Chapter 1025
Seeing the water ghost rushing towards Chen You from behind, but Chen You didn't notice it, not only was Su Yi not in a hurry to make a move, but doubts abounded in his heart.

This is impossible!

How could Chen You be so hot?
Su Yi, who was ready to go, stopped abruptly, watching the water ghost rush forward and possess Chen You.

Chen You struggled, was dragged into the water, and fell silent...

Su Yi stared at the water surface, motionless.

"Got you!"

Chen You shouted suddenly.

In the next second, the whole world suddenly became "lively" again.

Su Yi clearly saw that Chen You, who was dragged into the water just now, appeared in another direction out of thin air at this moment. He reached into the water with one hand and dragged out a water ghost with disheveled hair and wearing red clothes!
"Ahhh..." The water ghost screamed, struggling violently, trying to break free, but Chen You was already prepared, and quickly took down a mahogany talisman with the other hand, bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the water On the face of the ghost, slap the mahogany talisman on its face!

Blue smoke rose from the water ghost's body, it screamed more horribly, and struggled harder.

Although Chen You tried his best to suppress it, it broke free and dragged Chen You into the water.

Su Yi grabbed the talisman and quickly approached the river.

The previous scene was still an illusion!
The second illusion!
So what about this scene?

Is it real?
Or is it an illusion?

He is not sure!

He quickly wet his right thumb and index finger with saliva, pinched his Qingming point,

The scene in front of him has not changed at all.

The river was rushing, and not far away, the water splashed violently, and the figures of Chen You and the water ghost could be seen faintly.

Su Yi's heart was tense, and he was always ready to make a move.


At a certain moment, Chen You rushed out of the water, the mahogany dagger in his hand gleamed with blood, and stabbed hard.


With a scream, the entire river boiled violently as if it had been boiled.

"I follow Daozhen, and it is ominous to cut right away. I am in such a hurry as if there is no law of the highest truth!" Chen You shouted hurriedly, paddling vigorously with one hand, and swishing the mahogany dagger wildly with the other.

Surrounding him, countless pale arms protruded from the water, frantically waving towards him!
Su Yi's scalp was numb, and he almost couldn't help using lightness kung fu to drag Chen You out.

But he was still enduring it. According to the plan, he had to wait for the water ghost to attach himself to Chen You before he could do anything.

Otherwise, once the water ghost is alarmed and made to run away, it will be in vain.

"Water can't drown, fire can't invade, and all ghosts are away from me!" Chen You in the water took out a mahogany talisman again, quickly made a formula and chanted a mantra, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on it.

The mahogany talisman turned into a sea of ​​flames and ignited, and all the waving arms it passed were ignited. There were screams one after another, and all the burning arms retracted into the water, and the water surface returned to calm again.

"Turning Earth Talisman, now!" Chen You yelled at Su Yi, struggling to paddle towards the shore.

Su Yi's expression changed, this was different from what was planned, he didn't know whether to believe it or not.

"Ah ah ah..."

Suddenly, the shrill scream resounded through the space again, and the red-clothed water ghost sprang out again and rushed towards Chen You.

"Ahao! Hurry up!" Chen You yelled sadly, while taking out another mahogany talisman, and slapped it forward fiercely!
The female ghost in red was shot flying out. It wailed, rolled and fell into the water, billowing in thick smoke.

But before Chen You could breathe a sigh of relief, densely packed pale arms rushed out of the water again, and grabbed Chen You frantically.

Although Chen You struggled hard, he gradually became exhausted, and the clothes on his body were torn to pieces.

Seeing this, Su Yi didn't dare to wait any longer, and the person kicked off by his feet was already shot out like an electric shock.

The golden light suddenly flourished, and the world seemed to be in a trance for a while, but it recovered quickly.

But Su Yi had already rushed to the big river, he glided against the water like an osprey, opened the way with his sword, and swiped down a few times, those arms dancing wildly were all cut off by him immediately, turning into black smoke and exploding!

Soon he made a passage to Chen You. At this time, Chen You was screaming in despair and being pulled to the bottom of the water by dense arms.

Su Yi's eyes flashed, and he swung his sword!
This sword exploded countless arms into black smoke, and then he grabbed Chen You by the collar.

The golden light exploded again, and Su Yi felt that the whole world became dazzlingly golden, making him unable to see anything.

In a trance, he seemed to feel a broken sound of "tearing" on his body.

With his heart like an ancient well, he pressed the tip of his tongue against the roof of his mouth, took another breath of internal energy, tapped the water surface with his toes, and soared into the sky.

