Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1020 Hee Hee Hee

Chapter 1020 Hee Hee Hee

"Don't be angry, master, I also feel sorry for Ah Wei..." Aunt Mei persuaded with a smile.

"He is hateful! Knowing that her daughter is a psychopath, she still puts her daughter in someone else's house. I think this is his conspiracy. He wants me to die!" The old man was still angry.

"Why does Awei want you to die, master? He has no reason to do so." Aunt Mei said.

"You don't know how bad people are nowadays. You know people, you know their faces, but you don't know their hearts." The old man was still resentful. He glanced at Su Yi who was following him, and asked in a bad tone, "Who are you? Why did you come to my house?"

"Qian Xiaohao, the new neighbor, just call me Ahao, old man." Su Yi said.

"What old man? It's called Uncle Dong! I don't know what it means!" Uncle Dong snorted and turned his head away.

Aunt Mei hurriedly smiled at Su Yi: "He is like this, with a bad temper, don't mind, Ah Hao."

Just as Su Yi was about to speak, the girl inside screamed again, accompanied by coolie Qiang's frantic begging.

As soon as Aunt Mei's expression changed, she was about to rush in, but Uncle Dong stopped her: "You want to die? That psycho is holding a knife! Stabbed you to death."

"Then what should we do?" Aunt Mei asked anxiously.

"Hmph, wait for the corpse to be collected." Uncle Dong turned to look at Su Yi with a dark face.

Without waiting for him to speak, Su Yi said, "I'll go inside and see if I can help."

"Is someone stopping you?" Uncle Dong said.

Su Yi ignored him and stepped into the room.

At a glance, he saw a girl in a floral dress holding a kitchen knife in her hand, screaming and waving it wildly. Her left ankle was locked by an iron lock with a thick thumb, and the other end of the iron chain was locked on the window. on the guardrail.

The girl screamed in horror, and kept waving the kitchen knife in her hand. Coolie tried to rush over several times, but failed.

He was afraid of hurting himself and his daughter.

"Ajuan, please, father, put down the knife first, put down the knife, okay..."

"Ah ah ah ah..."


Su Yi conveniently picked up a handful of soil from a flower pot on one side, twisted it into a ball, and flicked it with his fingers. The moment the girl raised her arm and swung the kitchen knife, the mud ball accurately hit the big bag hole on her side.

The girl suddenly felt weak in all her limbs and couldn't hold the kitchen knife steadily in her hand, and fell to the ground with a "clang".

Coolie Wei was stunned for a moment, and immediately rushed over to hug his daughter, and kicked the kitchen knife far away.

The girl's expression was still terrified and hideous, but her whole body was limp on the ground, trembling violently.

"It's okay, Ajuan, Dad is here, it's okay, it's okay..." Coolie Wei whispered softly, trembling, holding his daughter tightly.

Ajuan's teeth were chattering, she raised her head slightly, and looked at Su Yi who was not far away, staring intently, with fear and curiosity in her eyes.

Gradually, her violent panting gradually calmed down.

"It's okay, it's okay... Dad will take you home..." Seeing that his daughter had calmed down, Coolie let go of her, intending to take her home.

Turning around, I realized that Su Yi had actually followed.

Coolie Wei smiled wryly, and said to Su Yi: "Mr. Qian, I am laughing at you. My not in good spirits all the time, and I can't do the rest of the work. How about I only charge you half of the money, okay?" ?”

Su Yi took out a one-hundred-dollar note from his pocket, handed it to him, and said, "It was agreed that you would only be responsible for carrying it, not for placing it. You have already helped a lot. Eighty is eighty, take it."

Ku Liwei felt a little embarrassed, rubbed his hands together and said, "Then... I'll accept it, I'm ashamed..."

He took the money and prepared to give it to Su Yi.

Su Yi said: "I don't want the old sofa and old table at my door. I plan to throw them away. Ah Wei, if you spare time, help me deal with it. It's not urgent, and you don't need to look for the rest of the money."

Coolie Wei was stunned for a moment and said, "Of course it's no problem, it's just that you can't ask for so many..."

Su Yi smiled, looked at A Juan who was still looking at him curiously, and asked, "Is your daughter always like this?"

Ku Liwei sighed: "It's okay if I stay with her all the time, but if I'm not here, or someone treats her a little bit harder, she will get sick."

"But she didn't hurt anyone. She was just afraid and wanted to protect herself. I tied her with an iron chain, just because I was afraid that she would run away."

Su Yi was silent for a while, and nodded: "If you can trust me, you can bring her to my house every afternoon, maybe I can help her."

Coolie Wei was a little surprised: "Mr. Qian, are you a doctor?"

