Chapter 1027
"To deal with one water ghost, I already have to use all my strength to deal with it, let alone two?"

Chen You sighed with fear: "This time, I really miscalculated. I thought I was going to die, and I got involved with you. I didn't expect you to save us both in the end."

"I'm just a striker." Su Yi said.

Chen You shook his head: "There is no need to be modest. You brought me back my life. At that time, I had used up all my talismans, and I was at the end of my rope. If you didn't pull that red-clothed water ghost out of the water, I would die soon." If I can't hold on anymore, if I die, those two water ghosts will attack you together, and you will not be able to escape."

"But if you pull the red-clothed water ghost ashore, our situation will come to life in an instant."

"That big-headed water ghost is not very smart, so I was able to trick me into it very quickly. You cooperated well and got me ashore according to our plan. Once the water ghost lands, its strength will be greatly reduced."

Speaking of this, Chen You paused for a moment, and said, "Do you know why I was so eager to take the red-clothed water ghost into my physical seal first?"

Su Yi understood what he said, and said in surprise: "Could it be that it had a way to break free from me at that time?"

"A strong man breaks his wrist." Chen You explained, "As long as it gives up part of its soul, it will break free. Once it breaks free, it will return to the water with a single thought. At that time, if we try to catch it again, it will be impossible."

"However, it has already been broken by a strong man. If it happens again this time, it will be even more confused, and even lose itself. Unless it is absolutely necessary, this water ghost will never dare to do it!"

"At that time, the female ghost in red was able to cut off her tail to survive with a single thought, so I didn't have time to elaborate, so I could only make a quick decision and seal it in my body. I just didn't expect that I had consumed too much before and hurt the source. When I got up, I couldn't hold it back, and I was almost trapped in a cocoon, burning my own grave!"

"I know that only the compass can suppress them, so I used the last Qingming to let you hurry home." Speaking of this, Chen You looked at Su Yi again with admiration, "I didn't have time to explain clearly. I'm so annoyed, I didn't expect you, Ahao, to be so smart, the first thing you did when you came back here was to put a compass on me. How did you guess this?"

"It's actually a blind cat hitting a dead mouse." Su Yi said, "I just want to try it."

"It's enough to think of a try." Chen You smiled sincerely, "Ahao, I was able to escape from death this time because every step you took was in the right place. Every step you make is wrong. , At this moment, my soul has been scattered, and my body and dao have disappeared."

Su Yi said: "It's also good luck. I don't know anything about catching ghosts. In fact, when I do these things, I don't have any confidence in my heart."

Chen You heard the words and said seriously: "Ahao, let me ask you again, do you want to worship under my Maoshan sect and practice Maoshan magic?"

Su Yi's face turned serious, and he said solemnly: "Brother You, I can't ask for it!"

"Okay!" Chen You nodded, "Today I have to rest up for a day. You come to my house early tomorrow morning, and I set up an incense table. You officially worship under my Maoshan gate. From then on, you and I will be called brothers and sisters."

"Okay!" Su Yi nodded, "Brother You, don't worry, I will personally teach you Qinggong, I dare not say anything else, at least I will let you practice Qinggong."

"That's great!" Chen You was overjoyed.

"Brother You, what about these two water ghosts?" Su Yi pointed to the gossip mirror in his hand.

"It's tomorrow too!" Chen You said, "The method of opening the altar tomorrow has saved them!"

"These two water ghosts are heavily in debt, save them?" Su Yi hesitated slightly, but still couldn't help expressing his attitude.

"Transcendence also has consequences." Chen You sneered, "Ghosts with too deep karma, transcendence not only cannot help them eliminate their karma, but it will also cook oil like a fire, directly causing them to be wiped out on the altar!"

It turned out to be such an overreach, Su Yi suddenly realized.

"Ahao, you don't really think that I'm a pedantic and hypocritical person, do you?" Chen You looked at Su Yi, "Don't worry, I will never be kind when I shouldn't be soft-hearted."

"What if the evil is not a ghost, but a human?" Su Yi asked.

"Are you talking about Ah Jiu?" Chen You frowned slightly, "He... At most, he raises little ghosts, likes to do some heretic things, and does evil... Isn't that what it is?"

"Has Brother You ever thought about how the kid he raised got here?" Su Yi asked.

"I asked him." Chen You said, "It's a lonely ghost who died on the street. This kind of ghost is not accepted in the hell. After wandering outside for a long time, it will either be eaten by a ghost, or become muddled and lose itself, or be killed by others. It's very pitiful to be bullied by ghosts. If you are practiced by him, at least you have a home."

