Chapter 1014

First, there were nine fakes and one real threat, and then he came forward as an expert and showed some means, making Su Yi feel that Ah Jiu was the only life-saving straw.

At that time, no matter what Ah Jiu said, Su Yi would take it as his standard and firmly believe it.

Su Yi is too familiar with this routine, because he himself often uses it.

Naturally, Su Yi wouldn't fall into the trap.

But he also chose not to debunk.

"Brother Jiu, anyway, thank you first!" Su Yi clasped his fists at Ah Jiu gratefully, "You are a real hermit, I didn't expect that there are so many hidden secrets in this small cottage village." Talented people and strange men. I used to hear people say that the masters are among the people, but I didn’t believe it, but now I believe it.”

Ah Jiu waved his hands reservedly: "It's okay to specialize in surgery. I just can't bear to see a living life being killed by a ghost."

"Ninth brother's kind heart, I admire it!" Su Yi thanked again, and then changed the topic, "Ninth brother's kindness is ashamed, but this matter will not be a problem for you."

Ah Jiu frowned suddenly, feeling bad in his heart.

Su Yi went on to say: "To be honest, Uncle Yan told me about this when I first moved in, but he didn't give you as much detail as you did. He recommended me to find Brother You, and I have already asked Brother You Help me draw amulets to suppress evil. Brother You told me that he can handle it, and there is no major problem."

"It's Brother You...if he takes the shot, it will be safe." Ah Jiu smiled, looking happy for Su Yi, "Brother You is an expert, since you entrusted him, everything will be fine." Well, it seems I'm meddling in my own business."

"Why are you meddling in your own business?" Su Yi said sternly, "Ninth Brother, you are the one who is so brave and can't bear the death of an innocent person like me, so you told me this. I will definitely accept this kindness!"

"Hehe, no matter where, I didn't do anything." Ah Jiu smiled, "Brother You is very good at drawing talismans, the talisman at the door of 2442 is his handwriting, one talisman, suppressed those two ghosts for three years , Those two ghosts have been trapped in the house for the past three years and cannot get out. Brother You promised to help you this time, even if you get along with those two ghosts day and night, they should not do anything to you."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, there was another hook in this sentence...

As an "ordinary person", he still had to be fooled.

Su Yi deliberately changed his face: "Get along day and night? Ninth brother, what do you say? Can't brother friend's talisman destroy the ghost?"

"Where is the ghost so easy to kill?" Ah Jiu smiled, "Brother You should just suppress it. If I guessed correctly, he should draw a talisman and stick it on your bedside, and at most draw another one." The talisman is pasted outside the gate. In this way, the ghost will not disturb you when you sleep at night, and the ghost will not follow you when you go out."

These words are true, but when they come out of his mouth, what he wants to express is another meaning.

"Then will I be in danger?" Su Yi asked eagerly.

Ah Jiu hesitated for a while, and said: "Should... no, Brother You is very capable, he should have other arrangements."

After a pause, Ah Jiu sighed and said, "Actually, I have invited Brother You several times to save the pair of twin ghosts together. These ghosts lingering in the world are harmful and useless. You should see them and kill them one by one, lest they harm others. But you Brother, however, feels that the evil spirits and ghosts are very pitiful... Isn't it true that the people killed by them are not pitiful?"

Ah Jiu shook his head and sighed for a while, then said, "You don't have to worry, Brother You should keep you safe."

Su Yi deliberately showed a cloudy expression, nodded after hesitating for a while and said, "Okay, thank you Brother Nine. I'll ask Brother You about this again and see what he has to say."

Ah Jiu frowned slightly, this reaction was not what he wanted.

"My colleague is an enemy, so don't mention me to him, lest you make him unhappy, which will be bad for you." Ah Jiu said, "Well, I'll give you something. If you want to be sure that Li Gui will It won't hurt you, you just put it on your upper eyelid. That way you can see them."

Ah Jiu said, and took out a small glass bottle, which contained a light blue liquid.

"What is this?" Su Yi took over and asked.

"Cow's tears." Ah Jiu said, "Human beings and ghosts have different ways. Generally speaking, you can't see ghosts. Even if ghosts kill you, you may not be able to see them. Ordinary people want to see sneaky things, they must use For foreign objects, using refined cow's tears is the easiest way."

