Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1024 The Water Ghost

Chapter 1024 The Water Ghost
"The water ghost is cunning. If it is in the water, it is as fast as electricity and has infinite power. We can't do anything about it. So I have to go into the water to lure it ashore and deal with it there!"

"After I go into the water, it will definitely find a way to get on me. I will pretend to be weak and let it get on me, but in fact it's a trick to please the king!"

"These two talismans, the blue beggar earth talisman, the earth can overcome the water, and the water is weak and meets the soil, it will be silted up. When the water ghost gets on me later, if you throw this talisman into the water, it will If I activate it, the water ghost will be restrained by Xu Tu, and it will definitely control my body and jump out."

"But the Earth Transformation Talisman can't last long, it can't exceed seven seconds at most, so you have to stick this magic sealing talisman on my forehead or the back of my head within these seven seconds."

"As long as the magic sealing talisman is attached, my body will become a prison, and the water ghost will not be able to escape even if it wants to! At this time, you can catch me to the shore."

"Once the water ghost comes ashore, there is nothing to be afraid of. But to be on the safe side, try to stay as far away from the water as possible. Then leave the rest to me."

"Don't do anything at first, the water ghost may pull you into the illusion, don't worry, let it pull you, anyway, you can break free, even if you can't break free, I am there. Remember, no matter what you see or hear Whatever, don't act rashly, unless you see me with your own eyes and are sure it's me, don't do anything!"

"Also, after the golden light talisman emits light three times, you have to be careful. Remember to use the method I taught you to see through illusions. Also, put the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, so that if a ghost wants to get on you, at least the first time It's not going to work out..."

Chen You's plan is not complicated, and the logical thinking is very clear. Su Yi thinks that if there are no accidents, this plan is very good.


"Brother You, do you have an emergency plan?" Su Yi asked, "I think it's still necessary to prepare for the worst, and have a hole card that can get out no matter what the situation is. For example, the water ghost is far more powerful than imagined? Or I It doesn't work well..."

"Don't worry, I'm more nervous than you about my own life!" Chen Youdao, "Actually, I'm saving my life. If it weren't for this good opportunity, I might never get in trouble with this water ghost for the rest of my life."

"But now I have you as a strong helper, but the water ghost has been weakened to the weakest state. The power between us has reached the most disparate moment. There will never be such a good opportunity in the future." Chen You put his hands on On Su Yi's shoulder, there was a solemn expression, "I have always been kind to people and ghosts, but this water ghost, I really want to get rid of it!"

The more Chen You said that, the more Su Yi felt that he was setting a flag, and he even had the urge to let Chen You give up now.

"Brother You, is there a way to find out the details of this water ghost first?" Su Yi asked.

"You'll know after the fight." Chen You said with a smile, "Ah Hao, are you scared?"

"No, I'm just worried about you." Su Yi sighed, "It's you, brother friend, who is going to do his best!"

"Desperation doesn't count, I'm here to kill ghosts!" Chen You laughed, and put the small mahogany sword away from his waist, "Ah Hao, everything is risky, no one can be foolproof But as long as you feel confident, you can do it! Don’t worry, I haven’t lived enough yet!”

He walked to the river while talking, turned his head and smiled at Su Yi, and said: "When you get back, you teach me lightness kung fu, and I teach you how to draw symbols!"

"It's a deal!" Su Yi said.

"A word is settled!"

Chen You jumped into the water.

Su Yi took a deep breath and discarded all distracting thoughts.

Now that things have come to an end, the only option is to give it a go and stop doing what he wants.

Holding the two talismans, he watched the swiftly flowing river vigilantly.

I don't know if it's an illusion or what, but the smog seems to be getting thicker, and the water seems to be gradually slowing down.

The wind in the jungle has also decreased a lot, and this space has become very quiet.

It's eerily quiet, and it's terrifyingly quiet.

Su Yi stared at the water surface, but there was nothing on the water surface.

Chen You has disappeared since entering the water, and has never ventured out again.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

Ding dong, ding, dong, dong...

The water flow became slower and slower, and finally, the entire water surface stopped flowing completely, and the water flow of the river was completely still.

It's like a deep and silent lake.

The fog is thicker!