"Understand a little." Su Yi smiled at him, "You can't take care of her forever, come and try."

After finishing speaking, Su Yi nodded to him without waiting for Coolie Wei to reply, then turned and walked out the door.

Uncle Dong and Aunt Mei waited outside the door but did not dare to come in. Seeing Su Yi going out, Aunt Mei hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

"It's okay." Su Yi smiled at her, "Aunt Mei, Uncle Dong, I'm leaving first."

"Okay, okay..." Aunt Mei hurriedly gave way with a smile.

When Su Yi passed by him, Uncle Dong suddenly said in a low voice: "If it doesn't work, don't hurt others!"

Su Yi paused, turned around and nodded at him with a smile, turned around and left without saying a word.

When he turned into the corridor of his room, he vaguely heard the conversation between Coolie Qiang and Uncle Dong behind him.

"Uncle Dong, Aunt Mei, sorry to cause you trouble."

"It's good to know! I just asked her if she would eat apples, and she suddenly rushed into the kitchen to get a kitchen knife. Hey, I'm old, what should I do!"

"I'm sorry, Uncle Dong, I think she must have felt that your tone was a bit fierce, so she was scared."

"If you think my tone is fierce, then don't bring her to my house in the future! Hmph, or it's better to take advantage of my absence..."

Hearing this, Su Yi had reopened the door of 2442 and walked into his room.

He didn't pay much attention to the old couple, Uncle Dong and Aunt Mei, which didn't match Su Yi's always kind personality.

The reason for this is that in the original plot, Uncle Dong was the unlucky ghost who was killed by Ah Jiu and turned into a zombie.

One of Su Yi's missions was to defeat zombies, so he could only sit back and watch Ah Jiu kill Uncle Dong, and then use his corpse to refine the corpse.

He could only keep a distance from Uncle Dong and his wife so as not to get along well. At that time, he couldn't bear it, and couldn't stand by and watch the situation develop.

As for Aunt May...

Who would have thought that this kind and helpful old woman would become so selfish, cold-blooded, vicious, and vicious after the death of her husband?
In order to bring her wife back to life, she annihilated all humanity, and even took the initiative to feed the child with albinism to the zombie.

Although Su Yi decided to sit back and watch Uncle Dong develop according to the original plot, he didn't intend to sit back and watch the child be swallowed alive by zombies.

In fact, he is not cold-blooded, and he often does not see human suffering.

Just like just now, he decided to help the poor Ajuan and give her a chance.

Su Yi probably cleaned up the room, went out again, and came to Chen You's shop.

When he arrived, Chen You was busy cooking rice, the two just smiled and nodded to each other.

Another owner of the restaurant, Ah Guang, asked Su Yi to sit down, and Su Yi told him to do whatever was convenient.

After a while, a bowl of glutinous rice, a small platter of roast meat, and a plate of stir-fried choy sum were served, accompanied by a cup of red milk tea.

During this meal, Chen You didn't spray water inside.

After Su Yi had dinner, Chen You was still busy, so he said hello and went upstairs by himself, it was already dark.

In the dim light, the building that was about to fall into the night seemed a little panicked and hurried.

The people that Su Yi saw along the way were all rushing home.The lights of the building were lit up, adding a bit of fireworks to the city.

It's just that the night wind is whimpering in the courtyard, the air is more humid and cold, and the corridors are shadowed by the dim lights. Especially according to the customs here, many families prepare an extra portion of home food and place it outside the house to worship the ancestors. Su Yi smelled the aroma of the food, and felt somewhat weird and uncomfortable in his heart.

Back home, this uncomfortable feeling is even stronger.

Su Yi couldn't see the twin A Piao, but he knew that A Piao was here.

He turned on the TV and watched it for a while, then turned it off again when he got bored.

He returned to the bed in his bedroom, meditated alone for a while, and then went to the bathroom to clean his intestines.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, Su Yi felt something was wrong!

The bathroom was extremely cold. He turned on the light, but the light flickered on and off, as if the voltage was unstable.

In the flickering light and darkness, Su Yi vaguely heard the voice of a child singing.

The sound seemed to come from the toilet. Su Yi reacted instantly, and hurriedly put his right thumb and index finger into his mouth, soaked the balls of the two fingers with saliva on both sides of his tongue, and then used two Pinch the hollow of the bridge of the nose between the eyes with one finger.

But just before doing so, Su Yi suddenly stopped.

His face was cloudy and uncertain, he thought for a moment, and then put his finger down again.

Zizi, Zizi...

There was a sound of electric current coming from the light tube on the ceiling.

The faucet of the washbasin was suddenly turned on, and the water was pouring down.

