Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1012 Speculation

Chapter 1012 Speculation
Strictly speaking, Brother You is right.

If Su Yi has never stepped out of his own world, he is definitely a firm materialist who only talks about science in everything.

Therefore, Su Yi can fully empathize with Brother You's feeling of the collapse of the three views at the moment.

"Actually, nothing is created out of nothing. It's groundless." Su Yi explained, "Martial arts are real, and inner strength is true, but there are very few people who can practice them, and there are only a few martial arts that can truly develop inner strength. From my experience Since practicing martial arts, I have never met anyone with internal strength in this world except me. It can be seen that the road is difficult."

Brother You's face was cloudy and uncertain, and his mood was extremely restless.

"In other words, acupuncture points..."


"Fly over the roof..."

"It's true too."

"Beat a bull in the air..."

"Although I haven't learned this kind of kung fu, it should be true." Su Yi said.

Brother You smiled wryly and accepted the fact.

"After living for most of my life, I thought I had seen the world clearly. I just realized today that I am still a frog at the bottom of a well."

"Brother You, don't say that." Su Yi said sternly, "It's like I claim to be a master of martial arts, but I don't know anything about gods and ghosts. The road is three thousand, but life is only a few dozen short Qiu, we ordinary people, being able to study one of them for decades is already a blessing, how dare we ask for more? I am afraid that God cannot be omniscient and omnipotent."

Brother You nodded: "What you said makes sense. I thought you were a layman before, and I was disrespectful."

Brother You stood up suddenly, clasped his fists in both hands, raised them to the level of his eyebrows and eyes, bent down deeply, gave Su Yi a solemn slap, and said in his mouth: "Qian Daoyou, Maoshan Chenyou, I salute you!"

Friends of the Tao, friends who seek the Tao.

Although they are not in the same way, they have the same ambition to seek the way.

Chen You, a Maoshan mage who lives in seclusion, obviously regards Su Yi as an equal to him, so he calls him a fellow Taoist.

Su Yi stood up, and also solemnly clasped his fists in salute: "Warrior Qian Xiaohao, salute Brother Dao!"

After the ceremony, the two suddenly looked at each other and smiled, and felt that their relationship with each other became much closer.

"It's rare, it's really rare!" Chen You was very happy, "Fellow Daoist, do as the Romans do, we usually address each other as brothers, so as not to be weird and shock the world, how about it?"

"Of course it's fine." Su Yi said, "I'm still called Brother Niyou, you can call me Ah Hao."

"Okay, let's call it Ahao!" Chen You smiled and clapped his hands, "Ahao, if you believe me, you will eat this bowl of glutinous rice."

Su Yi pondered for a while, picked up the bowl without saying a word, and started to pick rice into his mouth.

In fact, as long as many things have passed the barrier in my heart, I will look back——

The disgusting is pretty disgusting.

Su Yi endured his nausea and ate up the bowl of glutinous rice.

Chen You nodded reassuringly and said, "The reason why I took a sip of glutinous rice wine and sprayed it into this bowl of rice was not to disgust you. There is something special about it."

"I've seen your movie, and the ghost-hunting skills in it are pretty good. You should have consulted someone from the Taoist sect. Then you should also know that glutinous rice can cure the poison of yin and evil, and wine can stimulate yang energy. The Taoist takes a mouthful of pure yang energy, the three are added together, after you eat this bowl of rice, you will be protected from evil spirits!"

Chen You laughed and said: "After all, 2442 is a haunted house with evil spirits and ghosts. Although you are full of energy and blood, it is hard to guarantee that there will be three disasters and five diseases. If you are in a state of ignorance, those things will have a chance to take advantage of it. But Now that you have eaten the bowl of rice just now, it is equivalent to eating my pair of exorcism charms, no matter how sick you are, the evil spirits will be helpless against you."

"So it's like this..." Su Yi suddenly said, "Brother You, so, does 2442 really have ghosts?"

"Where are there no ghosts in this world?" Chen You smiled lightly, "It's just that human beings have human nature, and ghosts have ghost ways. Generally speaking, human ghosts have different paths and do not interfere with each other. Even if there is a ghost sitting on your lap now, you will It's hard to feel. So don't make a fuss about ghosts in the house, it's normal."

Su Yi frowned and said, "Under what circumstances would I feel the presence of ghosts? For example, I felt a ghost lying on my back."

