Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1023 Schedule

Chapter 1023 Schedule
Haunted or not, it is highly unusual for a river to drown 48 people in the same place in just a few years.

Chen You is very familiar with the affairs here, and it seems that he has been paying attention to the situation here.

"So many people died here, the government should have noticed it a long time ago?" Su Yi asked.

"The government has indeed noticed it a long time ago, and even pulled up the barbed wire over there, and put up a warning sign to prevent the common people from coming." Chen You said, "But how can a small barbed wire stop the ghosts who want to harm people? "

"Among all kinds of ghosts and ghosts, the water ghost is one of the most difficult ghosts to deal with, because it is always in the water, and if you want to catch it, you have to go into the water."

"But the water is the place with the heaviest yin energy. It is difficult for Taoist priests to fully utilize their abilities when they enter the water. On the contrary, water ghosts are infinitely powerful in it, benefiting from the yin energy of the water, making them almost invincible. Therefore, in the past two years I have We can only stick some scaring talismans on the outside, so that those who are bewitched by the water ghost will wake up halfway and have a chance to escape..."

"It seems to be useless." Su Yi said.

"Yeah, it's useless." Chen You sighed, "This ghost is both smart and powerful. The talisman I posted didn't work at all, and he exposed the innocent people by bewitching him. It's better to harm people." People. I had a fight with it a year ago, and I am ashamed to say that I am no match for it. If it hadn't been too far away from the water, maybe I would have died here. "

Su Yi looked at the rushing river in front of him, and couldn't see anything wrong at all.

Just like a wild river in the suburbs, the trees are shady and the river is gurgling.It is a good place for a summer outing.

"Brother You, you just said that the ghost guard took that ghost away half a year ago?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes." Chen You nodded, with a solemn expression, "I took the risk of reporting this matter to the ghost officer, and the ghost officer came here to take that ghost."

"Brother You can still contact the ghost messenger?" Su Yi was a little surprised.

"Invite God, sacrifice, sue..." Chen You smiled wryly and shook his head, "The price will be very high..."

He didn't seem to want to mention these things, and continued to talk about the water ghost: "In short, it was indeed my fault that the water ghost was taken away by the ghost messenger."

"On the second day after the ghost messenger came, I personally came here to investigate and got into the water, but I didn't find anything unusual. Therefore, I think the water ghost has been lured to the underworld, and this matter is over. Who knows... ..."

Chen You's expression was a bit heavy: "Who knew that this water ghost swallowed too many souls, and it was very powerful. It actually paid a high price and used a substitute to deceive the ghost messenger away! I came to investigate At that time, it should be very weak at that time, but it is a pity that it dragged me into the illusion under the water, I didn't realize it, mistakenly thought everything was normal, and missed the best chance to completely destroy it..."

"Why don't you ask the ghost messenger to collect it again?" Su Yi asked.

He asked this on purpose, in order to learn more about ghosts.

"How can it be that simple?" Chen You laughed at himself, "Not to mention how much it costs to hire a ghost messenger, even if you really invite a ghost messenger, I'm afraid the ghost messenger will be taken away by me too! I'm just a mere mortal, How can I have the right to know something like being cheated? I dare not take such a big deal..."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully.

"I found out that the water ghost is still there three months ago." Chen You continued, "The Uncle Fu of our building came to ask me one day, saying that his grandson wanted to come here to play, and wondered if the water was clean? I told him that although there is no problem with the water, but the current is very fast here, it is best not to come here."

"Unexpectedly, it was my words that killed Uncle Fu's grandson!"

"After hearing my words, Uncle Fu felt that as long as he told his grandson to be careful, he would be fine, so he allowed his well-behaved little grandson to come and play here. How could this water ghost let go of such an opportunity? His grandson was immediately killed by the water ghost. Swallowed!"

Speaking of this, Chen You gritted his teeth and felt guilty.

"Uncle Fu hasn't recovered since then, and he went there last week. Although he doesn't blame me, how can I feel at ease?"

"I came to look for this water ghost, but it's a pity that the water ghost has been cultivated for a few months, and it has become a climate again, and I dare not go into the water to look for it, and it dare not go ashore. !"

