Chapter 1015
"You have seen ghosts, how could it not be serious?" Chen You said, "Do you know who can see ghosts? They are either practitioners with magical powers, or people who are dying. Ordinary people want to see ghosts, there is only one way , that is to disguise yourself as a dying person with a lot of yin. Which of these three situations do you think is not serious?"

"I heard that some people are born with yin and yang eyes, and can see unclean things." Su Yi said.

"Such people exist, of course, but unless they are accepted as apprentices by masters, or escape from the world, they are doomed to die sooner or later." Chen You shook his head, "Do you think seeing ghosts is as simple as seeing ghosts?"

"If you can't see a ghost, generally speaking, the ghost can't touch you. Of course, the little ghost covering your eyes is a special case. But if you can see the ghost, then the ghost can touch you, understand me mean?"

Su Yi took a breath and said, "So seeing a ghost is courting death?"

According to what Chen You said, if he saw a ghost, that ghost could attack him, so wouldn't he be courting death?
"That's not right..." Su Yi suddenly remembered the woman he met before going out. The woman stood at his door and glanced into 2442, but her legs were so frightened that her legs went limp, and she hurriedly fled while leaning on the wall.

This sign is clearly the appearance of being able to see ghosts.

If seeing a ghost is tantamount to courting death, then isn't this woman living a good life?
Su Yi told Chen You about it.

"You're talking about Yang Feng, right?" Chen You immediately understood who Su Yi was talking about, "Her situation is even more special. And she can only see the ghosts in 2442. The reason why those two ghosts are gone It harms her, firstly, she often eats hundreds of meals, and the smoke is too heavy; secondly, they can't come out..."

Chen You seemed unwilling to mention this matter, and he didn't even introduce Yang Feng's identity to Su Yi. After a brief explanation, he immediately changed the subject: "In short, you live in 2442. If you see They...hehe, you won't even have a chance to escape!"

Su Yi was silent for a moment, and said: "Brother You, is the little ghost covering my eyes more powerful, or the ghost in 2442?"

"One is a white-clothed ghost and the other is a red-haired ghost, there is no comparison." Chen Youdao, "But even the most harmless discouraged ghost or bardo, you can't afford to offend them, so it doesn't matter if ghosts are not powerful. .???

This is a bit ironic, isn't it old heart?

"Don't worry, I'll have a good talk with Ah Jiu, I can probably guess what he's going to do." Chen You said solemnly, "If it doesn't work, you can change your residence! Can't you afford to mess with him? Can't you hide? There's no need to risk your own life."

The problem is that I can't hide...

Su Yi felt a little helpless, this was the essential contradiction between him and Chen You.

"Since these ghosts are such a great threat to people, why don't they just do a ritual to get rid of them?" Su Yi asked tentatively.

"Transcendence..." Chen You's mouth turned into a sarcasm, "Do you know how many ghosts there are here? There are more ghosts here than humans! They have lived here longer than us! You cannot save them directly. Sending them to be reincarnated, but sending them to the underworld to suffer, is tantamount to harming them."

"These ghosts are also neighbors, and they all have a good relationship. If you kill one of them, the others will hate you too. Then you still want to live here? Everyone must die. If you die, You are the enemy of all ghosts, I am afraid that you will not even be able to be a ghost, and you will only end up with your soul flying away!"

"Besides, most ghosts are harmless, so why force them to be saved?" Chen You sighed, "I've reached the age of knowing my destiny, and I don't have much time to live. I just want to establish a good relationship with them in advance , after I die, at least they won't bully me because I'm new here..."

It makes sense...

Su Yi was speechless.

The problem is that his second task is to save ten ghosts above the shadow level.

This again conflicts with Chen You's philosophy...

Su Yi was even thinking about whether he should just go to Ah Jiu to cooperate?

At least everyone's ideas don't conflict, and their goals are similar.He can plot this person's spells, and first make a promise with this person.After Su Yi fulfills the mission conditions, at worst, he will turn against Ah Jiu again...

But this idea was quickly rejected by Su Yi.

He is very afraid of Ah Jiu's unpredictable methods, and this person has no bottom line in doing things, has a vicious and cruel heart, and is definitely not a good partner.

If you want to learn skills, you still have to attack Chen You.

These thoughts flashed through Su Yi's mind, but the surface remained calm.

He took out the bottle of cow's tears from his pocket, and said to Chen You, "Ah Jiu gave it to me just now."

