Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1021 Warning

Chapter 1021 Warning
At this moment, Su Yi had already thought of something wrong.

Chen You said that once ordinary people are pulled into the illusion by Apiao, it is impossible to break free by themselves.

But it was too easy and simple for Su Yi to break free from the illusion before, it seemed effortless.

He thought about the possibility that this little Apiao was too weak, but after "breaking free from the illusion", the gloomy atmosphere in the bathroom did not dissipate.

This shows that Su Yi did not break free, he was still in the illusion, but entered the "second act".

Su Yi looked at the little Ah Piao who was crawling out of the toilet, his hideous little face looked very hungry.

People often say that fear comes from the unknown, and Su Yi is not ignorant of ghosts now, but there will still be instinctive fear.

Even though he was sure that the brat in front of him couldn't threaten him at all, he was still afraid.

If Song Dingbo's story of catching ghosts is true, then Su Yi really admires this senior who sold the ghost for money the first time he saw a ghost.


Little Ah Piao was lying on the edge of the toilet, his mouth suddenly opened. It was hard to imagine such a small face, his mouth was actually bigger than his face.

Su Yi narrowed his eyes and stared at him for a while, but little Ah Piao just lay there with his mouth wide open, without any intention of pounced on him.

Su Yi suddenly took a step forward.

He found that little Ah Piao's body was visibly stiff.

He knew immediately.

Without further hesitation, without further ado, he stepped forward, held down Xiao Ah Piao's head and pushed him into the toilet.Then sat up again.

He felt a pair of small hands supporting his hips and trying to push himself up, and his strength was not small.

But Su Yi ignored it at all, wriggled his stomach, let go of Kuoyue, and released it without any scruples.

The pair of little hands supporting his butt disappeared with a whoosh.

Immediately afterwards, the atmosphere in the bathroom instantly returned to normal, and even the lights seemed to become brighter.

Xiao Ah Piao ran away...

The discomfort in his heart completely disappeared, and Su Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

Don't be surprised if you don't blame it, the blame will defeat itself, this sentence still makes sense.

He didn't try his best to break free from the illusion in the first place. In fact, he wanted to make sure that he would not be in any danger and that he had the hole card to withdraw at any time.

Now the result of the trial is not sure whether it is his "no fear in the heart" or his shit.

If it's the latter, his shit brother is worthy of his name again...

At the same time, an unexpected visitor came to the funeral home downstairs.

Ah Jiu was kneeling and meditating cross-legged on the futon, when suddenly she felt something and opened her eyes.

I saw Chen You stepping in the door with his hands up and down.

Ah Jiu was startled, her eyes flashed sharply, she was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly stood up and went to meet her.

"Brother You? Rare guest, rare guest, this is the first time you have come back to my place." Ah Jiu said with a smile, "Please, please come inside!"

Chen You looked around blankly.

The funeral parlor has a lot of space, and in front of each wall are enshrined several ferocious statues with similar expressions, each with small cheeks and red shoulders, and their faces are either ferocious, cunning, or vicious, making people shudder to see.

Chen You recognized that these gods were called Yeyoushen. They were originally evil ghosts, but they were later recruited by the underworld and became gods who patrol the world at night.

Although Ye Youshen is a canonized orthodox god, he is a yin god, and has always been despised by human practitioners and regarded as ominous.

Ah Jiu enshrines the God of Night Tour in his own home. For Chen You, the Maoshan orthodox, he is definitely an evil heretic.

The disgust in his heart grew more and more, but he didn't show it.

On the west wall, a square wooden frame with a ceiling was repaired, and in each square, there was a spiritual tablet urn, which was densely packed.

In Hong Kong Island, where every inch of land is expensive, the poor not only cannot afford to live, but also cannot afford to die.The cheapest cemetery costs 100,000 yuan. To rent a coffin in a cemetery, the annual rent is not cheap, at least the poor who live in public housing cannot afford it.

It is very unlucky to have an ashes urn at home, so funeral parlors like Ah Jiu came into existence that specialize in serving the poor.

After the death of a poor person, the family members hand over the funeral affairs to Ah Jiu. Ah Jiu provides a series of one-stop services from cremation, funeral, funeral and hospitality, etc., with low fees. Most importantly, his funeral home can also store ashes altar and altar.

For a very low price, you can store the ashes of your dead relatives here.It is very convenient for loved ones to come to pay their respects, and there is no extra charge.

Chen You looked at the densely packed spirit tablets and urns to the west, and made up his mind that he must make a will before he died, and never let his ashes appear here.

