Chapter 1011
The front alley mentioned by Uncle Yan is actually a narrow path between two buildings.

Because there is no sunshine all year round, the damp and moldy smell in the trail is particularly strong, and there is also a foul smell that cannot be said to be broken.

Five large garbage cans were placed side by side at the entrance of the alley. The garbage in the garbage cans had long been filled, and the surrounding garbage was piled up into a hill. From a distance, many flies could be seen surrounding it.

A dirty yellow dog is standing in the garbage and eating something.Not far away, two black cats stared at each other, as if they planned to have a full meal after the yellow dog left.

The alley is about hundreds of meters long, and most of the shops have rolled shutter doors, and the words "Wangpu for rent" are posted on the outside. It seems that there are only a few scattered shops, and it is very deserted.

Su Yi carefully bypassed the sewage pit and the unknown substances sticking to the soles of his shoes, and walked through the alley.

When passing by the open shops, almost all the shopkeepers looked at Su Yi from the beginning to the end, from the time he approached to the time he left, their eyes locked on him all the time, as if they were very curious about his new face.

Su Yi saw a grocery store selling daily necessities, he also saw a fabric and clothing store selling quilts, he also saw a tea restaurant without any signboard, a man wearing flip flops, shorts and nightgown, with a goatee, looking The sloppy middle-aged man was sitting on a chair in front of the store, cutting his toenails.

This slovenly middle-aged man was the only one who didn't stare at Su Yi all the time. He just took a look at Su Yi and then withdrew his gaze, continuing to concentrate on dealing with his toenails.

Su Yi walked all the way to the end of the alley, and at the corner of the alley, he saw a funeral home.

There was a canvas shed at the entrance of this funeral parlor. There were paper wreaths and two dark coffins on both sides of the rather quaint gate.

The doorway was dark, and there seemed to be candles flickering faintly, as dim as beans.

Even at a long distance, Su Yi could still smell the strange fragrance emanating from it.

Thinking of the original plot, Su Yi almost held his breath subconsciously, feeling nauseous.

He stared at the dark doorway for a while, and there was an indistinct coughing sound from inside the door, and he could clearly feel that someone inside the door was also staring at him.

Those eyes were full of vigilance, scrutiny, and a hint of unkindness.

Su Yi didn't intend to go in to find out, so he withdrew his gaze and turned back.

As soon as he left, a long-faced middle-aged man dressed in the attire of the bottom class of the last century came out of the door. His footsteps were light and he walked without even the slightest sound.

He was caressing a string of beads carved in the shape of a hideous head in one hand, and a roll-your-own cigarette in the other.

His eyes were as sharp as a falcon, staring at Su Yi's leaving back, his expression was gloomy.

"Cough, cough, cough..." He suddenly coughed uncontrollably, hurriedly took two steps back, hid himself in the darkness again, and took a deep puff of the cigarette in his hand.

As the milky white smoke lingered in his mouth and nose, a relaxed expression appeared on his face.

That strange fragrance seemed to become stronger.

Su Yi returned to the door of the tea restaurant. The sloppy middle-aged man had finished cutting his nails and was arguing with the greasy middle-aged man in an apron.

The middle-aged middle-aged man said helplessly: "Brother You, you always sit at the door and cut your toenails. The neighbors have great opinions."

"How big is the opinion? Who has an opinion? Let him tell me directly." The sloppy middle-aged man said disdainfully, "They have eaten my glutinous rice for decades, if they have an opinion, why wait until today?"

"But it will be very busy in the afternoon. You are so free now, you won't be able to be busy in the afternoon." Zhongfen Zhongjun argued weakly.

"Cut! How many guests are here, sitting there, I know what to eat!" The slovenly middle-aged man was even more disdainful, pointing to a table and said, "Hey, strawberry, steamed meat with preserved vegetables, a little more preserved vegetables , two servings of glutinous rice!"

Then he pointed to the second table: "Uncle Zhong Jiaozi, fried fish river with meat, a dish of rapeseed, glutinous rice with extra lard."

Then came the third table: "Uncle Yongping, steamed Anhui fish in black bean sauce with more scallions and less oil, double serving of meat floss and glutinous rice."

"Flying Weng, Chun Baoqiang, Hu Xujie, Soup, Four Treasure Rice, Stir-fried Choi Sum with Pickled Vegetables, Takeaway!"

"Sister Li, take a bowl of glutinous rice and soup with you!"

"And Uncle Fu, stir-fried vegetables and glutinous rice..."