"It depends on the situation. For example, if you are sick or weak, the ghost can get close to you." Chen Youdao, "Also, this ghost is very powerful and can ignore the yang energy in your body. But ordinary ghosts will not Do this, because unless you are looking for a substitute, even if you kill you, it will not be good for the ghost, but it will cause a lot of trouble."

"Therefore, under normal circumstances, if you feel that there is a ghost lying on your back, it is an illusion, and it is likely that you are just tired."

Su Yi frowned even tighter: "Brother You, as a martial arts practitioner, I have a very keen sense of the body, I believe it was not an illusion before, I really felt something lying on my back. "

Chen You was stunned, with doubts on his face: "It shouldn't be, they..."

After speaking halfway, he paused again, and said, "Tell me in detail."

"Just when I was going to go out, I felt something pressed on my back. But when I walked out of the room, this feeling disappeared immediately." Su Yi said.

Chen You's face became serious.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You said earlier that you first heard the abnormal noise in your bathroom?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded.

"Take off your shirt and let me see." Chen You became serious, he got up and walked behind Su Yi.

Su Yi did as he said, taking off his shirt, revealing his shoulders and back.

Chen You brushed Su Yi's shoulders and the back of his neck with his hand, and said in silence for a while, "Okay, you can put it on."

Su Yi put on his clothes and asked, "Brother You, what's the problem?"

Chen You hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head and said: "It's okay, you go back with me now, I will draw two talismans for you, one for you to stick on the bedside, and one for you to stick in the bathroom."

After a pause, Chen You said again: "Forget it, the evil-suppressing talisman outside your door is quite old, it's time to return it, and I'll draw it for you."

"Brother You, will it be too hard for you?" Su Yi asked.

"It's not in the way." Chen You shook his head and patted Su Yi's shoulder, "If you have time, let me see your acupoint acupuncture and lightness kung fu as a reward."

Su Yi couldn't help laughing: "Brother You, are you interested in this?"

"Hey, flying over the eaves and walls, loving and enmity, my friend, why don't you want to become a generation of heroes?" Chen You sighed, "That means I am in my fifties, but if I am ten years younger, I will definitely worship you as my teacher. Learn martial arts from you!"

"If you want to learn, you don't need to be a teacher." Su Yi smiled, "I will teach you another day. There is no difference in our school, but I have been too lazy to accept apprentices."

Chen You's eyes lit up, he pointed at Su Yi and said, "Hey, you said it, don't try to deny it!"

"No denial." Su Yi said.

"Well, let's go, I'll take you to my house!" Chen You got up, and was about to pull Su Yi away with great interest.

"Brother You, I have to buy some things to go back." Su Yi said, "I didn't bring anything when I came here, bedding, daily necessities, nothing. That house is empty, and I want to buy something too."

"It seems that you really plan to live here forever." Chen You said in surprise, "Are you really disillusioned?"

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

Chen Youdao: "You bought so many things, ask Ku Liwei to run errands for you. I will drop him down later and ask him to help you. He asks for a very fair price. You give him your room key and leave these things to him. He will do it, after you finish shopping, come to my house directly, I live in 2411."

"Okay." Su Yi agreed.

Chen You hesitated slightly, looked at Su Yi and said solemnly: "Don't go to the funeral home at the west end of the alley, it's best not to approach it. The owner of the funeral home is called Ah Jiu, this'd better not get in touch with him too much. A word of advice."

Su Yi asked thoughtfully, "What happened to me is related to him?"

"It's pretty clever!" Chen You was surprised, "I didn't say anything, and you guessed it?"

"Brother You, you don't seem like someone who chews people's tongues behind your back. You suddenly warned me like this, and you must be targeting me for nothing." Su Yi said. , and after contacting each other, wouldn't the answer be ready to come?"

Chen You nodded appreciatively: "It's really unreasonable for you to turn your mind so fast. It's true, although there is no evidence, but I guess it's him. There are traces of a kid crawling on your back. It looks like it's just a white shirt. Ghost, logically you can't even get close to you, but you dare to lie on your back, and you're not afraid of being blown away by your yang energy!"

Su Yi felt a chill on the back of his head, there really was a ghost lying on him!

Thinking of the scene of a kid riding on his neck made him uncomfortable.

"The only possibility is that this kid was raised by a human being and cast a spell, so he is not afraid of yang energy for the time being." Chen You paused at this point, glanced at Su Yi and said, "I shouldn't have said that, but You and I have hit it off, apart from me in this building, only Ah Jiu from the funeral parlor knows some spells. It’s just that I’m different from this human being, we don’t agree with each other, and we always go our separate ways. Those who are capable of raising little ghosts, except him, I can't think of anyone else."

