Chapter 1017
Maybe it's because it's rare to say this to others, or maybe it's because Su Yi is pleasing to the eye, but Chen You basically answers every question and explains it in detail.

"In fact, most of the ghosts have gone to the underworld, queued up to reincarnate. Most of the ghosts in the yang world are bardo bodies that have not had time to go to the underworld. Say, less than one ten-thousandth."

"But it can't stand the large population and the long history. Throughout the ages, even if there is only one out of every hundred thousand dead souls lingering in the human world, you can calculate for yourself, how many lonely ghosts are there in this world?"

"If it weren't for the fact that each sect holds a grand ceremony to save the souls of the dead every year, and every time there is a major event that changes the world, lonely souls and wild ghosts will suffer, and the underworld will also send ghost soldiers and ghosts from time to time to eliminate ghosts. In a land of yin, this world of yang has long been overrun with ghosts."

"Even so, there are countless ghosts in this world, just in this building, there are hundreds of ghosts. If you see ghosts like you said, go to rescue them, hehe, even if you don't do anything in your life and concentrate Chaotu Revenant is just a drop in the bucket, and it’s just a waste of time.”

Speaking of this, Chen You couldn't help sighing: "Not to mention, now that the human way is prosperous, the way is not revealed. After decades of cultivation, what's the use of learning all the skills? Like me, can you only fry glutinous rice in the end? ?The young people nowadays don’t believe in ghosts any more. In the future, it will be difficult for our profession to pass on..."

"Ghosts harm people, will the government intervene?" Su Yi asked.

"Nowadays, the government doesn't believe in ghosts. In their eyes, ghosts harm people. They have a different view." Chen You said lightly.

"But there are ghosts in the world, if they don't believe it, are they just deceiving themselves?" Su Yi asked.

"Hehe, why do you think you should respect ghosts and gods and stay away from them?" Chen You laughed and said, "The more you don't believe in ghosts, the more you can't help people. Otherwise, everyone is afraid of ghosts. Do you think this world will be better or worse?"

"Besides, the government represents the order of the world, and ghosts don't dare to offend people in the family, not even fierce ghosts."

Having said that, Chen You took a drink from the glass of water on the table, then stood up and said, "I've said enough for today. Let's go, I've posted a talisman for you, and I have to go to work."

"Okay!" Su Yi also stood up, "Thank you Brother You for clearing my doubts."

He glanced at the four ghosts wandering around the room again. When Su Yi looked at them, they immediately sensed them, and turned their heads to look at Su Yi in unison.

Two of the ghosts turned their backs to Su Yi, but their heads were turned [-] degrees.

The eight pale pupils stared at Su Yi together, making Su Yi's heart feel chilled, and he subconsciously held his breath.

"Try not to look at ghosts." Chen You said calmly, "Ghosts will harm people, and people must watch them. If you don't look at them, at least they won't kill you."

Su Yi made a note of this.

After leaving Chen You's house, Su Yi felt that his body became much warmer immediately because of an illusion or something.

"Find an opportunity in the future to see if your internal strength can cure ghosts." When the two of them were walking in the corridor, Chen You suddenly said with great interest, "But let's go a little further to find a ghost outside, and the neighbors don't want it." Touched."

Su Yi shook his head and said: "It should be useless. I just saw the little ghost protect the body with internal force first, and then hit it again. It seems that there is no response."

"Whether it's useful or not, I'll only know if I see it with my own eyes." Chen Youdao, "If my prediction is correct, the internal force should be the essence of qi and blood. Human qi, blood and even yang things, logically speaking, should restrain ghosts That's right."

Su Yi said: "If Brother You is interested, why not do it tomorrow."

He and Chen You can be regarded as "like old friends at first sight", and it is necessary to strike while the iron is hot to get closer.

"Tomorrow?" Chen You was taken aback, pondered for a moment, and said happily, "Okay, then tomorrow, you come to me tomorrow morning, and we will go to a place together."

From the tone of his voice, he seemed to have chosen his target.

"Then I will leave my life to Brother You." Su Yi couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation in his heart, and said jokingly.

"Haha, don't worry, if you're not sure, I won't let you take risks." Chen You laughed.

While talking and laughing, the two had already reached the door of 2442.