The sloppy middle-aged man really knows everything, he remembers exactly where the guests sit, where and what they eat.

But when he was talking about this, the middle-aged young man interrupted him: "Uncle Fu just left last week."

The sloppy middle-aged man was stunned: "If you leave, you don't have to eat it? There are 29 bowls of glutinous rice every day, no more, no less! Forget it, I will fry that bowl of Uncle Fu now, and I won't place an order for this bowl."

After a pause, the sloppy middle-aged man turned his head and looked at Su Yi who had been waiting by the side: "Looking for me?"

"Uncle Yan asked me to come. Are you Brother You?" Su Yi said, "I just moved here and live in 2442. My name is Qian Xiaohao."

The sloppy middle-aged man obviously shrank his pupils, and the middle-aged young man behind him was obviously shocked when he heard 2442.

"I know you, the star who played the ghost catcher." Brother You looked at Su Yi with a strange expression, "Do you want to eat glutinous rice?"

"Eat." Su Yi said.

"Ah Guang, take him to sit first." Brother You nodded, and walked towards the stove with his slippers on.

"Come with me." Ah Guang smiled and waved to Su Yi, walked through the restaurant lobby, and went straight to the second table in the aisle on the other side.

"Hey, sit here. If you still come to patronize me in the future, just take this seat. There are already people in other seats. Even if they don't come, it's not good for you to take it..."

Aguang paused at this point, and further explained: "The customers who patronize the small shop are all decades old customers. As people get older, they like a life that remains the same. They sit at the same time at the same time every day, eat and drink. The same food. Unlike young people, who try to find something new in everything, and want to change everything they do.”

"Your position used to belong to Uncle Fu, but he left last week, and now it belongs to you. By the way, what do you want to drink?"

Su Yi looked at the counter and said, "The red milk tea is ready."

"Okay, sit down first."

Ah Guang quickly brought it to drink, while Su Yi drank the red milk tea while watching Brother You stir-fry glutinous rice from a distance.

In the flames that spewed light and dark alternately, he turned the iron pot up and down, very skillfully.There seemed to be words in his mouth.

At a certain moment, he grabbed a bottle by the stove and gulped a few gulps into his mouth. He took the last gulp in his mouth, and suddenly sprayed it into the pot.


The flames exploded in the iron pot, and Ah You immediately put down the bottle to speed up the stir-frying, and then quickly came out of the pot, and put the rice in the pot on the side of the two bowls that had been prepared earlier.


what is this?
Salivating fried rice?

Su Yi regretted a little, why did he order this glutinous rice fried rice.

He didn't even want to drink this cup of red milk tea that tasted good.

Brother You came to Su Yi with two bowls of rice, and put one of the bowls in front of Su Yi.

Then he took out a pair of chopsticks from the chopsticks basket on the table, took another bowl of rice, and put it on the corner of the wall.

Then he stood up and lit himself a cigarette.

"Huh..." Brother You slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and a strange thing happened.

Surrounded by smoke, the outline of a human face appeared.

Su Yi felt cold in his heart, but he suppressed himself not to make any reaction.

"Eat, Uncle, we can go on the road after eating." Brother You said.

He took another puff of cigarette and exhaled slowly, this time the smoke became normal, as if Su Yi was just dazzled just now.

Brother You stood there for a few more seconds before turning around and sitting opposite Su Yi.

"Why don't you eat it?" He asked, "Isn't it to your liking?"

Su Yi remained silent for a while, and said truthfully, "I saw you spit into the rice."

Brother You smiled: "That's glutinous rice wine brewed in the ancient way, add a little to the rice, it's good for you."

Then you add it normally, do you have to keep it in your mouth and spray it in?
Su Yi calmly opened the topic: "Brother You, I heard from Uncle Yan that 2442 is a haunted house, and no one has lived in it for many years. I'm afraid there are unclean things in it, so I want to ask you for a talisman. Peace of mind and peace."

Brother You took a puff of cigarette, and said leisurely: "You don't need it? Your energy and blood are like a stove, more prosperous than a young man in his twenties. When the ghost sees you, it's too late to hide. Come forward?"

"Ghosts are afraid of me?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Is it strange?" Brother You smiled, "Ghosts are dead people, and people are ghosts who have not yet died. The reason why people are afraid of ghosts is actually because they are afraid of death; but the reason why ghosts are afraid of people is because many Ghosts are killed by people, and they know how scary the human heart is. From this point of view, people are more terrifying than ghosts."