The white mist floats across the calm water, sometimes agglomerating and sometimes dissipating, changing into various strange shapes.

Su Yi was highly concentrated, with a sword in one hand and a talisman in the other, his eyes were fixed on the water surface.

His internal energy kept running, ready to strike violently at any time!

He has to make sure that no matter what happens, he can respond immediately.

However, one minute passed, three minutes passed... five minutes passed!
Chen You still didn't come out, the water surface was still as calm as a mirror!
Su Yi didn't know if Chen You had special means to breathe in the water, but if he was a normal person, he would have drowned if he hadn't come out for such a long time!
Su Yi silently counted the seconds in his heart, and when he counted to 607, the world was still as quiet as if it had stopped!
If it weren't for the white mist that gathers and disperses from time to time, Su Yi would really suspect that everything was frozen!


Su Yi has already counted to 783, that is to say, more than thirteen minutes have passed!

Chen You is gone!

Is he dead?

No one can stay underwater for more than ten minutes and not come out!
This is impossible!

If Chen You died, would it be necessary for him to stay here?

Maybe I should leave immediately!

It's too dangerous here, even Chen You can eat that ghost silently, let alone him?
His martial arts are not very useful in this kind of supernatural event, and he knows this very well!
The water ghost was probably digesting Chen You at this moment, and it was too late to free up its hand to deal with him.

But wait a little while...

go, go!Otherwise, you will never be able to leave!

A wave of fear shakes Su Yi's mind, he seems to growl to himself in horror, accusing himself of being so indecisive, why wait in vain?

Yes, Chen You said that you have to wait for him and see him, otherwise don't act rashly.

But what about others?

It's been more than ten minutes, where is he?
Can't see anyone, just keep waiting?

Su Yi was expressionless, just staring at the water.

All kinds of chaotic thoughts are like a raging monster, roaring and rushing around in his mind. His reason and calmness are like a lonely boat in the ocean, which is in danger of capsizing at any time.

He didn't stop counting the seconds silently in his heart.




More than twenty minutes have passed!

More than twenty minutes have passed!

The water is still calm, the world is still dead!
No matter how calm and patient Su Yi was, he couldn't help but start to waver and doubt at this moment.

Do you really just do nothing and wait foolishly?
Maybe now that Chen You is dead, the water ghost has already set its sights on him and is setting a trap to prevent him from escaping.Maybe I was foolishly wasting my last chance of escape!
Maybe Chen You persisted in the river, waiting for him to go down to save him, he was gradually despairing, but he was standing stupidly looking at the river in front of him, doing nothing!

save people?


Always do something!

hell!Do you really want to stand like a wooden stake?

This is so stupid!

Do not!
Can't go on like this!



Su Yi couldn't bear it anymore, he moved his stiff neck, looked back, and his eyes lit up immediately!
About a dozen meters behind him, this drowsy and smoggy world will come to an end!
It seems that there is a large transparent bowl covering this area. The world outside the area is lush with green trees, dappled sunlight is shining in the forest, birds are flying around, and the morning breeze is blowing. Everything is so full of vitality!

That is in stark contrast to the dead world here!

run over!
Or perform light work and fly over!

As long as you get there, you can escape from this dead world and escape from danger!

Su Yi had an extremely strong impulse in his heart, wanting to let himself go.

But he still didn't move, but restrained himself with great perseverance and turned his head.

The water was still calm.

A voice seemed to urge Su Yi to go into the water to see whether Chen You was alive or dead, and what his state was like.

Don't you feel ashamed that you are a man, and your companion's life or death is uncertain, but you don't even have the courage to check it out?

What kind of man is this?
Su Yi stared at the calm water, still motionless.


Suddenly, the whole world shook.

The calm water surface was densely agitated with fine water droplets, and the smog covering the water surface receded in an instant, turning into lead clouds, covering the sky above.

The sky was low and falling.


The suffocating depression forced Su Yi to have the idea of ​​fleeing immediately.

Su Yi still resisted moving.

The next moment, the surface of the water exploded!

The surface of the water exploded suddenly and swept towards Su Yi. In the overwhelming water curtain, there were terrifying water-shaped skeletons.