The golden light dissipated quickly, and the world returned to its original state.

I don't want to turn into elbow and armpits at this moment!


A huge wave suddenly surged ahead, hanging upside down in the sky, and came overwhelmingly to Su Yi and Chen You!

at the same time--

Whoosh whoosh!
Countless strands of black hair crazily gushed out of the river, twisting and wriggling, shooting towards Su Yi.

With a long roar, Su Yi slashed furiously with his sword, and the countless entangled strands of black hair were cut off by him and turned into black smoke.

But more strands of black hair surged toward him one after another, and the monstrous waves also overturned like dark clouds.

There is no way for Su Yi to hide, there is no way to avoid!
Chen You, who was holding it in his hand, yelled anxiously: "Amulet! Throw the amulet quickly! Otherwise, everyone will die!"

Su Yi turned a deaf ear to it, his whole body's internal energy was running crazily, the long sword in his hand trembled without wind, and made a clanging sword sound.

He turned around and slashed down with a sword, the sword energy surged, and the black hair that swept towards him behind him was urged by the powerful internal force, and all of them were broken!

However, in the next moment, Su Yi and Chen You were surrounded by overwhelming black hair strands, like a giant black cocoon.

Brush brush!
Unexpectedly, Su Yi was waiting for this moment, the internal energy in his body exploded, and all the hair touching his body melted and turned into black mist.At the same time, Su Yi stabbed countless swords in an instant, but seeing the shadows of the swords, the black mist exploded in the sky, and Su Yi shot out of the black mist with Chen You in his arms, and flew towards the shore.

But the huge reversing waves and the turbulent river are like a bloody mouth that is about to close!
The pale arms dancing wildly in all directions, and the black hair squirming wildly, are like densely intertwined teeth, trying to swallow Su Yi and keep him here forever.

But Su Yi is too fast!
His figure is erratic, and he has already used the best Qinggong Footprint Phantom in the Sunflower Book, and his figure can hardly be caught by the naked eye!
The shadows of the sword in his hand are flying, and the sword energy is surging. Although he has not learned the Dugu Nine Swords, as a master master, he has already reached the state where he has no tricks to win and has tricks.
Falling waves, surging waters.

Seeing that the siege was about to be completely closed, Su Yi was shot into the water, and Su Yi also reached the bright exit.

He was about to rush out of the Changhe range, only one step away!
"Ah ah ah..."

At the most critical moment, "Chen You" in Su Yi's hand suddenly stretched his neck wildly and opened his bloody mouth. His mouth suddenly opened to the size of a washbasin, and he swallowed Su Yi's head in one gulp!
The tip of Su Yi's tongue firmly pressed against the palate, and his eyes did not change at all.

Not only did he not resist, but he once again overloaded his internal energy to increase his speed.

While swallowing Su Yi's head, Su Yi also carried the ghost that turned into Chen You and escaped from the reversing and converging river.

When Su Yi's eyes were completely plunged into darkness, he felt a sudden sharp pain on the tip of his tongue, which suddenly bounced off his palate, and at the same time, his eyes regained light.

His body broke a big tree with luxuriant branches, and he was about to rush to another big tree. Su Yi finally turned around forcibly, stepped on the big tree with his toes, and spun and fell lightly on the ground.

Look at the person in hand again, where is Chen You?
It was clearly the water ghost in red!
The water ghost roared and rushed towards Su Yi again, Su Yi used his internal force to slash down with his sword!
The water ghost's head was directly chopped off by Su Yi, and it exploded into a cloud of black mist.

But the next moment, the female ghost returned to her original state.

"Ahhh..." it screamed with a horrifying voice, struggling violently to break free from Su Yi's grasp.

But Su Yi choked it tightly, and at the same time, the tip of his tongue still firmly pressed against the roof.

Another sword slash, the water ghost was cut in half again, but it soon recovered.

It roared and rushed towards Su Yi, but it couldn't succeed at all.

Su Yi's palm holding it turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, the flesh and blood began to shrink, and the skin began to dry up.

And this situation began to spread to the arms. It seemed that Su Yi's whole body would turn into a mummy before long.

But Su Yi didn't change his face, he just looked at his skinny left hand like a ghost's claw, and stopped paying attention.

He still tightly strangled the water ghost's neck, and chopped off its head with a sword from time to time.

From the beginning to the end, his face sank like water!

What fantasy, real or false.

He no longer thinks about it.

Whether it's a ghost or Chen You, no matter who it is, just pull him ashore!
As for your own hands?

As long as the internal force is running smoothly, it means that the meridians are not damaged, so why worry?