It was still water at first, but as it flowed, the thick stream suddenly turned into blood!

Dark red thick blood was sprayed into the white porcelain washbasin, and spots of blood splashed out, sprayed on the clean white tiled wall, and sprayed on the dark yellow floor tiles.

The washbasin seemed to be blocked, and the viscous blood was bubbling and bubbling, and soon overflowed from the washbasin, splashing to the ground.

Soon, the blood flow gathered into a stream and flowed towards Su Yi's feet.

Su Yi looked around blankly, and found gray vines suddenly sprouting from the four corners of the bathroom, and began to spread wildly, climbing along the walls, covering all the walls and even the ceiling in the blink of an eye.

The room turned blood-colored unknowingly.

Su Yi turned his head and found that the bathroom door had turned into a solid wall at some point.

This toilet has become a cell without a door!
The viscous blood quickly covered Su Yi's feet, and the wildly growing vines also swayed, spreading their teeth and claws towards Su Yi.

But Su Yi remained expressionless and motionless.

After a while, the vines wrapped Su Yi's whole body tightly, and the blood on the ground had already reached Su Yi's knees.

goo goo goo...

The viscous blood bubbled densely, and some little people with small arms and legs could be faintly seen struggling and screaming in the blood.

The blood covered their faces, preventing Su Yi from seeing their appearance.

But their eyes, without exception, are all black holes, which look extraordinarily creepy.

Soon, the vines were so dense that Su Yi could not move.

And the viscous blood has already covered Su Yi's waist!

Su Yi already felt that his legs soaked in blood were being bitten by more than a dozen mouths, even his own toes were bitten off, and he began to chew "crack bang bang".

And on the rising "water surface", those terrifying skeletons of children are waving their little hands vigorously, surrounding Su Yi's body, grabbing at Su Yi's body and face, tearing the vines on his body, tearing his clothes , even flesh and blood.

"That's it?" Su Yi sneered, and his inner strength began to circulate!


Su Yi vaguely heard a scream, and the whole room was suddenly covered in blood.

In the next second, the blood color faded, and everything returned to normal.

At this moment, Su Yi was standing at the door of the bathroom, the water in the sink was not turned on, the lights on the ceiling were emitting a dim light, the walls were pure white tiles, and the ground was khaki.

Everything is normal, as if it was just an illusion before.

For Su Yi, it was almost like an illusion.

Compared with the illusion he experienced before, the illusion just now was much, much more fake.

Whether it is the sense of smell, touch or even pain, Su Yi can easily judge that what he has experienced is totally false and absolutely impossible to be true.

And he only used his internal energy, and the illusion was broken and disappeared.

Su Yi looked around for a week, faintly feeling that something was wrong.

But he carefully checked every place in the bathroom and found nothing unusual.

Finally he was sure it was over, he took off his pants and sat down on the toilet.

He was about to force--

"Hee hee hee……"

Suddenly, a child's laughter came from my ears!
The laughter seemed to be right next to his ear, one second before his left ear, but the next second, it went to his right ear.

Su Yi's heart shuddered, and he straightened his body vigilantly again, looking around.

"Hee hee hee……"

The children's laughter sounded again, but this time it seemed to be in a water pipe, with repeated echoes.

Su Yi's eyelids twitched, and he used his internal energy again.

Laughter is gone.

Everything seems to be back to normal again.

But Su Yi's feeling that something was wrong became stronger and stronger.

He faintly felt that he seemed to have overlooked a very important issue.

But what is the problem?

Su Yi frowned and thought hard.

Suddenly, his body stiffened abruptly, and his eyes suddenly widened!
Just now, he suddenly felt that something poked his ass.

Appears to be a finger.

Soon, this feeling came again.

Su Yi suddenly got up and turned around, looking down.

At a glance, he saw a small blue hand holding a finger in the toilet, and retracted it with a "swish".

"Hee hee hee……"

The child's laughter sounded again, this time Su Yi heard it clearly, the sound came from the toilet!
Su Yi almost subconsciously used his internal strength to slap down on the toilet, but he forcibly held back.

"Hee hee hee……"

The laughter became more and more clear, the little hand suddenly grabbed the edge of the toilet, and then stretched out another little hand from the hole in the toilet.

Then there's the hair.

A round head also got out from the hole in the toilet.

Tick-tock water dripped from his wet hair, this head slowly raised his head and looked at Su Yi.

The eyes of this small purple-blue face form a diagonal cross, sewn together by dark red silk thread.

He had no nose, and the corner of his mouth was torn to his face, forming an inverted triangle, dripping stinky and viscous blood continuously.

"Hee hee hee……"

(End of this chapter)

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