They were densely packed, rushing towards Su Yi frantically, trying to submerge Su Yi.

At this moment, Su Yi really couldn't hold back any longer, he was almost subconsciously about to use lightness kung fu to fly back, but in the end he forcibly held back, the tip of his tongue pressed against the roof of his mouth, instead of retreating, he slashed forward with his sword.


In the next second, Su Yi was covered in golden light!

The whole world seemed to be coated with a layer of gold, and then suddenly stagnated, turned into dots, and shattered!
The golden light talisman on Su Yi's body worked once!
After the light dissipated, Su Yi heard the sound of rushing water and rustling leaves again.

The sky was still cloudy, and there wasn't much sunlight falling, but the fog wasn't that thick either.

What made Su Yi's heart awe-inspiring was that he was actually standing with his back to the river at this moment!
He didn't know when, unknowingly, he turned around!

There was no doubt that he was pulled into the illusion just now.He didn't know when he was being watched by the water ghost, and then he was pulled into the illusion.

But the water ghost didn't do anything, just created a deadly illusion, and then began to bewitch Su Yi.

Su Yi was standing with his back to the river, that is to say, the scene full of life that he had just turned his head and saw more than ten meters away was actually fake!
The scene of the river flowing backwards just now is also fake.

If he turned his head and ran just now, he would run straight into the river!

As long as Su Yi shows a little timidity and hesitation, he will fall into the trap of the water ghost just now.

This water ghost is too cunning!
Su Yi felt chills in his heart and turned around.

He saw Chen You flopping in the water, looking around.

Seeing Su Yi looking over, Chen You called out while paddling: "You were walking around in place just now, did you become delusional?"

"Yes, I almost walked into the river!" Su Yi said.

"It's okay, if you go this way, I will wake you up." Chen You shouted.

"When did the water ghost stare at me?" Su Yi asked, "Why didn't I notice it at all, I didn't even see it!"

"It looks at you through the water, so of course you can't see it!" Chen You said, "Water ghosts are the best at deceiving people, and they are also the best at hiding themselves. Be careful!"

"You too." Su Yi said, "By the way, how long has it been?"

"Two minutes? Three minutes?" Chen You wasn't sure. "It's very cunning and wants to get rid of you first. Be careful and don't get into the water."

"Okay!" Su Yi responded, "But if it lists me as a target, do you want to come up first?"

"I'll go down and have a look," Chen You said, "Now is the time to be more patient!"

After finishing speaking, Chen You plunged into the bottom of the water.

Su Yi took a deep breath and continued to stare at the river.

After a while, Chen You emerged from the water not far away, breathing heavily.

"I feel like it's coming!" Chen You's voice was a little nervous, and he looked very vigilant, holding the mahogany dagger in his hand, looking around, "Ah Hao, cover me!"

"Okay!" Su Yi also tensed up all over.

Chen You looked around in the water.

At some point, the rushing river became extremely slow again.


Bubbles suddenly popped up on the surface of the water not far behind Chen You.

There's something under the water!

Su Yi's complexion changed instantly, and he immediately shouted: "Brother You, behind you!"

However, Chen You still looked around vigilantly, as if he didn't hear Su Yi's voice at all.


Suddenly, a dark shadow slowly floated up from the place where the water bubbles appeared.

Su Yi took a closer look and found that it was a ball of hair!
A wet, messy mass of long woman hair!
It's a water ghost!
"Brother Friend! Brother Friend!" Su Yi was in a hurry, and there was internal force in his voice.


The water trembled wildly, and the hair that floated up suddenly shrank back.

But in the next second, there was only a sound of splashing water, and the hair jumped out of the water, bringing out half of a red body!

This half person is clearly a woman, under the wet long black hair, is a pale face, two big blood red eyes are like two red blood holes, staring at Su Yi's eyes.

She has no nose, and where a nose should be, there is also a bloody hole.His lips were black, and the whole mouth was opened forcefully, and there was a continuous hiccup sound from his throat. His white teeth looked particularly piercing, and his face was extremely hideous.

water ghost!

Su Yi's eyes widened instantly, and he hurriedly shouted: "Brother You!"

"Oh!" The water ghost suddenly jumped up, turned around and rushed towards Chen You who was not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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