Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1019 Argument

Chapter 1019 Argument
Of course, Su Yi couldn't say that he broke free from the illusion because of his supernatural power.It's nothing more than internal strength, if another supernatural ability is created, maybe Chen You will directly pack him into a coffin, suppress it for ten or eight years, and then see what kind of monster Su Yi is.

"I don't know how to break free, I just keep running the internal force." Su Yi shirked everything to the internal force that Chen You didn't understand.

In the illusion, he even tried to bite his tongue, but it was completely useless, which showed that ordinary methods were not enough to break free from the ghost's illusion.

Chen You really believed it, because he couldn't think of any other reason.

"The internal force is really amazing..." He sighed, and then changed the topic and introduced: "The ghost's illusion is very close to reality, even I can hardly break free. No matter what you experience in the illusion, even if you die in the illusion, Not only will you not wake up, but you will be over-stimulated, and it is easier to get completely addicted to it."

"Once you are addicted and treat everything in the illusion as real, at least you will lose your mind and soul and suffer a serious illness; if it is serious, you will even be eaten by a ghost directly, turning you into a soulless person." The walking dead."

Su Yi's heart trembled, and he asked, "Is there no way for ordinary people to escape from the illusion?"

"The ghost's illusion is terrifying, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to break free by themselves." Chen Youdao, "Unless you use external force, like just now, as long as I pull you away and let you avoid staring at the ghost, you will never come out." Waking up from the illusion."

"Actually, as long as you don't look into their eyes, you won't be drawn into the illusion. But most people can't do it if they don't want to look. Just now, when you opened the door, you were drawn into the illusion at the first glance. Sometimes you don't even know that you are I'm staring at a ghost."

Su Yi nodded. He was pulled into the illusion twice before, the first time he didn't notice it at all, and the second time he subconsciously glanced at it, and was immediately hit.

It can be said that it is impossible to guard against.

"It's dangerous to be pulled into the illusion by a ghost, but if you don't try it yourself, you don't know how dangerous it is and where the danger is." Chen Youdao, "That's why I deliberately let you be drawn into the illusion once. You have me on your forehead." blood, at least it can guarantee that the ghost will not hurt you; and I am behind you, I can pull you out at any time, you will be frightened at most, and you will be fine. In this way, you will know how powerful you are in the future, and you will not be easily attacked gone."

"Brother You has a heart." Su Yi thanked him sincerely.

"Actually, there is a very simple way to avoid staring at ghosts." Chen You stretched out his right thumb and index finger, and pinched the place on both sides of the bridge of his nose half an inch from the inner corner of his eyes. "You are a martial artist, so you should know what this is." place?"

"Qingming acupoint." Of course Su Yi knew it, and said without hesitation, "This acupoint is mainly used for aversion to cold, headache, and blurred vision. Regular pressing can help eyesight."

There is an action in the eye exercises that massages the Qingming point.

Chen You nodded: "If you feel that something is not clean, put some of your own saliva on your fingers and pinch the Qingming point, so that you can avoid seeing ghosts. As long as you can't see ghosts, ghosts will naturally have no way to look at you. .”

"Saliva?" Su Yi was a little puzzled, "Why saliva? What's the saying here?"

"Do you know the story of Song Dingbo catching ghosts?" Chen You said with a smile, "Although ghosts are not afraid of human saliva, they are also very annoying. According to the Nian Yao, saliva is full of yang energy, and sealing the Qingming acupoint with saliva can prevent you from seeing ghosts. But if you must see ghosts, doing so can also have the effect of breaking the illusion, and you can avoid being dragged into the illusion by ghosts."

Su Yi happily said: "I learned it!"

"But you have to remember that no method can be foolproof." Chen You warned, "When encountering some powerful ghosts, many methods are useless. The twin female ghosts were kind before they were alive, but they will have great hatred after death." Retribution, so the intention of harming others is not serious. Otherwise, it is best to hide as far as you can."

While talking, Chen You walked into the bedroom. He looked left and right, came to the door of the bathroom, took out another Suppressing Evil Talisman, pinched the magic formula in his hand, and said in his mouth: "The innate infinite way, the ancestor's seal is true, Tap the gods to manifest the holiness, and the town talisman to manifest the spirit!"

He slapped the door frame of the yellow rune net in his hand, and immediately a whole sheet of Fu Yan was attached to the door frame seamlessly.

