Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1018 The first confrontation

Chapter 1018 The first confrontation

At this time, how could Su Yi still not know that he fell into the illusion created by the ghosts again, and he became the beast in clothes who bullied the twins at the beginning, and now he couldn't help but repeat the scene of the death of the female ghosts.

This illusion is too real, touch, smell, even sensory stimulation, instinctive reaction, everything is exactly the same as the real one.

Su Yi tried his best to resist this body, but it still acted on its own, not under Su Yi's control at all.

Seeing that the girl was about to flee, he leaned over to grab her and threw her onto the table.

The young girl has a pretty face, youthful and delicate, but at this moment her face is full of fear.She tried her best to break free, and slapped Su Yi across the face with a "slap", but it didn't help at all.

"Ah..." The girl let out a desperate scream and struggled more violently.

Feeling tyrannical and irritable in this body, it slapped the girl on the face suddenly, and five fingerprints appeared on its delicate cheeks, but this did not make the girl give in.

Enraged, the body turned the girl's body over, picked up the fruit knife on one side, and stabbed the girl hard on the back of the hand.

The blade pierced the girl's palm, pierced the wooden tabletop, and nailed the girl's hand to the tabletop.

The girl's body froze suddenly, and the next moment, she let out a scream of pain.

At a certain moment, the movement of this body suddenly stopped.

It was Su Yi who finally stopped the movement of this body with great will.

Su Yi controlled this body to tremble violently, fighting against its instinct.

And as he stopped moving, the abused girl lying on the table suddenly stopped screaming, and as her neck made a "crack bang bang" sound, her head suddenly turned [-] degrees strangely to her back, Facing Su Yi, he fixed his red eyes on Su Yi, his eyes were crazy and resentful, and then he grinned.

Black and red blood gushed out of her mouth along with wriggling maggots, splashing on her white back and buttocks.

Su Yi's whole body seemed to fall into an ice cave for an instant, and he was about to back out subconsciously, but at this moment, he felt a huge irresistible suction force, and blood gushed out from his own features.

Before he could react, a crazy laugh suddenly came from behind his ears, a delicate body suddenly jumped onto his back, soft and slender legs directly wrapped around his waist, black hair drooped on his left shoulder , but another girl who is a twin also came!

The girl laughed wildly and bit Su Yi's left neck. The excruciating pain instantly spread throughout Su Yi's body. The next moment, he felt that a large piece of flesh and blood on his neck was torn off by the girl!

Su Yi knew it was an illusion, he knew it wasn't his body, but he just didn't know how to break it!
He used his internal energy crazily again and again, but it was useless at all!
He tried to close and open his eyes again and again, even he almost bit off his tongue, but no matter what he did, it was useless!

He didn't know what would happen to him if he continued like this, but he knew very well that he had to find a way to break free!

"Pan Zhoudan! Please Pan Zhoudan! Please Pan Zhoudan!" he roared.

The necks of the two female ghosts suddenly moved in a serpentine shape——


The whole room trembled violently, and then spider webs filled the eyes like tempered glass and shattered!
The red light was shining brightly, Su Yi subconsciously closed his eyes.

When he opened it again, he found that he was still standing outside the door of room 2442, and in the door frame two inches away from him, one of the twin female ghosts was staring at his eyes with blood-colored eyes.

Behind him, Chen You was about to put his hand on his shoulder, the palm was only an inch away from his shoulder.

Su Yi's eyes sparkled, and he suddenly used his internal strength to punch this face!
Although this punch penetrated the female ghost's face, Su Yi still felt that he had hit something, and the female ghost's body suddenly dissipated in the form of black mist, and at the same time let out an extremely shrill scream.

But the next moment, she reorganized her body on the left wall.

At the same time, Chen You behind him was directly blown away by Su Yi's internal force, and hit the wall heavily, grunting in pain, with a look of incomparable horror in his eyes.