After looking around for a week, Chen You twitched his nose and frowned slightly.

he asked about a strange fragrance.

As a Taoist priest, he is very sensitive, and he can distinguish the smell of ashes, corpse oil, incense, and several kinds of medicinal herbs.

No matter how specific he was, he couldn't tell the difference.

But Chen You didn't think too much about it.

This is a funeral home, and it is not surprising that there are these smells here.

His eyes fell on Ah Jiu's face.

Ah Jiu accompanied her with a smile, her back hunched over, with a humble and flattering expression on her face, but a fierce look in her eyes.

This is also the reason why Chen You has always disliked Ah Jiu.As the saying goes, faces are born from the heart, Ah Jiu's face is harsh and sinister, one can tell that he is by no means a kind person.

"You look bad." Chen You looked at him and said, "You look like you're going to die, are you sick?"

Ah Jiu laughed and said, "Maybe it's because I've been feeling a little unwell recently, Brother Lao You missed it."

"Brother You, why don't you sit down inside and talk slowly?"

Chen You suddenly looked at the corner on the left, and the kid Su Yi saw before suddenly retracted his head.

"No." Chen You took out the bottle of cow's tears from his pocket and threw it away.

Ah Jiu stretched out his hand to grab it and held it in his hand, his eyes suddenly lit up, but it disappeared in a flash.

"You should keep this thing." Chen You said, "Qian Xiaohao is a registered disciple of our school, you don't know, Ah Jiu?"

Ah Jiu's face was cloudy and uncertain, and finally smiled: "Really? I really don't know."

"Then you know now?" Chen Youdao, "He was filming before, and he asked our senior brother from another team to be a consultant. After getting acquainted with him after a while, he came to worship under our school."

"It seems that I'm being too sentimental." Ah Jiu said with a smile, "I'm also worried that he will be deceived. Brother You, you also know how powerful those two ghosts in 2442 are."

"Since you know how powerful you are, why don't you give him back tears?" Chen You couldn't help but sneer, "You still sent a kid to cover his eyes to prevent him from seeing me? Ah Jiu, you are really despicable, using other people's lives to help You lead that pair of Ah Piao."

"Ah Piao?" Ah Jiu was taken aback, but soon figured out what this title meant.

"I have asked Brother You several times to join us in subjugating demons and eliminating this evil, but you have always refused." Ah Jiu sighed and said, "I have no other choice, so I made such a bad plan."

"You are despicable!" Chen You cursed again in disgust.

Ah Jiu was quite resigned, but she just smiled humbly and hunched her back.

"Ahao is my junior brother, don't mess with him!" Chen You stared at Ajiu word by word.

"With Brother You worrying about him, of course I won't be troublesome." Ah Jiu kept his posture very low.

"2442 I posted the talisman, even according to the rules, those two Apiao belong to me, you are not allowed to interfere!" Chen You warned, "If you want to subdue demons, go to other places! The world's most What is not missing is Ah Piao, why do you have to stare at 2442?"

"Ahem..." Ah Jiu coughed suddenly. He wanted to say something, but the cough became worse and worse, his eyes protruded, and his face became blue and cyanotic with bulging veins.

"Hey, you're coughing like this, you're really going to die, aren't you?" Chen You asked suspiciously.

"Cough, cough, cough... brother friend, cough... I won't keep you... cough, cough..." Ah Jiuqiang coughed violently.

Chen You glanced at him and said, "Go to the hospital when you have time, don't hold on, let's go!"

He turned around, stepped out of the threshold, and walked into the distance.

The reason why he came to Ah Jiu was to warn him to stay away from Su Yi and 2442.

Now that his goal had been achieved, he didn't bother to stay any longer.

As for the origin of the little ghost, why Ah Jiu looked like a sick and consumptive ghost dying, he didn't bother to care about it at all.

After Chen You left, Ah Jiu coughed violently and couldn't stand upright.

He forcefully closed the door, then staggered towards the back room.He coughed even worse, and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of black, red and foul-smelling blood.

In the end, he fell down beside a shelf in the back hall and opened an iron box tremblingly.

But the iron box was empty.

"Cough, cough, cough..." He coughed more urgently, fell to the ground, and took out a small urn from the bottom shelf of the cabinet on one side.

The columbarium looked quite new. When Ah Jiu took it, he accidentally knocked down the token in front of the columbarium.

The token reads - the position of Ai Sun Zhao Jiarenjie.


