Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1026 Banned

Chapter 1026 Banned
Not long after Su Yi and Chen You left, the river that had turned into clay gradually turned into mud again, then turned into turbid yellow water, and finally became clear again under the rush of the rushing water.

As the breeze came, a few birds flew and landed by the river, chirping.

Not far away, a squirrel approached the river cautiously, suddenly let out a squeaking cry of joy, and suddenly accelerated towards the river.

In the grass, the chirping insects and crickets also made cheerful calls again, and this lifeless river suddenly became full of life.

Concord Court Building.

First floor, funeral home.

Ah Jiu was talking to an old woman with a wide smile.

"Master Zhong, I entrust you with the ritual of my good grandson." The old woman put her hands together respectfully and bowed to Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu replied: "Don't worry, grandma, I will take care of it."

"Poor my grandson, he died before he was ten years old," the grandmother wiped her tears, "I didn't take good care of him, I hope he will have a good baby in his next life...Renjie, Renjie, don't blame grandma, don't blame me. Strange..."

Ah Jiu sighed and said: "People walk the right way, but ghosts talk ironically. Grandma, your grandson said that he is suffering because no one can save him. As long as I do this ritual, he will be reincarnated and will not be entangled." I'm stuck."

"With Master Zhong here, how can I not worry?" The old lady took out a handkerchief, opened it tremblingly, and handed the money rolled up inside to Ah Jiu.

"Master Zhong, that's all I have, just a little bit, I hope you don't dislike it..." the old lady said in a flattering tone.

"Enough, enough." Ah Jiu took the money, "They're all neighbors, I can take care of them, try my best."

The grandma left with a thousand thanks.

Ah Jiu watched her leave with a smile, her smile gradually subsided, her expression gradually became serious, and her eyes became cold.

He turned around and walked to the back hall, took out the tablet of "Zhao Renjie" from the bottom of the coffin shelf, and said solemnly: "Okay, you bad boy, how dare you give your grandma a dream? It seems that you really want to die out of your wits and never be reborn. "

There was a faint cry of panic from the tablet.

Ah Jiu said coldly: "It's no use begging for mercy, you know what will happen if you don't obey..."

With a fierce look in his eyes, he took out Zhao Renjie's urn from the inside, took out an empty box from the side, poured all the ashes inside into the box, and threw the tablet into the urn.

A child's shrill and terrified screams came from the urn, but Ah Jiu ignored it and closed the lid directly.

bang bang bang...

There was a frenzied knocking sound from the jar. Ah Jiu pinched the lid with his hands, picked up the bottle on the side, and poured the viscous and transparent liquid evenly on the seal of the lid.

Then he took out a piece of purple talisman paper from his pocket, murmured something, and pasted it on the jar, and the movement in the jar suddenly became quiet.

Ah Jiu sneered and murmured: "Yinyue Yinri boys are the favorite rations of ghosts! If I hadn't kindly taken you in, you would have been eaten by other ghosts when you were in the bardo! You are ungrateful!"

As Ah Jiu said, she was about to put the sealed spies back on the bottom shelf.

At this moment, his face suddenly changed, and he looked out suddenly: "Where did such a ghost come from?"

With a cloudy expression on his face, he turned around and gave an order to the kid who had dealt with Su Yi twice: "Go, have a look!"

The little ghost screamed, hiding in the darkness, his figure gradually disappeared.

On this side, Su Yi, regardless of shocking the world, led Chen You all the way to the building using lightness kung fu.

Along the way, Chen You kept slapping his forehead with the blood book talisman, suppressing the two water ghosts sealed in his body.

But his exposed skin still turned black and terrifying at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The painful expression gradually became distorted and hideous.

Su Yi led Chen You on the road silently. At this time, Chen You was distracted, and couldn't even utter a single word.

The only thing Su Yi can do to help him is to take him home as soon as possible.

It was too late to wait for the elevator to go upstairs, and he didn't even bother to enter the courtyard. Su Yi flew to the outside of the building, raised his internal force, and used the ladder cloud to fly into the sky, jumping to the third floor.

He tapped the window sill with his feet, and charged up to lift off again.

In this way, he borrowed strength every third floor, and he carried Chen You up quickly, and within a few tens of seconds, he reached the 24th floor.


Su Yi shattered the glass of the balcony with his palm, and took Chen Youfei directly into it.

At this time, Chen You's entire face had turned completely black, his facial features were violently distorted, his eyes were turned upside down, leaving only the whites of his eyes, his teeth were clenched tightly, and blood as black as ink and extremely stinky was flowing out from his seven orifices.