"The toilet is a very filthy place, and the furtive things like it the most." Chen You said to Su Yi, "If I stick the talisman in the toilet, the foul smell will soon corrode the aura in the talisman, turning the talisman into a A piece of waste paper. Therefore, this talisman can only be pasted on the door of the toilet, if there are sneaky people who want to come out of the toilet to harm you, they will be blocked by this door."

After a pause, Chen You said again: "If you hear any strange noises in the toilet again, don't pay attention to it, and everything will be fine. If you see any strange things in the toilet, remember to use the method I taught you , seal the Qingming acupoint with saliva, and you will not be surprised, and the monster will be defeated."

"Didn't it mean that I won't see ghosts?" Su Yi asked.

"Normally, you can't see it, but you're afraid of someone with a heart..." Chen Yourao said deeply, "In short, don't be afraid even if you see it, the most powerful ghosts in this building are those two in your living room. None of them can harm you, and of course other ghosts can't harm you either."

"By the way, it's fine to be alone at home or chat with others, and don't always talk about ghosts." Chen You warned again, "If you don't talk about these things, the more you mention them, the more they will come looking for you." you."

"Then just call them Ah Piao." Su Yi joked.

Chen You smiled: "It's not bad. I'll stick a peace talisman on your bedside, so that Guixie won't even be able to dream of you."

The third talisman, what Chen You took out was a white talisman.

Su Yi didn't understand and asked, "Why is this talisman blank?"

"The white talisman protects the body and calms the mind, and the yellow talisman suppresses ghosts and exorcises evil spirits. They have different functions and use different talisman papers." Chen Youdao, "Actually, you can also carve the talisman on peach wood or jade, which will have a better effect, but that is too troublesome."

"What about black or purple talisman paper?" Su Yi asked again.

Chen You's expression froze, and he said in a solemn voice: "That's amazing! The purple talisman borrows the law, and the black talisman invites the gods. These two kinds of talismans cannot be written easily, and they are easy to be backlashed. Especially some vicious and vicious spells, both It is cast with these two kinds of talisman papers. If you meet a practitioner who uses these two kinds of talismans to deal with you, run as far as you can!"

"There is also a kind of red talisman, which is used to pray for rain. This kind of talisman is rarely used now, but it is often used by heretics who worship evil gods. If you meet someone who uses this kind of talisman You can fight with your abilities."

"Furthermore, the five-element talisman is usually drawn with yellow talisman, and it is also drawn with blue, green, pink and other talisman papers. This kind of talisman can also be regarded as a talisman, but it is only used to perform some small methods, such as the magic movement , Juli and the like."

Seeing that Su Yi was interested, Chen You simply introduced some more. At the end, he hesitated slightly and said, "Ah Hao, if you are interested in Taoist magic, I can accept apprentices on behalf of the teacher and join my Maoshan lineage. My Maoshan majors in talismans. Together, you are best at killing ghosts and living beings. If you are really talented, I think it will be able to complement your martial arts."

This was Su Yi's goal in the first place, and he couldn't wish for it.

He didn't pretend either, and smiled happily: "It's my honor to be able to do this. Then, wouldn't it be nice for us to practice Taoism and martial arts together, to subdue demons and eliminate demons?"

Chen You laughed and said, "It's okay to practice Taoism and martial arts together, but it's fine to cast down demons and eliminate demons. At our age, doing something you like, earning some coffin money, and enjoying your old age is the right way."

As he said that, he pinched the magic formula again, and pasted the white talisman on the bedside: "Exorcise evil spirits and subdue demons, good fortune, longevity and well-being!"

He clapped his hands: "Okay, you're done! Ah Hao, you can live here with peace of mind. Eat well, sleep well, and be free from disasters and worries."

"Let me borrow a good word from Brother You." Su Yi smiled, "It's a pity that there is nothing at home, otherwise Brother You must stay for dinner. Why don't we go outside..."

"Forget it, I just run a restaurant. If you want to eat, you can go to my place. If you want to invite, of course I will invite you." Chen You smiled and patted Su Yi on the shoulder, "You clean up your room first, and I will give you a meal." You leave a bowl of glutinous rice, if you want to eat anything, come down and order it yourself."

"Okay, then I won't be polite." Su Yi said, "But I have to eat, and I have to give money. In the future, I will rarely open a stove at home, and I will often go to eat."

"Of course you take care of my business." Chen You said with a smile, "It's almost time, I have to go to work."

"I'll send you brother friend."

"it is good."

The two walked out of the bedroom talking and laughing, and when they opened the door, they saw the white-haired kid standing at the door.

Seeing Su Yi and Chen You coming out, the child turned his head and ran away, and disappeared at the end of the corridor after a while.