Suddenly, a thunder exploded in the sky, and lightning covered half of the sky like huge minions in an instant, illuminating the night as if it were day.

Coughing violently, Ah Jiu opened the urn, grabbed a handful of ashes from inside, and sprinkled them tremblingly on a piece of cigarette paper.

He tried his best to control his hands not to shake too much, and rolled a cigarette with the ashes.

Then he put the cigarette in his mouth, lit it with a match trembling, and took a big puff.

He stopped coughing immediately.

Breathe out a puff of smoke comfortably.

Milky white smoke filled the air, covering the outline of a child's head screaming wildly at his face.

Ah Jiu's other hand smoothly covered the lid of the urn, and the vision disappeared immediately.

Ah Jiu took another puff of the cigarette, and the strange and rich aroma had already permeated the entire room.

In the corner not far away, the slit imp with his eyes sewn shut shivered.

Sobbing, whispering something.

Ah Jiu listened, his eyes revealed a strange light.

"There are indeed many ghosts in the world, but the ghosts with the same origin are just this pair..."

In the smog that filled the air, his expression became more ruthless and ferocious.

That night, Su Yi didn't sleep very well.

It's not because of the sneaky harassment, but seeing ghosts during the day, it's unavoidable to feel uneasy, and when you close your eyes, the pair of twin female ghosts will look hideous.

Until midnight, he heard voices coming from the door.

It was Yang Feng and her son.

The mother and son ran into the corridor in the middle of the night, seemingly looking for something to eat.

They left quickly.

It was difficult to fall asleep anyway, so Su Yi simply meditated on the bed and practiced internal strength.

Come and go again and again, it's time for the sky to be bright.

It wasn't until then that Su Yi felt a little sleepy.

He lay on the bed and fell into a drowsy sleep for a while, when he heard a knock on the door.

"Ahao! Ahao!"

Even through the door and a wall, Chen You's loud voice reached Su Yi's ears clearly.

Su Yi got up, shook his head to wake himself up, got up and put on a coat, and went to open the door for Chen You.

When he arrived at the living room, he found that the door of the big wardrobe in the corner was half open.

Without a wave in his heart, he retracted his gaze and opened the door.

"Hey, are you still sleeping?" Chen You couldn't help complaining when he saw Su Yi's appearance, and raised the things he was carrying in his hand, "I brought you a barbecued pork bun, go wash up quickly, you won't forget Did we have an appointment yesterday?"

"Of course I remember, but does it need to be so early?" Su Yi said helplessly, "It's only after six o'clock, brother!"

"Hey, after Chenshi, do you think the ghosts will come out in broad daylight?" Chen You said, "It rained last night, and it's still cloudy, otherwise I would have called you an hour earlier."

"Wait for me for five minutes." Su Yi rubbed his face and walked towards the inner room.

"That's about the same." Chen You said with a smile, "Did you have a safe night last night?"

"After ten o'clock, that little Ah floated into the toilet." Su Yi talked to him through the gun, "But he couldn't do anything to me."

After ten o'clock?
Chen You frowned. It was almost eleven o'clock when he went to Ah Jiu's house last night, that is to say, before he went, Ah Jiu sent another kid to harass Su Yi?

"It stands to reason that I shouldn't be able to see that little Ah Piao, right?" Su Yi asked again, "Why did I not only see it last night, but was also pulled into the illusion by it?"

"It's not an ordinary Apiao, but a tool." Chen You explained, "It should have been affixed with a charm of borrowing magic, otherwise the mere white-clothed ghost would not be able to create illusions at all. The reason why you can see It's also because Ah Jiu played tricks."

After a pause, Chen You said again: "I went to him last night, and he probably won't harass you anymore."

"Really? Thank you Brother You!" Su Yi wiped his face and walked out from the inside. His clothes were already neatly dressed.

He picked up a char siu bun and threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and commented: "It tastes good, brother friend, would you like one?"

"I've eaten." Chen You waved his hand, "Ahao, we have to hurry up, the journey will take at least half an hour."

Su Yi asked, "Is the place remote?"

"It's very remote." Chen You said.

Su Yi smiled.

"Brother You, I remember you asked me yesterday if there is such a thing as light work? Do you want to try it?"

Chen You was startled, his eyes glowing.

"Of course!"

He looked at his clothes, especially the flip-flops he was wearing under his feet, and suddenly ran out and said, "I'll go and change first, come to my house to find me after you finish eating!"

(End of this chapter)

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