His body was also as stiff as rotten wood.

Su Yi put Chen You on the chair in the living room, and as soon as he let go, Chen You fell to the ground trembling violently, his limbs twitching violently.

"Brother You! Brother You!" Su Yi called out twice, but Chen You didn't respond at all.

Su Yi's expression changed, he had absolutely no experience in dealing with such things, and he didn't know what to do now.

Suddenly Chen You opened his eyes in pain, gritted his teeth and said, "Kill me! Kill me..."

Pan Zhoudan please!
Su Yi directly activated the ability.

The Golden Light Talisman's three defenses are gone, and now there is no need for Su Yi to lure the water ghost, and Chen You is in this situation, so now no matter what Chen You reacts, Su Yi will activate the ability first to see if it is an illusion.

According to the experience gained from the twin female ghosts, if it is an illusion, the ability and the illusion will cancel each other out; if it is not an illusion, then the ability will work, and Chen You's neck will move like a snake.

The whole world was shocked, as if it had come to a standstill for a moment, but it quickly returned to normal.

Su Yi looked again, and Chen You was still lying on the ground, unresponsive.

He was terrified in his heart, knowing that just now it was Li Gui who activated the illusion again.

Chen You has to wake up...

Su Yi was very thoughtful.

He looked left and right, and when his eyes fell on the compass hanging on the wall on the left, his eyes lit up. Without saying a word, he stepped forward to take it off and put it on Chen You.

clang clang...

A miraculous scene happened, the compass moved by itself.

The yellow magic sealing talisman attached to Chen You's forehead suddenly burned by itself.

Su Yi's eyes flashed sharply, a little unsure whether this change is good or bad.

There seemed to be something under Chen You's skin struggling to break out of his body, and Su Yi even faintly heard a shrill roar.

At a certain moment, when the magic sealing talisman was burned out, Chen You suddenly opened his eyes, tilted his head, and spat out a big mouthful of pitch-black and foul-smelling stuff in one gulp.

Su Yi swept back in a hurry and activated his skills decisively.

Pan Zhoudan please!

Chen You snaked his neck to the left suddenly, and then let out a scream.

This time it's real!
Su Yi's eyes lit up and he hurriedly stepped forward to help Chen You: "Brother You!"

Chen You stiffened his neck, wrinkled his face in pain, gasped and said, "This ghost, twist my neck! What a terrible ghost, it wants to break my neck!"

"How can I help you!" Su Yi asked in a deep voice without answering.

"It's okay!" Chen You gasped, leaning against the wall with Su Yi's help.

Trembling, he placed his five fingers in the center of the rotating compass.

Five small and pointed copper vertebrae just happened to poke on his five fingers.

Chen You snorted and turned slightly.

clang clang...

At this moment, Su Yi felt his hair stand on end, because he clearly felt that he was suddenly enveloped by a majestic and unknown force.

This force made him unable to resist, even unable to resist, as if it could kill him a hundred times in a minute!

"Ah ah ah..."

Two figures, one black and one red, came out from Chen You's shoulders screaming sharply, and were about to fly out of the window, but they couldn't fly out of the living room. Fly back upside down.

The two black and one red figures are the two water ghosts from before.

It is said that the time limit for Su Yi's method of seeing ghosts has expired at this time, but the strange thing is that Su Yi still clearly sees them.

I think it's the effect of the compass.

Su Yi stared vigilantly at the two water ghosts bumping around.

The water ghost was extremely panicked and flew around, but it couldn't fly out of the living room at all, as if there was an invisible light covering the room.

"Ah..." At a certain moment, they all screamed and rushed towards Su Yi.


Before Su Yi could react, Chen You snorted coldly and turned the compass again.

The next moment, Su Yi felt light all over his body, and the sense of crisis that was imminent disappeared immediately, but the two water ghosts suddenly bumped into each other with a "bang", as if they were tightly bound by some invisible and majestic force together.

They danced wildly with their limbs and struggled violently, but it was of no avail.

Chen You's arm holding the compass trembled violently, and blood flowed along the gully on the compass, filling the first inner circle.

"Ah Hao, there is a gossip mirror in the third drawer of the cabinet." Chen You gritted his teeth and ordered in a trembling voice with a painful expression on his face.

Without further ado, Su Yi searched for the location Chen You had mentioned, and sure enough, he found a bronze mirror with gossip patterns engraved on the back.

