Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1022 Take you to fly

Chapter 1022 Take you to fly

Su Yi ate a few barbecued pork buns, and with the mineral water he bought yesterday, he had his breakfast.

Then he went out and walked leisurely to Chen You's house.

When he walked out of the corridor, he met Aunt Mei helping Uncle Dong to go to the elevator.

"Huh? Mr. Qian is so early?" Aunt Mei greeted with a smile.

"Morning, Aunt Dong and Mei." Su Yi greeted politely, without any intention of talking.

"Is Mr. Qian married?" Aunt Mei didn't intend to leave, she seemed to want to stop here to have a chat with Su Yi.

"Let's go! Didn't you see that people don't want to talk to you?" Uncle Dong still snorted coldly with his stinky face, "You're so old and you don't have good eyesight, you deserve to be looked down upon and deceived!"

"Brother You made an appointment with me, and I'm in a hurry." Su Yi explained.

In any case, it is better to be kind on the surface.

"It's all right, go get busy, go get busy!" Aunt Mei waved her hands again and again and laughed, "Master and I just went for a walk and breathed fresh air. We're getting older, we don't sleep much, and we wake up a little longer every day. It's time earned..."

"So much nonsense, why don't you make a cup of morning tea and sit down and talk slowly?" Uncle Dong said.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk, Mr. Qian, go get busy, go get busy." Aunt Mei waved her hand to Su Yi with a hurried smile, and helped Uncle Dong, who was looking unhappy, walk to the elevator.

Su Yi continued walking expressionlessly.

After walking for a while, I saw Uncle Yan coming out from the door next door to Chen You, holding a thermos in his hand.

"Morning Uncle Yan." Su Yi greeted with a smile, "So early?"

"Early? Not early." Uncle Yan said with a smile, "I don't sleep here, I sleep below the concierge, just come up to have morning tea. My wife prepares morning tea at [-]:[-] every day and waits for me to go home. If she doesn't come back, she will scold others ,Hahaha……"

"Uncle Yan is working hard too." Su Yi said.

"Where is that, just a gatekeeper." Uncle Yan waved his hand, "Mr. Qian, did you sleep well last night?"

"Not bad." Su Yi said.

"That's good, that's good." Uncle Yan said with a smile, "You are young and powerful, and you have no taboos. It seems that I am worrying about it. Where are you going?"

"I have something to do with Brother You." Su Yi said, "Then Uncle Yan, you are busy."

"Okay, you can go too." Uncle Yan gave way with a smile, and the two passed by.

When passing by Uncle Yan's house, Su Yi saw a food niche next to his door with an empty plate inside.

Su Yi knew that Uncle Yan had always taken care of Yang Feng's mother and son, so he guessed that Uncle Yan would often put some food on this plate for Yang Feng's mother and son.

The door of Chen You's house was wide open. When Su Yi arrived at the door, he immediately saw the mirror on the balcony facing the door.

This time there was only himself in the mirror and nothing else.

Su Yi knocked on the door and walked in.

"Wait for me!" Chen You's voice came from the bedroom.

Su Yi walked into the living room and looked around, and finally walked to the compass hanging on the wall, and examined it carefully.

This compass is absolutely extraordinary, Su Yi looked at it for a while, and the feeling of depression and nausea that made him reappeared again.

He turned his gaze, and suddenly noticed a long sword with a sheath standing in a corner of the cabinet.

Su Yi's heart moved, and he stepped forward to pick up the sword.

This piece has some weight, and it looks like a real thing.

The scabbard and hilt are masterpieces of modern industry at first glance. They are very gorgeous and have some Two-dimensional style.


Su Yi pulled out his long sword, revealing a section of the sword.

The blade is very thin, but it doesn't look sharp.

Su Yi was a little disappointed, this is a modern industrial decoration.

But if you sharpen it, it is enough to kill people with it.

"Do you like this sword?" Chen You's voice came from behind.

Su Yi turned his head and his eyes lit up.

Chen You changed into a long gown that looked brand new, and it was embroidered with the Jiugong Bagua pattern.

Say it is a Taoist robe, it doesn't look like it.

It can only be said to be a gown similar to a Taoist robe.

The lower body was changed into tights and boots.

Paired with his already cynical temperament, this appearance really has the appearance of a master.

"Handsome!" Su Yi gave Chen You a thumbs up.

"Hehe, I'm going to ride the clouds for the first time later, so I have to dress more fairy-like." Chen You said excitedly, "I'm sure I'll be pretty with my clothes fluttering and my fairy-like appearance!"