After a pause, Chen You asked: "What? You suspect that the little ghost he practiced was killed by himself? He can't be so vicious, right? Practitioners know that there is a hell, so for things that harm the morality, They are all afraid. I think he would not dare to do anything wrong, even if it is for the consideration of the aftermath."

Su Yi smiled and said, "I hope so."

A person who uses zombie ghosts to extend his life and deceive the underworld, will he think about his own affairs?

No wonder!
In fact, Su Yi's attitude towards Ah Jiu is also somewhat contradictory.

On the one hand, if he wants to complete the task, he must rely on Ah Jiu, a villain, to do those evil things first.

But on the other hand, Su Yi feels that letting some tragedies happen is really against his own heart.


Or the bottom line?
Su Yi had to make a choice.

Just kill Ah Jiu and use it to refine the corpse himself!

Su Yi even had such an idea.

But this was also something he had to know about refining corpses before he could plan.

Again, don't think about flying until you learn how to walk.

Su Yi chatted with Chen You for a while, and Chen You looked tired and his spirit was obviously not good.

Su Yi used his internal force to sort out his meridians, and his complexion looked better.

However, Chen You still needs a good rest, and Su Yi bids his farewell in due course.

Just when Su Yi was about to leave, someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Chen You asked casually.

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, the bellows-like breathing of the people outside the door and the strange fragrance had already revealed his identity to Su Yi.

Ah Jiu!

It really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here.

Chen You went to open the door, and sure enough, he saw Ah Jiu standing outside the door with a bag of apples in his hand.

With a humble smile on Ah Jiu's face, his eyes quickly swept across the room.

There was horror in his eyes when he saw the broken window.

When he saw the compass and the gossip mirror, his eyes were slightly hot.

When his eyes fell on the black water stains that Chen You vomited out on the ground, he looked happy.

If it weren't for Su Yi's sharp eyes, I really couldn't believe that a person's eyes could have such a wonderful change.

"Ah Jiu?" Chen You frowned, "What are you doing here?"

Ah Jiu first smiled and nodded to Su Yi, as a greeting, then smiled and said to Chen You: "I was meditating at home, but suddenly felt a huge Yin Qi approaching, except for me, there is no one in this building who can trigger such a change." It’s just you, brother friend.”

After a pause, Ah Jiu smiled and handed the fruit to Chen You: "Speaking of which, it's the first time I've come here to Brother Jiu You. It's a little fun, don't be disgusted."

"What do you want from me?" Chen You didn't pick up the fruit, and didn't let the door open, asking Ah Jiu to come in.

Ah Jiu was a little embarrassed, retracted her hand, and asked after a slight silence: "Brother You, did you catch that water ghost?"

"You also know that water ghost?" Chen You raised his eyebrows.

"They're all neighbors in the neighborhood, how come they don't know?" Ah Jiu said with a smile, "Brother You has always been... clean and at ease, and doesn't like to provoke these sneaky things? Why did you suddenly take this water ghost?"

"What? No way?" Chen You said impatiently.

"That's not true, I just find it strange," Ah Jiu said, "I've always wanted to cooperate with Brother You to kill ghosts and demons together, Brother You have been evasive, why this time..."

"What exactly do you want to say!" Chen You said word by word to Ah Jiu.

"Brother You, since you caught the water ghost, can you give me the twin female ghosts in 2442?" Ah Jiu was silent for a moment, and said sincerely.

"Strange, what do you want a ghost for?" Chen You frowned even tighter, "You don't want to make ghost banners to harm people, do you?"

"Of course not. I have my own purpose, and I promise not to harm anyone." Ah Jiu hurriedly said, "Brother You, as long as you hold your hands high, let me take those two ghosts away..."

"You don't need to talk about this anymore!" Chen You interrupted him without hesitation, "You don't want to play with those two ghosts either!"

Ah Jiu was silent again, and said quietly: "Brother You, why are you so unreasonable?"

"Hmph, human and ghost have different ways, and they are incompatible! Do you dare to tell your real intention of beating those two female ghosts?" Chen You had a trace of disgust in his eyes, "Ah Jiu, you really don't care about your affairs. consider?"

Ah Jiu sighed: "Brother You, you have misunderstood me too much."

"Let's go, the way is different, don't conspire with each other!" Chen You waved his hand.

Ah Jiu said: "Brother You, if you don't give me the twin girls, then this water ghost..."