Chen You glanced at the talisman paper on the door, and said: "I posted this evil talisman three years ago, and it is just an ordinary yellow talisman. In fact, if they really want to come out, the yellow talisman may not be able to do it." Stop them. They never came out because they never thought of coming out to harm people."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of talisman paper from his coat pocket.

It was still a piece of yellow talisman paper. Judging by the pattern and strokes, it was exactly the same as the one pasted on the door, but this one was new, while the one pasted on the door frame was very faded.

Chen You clamped the talisman paper with the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, and said in his mouth: "The innate infinite way, the seal of the patriarch is true, the gods and gods are revealed when they are tapped, and the talisman talisman reveals the spirit!"

After reading, he suddenly pressed the talisman against the door frame.

Strange to say, the yellow talisman was obviously not glued, but with Chen You's pressing, it stuck tightly to the door frame, and it fit perfectly.

After pasting the new talisman, Chen You took off the old talisman without any hassle. The next moment, the talisman paper he removed was weathered a little bit, dissipating in his hands like sand blowing.

"It's amazing..." Seeing this scene, Su Yi couldn't help sighing, "An ordinary piece of paper can have such a magical effect."

"Ordinary?" Chen You smiled, "Of course it looks ordinary."

He took another talisman from his pocket.

This is still a yellow paper evil talisman, and the runes on it are outlined with cinnabar.

"Hey, try holding it in your hand." Chen You said.

Su Yi hesitated, and took the talisman paper with both hands.

As soon as the talisman paper touched Su Yi's skin, Su Yi felt something strange.

This talisman paper is like an ice cube, it is cold in the hand.

Not only that, this thin piece of paper actually has a lot of weight!
It's like holding a book.

This is amazing!
Su Yi couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"The talisman is based on the spirit of the Tao, the simplicity of the cloth, and the spirit of meeting things. It has the ability to summon gods and ghosts, and suppress demons." Chen You said with a smile, "Do you really think that the talisman paper is just an ordinary piece of paper? Paper? Is this talisman real? In fact, you can tell whether it is true or not by holding it in your hand. A real talisman carries magic power, and it is absolutely impossible to be as light as a feather. If a talisman is held in your hand, it is the same as ordinary paper. a reason..."

"First, either this talisman needs to be placed in a specific position to complete the last stroke, and then it will take effect; second, this talisman is fake, it is a ghostly talisman drawn by a charlatan."

"This talisman technique is the orthodox Taoist way. Draw a talisman, the head of the talisman, the gods and Buddhas, the belly of the talisman, the feet of the talisman, and the gallbladder. It makes ghosts and gods dance, and I don't know the key to the book, which makes ghosts and gods laugh. There is a lot of knowledge here..."

Su Yi had too many questions in his mind, but this was not the time to ask, he praised again: "This is really a fairy trick!"

"Immortal?" Chen You laughed at himself, "That's still a thousand miles away."

Su Yi handed the yellow talisman in his hand to Chen You and said, "Brother You, you should hold it. I'm holding it like I'm holding a piece of ice."

"This shows that you are open-minded and have a correct temperament." Chen You looked deeply at Su Yi, and his eyes seemed to become softer.He took the talisman paper, "If a person with a dark heart and a dirty mind holds this talisman, it's like holding a piece of hot coal; if it's a real evil ghost, he can't even come to this talisman."

Su Yi couldn't help being happy: "Then this thing is good, if you want to make friends, let him touch this talisman first."

Chen You was stunned, a little dumbfounded: "Who in the world doesn't have shady dirty things in his heart? Do you think everyone is you, with a heart of innocence? Normal people will feel that it gets hot again when holding this talisman, feeling like It's a piece of ice... I've only seen it on children."

Innocent heart?

Su Yi was a little surprised.

To be honest, he himself felt that he was not worthy, he knew very well that he was an old silver coin, and his heart was dirty.

So why is he holding this talisman like holding a piece of ice?

Without time to think about it, Chen You suddenly said seriously: "Ahao, are you ready to see them? Regret it now, it's still too late."

Of course Su Yi would not regret it, he nodded to Chen You: "Brother You, I'm ready."

"Remember, don't look into their eyes!" Chen You warned again.

"Okay!" Su Yi replied solemnly.

"Open the door." Chen You stepped aside and signaled Su Yi to open the door.