"Cow's tears?" Chen You narrowed his eyes when he saw this thing, and couldn't help sneering, "He's really despicable... If you use this thing, you'll just fall into his trap!"

"Is this thing really a ghost?" Su Yi asked.

"Not only can you see ghosts, but you can also summon ghosts." Chen You said coldly, "The tears of a cow are the most yin and grievances. This is the biggest resentment of a cow who has worked hard all his life towards the world, and it is refined with a special method. If you rub it on your eyes, your yang energy will be suppressed immediately. This is equivalent to a tiger with its limbs broken and its teeth pulled out, and it is still among a pack of wolves. What do you think will happen to this tiger?"

Su Yi shuddered, a little scared.

He had thought about concealing the existence of this bottle of Niu Tear before, after all, he and Chen You were not absolute allies.

But if he really used this bottle of Niu Tear without telling Chen You, then he will be miserable!
This Ah Jiu is really sinister...

Murderous intentions had already arisen in Su Yi's heart about this person. This person's tricks were endless, making it hard to guard against. Su Yi was considered cautious, but he was still almost fooled.

The days will be long, so he can't be on guard all the time, can he?
But if this person is killed, who will refine the corpse?
How can he complete the mission without zombies?

Just kill this person and learn how to refine corpses...

Su Yi even had such a plan in his heart.

But in the end he rejected the idea.

First, the refining of corpses is too cruel, it hurts peace, and it violates his bottom line; second, it is too unrealistic for him to think about flying before he has even learned how to walk.

In the end, Su Yi suppressed his murderous desire and turned his attention to Chen You.

Since Ah Jiu couldn't be killed, he could only suppress him temporarily so that he wouldn't dare to act rashly, at least not in the short term.

This matter depends on Chen You.Ask Chen You to warn Ah Jiu.

"Brother You, I can only ask you to come forward to persuade Ah Jiu not to make up my mind." Su Yi sincerely clasped his fists and said, "I have no grievances or enmities with him, why should he treat me like this?"

"Have you thought about moving to another room?" Chen You asked.

Su Yi shook his head: "I can't change places to live for the time being, it's not just about money... In short, I have my own difficulties."

Chen You frowned slightly, nodded slowly after pondering for a moment, and said, "Okay, you and I are also considered destined, I will help you with this."

He shook Niu Tear in his hand: "Don't carry this thing with you, it's not good for you if you carry it for a long time, I will return it to Ah Jiu."

"Okay, thank you Brother You!" Su Yi said hastily.

After a pause, he half-jokingly said: "If it wasn't too bad, I would really like to see what the ghost in 2442 looks like. By the way, brother friend, I saw the little ghost from that mirror, does it count as seeing a ghost? "

"Forget it, why not?" Chen You looked back at the mirror on the balcony, "My mirror is very particular. If you see ghosts through it, it means you have borrowed my method. Of course, I will stand with you." The door is related. If you come in and look in the mirror, you won't see anything."

He looked at Su Yi: "Do you really want to see a ghost?"

"I really want to." Su Yi said.

"Then are you courageous?" Chen You asked again.

"It's not small anyway." Su Yi smiled.

"Okay! Then I'll let you see it!" Chen You slapped his hands, "It's agreed in advance that you'll pee your pants when the time comes, so don't blame me!"

"Brother You, I'm not that unbearable." Su Yi said with a smile.

"That might be." Chen You said with a smile, "Wait for me!"

He dropped two words and went back to the bedroom, only to hear the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and Chen You walked in with a small mud-covered jar.

"You're lucky. I've been making this thing for more than ten years, and I still haven't thrown it away." Chen You said with a smile.

"What is this?" Su Yi asked curiously.

"A way to let you see ghosts temporarily." Chen You smashed the mud seal with a small hammer while talking, and a rotten and moldy smell rushed over his face, making people want to vomit.

"It's not just Niu Tear's way to make mortals go to hell. In fact, every faction has its own way." Chen You carefully removed the broken mud seal, while introducing, "For example, our faction, commonly used There are two ways, the first is to take nineteen pairs of crow???s eyes born on the 49th day of the cemetery, soak them in glutinous rice wine, and seal them for at least ten months.???

"Then drinking this wine will allow mortals to see ghosts. Generally speaking, drinking a small cup will last for half a day."

