Chapter 1013
There is an old saying that a lean camel is bigger than a horse. This means that no matter how poor the rich are, they still have a shelf, and they are better than ordinary poor people.

This is true, Qian Xiaohao was poor and sold his house to pay off his debts, and after taking care of his wife and children, he was indeed at the end of his rope.But even so, he still has more than [-] yuan on him.

In this public housing, 20,000 yuan is enough for a person to survive for at least a year.

But there is also an old saying that a plucked phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. This means that when the rich become poor, they are not as good as ordinary poor people.

This is also true, just like the current Qian Xiaohao can only live in a ghost house in a public housing that even poor people don't want to live in, and the house is completely bare, and he has to buy everything.

According to the normal development, Qian Xiaohao will be high or low in the future, and even his livelihood will be a big problem, unlike other poor people, who are poor even if they are poor, at least they have a stable income.

In fact, these are nothing, because the pain caused by the lack of material can be easily alleviated-it is enough to get used to it.

The spiritual gap is the eternal torture.

Su Yi felt that if he was really Qian Xiaohao, it would be difficult for him to bear such drastic changes and blows.

When buying furniture and daily necessities, he was recognized by everyone.

Of course, maybe everyone already knew that a former celebrity moved into the public housing.

These ordinary people in the market seem to care about each other enthusiastically, but what is hidden behind them is pathological gloating and malice wrapped in goodwill.

People are very willing to see a person who used to be high and high in the past unlucky. People are very willing to see such a person who is more unlucky and downcast than themselves. Be grateful, or curse.

In short, whether it is the owner of the grocery store, the aunt of the clothing store, the owner of the furniture store, or the uncle of the repair shop, although they are very enthusiastic and generous, their gloating comfort cannot be hidden from Su Yi's eyes .

Except Coolie Wei.

This person's eyes are very clean. After hearing that Su Yi was a celebrity before, his attitude immediately became a little more respectful than before.

"Mr. Qian is a capable person. Now he is just temporarily down, and sooner or later he will flourish." He said, "Thank you, Mr. Qian, for taking care of me. Don't worry, I will take care of the things you bought, and I will never sell them." any problem."

He is 1.8 meters big, skinny, with deeply sunken eye sockets, but very energetic.

The cheekbones are high and the lips are plump, giving people a very honest and honest impression.

"I bought a lot of things, and there are a few big ones, can you do it alone?" Su Yi asked.

"No problem, this is what I eat." Coolie Wei said respectfully, "It's just a few more steps."

Su Yi nodded: "Then how much do you think is suitable for you?"

Coolie Wei scratched his head, and said, "There are indeed a lot of things, do you think 80 yuan is okay?"

After a pause, he hurriedly added: "I can help you clean the room by the way."

Su Yi was a little dazed.

He didn't think it was too much, but felt that it was too little!
What can 80 yuan do?
Of course, there are still many things you can do in this bustling and forgotten public housing estate. After all, a bowl of fried glutinous rice costs only three yuan here.

But after passing through the Eastern District Tunnel, 80 yuan is not enough for a casual meal there.

Su Yi bought sofas, refrigerators, quilts, stoves, cabinets, etc., and all kinds of miscellaneous things. Even if Su Yi moved these things by himself, it would take five or six trips to finish them.

Such a heavy job, but only 80 yuan?

Seeing that Su Yi didn't speak, Coolie Wei scratched his head, and said again: "Why don't I count you 70 yuan? Mr. Qian, I really didn't want anything..."

Su Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't think it's too much, but I think it's too little. I used to live outside, and just looking for a moving company for these things would cost me 1000 yuan, but you only want [-]."

Coolie Wei was startled, then grinned and said, "80 yuan...isn't too much, I just put in a little effort, it's nothing."

Su Yi nodded silently, and said: "Okay, then it's settled. But besides these, I plan to buy two bags of rice, and I'll give you an extra ten yuan."

"No need, no need..." Coolie Wei waved his hands hastily, "Mr. Qian, you have taken good care of me, it's just two bags of rice, I just took it."

Su Yi smiled and said, "It's past four o'clock, and I'll be home at five o'clock. If you move things up, put them in the corridor first."

"Okay, don't worry, I will take care of it." Ku Liwei clasped his hands together and bowed gratefully, "Then I will do things first, Mr. Qian."

