhood, which was in sharp contrast to the dilapidated and barren here.

Obviously this is also Hong Kong Island, but here is like a corner that has been abandoned and forgotten by the world for decades.

Neon lights, asphalt roads, numerous shops, crowded crowds...

Nothing to do here.

Some only have peeling walls, wet and dirty cement roads, messy wiring, and dirty and dirty environments.


It was depressingly quiet.

Perhaps the most depressing thing is the eerie building in front of me like a dark cloud.

This is a dilapidated building that anyone who looks at will feel decayed and ominous, making people subconsciously want to stay away.

But Su Yi couldn't stay away, because his first mission was to live in a long-abandoned haunted house in this building.

This is the first time that Su Yi has participated in a performance as a leading actor as a first-line actor.

The character he replaced was named Qian Xiaohao, a well-known action movie star in the 80s, who was once a smash hit with "Mr. Zombie".

It's a pity that the unrestrained and rough production of the Hong Kong Island film industry later made the zombie-type films quickly fall into a desperate situation.

Life is poor and everything is sad. Qian Xiaohao, who has passed through middle age, has experienced ups and downs. No matter how difficult it is to restore his former glory, he himself has fallen into the abyss of alcoholism and gambling.

Not long ago, his ex-wife and son died in an accident. The grieving Qian Xiaohao fell into deep despair. He sold his house and car, paid off all his debts, and then chose to exile himself and returned to the place where he was born. Among public housing buildings.

He didn't come to find his roots, let alone escape from the world.

He just wanted to end where he came from.

He wants to commit suicide and end his miserable life.

According to the development of the original plot, his suicide was naturally unsuccessful.

He was first possessed by two ghosts in room 2442, and then rescued by a hermit expert who lived in this housing estate. Later, he joined hands with this expert to eliminate an evil bloodthirsty zombie.

Su Yi came to this building half a year earlier than the original plot. In fact, he had half a year to prepare, so there was no need to rush in.

But Su Yi felt that if he wanted to better complete the performance task, he had to enter the "scene" in advance.

This was his first film as a first-line actor, so he naturally didn't want to mess it up, and of course he had to put more effort into it.

Of course there are dangers, and they are not small.

But Su Yi was psychologically prepared for the danger. He knew very well that from the moment he was promoted to a first-line actor, he walked out of the "novice village" and passed the "novice protection period".

This dangerous game of reincarnation has only just begun to reveal its ferocious true colors.

He can't turn back, he can only go on.

He has also seen the fate of those negative actors with his own eyes.

Fortunately, Su Yi has won very favorable conditions for himself, such as exemption from death cards, such as good resources.

The film "Zombie" is of course a good resource, because there is Maoshan method here, and Su Yi can learn the method of catching ghosts and transcending salvation here.

After becoming a first-line actor, you can choose one of three films for each performance, and choose the film you want to complete from the three films.

In addition, Su Yi also won five high-quality film sources for the Best Actor Award.

So for a long time, Su Yi didn't have to worry about having to enter some "junk studios" with only danger and no profit.

The three films for Su Yi to choose this time are "Ghost in the Office", "Reaper 1" and "Zombie". These are the film sources owned by director 032. After weighing the pros and cons, Su Yi decided not to waste his own Those five film sources, but directly choose the film "Zombie".

Although the danger of the first-line actors' performances had been estimated, the difficulty and danger of the three performance tasks still made Su Yi feel awe-inspiring.

Let’s not talk about the last two tasks, just talk about the first task—to stay in the 2442 haunted house and commit suicide once.

Is this a task that ordinary people can accomplish?
In 2442, there was a pair of twin ghosts, so powerful that even the hermit would not easily provoke them.

Su Yi's living here is equivalent to eating and living with the twin female ghosts every day, which is hard for anyone.

Not to mention, he was about to hang himself in the house.

In the original plot, Qian Xiaohao was rescued by an expert hermit and saved his life.

But now that it was Su Yi, if he dared to gamble with his own life, would an expert come to rescue him by chance?

Of course, with Su Yi's current ability, even if he really hanged himself, it would be very difficult to hang himself.

Su Yi even knows how to hold qigong, allowing himself to enter a state of suspended animation.

But if he uses martial arts, is that considered "suicide"?

Su Yi felt that the director probably wouldn't let him take this trick.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

A flock of crows flew over Su Yi's head, interrupting his meditation.

Su Yi took a deep breath and strode forward.

Bypassing a section of dilapidated and deserted stone road, Su Yi entered the courtyard of this building through a dark door opening.

Cramped, oppressive, humid air, and with an unpleasant smell.

This smell is found in many elderly people, and it is the smell in some elderly people's homes.

It's just that the smell here is stronger and more unpleasant.

Since the 80s, Hong Kong Island has entered a period of rapid development. The city is known as the "Four Asian Tigers". The economy is booming and the city's appearance is changing with each passing day.

The rapid development has brought many opportunities to create wealth. The myth of rebellion and overnight wealth is constantly being staged in this city, attracting young people to rush to the bustling area of ​​the city.

As a result, remote public housing estates like this one have become neglected.The only ones left are the elderly who can't keep up with the social changes, a few left-behind children, and the poor and poor.

It was precisely because of this that Su Yi walked all the way from the patio to the elevator without even meeting a living person.

It is noon now, and most elderly people have the habit of taking a nap.

However, there should be a row of shops at the back of this building. Su Yi has sharp eyes and ears, and he can faintly hear the slight noise coming from the back of this building.