"Actually, I thought about inviting Ah Jiu to come and kill this harmful water ghost together, but Ah Jiu has a wicked heart, and I dare not put my life in his hands. After thinking about it, I will forget it in the end."

"Yesterday I heard you said that you know martial arts. In fact, I didn't intend to bring you here, but your martial arts can not only hit the pair of female ghosts, but also break out of the ghost's illusion. This makes me think that you and I will join hands. Maybe we can kill this ghost!"

When Chen You said this, he looked at Su Yi with piercing eyes: "Ahao, although I am confident that I can keep you safe, there is still a lot of risk in this matter after all. You are an outsider, and you have nothing to do with this matter. What's more, you are not a practitioner. If you don't want to, let's leave now, and I will take you to another place."

"Or you think it's too early, and you want to learn some skills of subjugating demons before you come here. This is also human nature. When we come here today, we should take it as an early step."

"In short, no matter what choice you make, it is reasonable and reasonable. Don't think about anything. This water ghost will not leave this river. It lied to the ghost messenger, and it will never have the idea of ​​reincarnation in the underworld. It can only do it now. The lonely ghost has a way! In other words, it has always been here, and sooner or later we can come and destroy it!"

This is a test?
Su Yi has a clear understanding of Chen You's thoughts.He can guarantee that if he chooses to back down or delay, Chen You will be "disappointed" with him, which will affect how much he can learn from Chen You.

Su Yi is not disgusted with such a test, because if it were him, he would also arrange such a test.

Now that he knew it was a test, Su Yi would naturally cooperate.

"Since it's here, please be safe." Su Yi said seriously, "Brother You, how should I cooperate with you?"

"Ahao, you've thought it through!" Chen You looked solemn, "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If something happens, you don't even have a chance to be reincarnated, this water ghost will definitely swallow you Soul! At that time, you will disappear from this world forever and ever!"

"Actually, you don't need to be brave. We can come back later." Chen You persuaded, "I've been confronting this water ghost for several years, and it's okay to wait a few more years."

"In the past six months, how many people have been harmed by this water ghost?" Su Yi asked.

"Seven!" Chen You said in a deep voice, "Although the nearby housing estates know that there are water ghosts harming people here, the water ghosts are very cunning and cunning. In the past six months, they have still bewitched seven people and killed them. .”

"You told me before that the ghost looking for a substitute is to eliminate karma and reincarnate as soon as possible." Su Yi asked puzzledly, "Now this water ghost won't go to reincarnate anymore, why does it keep hurting people?"

"Naturally for the sake of being strong!" Chen You said, "The soul of the substitute is a great tonic for ghosts. The more souls they devour, the stronger they become. Many ghosts even think that this way they can go one step further, becoming a green ghost, or even a ghost. Ghost General, Ghost King."

"Isn't it possible?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course not!" Chen You shook his head, "The cultivation of the human way is already full of dangers, and the cultivation of the ghost way is even more difficult. If he swallows it like this, he will either be taken away by the underworld, or be struck to death by lightning, or be killed." If the cultivator is destroyed, there will be no third end."

"And the more souls he swallows, the more confused he becomes. In the end, he doesn't even know who he is, and he will completely become a madman."

Su Yi nodded: "It kills seven people in half a year, and it kills one person in less than a month on average. Brother You, if we kill it one day earlier, it may kill one less person, and we are doing justice for the heavens. "

"People will die!" Chen You looked deeply at Su Yi.

"Brother Youyou, you are covering me." Su Yi smiled, "Anyway, I'm just a helper, and you are the one who rushes to the front. You are not afraid, what am I afraid of?"

"Hahaha..." Chen You laughed, "Don't worry, you will be fine, what I want you to do is very simple."

"First, you first use Qingming willow wine to open the eyes of the sky."

"Second, take the two talismans I gave you."

"Third, when I see a ghost on my body later, I immediately throw this blue talisman on the water. When I jump out of the water, I immediately stick this yellow talisman on my head. The forehead or the back of the head are all OK, then pull me ashore and the whole thing is over!"

"Well, it's very simple, right?"

"It's not difficult to hear." Su Yi said, "But you have to seize the opportunity, or you will be in trouble."