Su Yi heard a chill, crow's eyeballs soaked in wine?Still want to drink?
What kind of underworld method is this, it sounds disgusting.

Why doesn't it sound like a decent practice, but instead it looks like the means of evil spirits and heretics?

"Brother You, could it be that it's pretending to be..." Su Yi asked, holding back his discomfort and pointing to the small jar.

"No, the first method is not easy to collect materials, and it has a disadvantage, that is, it will cause crows to retaliate, so it was abandoned three generations ago." Chen You took out a copper bowl while talking, and put the small altar The liquid in it was poured into a copper bowl.

This liquid is gray-black, viscous and silky, with a foul smell, somewhat resembling old snot.

"This is the second method for me." Chen You said with a smile, "Take the dew on the lotus leaves on the Qingming Festival, add willow leaves and seal it for three days, so that it cannot be exposed to light. Take it out after three days, and use this water to apply on your eyes." , you can temporarily see ghosts, but the effect can only last for a stick of incense, that is, less than ten minutes. This method has no disadvantages, and it will not cause hostility from ghosts."

After a pause, Chen You took the copper bowl up to his nose and sniffed it, then frowned and took it away, saying, "Wow, it smells so bad?"

Su Yi said: "Brother You, how long have you kept this thing? Is there a shelf life? Will it go bad?"

"Don't worry, the length of time will not affect its effect." Chen Youdao, "However, from the time you use it until the effect disappears, you cannot enter 2442, and you must always follow behind me, so you cannot act rashly."

"Also, no matter what you see, don't panic!"

"Don't worry, Brother You!" Su Yi looked at the foul-smelling unknown liquid in the copper bowl on the table.

Although he is very apprehensive about this thing, Su Yi is full of expectations for the hell.

Fear stems from the unknown, and the more invisible and intangible things are, the more terrifying they are.

If Su Yi were allowed to see ghosts, they would no longer be so mysterious in Su Yi's eyes, and Su Yi would not be so afraid.

"Close your eyes!" Chen You dipped his index finger into the liquid in the copper bowl.

Su Yi did as he said, and soon he felt that something cool had been smeared on his upper eyelids.

"Don't rush to open it..." Chen You instructed.

Su Yi heard the sound of fingers rubbing together, and Chen You whispered close at hand: "The sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters of laws and regulations. I am writing now, and there are no ghosts and gods to hide..."

The next moment, Su Yi felt a finger pointed between his brows.

His whole body suddenly seemed to be immersed in ice water, and he shivered involuntarily, the pores of his body closed instantly, and his heartbeat also involuntarily slowed down, until he couldn't smell it.

Although he was wearing clothes, he felt extremely cold.

Su Yi almost subconsciously used his internal energy to drive out the cold, but he forcibly held back.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." Chen You said.

Su Yi slowly opened his eyes, and at a glance he saw Chen You was wiping the toilet paper with some blood on it.

Looking at his fingertips, it was clearly broken.

Seeing Su Yi's attention, Chen You explained: "The blood of a practitioner has a deterrent effect on evil spirits. I put a drop between your eyebrows to show my attitude. You are protected by me. Ordinary ghosts will give me this drop of blood when they see it. For face, I won't do anything to you."

Su Yi nodded and was about to speak when he suddenly felt something and looked back abruptly.

A pair of eyes are almost close to Su Yi's eyes, there are no black pupils, only the whites of the eyes, the skin is gray and black and corrupt, and the face is ferocious.

Its face was almost close to Su Yi's, and Su Yi even felt the tip of his nose brushing against his face.

Su Yi's heart jumped into his throat suddenly, almost subconsciously screaming out, and jumping to the side.

But he didn't do anything, he forcibly held back and remained motionless.

In just an instant, his back was drenched in cold sweat.

He didn't move, and the eyes with only whites didn't move, just staring at Su Yi's eyes.

Chen You on the side smiled, watching this scene with great interest.

Beads of sweat slipped from Su Yi's forehead.

This is beyond Su Yi's control, it is entirely his physiological instinct.

It is impossible to say that there is no fear and no panic.

In the end, Su Yi was defeated in this staring game. He swallowed and took a step back.

Only then did he see the whole picture of the ghost.

This is a young female ghost, wearing very shabby clothes, with a numb expression, disheveled hair, and only the toes of her feet touching the ground.

However, there is more than one ghost in this room!
(End of this chapter)

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