He pointed to the gossip mirror and looked deeply at Chen You: "This water ghost has harmed so many people, murdered people, devoured their souls, and committed all kinds of crimes. You took it, presumably to make it go away. Why don't you give it to me? "

"I promise I won't use it to do evil! Brother You, you won't even give me this bit of face, will you?"

Chen You looked at Ah Jiu for a while, and suddenly said: "From now on, I will pretend that I don't know you."

He directly closed the door.

"I don't know what to say!" He scolded disdainfully, but the expression on his face was very serious.

Su Yi didn't speak either.

The two were silent in the room for a moment, and soon they heard the sound of footsteps going away outside the door.

Chen You sighed to Su Yi and said, "You guessed right, this guy's intentions are indeed evil, and he has already entered the evil way! Since ancient times, practitioners who have dealt with sneaks and ghosts are all treacherous and evil people, and their actions are also the same. An evil and vicious method. I see him, he is already dying!"

"What do you think he wants Li Gui to do?" Su Yi asked.

"Anything is possible." Chen You said solemnly, "Refining ghost banners, collecting ghost slaves, and possibly setting up ghost formations, they are all demons and heretics, harmful things! This person... It's dangerous."

"Brother You, you rejected him so simply, I'm afraid you've offended it." Su Yi reminded.

"I'm not a vegetarian!" Chen You sneered, "If he dares to attack me, I will let him understand what it means to lose his wife and lose his army!"

After a pause, Chen You frowned again and said, "The pair of twin ghosts in your room can't be kept, otherwise he will keep thinking about it, and it will be bad for you."

"Not staying?" Su Yi frowned, "Why not?"

"They haven't done any evil..." Chen You said, "If you want them to go to the underworld to reincarnate in advance, you have to open the altar for seven to 49 days to eliminate their karma and send them to the underworld to line up for reincarnation."

Chen You hesitated: "This is very troublesome. Once the forum is opened, it cannot be interrupted. And... And I'm afraid that Ah Jiu will not let it go. If I really do this, it will be regarded as a real feud with him."

Ah Jiu repeatedly wanted the twin female ghosts, but it backfired, and Chen You had the idea of ​​sending them to the underworld.

"Ah Hao, you go back first, I have to think about this matter carefully." Chen You said, "It's really not possible, you don't want to live in 2442 recently."

"Don't think that you are so strong in martial arts, Ah Jiu can't do anything about you!" Chen You warned solemnly, "This man knows some very vicious spells. If he wants to harm you, you won't even know how to die!"

Su Yi said: "I will be careful."

Chen You nodded: "As long as you know what's in your mind."

He had a solemn expression, and there was worry in his eyes. What happened to Ah Jiu gave him a headache.

Su Yi didn't express much opinion on this matter, because he was already murderous towards Ah Jiu.

Su Yi has a deep insight into people's hearts, and he can see that Ah Jiu is a little hysterical today.

Rather than saying that he came to beg Chen You to give him a mouthful of soup, it would be better to say that he came to make the final confirmation and issue an ultimatum.

Su Yi also noticed the horror in Ah Jiu's eyes when he saw the damaged balcony window.

And when Ah Jiu looked at him, the fear hidden in his eyes was not hidden from Su Yi.

Su Yi suspected that Ah Jiu knew that he brought Chen You directly up from the outside, and that's why he was irritated.

After seeing Su Yi's ability, he probably felt that it was impossible for him to play tricks and use force, so he came to plead with Chen You, and even exposed his true purpose.

But he was still ruthlessly rejected by Chen You, even if it was the next best thing, it blocked his last door.

What will Ah Jiu do next?
Will he give up the twin female ghosts?

Will you change your goals and become more insane?

This is the first time Su Yi has been so hesitant.

In fact, he really didn't want to let Ah Jiu continue to live.

This guy is really dangerous.

But if Ah Jiu is killed, Su Yi feels that his mission can be directly declared a failure in all likelihood.

Until he returned to his room, Su Yi was still thinking about it.

He thought for a long time, and gradually had some vague ideas in his mind.

In the afternoon, a visitor came to Su Yi's house.

Coolie Wei and A Juan, father and daughter, came.

"Mr. Qian, I'm sorry to bother you." Coolie Wei stood at the door, bowing to Su Yi repeatedly with a smile.

Behind him was A Juan, who was tied by his wrist with an iron chain, and the other end of the iron chain was pulled by his own hand.

(End of this chapter)

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