"Brother You, soaring through the clouds and riding the fog is the method of a god, and lightness kung fu is lightness kung fu, it's different." Su Yi smiled helplessly.

"Then I don't care!" Chen You said, "In short, let me experience the feeling of flying later."

"By the way, if you like this sword, I will give it to you." Chen You continued, "It was given to me by an old neighbor who died before. He regarded me as a celestial master and spent more than two thousand yuan to buy this sword. Give me the sword. But in fact, I don’t need it at all. The sword I use is a mahogany sword, what do I want the real sword for?”

Su Yi thought for a while, but did not refuse Chen You's gift.

"Then I'll be disrespectful Brother You." Su Yi said with a smile.

He felt that he should be able to use this thing.

"How do we go?" Chen You asked expectantly, "Do you want me to open the window? Or go to the roof?"

Su Yi was startled: "Why? Are you going to jump off the building?"

"Didn't you say to fly?" Chen You said.

"Brother You, Qinggong isn't that magical..." Su Yi said speechlessly, "If we jump out from the 24th floor...even if we don't fall to our death, we will definitely fall badly."

Do you really think that Qinggong is flying freely like a bird?

"Take the elevator honestly, brother friend!" Su Yi said.

Chen You was a little disappointed: "Can't you just fly away?"

"Brother You, are you really not afraid that I will take you to jump off the building?" Su Yi said speechlessly, "You trust me like that? You even give your life to me?"

Chen You smiled and said: "I believe you can't do it? Forget it, I'm too excited. But which man doesn't want to fly around? I remember when I was young and practicing Taoism, I wanted to fly into the sky and escape from the ground in my dreams. How many times do I have this dream?" Ten years later, it’s still going on.”

"Flying to the sky and escaping from the ground can't be done." Su Yi said, "However, flying over the eaves and walls and flying in the air is still no problem. When you get out of the building later, find a place where no one is around, so as not to shock the world and cause unnecessary trouble."

Su Yi didn't expect that Chen You would still be so unstable, and he was indeed a young boy who was a man until he died.

Su Yi didn't want to carry this long sword at first, but Chen You suggested that he take it.

"If you know how to wield a sword, bring it with you. Fantie is stained with the blood of a cultivator, and it can still slay demons. You have martial arts, and it might come in handy if you bring it with you."

Juggling with swords?

To be honest, what Su Yi is best at is knives and spears, and his swordsmanship is average.

But this is only relative.

At the advanced level of martial arts, different routes lead to the same goal, and the eighteen kinds of weapons are not a big deal in Su Yi's view.

If it doesn't work, he uses the sword to make a knife.

"Is the place you're going this time dangerous?" Su Yi asked.

The two of them had already left the door and were waiting for the elevator in the elevator room.

"It's not dangerous for you." Chen You shook his head, "You will mainly assist me later, just seize the opportunity to make a move. But for me, I still have to bear a certain risk."

"However, there are certain risks in slaying demons and demons. What's more, I actually planned this action a long time ago, but it's just been postponed."

"I seldom want to take the initiative to deal with ghosts. If this ghost didn't go too far this time, and also killed a friend's grandson, I wouldn't bother to deal with it."

"Don't worry, I made all the preparations for this shot, but it never happened. I was sure of it by myself, but now with you, it's even more foolproof. We just made a very easy one this time." There will be no people or dangers in the experiment, don't worry!"

Su Yi felt terrified when he heard Chen You set up the flag.

According to the normal development of things, this time it is very likely that it will be very dangerous, and you may even lose your life if you are not careful.

Ding dong.

When the elevator reached the first floor, Chen You walked out of the elevator first with a smile.

Su Yi shook his head and followed.

Bite the bullet, you can't back down at the slightest risk, right?

This building was originally located in a remote mountainous area. After walking around the building and walking about 800 meters along the road, Chen You led Su Yi into the dense forest on one side.

"Walk along the path for more than ten minutes from here. There is a river there, and the place we are going to is there." Chen You looked at Su Yi and asked expectantly: "There is no one here now, how about..."

Su Yi smiled, changed the long sword to his left hand, stepped forward and said: "Brother You, I'm holding your arm, don't move around later."

"Wait!" Chen You said excitedly, "Should I prepare a pose first?"

"What posture?" Su Yi was taken aback.


Chen You made a gesture similar to "forward".