The bronze mirror is very old and oxidized badly, it has completely turned into a black and green color, with mottled stains.

"Found it!" Su Yi said.

Chen You let go of the five fingers holding the compass, and the two water ghosts immediately fell to the ground, but they were still tightly attached to each other, unable to move except for the violent struggle of their limbs.

"Take three steps to the left, and use the gossip mirror to illuminate the center of the compass." Chen You tremblingly ordered.

Su Yi did as he said, and when the gossip mirror was placed in the middle of the compass, something miraculous happened.

A golden light shot out from the gossip mirror and shone on the compass, and then this golden light was refracted on the two water ghosts, covering them inside.

The two water ghosts struggled violently and screamed, their voices obviously filled with terrified emotions.

Chen You panted slightly, raised his blood-soaked hand, made a tactic with one hand, and tapped on the golden beam of light with the other, and swiped in the air.

"A stroke of horror!" Chen You gritted his teeth and recited the formula, a ray of red blood submerged in the beam of light.

"Ahhh..." The water ghost trembled crazily and screamed crazily.

"The second stroke is so strange and forgetful!" Chen You swiped again, and another smear of blood submerged into the golden light.

The two water ghosts suddenly trembled all over, stopped moving, and their expressions became muddled.

Trembling, Chen You made another stroke on the golden beam of light for the last time: "Three strokes to ban ten thousand demons, I obey the law of my ancestor! Take it!"

The golden beams of light refracted on the two water ghosts began to recover towards the compass, and the figures of the two water ghosts submerged behind the compass, and then followed the golden light back into the gossip bronze mirror in Su Yi's hand.

When the golden light completely converged into the mirror, Su Yi obviously felt that the gossip bronze mirror in his hand was much heavier and gave off a slight chill.

After doing this, Chen You completely relaxed, his limbs stretched out and he lay limp on the ground, panting violently.

clang clang...

The compass turned and soon returned to its original shape.

And the blood that flowed on the compass just now had already soaked into it, making the color of the compass look even more bleak.

"It's over?" Su Yi asked uncertainly, his body was still tense and he didn't dare to relax.

"It's over!" Chen You was lying on his back, completely unwilling to get up, panting violently, "This time I almost left my life there, careless, careless... Who would have thought that there would be two water ghosts! "

Su Yi remained silent for a while, and said: "These two water ghosts are actually able to hide from Brother You's eyes, which is considered amazing."

"They really hid it from me on purpose!" Chen You gritted his teeth, "I only knew about the red-clothed water ghost all this time, and I didn't even know there was another water ghost! This big-headed water ghost has been hiding at the bottom of the river. Come on, I have checked it dozens of times and still haven't found it, Ma De, it's really sinister..."

"They didn't guess that Brother You would trouble them, so they deliberately set up a trick?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not!" Chen You said, "Although these two water ghosts have become fierce ghosts, this big-headed water ghost is still under the control of the red-clothed water ghost. The red-clothed water ghost was fooled by me once. It raised another water ghost and hid it at the bottom of the water, I guess it was originally in case the ghosts came to catch it again, and left behind for itself."

"Once an accident occurs, it will find a way to make Li Daitao stiff, and let the big-headed water ghost suffer instead of it."

"But it didn't expect that the ghost messenger didn't come, but I did." Chen You said bitterly, "This water ghost knew that I was responsible for the trick last time, so when I got into the water, it and the big-headed water ghost besieged me together!"

Speaking of this, Chen You paused, looked at Su Yi and said, "You must have been pulled into an illusion at that time, right? I think you have been spinning around in place."

Su Yi nodded: "Brother You said you were going to lure the water ghost, so I'm not in a hurry to break the illusion."

Chen You smiled wryly: "If there is only one water ghost, it is naturally the most correct choice for you to do so."

"If there was only one water ghost, if you quickly broke through the illusion, the red-clothed water ghost would definitely think that you are also a very powerful practitioner. It would not dare to resist, and it might just run away. If you want to escape, we can't stop it at all."

"But, there are two water ghosts in the water!" Chen Youhou said in fear, "You were pulled into the illusion and never came out, so I had to fight them desperately, I couldn't escape, I couldn't fight them."

"Fortunately, that red-clothed water ghost is still distracted from dealing with you. It underestimated you and actually lured you into the water."

Speaking of this, Chen You sincerely praised: "Not to mention it, even I didn't expect that you are so brave, you actually grabbed the water ghost in red and went ashore!"

"Your move is simply unexpected! It is also the key to turning the situation around today!"

(End of this chapter)

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