After Cooliewei left, Uncle Yongping, the owner of the grocery store behind him, smiled and said: "Mr. Qian, you are so generous, Cooliewei would wake up with a smile in his dreams. He helps neighbors move up and down on weekdays. Sometimes he charges two yuan, sometimes Three yuan, no more than five yuan."

Su Yi frowned slightly. Didn't the boss mean that he wanted to say that Coolie Wei took himself for granted?
Others might feel uncomfortable, but here at Su Yi, Su Yi is more willing to trust Coolie Wei than the owner of the grocery store.

Su Yi smiled politely at him and said: "Awei looks young and has strength, why don't you go outside and find a job?"

Uncle Yongping sighed when he heard the words, and said with compassion in his eyes: "If there is no difficulty, who would want to stay here? He has a crazy daughter to take care of. His daughter used to be a little sister like others, and followed a group of young and confused She was fooling around, and ended up being locked up in a dark room for more than ten days by a group of people. When Ku Liwei found her, she was no longer human, and she had only one breath left..."

"He used to have a real business and saved a lot of money, but in order to cure his daughter, he put all the money he had saved all his life into it. His daughter survived, but she was already crazy, and she couldn't do it right now. Leave someone to take care of her. Once Kuliwei leaves for a long time, she will hit a wall and commit suicide..."

Speaking of this, Uncle Yongping shook his head and changed the subject: "Coolie Wei's wife died early, and now he is left alone to take care of his daughter. Like her daughter, he is tied at home and can't go anywhere. He can only go to welfare Applying for relief funds from the Department, plus helping the neighbors on weekdays, barely make ends meet. His life has been ruined by his daughter."

It turned out to be the case.

Su Yi nodded silently.

Uncle Yongping said again: "Actually, Coolie Wei doesn't ask for much. It's because the neighbors are poor, so they give less. In addition, if anyone cooks or buys too much food on weekdays, they will take care of him, so Give him some money and he will do things, don't care..."

Su Yi glanced at him, once again feeling the complexity of human nature.

A few minutes ago, Uncle Yongping also provoked Su Yi to be dissatisfied with Coolie Wei.

But now, he began to pity Coolie Wei again and speak for him.

What the hell is he thinking?
"Uncle Yongping, then you are busy first, I will go first." Su Yi said politely.

"Hehe, let's go, thank you for taking care of my business." Uncle Yongping smiled and waved his hands.

Just as Su Yi was about to leave, he suddenly turned around with a change of expression.

I saw a long-faced middle-aged man in a black gown walking slowly towards this side with his back hunched.Every few steps, he covered his mouth with his hands and coughed lightly.

"Huh?" Uncle Yongping behind him looked at the long-faced middle-aged man in surprise, "Ah Jiu? Why are you so idle today, and you actually came out for a walk?"

This middle-aged man with a long face is Ah Jiu, the owner of the funeral home.

Maybe it's because he hasn't seen the sun for a long time, or maybe it's because he's dying of illness, his face has a strange blue-gray color, his pupils are deep and dark, and he looks lifeless, which makes people feel uncomfortable at a glance.

"Uncle Yongping, when will I not be free?" Ah Jiu said with a smile, "If I get busy, it will not be a good thing."

He is in charge of the funeral, if he starts working, wouldn't it be a bad thing?

"Bah bah bah! There are no taboos!" Uncle Yongping knew that he had slipped his words, and hurriedly slapped himself on the mouth while stomping his feet, and said angrily, "I didn't mean that, I mean that you always bore yourself in the shop on weekdays. If you have nothing to do, you will not come out, why did you come out and walk around today?"

"It's all about being quiet and thinking about moving." Ah Jiu smiled perfunctorily, and his eyes fell on Su Yi, "This gentleman is a bit unfamiliar, I don't know how to call him?"

"You don't even know him? A big star! He has acted in many movies, the one who catches zombies, do you remember?" Uncle Yongping interrupted.

Ah Jiu smiled embarrassedly: "I don't watch movies. I'm Zhong Fa, and I'm a nine in my family. Everyone I know calls me Brother Nine."

"Qian Xiaohao, hello Brother Nine." Su Yi clasped his fists at Ajiu, he was sure that Ajiu must have some other purpose in coming to him, but his expression remained calm.

"Okay, I'll be a neighbor from now on, so you don't have to be polite." He glanced at Su Yi, his expression became slightly serious, "Has Mr. Qian encountered any strange things recently?"