"It's very philosophical, brother friend..." Su Yi pondered slightly, "But I was in the room just now, and it seems that I really experienced some strange things."

"I saw the ceiling fan turning for no reason, the door of the wardrobe suddenly opened by itself, and there were strange noises in the bathroom, and the sound of dripping water inexplicably." Su Yi recounted all the things he had experienced in the room just now. .

Brother You didn't take it seriously, and said: "Your house has not been lived in for so long, and it has been in disrepair for a long time. Suddenly someone went in and broke the balance inside. It is normal and scientific to cause a little movement. Don't be suspicious."

After a pause, Brother You leaned forward slightly to stare at Su Yi's eyes and said, "As the so-called suspicion breeds dark ghosts, the more suspicious and fearful you are, the more strange things you will see. But if you go straight If you are not afraid of anything, you will have no taboos, and all evils will avoid you."

Speaking of this, Brother You became relaxed again, and said with a smile: "In short, if you don't think about anything, nothing will happen. If you are really worried, I will draw a talisman and send it to you at night , you hang it on the bedside, it's a soothe your nerves."

"Then thank you Brother You." Su Yi said sincerely.

"You're welcome, we'll be neighbors in the future, and it's right to help each other." Brother You said with a smile, "Speaking of which, we are also destined. You are a Taoist priest, and I am a real Taoist priest, but now, I don't do it anymore. You Come to me again to ask for a talisman, hehe... This is really life is impermanent."

Su Yi said in a slight silence: "I just saw Brother You talking to Uncle Fu, the smoke you spit out..."

"Don't look at injustice, don't speak anything wrong." Brother You said indifferently, "Haven't you heard that respect ghosts and gods and stay away?"

"But they are very close to me, maybe it's useless for me to hide." Su Yi said.

"You are so yang, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke them, they will not come to you." Brother You said, "Even the ghosts can't do anything to you directly, and ordinary ghosts don't even dare to approach you." Come on, so you really don't need to worry too much."

"It's really strange to say it. I've lived for so long, and I've never seen anyone with more yang energy than you. You shouldn't be a boy, right?"

"No." Su Yi shook his head, "However, I have practiced martial arts since I was a child, and I have made some achievements. You said that I have a lot of yang energy and a lot of energy and blood, which should be the reason."

"I've seen many people who practice martial arts, but I've never seen anyone like you." Brother You shook his head, seemingly puzzled.

Su Yi smiled slightly, and suddenly slapped the wall next to him.

There was a muffled sound, and the whole room seemed to shake.

When Su Yi took his palm away, a clear palm print had been sunken on the tiled wall.

Brother You's complexion changed drastically, his eyes widened in an instant, he gasped, and stood up "噗".

He looked at Su Yi in disbelief, and was stunned for a while, then suddenly made a seal with his hands, muttered something in his mouth, pressed his eyebrows, and there was a flash of lightning in his eyes.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay, you are alive..."

"..." Su Yi smiled politely at him.

"Is this Kung Fu?" Brother You was unbelievable, "Wushu can be practiced to this level? How is this possible?"

He touched the handprint on the wall in disbelief: "Could it be some kind of blindfold?"

Su Yi smiled, and suddenly grabbed Brother You's wrist, and his inner strength burst forth vigorously.

The internal force circulated along Brother You's meridians for a week, but there was nothing inside, nothing.

From this point of view, Brother You is just an ordinary person.

How did he get his magic power?

With the help of talismans?

Or, just like you can't see ghosts, you can't detect the existence of mana?
He took the opportunity to check Brother You's meridians, but Su Yi didn't show his expression on the surface, just smiled and retracted his inner strength, and let go of Brother Yi's hand.

The expression on Brother Yi's face has become extraordinarily exciting.

He clearly felt a hot current running through his body for a week, and then was taken back by Su Yi.

"Is this... the internal force written in martial arts books?" Brother You said in a difficult tone, his voice trembling.

Su Yi nodded: "It's internal force."

"How is this possible!" Brother You said with a broken look, "Isn't this something invented by those novelists?"

"Scientists still say that there are no ghosts in this world." Su Yi said leisurely, "Believe in science and not superstition. I saw such slogans everywhere on the way here."

"How can this be the same?" Brother You was very excited, "The theory of ghosts and gods has existed since ancient times, but internal power... Isn't this something that those who wrote martial arts books have only made up in recent decades?"

(End of this chapter)

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