"But it's not easy to collect cow's tears. Do you know when a cow will shed tears?"

Su Yi shook his head, he really didn't understand this, not pretending not to know.

"Only when a cow that has been raised by its owner for more than ten years has worked hard all his life, but is about to be sold or slaughtered by the owner, will the cow shed tears." Ah Jiu said lightly, "The tears of this cow are the most grievous and most resentful thing in the world." If you use it as a material to refine it, you can see ghosts through it."

"Mr. Qian, if you want to make sure you are okay, use it to see what the ghost is doing. Otherwise, even if the ghost kills you, you won't be able to see it."

Su Yi hesitated and asked: "Ninth brother, if you see a ghost... will it be dangerous?"

"No." Ah Jiu shook his head. "It has nothing to do with whether you can see them or not. On the contrary, if you can see them, you can better protect yourself."

"I see, thank you Brother Nine!" Su Yi thanked again.

"You're welcome, go get busy first, it's rare for me to come out to blow some air, and I want to be quiet here again." Ah Jiu said with a smile.

"Then I'll go first!" Su Yi nodded to Ah Jiu, turned and left.

Looking at Su Yi's leaving back, Ah Jiu's smile gradually faded away, and her eyes became sharper, full of haze.

"'s you again..." He murmured grimly.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Suddenly, he coughed violently.

With his back bent, he hastily took out the cigarettes he had rolled earlier from his pocket, and lit the cigarette while coughing and trembling.

He greedily sucked in a big mouthful, and the ferocious expression that was suffocated with blue veins gradually relaxed.

He exhaled milky white smoke, and immediately showed a relaxed and intoxicated look.

A strange fragrance filled the air and gradually dissipated.

On the other side, while walking into the elevator, Su Yi reviewed the process of meeting Ah Jiu before.

I reconfirmed in my heart that this old thing is indeed planning to use himself to catch the two twin ghosts.

And he has absolutely no good intentions in this kind of use!

He also gave himself a bottle of cow's tears, let himself go to hell, and confirmed whether he was safe?
It must be bullshit, is it a good thing to hell?And normal people will be more afraid when they see ghosts, okay?
After seeing the ghost, Su Yi may be more eager to kill the twin ghosts, and Chen You's philosophy is more inclined to keep the water in the river, so Su Yi will still regard Ah Jiu as the only savior at that time.

Once Su Yi asks Ah Jiu again, won't he just do what others say?

Su Yi thought a lot.

Although Ah Jiu has bad intentions for him, but for now, the development of the situation is not harmful to him, at least he has earned a bottle of cow's tears, isn't it?

Su Yi took out the glass vial from his pocket, and looked at it carefully.

I don't know if it's an illusion, or because he has a keen sense as a warrior, he can faintly feel that this vial contains some kind of energy.

Chen You's home is in another corridor not far from 2442. For some reason, Su Yi went around on the 24th floor for a long time but couldn't find it. It was only when he got a little upset that he saw the number plate of 2411.

He was still a little strange, this corridor is obviously not difficult to find, the 24th floor is only such a big place, and there are only three or four corridors to go back and forth, why didn't he come to this corridor once before?
When Su Yi arrived, the door was open, and Chen You was facing the door, placing several bowls of glutinous rice on the window sill of the balcony, and was still talking about something.

Su Yi's ears were sharp, and he vaguely heard him say: "I'm not targeting you, those talismans are used elsewhere...Hey, don't be so mean, I apologize for the big deal, I'm sorry...Okay, okay, it's me No, I should have invited you out first when I drew the talisman. I made amends for these meals at the time, hey, add a glass of water and wine for each person, and that's the way it is..."

Su Yi stood at the door, looking around the room.

The room was very messy, with all kinds of strange and unknown things piled up randomly.

It doesn't look like a place for people to live here, but a utility room.

But among the sundries, there is a TV, a dining table, and some daily necessities.

On the wall in the north, a compass the size of a basin hung there. It was covered with rust, and shone with a strange and dull luster.