"Don't worry, I have the means to protect myself." Chen You said, "The key is sharp eyesight and quick hands. Also, I might jump out of the middle of the river later, and you can use lightness kung fu when the time comes. What kind of iron palm floats on the water? Swallows copy the water three times." or something like that, stick the talisman first, and then grab me ashore."

"Just in case, I will stick a golden light talisman on your body to protect you from evil! Also, this sword is also smeared with my blood. If the water ghost breaks free from me and attacks you, you Slash it with your sword!"

"But if it's in an illusion, don't use a sword, be careful to kill me!" Chen You warned solemnly.

"You have a way to break free from the illusion, right? Just like yesterday?" Chen You asked, "This water ghost is powerful in deceiving people's hearts and swallowing souls with its upper body, but it is not as good as the pair of twin ghosts in your room in arranging the illusion. , if you didn’t hit the wrong way yesterday, but really had a way, then this level will be fine.”

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Su Yi gave him an affirmative answer.

"That's good, then there's no problem!" Chen You also breathed a sigh of relief, "I hope we can achieve success this time and eliminate harm for the people!"

As Chen You spoke, he took off his Taoist robe.

Only then did Su Yi notice that he was actually wearing a diving tights underneath.

The tights draped over Chen You's fat and deformed body reminded Su Yi of the museum curator at the beginning of "The Mermaid".

Then he took out a bunch of things from the inner pocket of his priest's robe.

A basket, two yellows and three paper talismans, five mahogany talismans, a small bottle, and a mahogany dagger.

"This is the Qingming Yangliu wine you wiped off yesterday, and you still use it like yesterday." Chen You handed the small bottle to Su Yi.

"I'll do it myself?" Su Yi took it hesitantly, "Don't you need to chant a spell?"

"Of course, but you put it on first." Chen Youdao, "Actually, as long as you put it on, you can see ghosts, but it's not stable. I cast a spell, mainly to bless it, so that the effect of this thing can be continuously and stably displayed."

Suddenly, Su Yi unscrewed the cork, and a pungent smell came over his face immediately.

The smell of this thing is like the smell of spoiled soy products, which is very disgusting.

Su Yi wiped them on his eyelids and reopened his eyes.

Looking at the surrounding environment before, Su Yi still felt fresh and bright, full of the lively atmosphere of the morning.

But now, the surrounding mist is pleasant, the trees are shadowy, and the weather has become much darker.

Originally, although the rushing river was not very clear, it was still quite normal. The blue waves reflected the green trees, forming an interesting contrast.

But now, the brown river bed and the dark yellow river water give people a depressing and dirty feeling.

Even the air has become much colder and damper.

The singing of insects and birds, which used to be heard all around, has completely disappeared now, leaving only the sound of "gurgling" running water and rustling leaves.

"Which is real, the scene I see now or the scene I saw before?" Su Yi asked.

"It's all true." Chen You had already put the five mahogany charms on his body and tied them around his waist. At this time, he was biting his fingers and smearing blood on the decorative sword Su Yi brought. .

"The world where ghosts live and the world where people live overlap, like a barrier." Chen You explained.

Su Yi nodded, looking at the dark yellow river water, faintly felt that something in the river was staring at him.

"The water ghost has already found us?" Su Yi asked.

"He found out as soon as we came." Chen Youdao, "But it didn't dare to come ashore."

"Although it escaped from the hands of the ghost guards, its vitality was also seriously injured. According to my guess, it is at most the strength of the black shadow ghost. It is only because of the help of water that it is more difficult to deal with than ordinary ghosts. But it Once it lands, it's dead."

Chen You turned around after finishing the work in hand: "Close your eyes."

Su Yi closed his eyes as he said.

"The sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters in the law. I am writing now, and there are no ghosts and gods..."

He pointed at Su Yi's eyebrows.Su Yi suddenly felt chills all over.

Immediately after, Chen You picked up a yellow talisman with the word "gold" written on it, pinched the magic formula with his hands, and muttered in his mouth: "Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is the only one; the body has golden light, covering my body... as urgent as a law !"

At the end of his reading, he slammed the talisman on Su Yi's body.

The flame suddenly exploded, and the talisman burst into flames, turning into dots of golden light and sinking into Su Yi's body.

Su Yi, who just felt cold, suddenly felt warm all over his body at this moment.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." He heard Chen You say in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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