Su Yi took a deep breath and took out the key, stepped forward and opened the door.


He slowly opened the wooden door.

A chilly air rushed over, the surrounding light suddenly became dim, and the room was shrouded in blood, with a stench!

Su Yi's body was covered with goosebumps involuntarily, and fear arose spontaneously!

In the blood-red room, a girl with disheveled hair was hanging from the ceiling fan facing the door!

Her messy, damp hair hid her face, and her neck drooped eerily.

She was wearing a pure white dress, but the skirt was stained with blood, especially in the middle of her legs, a large area of ​​blood was still slowly smudged.

Her arms were close to her body, and her exposed limbs were white, tender, full of youthful vitality, slender and well-proportioned.

She has a penetrating wound on the back of her left hand, which appears to have been caused by a sharp object.

The wound was still dripping blood, and under her body, a large pool of blood slowly flowed to the door.

In addition to the hanged girl, there was another girl on the ground also wearing a white dress who was also lying in a pool of blood.

On the other side, a middle-aged man in a white shirt had a hideous and distorted face, his chest was bloody, and his eyes were staring with a look of death.

The scene in front of me doesn't look like a ghost at all, but like a real murder scene!

These corpses are very "fresh", and they clearly look like they have just died!

Even the stench in the room was clearly the smell of someone who had just died!

Su Yi is too familiar with this kind of scene and this kind of smell.

If he hadn't been very clear that this could never be the real murder scene, he might have mistaken this illusion for reality at the very first moment!
Even so, he couldn't see anything artificial about the scene.

The suffocating fear came like a tide, it was an instinctive reaction, and Su Yi couldn't control it at all.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, a pair of blood-colored pupils were close at hand, staring at him firmly.

What the hell!

Su Yi's heart jumped into his throat suddenly, he felt cold all over his body, and his limbs froze!
The face of the blood-colored pupil suddenly became distorted and vicious, and suddenly opened his bloody mouth to bite him.

But at the next moment, a golden light blocked the doorway like a light curtain. The blood-colored pupils showed pain, and instantly screamed and flew upside down. The limbs twisted and hung upside down on the ceiling fan, and the ceiling fan shook violently in mid-air.

Only then did Su Yi see clearly that this was a female ghost covered in gray, wearing a blood-stained white dress, and disheveled hair!
Bloody silk threads spread all over the female ghost's body, densely packed, each thread twisting and wriggling like a living creature, looking particularly creepy.

Those blood-colored eyes were cold and evil, exuding an expression of incomparable resentment, which made people shudder.

Su Yi's internal energy operated independently, and the feeling of freezing was relieved immediately. He subconsciously took a step back, and his heart beat violently.

In addition to this female ghost, on that single sofa, there was another female ghost with almost the same appearance as this female ghost, standing on all fours like an arthropod.

Su Yi glanced subconsciously, and just happened to meet the blood-colored pupils of the female ghost. The next second, he was slightly in a trance, and the world in front of him turned blood-colored again, while the other person was already standing in the room.

He was startled, and just about to move, he found that he couldn't control his body at all.

He found that he was actually wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and a slightly raised belly, which made his figure look particularly bloated and ugly.

His eyes rolled around, and he found a girl in a white dress, fainted at the door of the bedroom, and under his right arm, was holding another girl's head.

The faint fragrance unique to girls floated into his nostrils, and his heart couldn't help but flutter.

In the next second, the frozen picture suddenly started to move.

Su Yi's body couldn't be controlled by himself at all. He immediately felt the girl caught under his arm struggling violently, her arms and back constantly slapping him, and her feet kicking him constantly.

Violence grew in his heart for no reason, and he threw the girl onto the dining table in front of him with a sudden force.

This action was actually made by Su Yi spontaneously!
Su Yi woke up suddenly, and was about to use his internal energy in a hurry, trying to break free from this illusion.

But when he tried to run it, he was shocked!
He found that his body was empty, without any internal energy at all!

Not only did he have no internal strength, he also felt the aging and weakness of this body.

This is not my body at all!

But it feels so real!
Su Yi was terrified, hurriedly closed his eyes, and then opened them again.

But it doesn't work!
He was still a middle-aged man in a white shirt with a puffy belly, and the terrified girl in front of him was struggling to get up from the dining table.

(End of this chapter)

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