I don't know why, this compass will give people a feeling of depression if you look at it twice, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Su Yi turned his head, and his eyes fell on an iron bucket beside the door.

There are a few broken umbrellas and a mahogany sword in the iron bucket——

No, this is not a mahogany sword, it's just a tickle with a hilt.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched twice, and he looked towards the balcony again.

There is a mirror hanging on the wall facing the gate on the balcony, and Su Yi saw his own face when he looked over.

But to his horror, he clearly saw in the mirror a fuzzy black shadow on his right shoulder, and a small blue-gray hand was stretching towards his face, touching his eyes.


Su Yi's hair exploded in an instant, and he pulled out the mahogany on the iron bucket next to him to scratch it almost immediately, and slapped it behind him with his backhand!
He had a faint feeling that he had hit something, but nothing seemed to happen.

He pushed through the door one step at a time, looking around vigilantly while still in shock.

Su Yi is used to being invincible. This kind of invisible enemy makes him feel powerless.

Su Yi's movement also alarmed Chen You who was on the balcony. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at Su Yi in astonishment, and asked, "What's going on?"

Su Yi pointed to the mirror behind him: "I saw a kid behind me in the mirror, and he was about to touch my eyes."

"Ghost covering eyes?" Chen You frowned, "No wonder I didn't feel it when you got to the door..."

He looked a little displeased and his face was gloomy.

"I wandered around the corridors for a long time just now, but I couldn't find this place..." At this time, even if Su Yi was confused, he understood that it wasn't that he couldn't find Chen You's home before, but that someone didn't want him to come to Chen You. here.

"Close the door first." Chen You came back to his senses, his eyes flashed, and he looked outside the door.

Su Yi closed the door without saying a word.

At the same time, at the back of the building, Ah Jiu still stood with his back to the building, facing the rolling hills.

He formed a strange mark with his hands, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was muttering something.

Suddenly, he shut his mouth and opened his eyes suddenly.

The moment he opened his eyes, a gray child's face was reflected in his pupils, which disappeared in a flash.

He snorted coldly and said, "I can't do this well, what use do I need you for?"

"woo woo woo woo……"

The mountain wind howled, as if mixed with the crying of children.

Ah Jiu looked back at the 24th floor of the building, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After Su Yi closed the door, Chen You didn't speak, but with a gloomy expression, he lit a handful of incense, bowed all around, then put half of it in an incense burner on the balcony floor, and walked to the living room with the other half of the incense, muttering something in his mouth , circled around his living room.

Su Yi saw the rising smoke seeping into the wall like water, this scene was very mysterious.

After Chen You finished walking around, the half handful of incense in his hand had burned to the root, so he conveniently threw it into a ceramic basin under the stove.

A fire flared up, but was quickly extinguished.

Only then did Chen You speak: "No one is eavesdropping now, hmph, this Ah Jiu is going too far, he stepped over the line this time, he must give me an explanation!"

Su Yi was also in a very upset mood. Although he was willing to compromise with Ah Jiuxu, how could Su Yi accept this guy's frequent plotting?

"He didn't want me to see you, so he used tricks against me." Su Yi said in a deep voice, "This trick is impossible to guard against. I didn't realize it at all, so I fell into the trick."

He ran around like a headless chicken in the corridor just now, and he didn't notice any abnormality at all.

Su Yi felt chills at the thought of being played around by others.

Too passive!

"Don't worry, this time his hand is too long, I will warn him." Chen Youdao, "He drove the little devil to cover your eyes. Logically speaking, you shouldn't have found me here. It may be that you have been around for too long. The little ghost couldn't bear the yang energy on your body, so he left temporarily, and you seized the opportunity to come to my door."

"Otherwise, you're either still wandering outside now, or you can only go home, or go where he wants you to go."

"You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but you can't guard against a thief for a thousand days." Su Yi said, "Brother You, if he insists on being against me, even if you can protect me for a while, you can't protect me forever. If I can see ghosts, he will Will it not be so easy to plot against me?"

"Damn?" Chen You raised his eyebrows, "If you see a ghost, then he won't have to plot against you, and you won't be able to live in 2442 anymore."

"So serious?" Su Yi asked.

(End of this chapter)

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