"Or like this..."

And made the posture of Astro Boy with the iron arm.

"Let's be the first one." Su Yi said, "It looks normal."

Who would have thought that under You Ge's calm appearance, there is a soul of a middle school student?

He really looks forward to being able to fly...

"Okay!" Chen You excitedly took the first pose, took a deep breath, "Ahao, I'm ready!"

Without saying a word, Su Yi grabbed his arm from his armpit, kicked his foot, and the whole person rose into the air.

He instantly rose up, leaping three or four meters high.

Chen You let out a short cry from his throat, obviously startled, and his body stiffened instantly.

Seeing that Su Yi was exhausted, but when he climbed to the top, Su Yi kicked again, and the bodies of the two of them immediately rose again against the laws of physics, and they rose again!
This is Wudang Ti Yunzong's kung fu, and it is one of the three light kung fu mastered by Su Yi.

Chen You's face was already flushed red, and his body was stiff. Su Yi could even clearly feel his heart beating rapidly, and his whole body trembled slightly. He didn't know whether it was excitement or fright.

At this time, the height of the two of them has reached above the dense forest, the top of the canopy.

Looking around, you can see the green waves undulating, and the whole mountain can be seen at a glance.

Su Yi performed a serpentine step, touching the crown of the tree with his feet, and took Chen You forward with each step more than ten feet away.

The mountain wind whistled in the ears of the two of them, and Su Yi supported Chen You to gallop above the dense forest.

The journey that originally took more than ten minutes to reach, took less than 1 minutes for Su Yi to land lightly on the edge of the rushing river.

As soon as the two of them landed, Chen You's legs gave way and he almost fell to the ground.

Su Yi hurriedly supported him: "Brother You, are you alright?"

Chen You's face was flushed. During the whole flight just now, he kept quiet the whole time, which is rare.

If it was someone else, he would have been yelling in fright.

"It's okay, I'm okay!" Chen You took a few deep breaths, looked at Su Yi excitedly, his eyes were frighteningly bright, "Ah Hao, what you said, you want to teach me! I don't want to learn anything, I have to learn Qinggong! You're so pretty, really so pretty! If I knew how to do this when I was young, why would I be like this now?"

Su Yi couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother You is also very tall now."

"What a master!" Chen You said excitedly, "Knowing martial arts and lightness martial arts, this is the demeanor of a master who can be seen and felt! What kind of master are we to catch ghosts and zombies?"

"Ordinary people can't see ghosts, they only see us nervously facing the air like Chixian. Even if we try our best, they will doubt whether we are liars!"

"But you are different! As long as you show a little ability, they will definitely regard you as an expert!"

"Ahao, can you teach me lightness kung fu? Do you think I can learn it well now?"

Chen You was very excited, and grabbed Su Yi's hand and refused to let go.

"Of course Brother Jiaoyou has no problem with Qinggong." Su Yi said, "It doesn't matter if you can learn it or not. After all, practicing martial arts is the same as cultivating Taoism, both need talent and understanding."

"Then there must be no problem!" Chen You resolutely said, "The most important thing I lack is talent and savvy!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "Okay, as long as you are willing to learn, Brother You, I will definitely not hide my clumsiness. I am also looking forward to the incredible power that will be combined with martial arts and magic."

"Haha, it's a pity that this is the Dharma-ending era. If we were born more than a hundred years earlier, we must be an invincible combination in the world, and we will definitely be famous in history!" Chen You said excitedly.

Su Yi looked around and looked at the river in front of him: "Brother You, you brought me here to catch water ghosts, right?"

"It's the water ghost." Chen You smiled slightly, took a deep breath, and focused on the river in front of him. "The river is fast-flowing and deep, and it's not too far from the public housing estates. Children often come here to play, and many accidents happen."

"Water is originally a place where yin qi breeds. Once more people die, over time, this place becomes a place where unjust ghosts and wild ghosts gather."

"About half a year ago, a fierce ghost appeared here and ate all the water ghosts that drowned here."

"However, this matter caught the attention of the errand, and the errand came and took the ghost away."

"I've been paying attention to this place secretly, so I know it so clearly." Chen You said.

He pointed to a wooden sign not far away and said, "Did you see that sign? That's what I put up two years ago."

Su Yi looked along Chen You's fingers, and saw a big wooden sign on the other side of the river, on which was written in red paint - 48 people have drowned here! ! !
Three blood-red exclamation marks, very shocking!
(End of this chapter)

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