The two female ghosts stared at Su Yi, and suddenly opened their bloody mouths together, screaming at Su Yi.

Su Yi was full of anger. Seeing them shouting, he suddenly opened his mouth and shouted: "Ah——"

Who is afraid of someone who is louder than a voice?
Shouts full of inner strength filled the room in an instant, and the two female ghosts were the first to bear the brunt. They both covered their ears in pain, rolled violently, and disappeared into the wall.

When Su Yi stopped crying, two female ghosts poked their heads out from the wall again, their faces twisted and twisted, staring at Su Yi's eyes with incomparable resentment.

Su Yi's eyes were round, his face was full of anger, and he stared back without fear.

Pull me back to the illusion if you have the ability to try again!

"Hiss, hiss..."

The two female ghosts glared at Su Yi resentfully, bloody silk threads all over their bodies were dancing and wriggling wildly and violently, as if eager to pounce on him again.

But at this moment, Su Yi's eyelids lightened suddenly, and the two female ghosts disappeared immediately!

But the time limit for the devil's law is up!
The 2442 in front of me is peaceful and peaceful, there is no one there, only those simple furniture are quietly displayed in it, as if nothing happened just now.

Su Yi blinked vigorously and looked in front of him, but he couldn't see anything, and the cold feeling before was gone, and the uncontrollable fear in his heart disappeared even more!
Only his heart was still beating violently, reminding him that everything that happened just now was not false.

Su Yi's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, his mind was full of thoughts, and finally calmed down, taking a step back slowly.

When he turned his head, he saw Chen You covering his ears with all his might, bleeding from his mouth and nose, leaning against the wall with his whole body, looking at him in horror.

Su Yi hastily stepped forward and grabbed Chen You's wrist, and channeled his internal energy into Chen You's meridians.

Although Chen You was just inadvertently knocked away, and when Su Yi used his internal force to launch the sound wave, Chen You was also standing behind him, but received a very weak blow.

But how powerful is his inner strength?

It was only inadvertently spread, and Chen You was also hurt.

Fortunately, Su Yi has practiced the Yijin Jingjing and Rama's inner strength combined into one Yijinxiuijing. His inner strength has miraculous healing effects, and after running a few cycles in Chen You's body, he completely recovered from his injuries.

As Su Yi withdrew his internal force, Chen You breathed out comfortably.

"I'm sorry Brother You, I hurt you by mistake." Su Yi apologized.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Chen You waved his hands hurriedly, and said in surprise and joy: "Is it just the legendary internal force healing? I feel that all the old injuries of my body have been healed! It seems that I have become more than ten years younger!"

"It's not that miraculous." Su Yi said, "But my inner strength is quite special, it's true that it can heal injuries."

"It's amazing! It's really amazing!" Chen You was very excited, "Ahao, your internal strength is stronger than I imagined, even more miraculous!"

"If Brother You is interested, I'll teach you another day." Su Yi smiled, "With me personally helping you sort out the meridians and guide your inner strength, you will soon be able to cultivate your inner strength."

Chen You was shocked all over, his eyes flashed with dazzling light, and he raised his voice suddenly: "Ah Hao, are you kidding me?"

"Brother You, you have taken care of me so much, it's a gift in return." Su Yi smiled.

"No, no, this ceremony is too heavy, I, I can't bear it!" Chen You took a deep breath, "I... well, to be honest, I really want to learn, Ah Hao, how about I ask you You are a teacher, how about accepting me as your disciple?"

Su Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said, "Brother You, we'll talk about this later, let's talk about what happened just now. Why did I suddenly enter the illusion of ghosts?"

"Okay, I'll talk about it later, I'll talk about it later!" Chen You took a deep breath, waved his hands and said, "Let me calm down, let's go, go in first."

"Is it okay?" Su Yi hesitated.

"You can't see them now, and they can't do anything to you for the time being. What can happen?" Chen You smiled calmly, "As for me, they won't take the initiative to attack me. It's okay, don't worry."