The long river behind Su Yi was gurgling. Although it was not like the huge waves that Su Yi saw just now, it was still turbulent and the waves were rolling.

In the water, Chen You was fighting hard with a water ghost, and it seemed that he was almost at the end of his battle.

It is another water ghost who is entangled with Chen You!
In this river, there are actually two water ghosts!
This water ghost is covered in blue-gray and wrinkled. It looks like a dry pickle with a big head and four limbs.

It was very flexible, up and down, left and right, Chen You had difficulty moving in the water, facing this ghost, he could only parry, not fight back.

But every time the water ghost touches Chen You's body, its hands are like burning coals, black smoke is scalded, and it screams and jumps away.

But Chen You was also uncomfortable, every time the water ghost touched him, his face turned black and blue.

"Brother You!" Su Yi shouted while confronting the red-clothed water ghost in his hand.

Chen You over there didn't say a word, just entangled with that big-headed water ghost.

At a certain moment, Chen You suddenly stabbed the big-headed water ghost on the shoulder with the peach-wood dagger in his hand.

"Ahhhh..." The big-headed water ghost made a weird sound like weeping and laughing, and suddenly roared and rushed towards Chen You, turning into a few blue smoke and sinking into Chen You's body.

Seeing this scene, Su Yi's eyes suddenly brightened, and with a flick of his wrist, the blue earth-forming talisman shot out towards Dahe.

At the same time, he slammed the big tree that was broken by him just now, and actually lifted the big tree in the air. Su Yi used all his internal strength to kick the big tree that rose into the air.

The six or seven meters long, luxuriant tree flew towards the long river.

At this moment, the blue earth-forming talisman had already submerged into the water, and the river water instantly churned, quickly becoming turbid and viscous.

In the blink of an eye, the river water turned to mud, and the mud turned to clay.

At this moment, Chen You's face was full of bruises, his face was black, his eyes were blood red, he was stuck in the mud, and he jumped up with a stern roar.

Although Su Yi was confronting the red-clothed ghost, he had been paying attention to Chen You's situation. Seeing this, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and another magic sealing talisman was instantly released from his hand.

At this moment, the big tree that was kicked by Su Yi happened to hit Chen You who jumped up.

The unabated big tree flew to the other side of the river with Chen You's body on top.


Chen You yelled sharply with a hideous face.

However, before he could take any action, the yellow magic-sealing talisman had already flown to him, and it was tightly attached to his forehead.

Chen Youru was hit hard, and the whole person accelerated and flew backwards, and fell heavily on the ground on the other side of the river.

"Ouch..." Chen You, who had been rolling on the ground for several weeks, cried out in pain, "Ahao! Ahao!"

He struggled to get up, bit his finger tremblingly, and wrote a rune on his other palm with blood.

During this process, his face turned red for a while, and turned black for a while.

His expression was ferocious for a while, and painful for a while.

The eyes are also clear for a while, and red and violent for a while.

On the other side of the river, Su Yi suddenly cast a ladder cloud soaring into the sky, flew past at a height of four or five meters above the long river, and landed in front of Chen You.

At this time, Chen You had just finished drawing the blood talisman.

He suddenly slapped the red-clothed water ghost in Su Yi's hand on the forehead. The latter screamed and turned into a black mist, and also got into Chen You's body.

Chen You froze, and the yellow talisman on his forehead trembled violently.

His seven orifices suddenly left black blood like ink, and his expression was distorted to the extreme due to pain.

Su Yi stared at Chen You, not knowing how to help him at this moment.

Chen You raised his palm with difficulty, and was about to imprint it on his forehead, but he made it extremely difficult just to raise his arm, as if his arm was fighting against his will.

Su Yi made a sudden move, grabbed Chen You's palm, and helped him complete the action.

At the same time that the palm was printed on Chen You's forehead, Chen You's whole body froze again, the bruises on his face faded away like a tide, and his eyes regained some clarity.

Without further ado, Chen You once again slapped himself on the forehead with blood on the palm of his hand.

With a light slap, his body and bones made noises. Chen You spurted out a mouthful of black blood, but his expression became a little more relaxed again.

"Brother You, can you talk?" Su Yi asked hurriedly.

"Back!" Chen You struggled to utter a word.

"Quick!" He gritted his teeth and spit out another word, the veins on his neck popped up, and the jet black began to spread from his neck to his face again.

Seeing this, Su Yi grabs Chen You without saying a word, soars into the sky, uses lightness kung fu and runs towards the building at top speed!

(End of this chapter)

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