Chen You smiled slightly, sighed and said: "This child is very poor. His previous home was 2442. His biological father was killed by the twins A Piao inside, and even his soul was swallowed up. He deserved it." .”

Su Yi listened to what he had learned and applied it flexibly, and he had already started saying "Ah Piao", thinking it was a little funny.

"Her mother's name is Yang Feng, and she's out of her mind." Chen You continued, "Mother and son were arranged to live in the power distribution room by Uncle Yan, and they ate hundreds of meals for a living on weekdays."

"The mother and son are deeply involved with the twin A Piao, and they often eat sacrifices from hundreds of families, so they can see unclean things," Chen Youdao, "The mother and son want to go back to 2442, but every time they come, they will be caught. Scare away. If you see them lingering in front of your door, don't worry about them, they have no malicious intentions."

Su Yi nodded: "Okay, I see."

Chen You smiled: "Then I'm leaving, remember to come down for dinner."

"Brother, go slowly."

Chen You waved his hands without looking back.

Su Yi closed the door and went back to the house.

He was alone in the house.

He looked around and everything was normal.

But he knew that the two Apiao were in the living room, maybe they were staring at him right now, but he couldn't see them.

To be honest, not everyone can bear the feeling of knowing that there is a ghost in the house, but having to bite the bullet and live with the ghost.

This is a test of courage.

Su Yi took out his mobile phone and checked the time. It was almost five o'clock, and the appointment time with Coolie Wei was coming soon.

Su Yi simply went to the balcony to pick up the broom and started to clean up.

He swept from the inside to the outside, cleaning up all the cobweb dust, the dilapidated sofa and the dining table with knife marks on the table, he threw them all outside the door.

Although the wardrobe was very old, it was kept by Su Yi.

Su Yi was cleaning, and Coolie Qiang had already brought things over.

"Mr. Qian, I have already put all my things in the elevator on this floor, is it convenient to move in now?" Ku Liwei put down the refrigerator and asked slightly panting.

"Come on, it's just that the two of us can help each other." Su Yi signaled him to move the refrigerator in.

"How can this be done? I'll do it, you paid for it." Coolie Wei hurriedly said.

"You don't know where to put it." Su Yi smiled, "Come on, I have something to go out later."

"Good good..."

Next, refrigerators, sofas, quilts, stoves, cabinets, dining tables, chairs, fans, bookcases...

All the miscellaneous things were moved in, and the two of them put the things where they should be placed, and the house gradually looked like a home.

When it was about to finish, an old lady suddenly called anxiously in the corridor: "Awei! Awei?"

Coolie Wei was installing the gas stove with Su Yi at this time, he stopped and listened for a while, then his face changed suddenly: "Oh no, it's Aunt Mei! I sent my daughter to her home to take care of it temporarily, is something wrong? Mr. Qian, I..."

Su Yi put down the things in his hands, took a towel and wiped his hands while saying: "Go, go and have a look first!"

"Yes, yes, yes..." Coolie Wei ran out in a panic, and Su Yi also decided to follow him to have a look.

As soon as the two went out, they saw an old woman in a floral shirt running to the door.

"Aunt Mei!" Coolie Wei rushed to meet her.

"Ajuan, Ajuan is sick!" Aunt Mei said hurriedly.

"Ah? Didn't I show her the comics?" Coolie Wei stomped his feet and hurried over Aunt Mei.

Aunt Mei nodded to Su Yi and forced a smile, but she didn't have time to say hello, so she hurriedly turned her head and followed her.

Su Yi closed the door with his hands, and followed Aunt Mei with his hands behind his back.

Aunt Mei's house is in 2407 diagonally opposite the corridor, and from a long distance away, I heard a woman screaming at the top of her lungs, and her voice was full of panic.

"Ajuan, be quiet! Be quiet, Ajuan! You put down the knife, you put down the knife first! I am father, you see clearly that I am father!" Coolie Wei's pleading voice also came over.

Aunt Mei in front of Su Yi suddenly quickened her pace and started running.

Su Yi followed behind, and the two just arrived at the door one after the other, when an old man with gray hair and wearing a white vest ran out in a panic.

"Master, are you not hurt?" Aunt Mei hurriedly approached and asked with concern.

As soon as the old man pushed Aunt Mei away, he cursed: "It's all your fault, you took it home even though you knew it was crazy, do you want me to die? Do you think I live too long?"


"What are you, my house is not a garbage dump, if she dies here, who will it be?" The old man was furious.

(End of this chapter)

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