Hearing what he said, Su Yi was really relieved: "Okay, Brother You, then let's go in and sit down."

He walked through the door first.

Sure enough, nothing happened.

Chen You followed closely behind. Seeing that Su Yi trusted him so decisively, he couldn't help smiling.

"Ah Hao, come, first burn incense and make amends." Chen You took out a handful of incense from the inner pocket of his clothes like a magic trick and handed it to Su Yi, "The conflict just now shouldn't have happened, you will give it to them in the future." Burning a handful of incense every day is an apology. After all, if you want to live here, it's better to turn your hostility into friendship."

Su Yi was a little hesitant: "They -- will they let it go?"

"If you hadn't shown your skills just now, you wouldn't." Chen You said while lighting the incense, "but now, they will definitely. Ghosts are the most realistic thing. They will never do things that are not beneficial and dangerous. "

Su Yi followed good advice and decided to listen to Chen You.

Although the conflict process just now made him a little angry, but in fact, he was mainly angry because he could not control the situation. How could he not be ashamed that his majestic master was forced to be helpless?
Fortunately, he has found a solution for the time being, at least the ability also works on ghosts.

However, his ability can only be used three times, but he doesn't know how many times Li Gui can pull him into the illusion.

The incense was lit, and each of them took half of it.Holding the incense in both hands, Chen You faced the wardrobe, and said to the air with a straight face: "It was just a misunderstanding, and it was you who shot first, and Ah Hao passively fought back. It's not his fault."

"I don't think you have suffered much. Why don't you take a step back and forget about it? Ah Hao has promised me that as long as he lives here for a day, he will burn incense for you every day. He is sincere enough." Right? Just accept it when you see it, after all, you will live in the same room in the future, and you won’t see each other when you look up, right?”

As Su Yi listened, he felt an extremely strange feeling in his heart.

In this way, he and the pair of twin ghosts can be regarded as unworthy neighbors?

The method of seeing ghosts has failed, and Su Yi couldn't see how the two ghosts reacted, but from Chen You's tone and his expression, it seemed that the conversation was going well.

Sure enough, Chen You finally said: "Then it's a deal! You two don't talk back, you know the consequences... Don't don't, I'm not threatening you, just telling the truth."

After finishing speaking, Chen You remained silent, shrugged suddenly, and leaned half a handful of incense in his hand against the wall.

Seeing this, Su Yi did as well.

"Tomorrow, I will buy an incense burner and come back with some more incense. That's the deal."

Chen You said with a smile, "Your affairs are smoother than we expected. In a short time, you can live here without worrying about them. But you still have to stick a talisman on your bedside later, just in case just in case."

Su Yi nodded and said, "Are they not injured?"

"The injury is not serious." Chen You said, "You punched them before, and you screamed, they did hurt them. If it was a white shirt ghost, even if it was a yellow page ghost, I'm afraid they would be beaten to death by you. Physical damage, but they are fierce ghosts, they are the most powerful ghosts in this world, you can hurt them, it is already very powerful."

Chen You paused: "Actually, what I'm most curious about is how did you break free from their illusion?"

Su Yi asked back: "Shouldn't I break free?"

"Of course! When you fall into an illusion, unless external forces intervene, it is very difficult to break free by yourself. Even if you break free, it will not take such a short time. You almost woke up in less than three seconds."

"Less than three seconds?" Su Yi frowned, a little surprised, he was pulled into the illusion twice, and each time definitely took more than three seconds!

Not to mention three seconds, 3 minutes are all there.

"Time passes faster in the illusion." Chen You guessed his doubts and explained.

"I didn't teach you how to avoid the staring eyes of ghosts. In fact, I want you to experience it for yourself. Only after experiencing it personally will you try your best to avoid this kind of thing from happening next time. I'm ready to pull you out in three seconds. But before I pulled you, you woke up on your own."

(End of this chapter)

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