"Ah Jiu, did you see anything?" Uncle Yongping was taken aback, subconsciously moved a little further away from Su Yi, and hurriedly took out a Jade Guanyin from his bosom to caress, looking at Su Yi with fear and fear , "He lives in 2442 now, you know that house's..."

Ah Jiu's face changed slightly, and he murmured: "No wonder, no wonder..."

"Is it really wrong?" Uncle Yongping shouted in surprise, "Amitabha Buddha has no taboos, infinite deity, Guan Erye bless..."

"..." Ajiu Youyou looked at Uncle Yongping, "Uncle Yongping, you can't ask for God randomly, you are both Buddha and Taoist, which one do you believe in?"

"I'll believe in any spirit!" Uncle Yongping smiled coyly, "There's no harm in saying goodbye, right? Ah Jiu, since you see something wrong with Mr. Qian, then take him to your place and talk slowly. Isn't it inconvenient to say here?"

"That's fine." Ah Jiu looked at Su Yi, "Mr. Qian, the funeral home has nothing to do with life and death, why don't we go for a walk?"

"Okay." Su Yi followed good advice, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart, giving birth to a hundred and twenty cautions.

Ah Jiu obviously has bad intentions towards him, but Su Yi can't touch him.

It's not because of anything else, it's just that Su Yi's mission has the option to subdue zombies.

The zombie was made by Ah Jiu. If he killed Ah Jiu, wouldn't there be no one to refine the corpse?

How can he complete his second performance task when no one refines the corpse?

So in the face of Ah Jiu's malicious intentions, Su Yi can only passively defend for the time being.

It's just that Taoist methods are often hidden and weird, including curses, behind-the-scenes methods and other insidious techniques that are hard to guard against. It is difficult for Su Yi to guard against the opponent's methods.

The only thing he can do is try not to let himself touch his own body, try not to let the other party get his own things, such as hair, dander, clothing, blood, or even things he has touched and used.

Su Yi followed Ah Jiu through the front alley to a remote place behind the building.

The stone slabs overgrown with wild grass are covered with damp moss, which shows that few people come here.

In front of him, Ah Jiu stood still under a locust tree, and in front of him were rolling mountains and dense forests.

Su Yi looked at his back and broke the silence first.

"Ninth brother, do you see something wrong with me?"

Ah Jiu was obviously trying to lure Su Yi into the bait on purpose before. If Su Yi pretended not to care, or acted indifferently, it would inevitably arouse Ah Jiu's suspicion.

He planned to make a deal with Ah Jiuxu to see what the other party was going to do.

"Cough cough, cough cough..." Ah Jiu coughed lightly and turned around, looking Su Yi up and down, "Mr. Qian, do you know that the 2442 you live in is a haunted house? It hasn't been there for many years It’s been lived in because there are unclean things in it!”

Su Yi frowned and said, "I've heard about this too, what advice does Brother Nine have?"

"I don't dare to advise, it's just a reminder." Ah Jiu said, "Seven years ago, there lived a family of three in 2442. The man was a teacher and the woman had a decent job. They had a child who was born with albinism. ..."

The image of the albino child he saw in the elevator when he came here immediately appeared in Su Yi's mind.

And the woman outside the door who startled him when he went out before.

"The man in this family looks gentle on the surface, but in fact he is dark and dirty inside, he is a complete gentle scum." Ah Jiu continued, "At that time, a pair of twin sisters were making up lessons at his house. One day, this man suddenly became very beastly. Fa, first knocked my sister out, and then went to bully my sister."

"What strength can a little girl have? Although she tried her best to resist, she was still succeeded by this man. But when he did something bad, that sister woke up for some reason. She stabbed this man to death with a pair of scissors." man, and then killed himself."

"That sister saw this, and was insulted, and hanged in that room..."

"It's pitiful, it's a pity, two good boys in their teens just died like this."

"They died unexpectedly, and their grievances lingered after they died, so they became ghosts and stayed in that room." Ah Jiu said this, staring at Su Yi, "They couldn't get out of that room, and they couldn't harm them. People, but now that you've moved in, things are different."

"Mr. Qian, if Li Gui wants to be reincarnated, he must find a substitute. You live in a haunted house, and they are already targeting you!"

(End of this chapter)

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