Su Yi frowned, and said: "I don't know this Ah Jiusu, did he do this... on purpose or unintentionally?"

"If it's somewhere else, it might be unintentional, but 2442..." Chen You sneered, "He must have meant it! But why he did it, I don't know."

Seeing Su Yi frowning in deep thought, Chen You comforted him: "Don't think too much, generally speaking, other ghosts dare not enter 2442, and there is an evil-suppressing talisman I posted there three years ago at the door." , Ordinary ghosts can't get in. The reason why this little ghost can get in is because it climbed up the pipe along the bathroom, so you only heard the abnormal noise in the bathroom before."

"But after I draw a talisman for you and you paste it, this situation will not happen again. I advise you not to look for Ah Jiu either. First, there is no evidence. Second, this person is a bit evil. Sex, if you can not provoke it, it is better not to provoke it."

Su Yi nodded and said, "Okay, Brother You, I'll listen to you."

Chen You nodded in relief.

The two soon parted ways. Chen You went home to draw talismans, while Su Yi went shopping for his own things.

After Chen You left, Su Yi took a deep breath and reviewed the conversation with Chen You just now.

He didn't rush to reveal his intention to seek Maoshan technique, let alone apprenticeship directly.

He felt that the way he and Chen You got along now could actually help him get what he wanted faster, and it was more beneficial to him.

Haste makes waste, he is well aware of this truth.

As for Ah Jiu at the funeral home...

Although Chen You said that he was just guessing without evidence, Su Yi was basically sure that the one who let the kid harass him must be this Ah Jiu!
Chen You couldn't guess Ah Jiu's intentions, but Su Yi knew the original plot, and guessed Ah Jiu's thoughts pretty closely.

If Su Yi's prediction is correct, this Ah Jiu is fishing on purpose, trying to lure Su Yi to ask him for help.

Ah Jiu has been pursuing the pair of twin female ghosts in 2442, but unfortunately he is alone and has no ability to subdue these two ghosts.

Now that Su Yi has moved into 2442, he must have thought of taking advantage of Su Yi, so he released the kid to deliberately scare Su Yi, making Su Yi feel that he has run into evil.

According to normal thinking logic, if Su Yi is afraid, he will find someone to exorcise the evil spirits.

The only shop in this building related to evil spirits is Ah Jiu's funeral parlor.Therefore, there is a high probability that Su Yi will go to the funeral home for help.

Even if Su Yi doesn't go, presumably Ah Jiu will create an opportunity to take the initiative to find Su Yi, so as to establish a relationship with Su Yi.

It's a pity that what he didn't expect was that Su Yi would contact Chen You directly, so that there would be nothing wrong with him.

Thinking of this, Su Yi suddenly thought that in the original plot, Qian Xiaohao also ate this bowl of glutinous rice from Chen You, and then he lived in peace of mind in 2442, and nothing happened again.

Until one day Ah Jiu suddenly appeared, splashed Qian Xiaohao's head with black dog blood, and strangled Qian Xiaohao's neck with a rope, thus drawing out the two twin ghosts of 2442, and forcing Chen You to cooperate with him , joined forces to subdue these two ghosts.

After eating Chen You's glutinous rice, Qian Xiaohao never saw a ghost, nor was he possessed by a ghost.

But Ah Jiu poured a pot of black dog blood on Qian Xiaohao, and Qian Xiaohao was immediately possessed by a ghost again...

Could it be that the blood of the black dog splashed the mana of Chen You's bowl of glutinous rice?

Also, the two twin female ghosts got on Qian Xiaohao's body twice in the original plot, one time when Qian Xiaohao hanged himself, and another time when Ah Jiu poured blood and strangled Qian Xiaohao's neck with a rope .

Why did the twin female ghosts go to Qian Xiaohao's body?

According to Chen You, there is no need for ghosts to harm people at all, unless they are looking for a substitute...

One of the twin female ghosts was hanged on the ceiling fan of 2442. Could it be that the reason why she went to Qian Xiaohao's body was to find a substitute?
In this way, it can be explained why Ajiu used a rope to strangle Qian Xiaohao's neck after breaking Chen You's spell in the original plot.

Because only when Qian Xiaohao was strangled to death by a rope, could one of the twin female ghosts regard Qian Xiaohao as his substitute.

(End of this chapter)

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