In addition, he also heard that a child seemed to be running towards this side.

Su Yi took out his mobile phone and dialed the number on the last call log.

The phone was connected quickly, and an old voice came from the other side: "Hello? Mr. Qian?"

"I'm here." Su Yi said.

According to the setting of the plot, before he came here, he had already talked with the administrator of this building on the phone.

But when he passed the porter on the other side of the door just now, he saw that the door was locked from the outside, and there was no one inside.

"Oh, I'm sorry, then you go upstairs and we meet at the door of the room." The old man on the other end of the phone said.

"Okay." Su Yi hung up the phone.


The old elevator wobbled to the first floor and opened the door.

The space in the elevator is not small, the lights are pale, and the handrails for the elderly are specially installed.

Su Yi went in and pressed the button on the 24th floor. Just as he was about to close the door, he suddenly changed his expression and blocked the elevator door with his arm.

A few seconds later, a child with pale yellow hair ran over.

His skin was sickly white, a clear symptom of albinism.

His long, soft hair covered his eyes, making it hard to see his eyes clearly.

He was taken aback when he saw Su Yi for the first time, but he quickly ran into the elevator and stood panting in the corner on the other side.

Su Yi pressed the door close button, the elevator door closed slowly, and began to tremble upward.

The slightly shaking ladder sedan makes people doubt that it will fall down at any time.

"Which floor do you want to go?" Su Yi turned around and asked the child.

The child lowered his head and said nothing, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead and face, his body trembled slightly, his fists were clenched tightly, and he looked very nervous.

He was wearing a yellow short-sleeved shirt, blue shorts, and a pair of patched sneakers.

Although the clothes are worn out, they are clean and tidy.

It can be seen that his family is taking good care of him.

Su Yi stared at him for a while, but didn't ask him again.

There was a strange silence in the elevator, only the elevator creaked upwards.

At a certain moment, the elevator stopped on the 24th floor, and the elevator door just opened a crack, and the child ran out.

When Su Yi got out of the elevator, the child had already reached the corner of the corridor.

When passing by the door of a house, he suddenly jumped up and slapped a bell hanging in the corridor with his hand.

when clang clang...

The crisp bells echoed in the courtyard, and with the sound of "flapping" wings, more than a dozen crows screamed "quack" and rushed into the sky.

The sound of crows kept ringing, and the child had disappeared into a small alley.

Su Yi faintly heard the old man's muttering or cursing from several rooms in the corridor, as if he was dissatisfied that someone disturbed their cleanliness.

Su Yi walked forward along the corridor, determined his destination according to the order of the house numbers, and soon turned into the alleyway where the child disappeared just now.

A musty smell came over the nostrils, the dark and long corridor was surrounded by gray uneven concrete surfaces.Messy pipes make the cramped and long space even more crowded.

The doors on both sides of the corridor are equipped with iron grilles, making it look more like a prison cell.

Su Yi stepped forward, and soon stopped in front of a room door.

The chain lock on the iron grille was wound several times, and a rusty lock head hung on it. The door was dusty and dilapidated.

However, the most striking thing is a piece of faded talisman paper stuck on the door panel.

The original color of the mottled talisman paper is already difficult to distinguish, but the runes on it can still be vaguely seen. There seems to be a character "鎭" in the middle, and strange symbols composed of dots and lines are all around.

Su Yi deliberately learned about Taoist talismans, and knew that this kind of runes was called Yunzhuan, which was said to be a heavenly book that appeared from the gods, and was also a talisman made by Taoist sages imitating the changing shape of the sky clouds or the ancient seal script.

The procedure of drawing symbols is very complicated, and the method is also very cumbersome, and it is very particular about the form and steps.

Even through the door panel, Su Yi felt a hairy feeling in his heart.

But Su Yi knew that this was not because of ghosts, but more of a psychological effect.

After all, he was sure that there were ghosts in this room, or two very powerful ghosts.

Thinking that he will be with these two ghosts for a long time, Su Yi feels a lot of pressure.

At the end of the corridor came the sound of footsteps, accompanied by the crisp sound of keys colliding.

Soon a figure appeared at the end of the corridor.

"Hey! Come on, come on!" Seeing Su Yi, the man ran towards this side in small steps while waving his hands from a distance.

He looks old, but when he runs he walks like flying, and his voice is very loud.

Holding a keychain and a pack of incense in one hand, and an apple in the other.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, hehehe..." When he got closer, he smiled and apologized first, "I was only focused on eating and forgot the appointment time."

"It's okay." Su Yi said.

He kept his words low and did nothing, and he didn't smile.

He is now a middle-aged frustrated man who has lost his wife and children, and what he does should be as human as possible.

Without further ado, the old man put the apple on the wooden box Su Yi was holding, and then began to look for the key to open the door.

Su Yi looked at him expressionlessly and asked, "Are you Uncle Yan?"

Uncle Yan opened the door without looking back and said with a smile: "At first, they called me old man when they came in and out, but after a long time, they all called me Uncle Yan. It doesn't matter, just call me whatever you want. "

While speaking, he had already unlocked the door, and when he took off the iron chain, he made a loud noise. The sound of metal clashing echoed in the narrow and long corridor, which was very ear-piercing.

"Uncle Yan, is there only one administrator here?" Su Yi asked again.


Uncle Yan pushed the iron grille door aside with all his strength, and the rusty iron door made a sharp sound, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Besides me, who else could it be?" Uncle Yan turned around with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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