Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1028 Goal

Chapter 1028 Goal
"Mr. Qian, please accept a little care."

Coolie Wei smiled apologetically, and handed the jar of pickled eggs to Su Yi.

"I pickled it myself, don't worry, it's very clean..."

Su Yi stared at the pickled eggs in a daze, but quickly smiled, took it and said, "When I was young, my favorite food was the pickled eggs made by my mother. One is different. Thank you, Aqiang, please come inside."

"Hey! Hey!" Seeing that Su Yi accepted his gift, Coolie Wei was very happy, and hurriedly led A Juan, and followed Su Yi into the room.

Su Yi asked them to sit down, poured two glasses of water, and then said: "Awei, you can call me Ahao. They are all neighbors. Mr. comes and Mr. goes. It sounds awkward."

"...Okay, Ahao," Coolie said gratefully to Su Yi, "Thank you for praising me. I took the liberty to visit today because of Ajuan's affairs. You said yesterday that you could help Ajuan. I don't know... "

Su Yi looked at A Juan, and the girl looked at Su Yi timidly, looking very quiet.

He stood up and walked to A Juan, the girl suddenly showed fear, and shrank behind Coolie Wei, her lips began to tremble.

"It's okay, it's okay, Ajuan, Ahao is a good guy, don't worry, he's here to help you..." Coolie Wei hurriedly comforted Ajuan.

"Ah Hao, she is like this, she is very afraid of strangers. Don't mind me, I'll talk to her first..." Coolie Wei hurriedly explained in fear of Su Yi's displeasure.

She is very afraid of strangers, and only recognizes her father, and her emotions break down when her father is not around.

This is a very insecure performance...

Su Yi is not a master of psychology, but he can probably grasp A Juan's psychological state.

In fact, how does he know how to see a doctor?
Especially looking at mental illness.

However, the internal power running route of the I Ching Washing Sutra passes through the Niwan Palace. Every time he practiced the exercises, he felt a feeling of "cleaning" the spirit. After practicing the exercises, he felt refreshed and clear in thinking.

That's why he thought he could help A Juan.

"It's okay." Su Yi was talking, and one hand was already on the top of A Juan's head.

Immortals caress my top and endure longevity.

Of course Su Yi is not a fairy, and touching A Juan's head was not to grant her the magic of longevity.

He just injected the internal force from Ajuan's Baihui acupoint, the Baihui acupoint is the meeting point of all the meridians, the internal force injected from here can penetrate the whole body in an instant.

A Juan didn't respond at all, and Su Yi pinned her head.

Coolie Wei on one side was shocked suddenly, his daughter was scared to death by strangers approaching, let alone being touched by someone.

According to his past experience, his daughter would fall ill in the next second and run away screaming. No matter what anyone said, it was useless, and she would not stop until she was exhausted.

But the next moment, Coolie Wei was stunned.

The picture he expected did not appear!
On the contrary, daughter Ajuan not only did not avoid, but also showed an expression of enjoyment.

She blinked, her upper and lower eyelids started fighting, and then she fell asleep!
Coolie Wei stared at this scene dumbfounded, and when he came back to his senses, he found that tears were streaming down his face!

Since her daughter's accident, she hasn't slept normally at all!Because she couldn't sleep at all, and she was afraid when she closed her eyes.

Coolie Wei often has to use sleeping pills to make his daughter fall asleep normally every day.Even so, her daughter's sleep is very light, and she will wake up with a start at the slightest disturbance.

But now, the daughter actually sat on the sofa and fell asleep with her head tilted!
Coolie Wei was so sad and happy that he choked up at this moment and couldn't help himself.

Originally, he brought his daughter to Su Yi just because he treated a dead horse as a living horse doctor. After all, Su Yi was the only person who said he could help his daughter in these years.

He only came to Su Yi with a hope of one in a hundred thousand, and he was unwilling to give up any possibility.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi really surprised him and gave him hope as precious as gold.

Regardless of whether Su Yi can cure his daughter Ajuan, he just wants him to make her fall asleep. Coolie Wei feels that no matter what he is asked to pay, it is worth it.

Ajuan's falling asleep was naturally not an accident, but because Su Yi was afraid that she would convulse and resist, so he clicked her sleeping point on purpose.

Su Yi used his internal force to operate in A Juan's body according to the operation route of the I Ching Washing Marrow Sutra. After more than ten weeks, he unlocked A Juan's acupuncture points again.

Ajuan woke up from her sleep, opened her eyes and looked at Su Yi in front of her.

Seeing this, the coolie on one side clenched his fists nervously.

However, A Juan didn't do anything, she just looked at Su Yi quietly.

She has feelings, she feels the warmth of her body, and her mind is clearer than ever before.

It was a feeling she had never felt before.

She knew who brought all this.

The house was quiet, and about ten minutes later, A Juan frowned slightly, showing discomfort.

Su Yi knew that it was because of her meridians that she couldn't take it anymore.

After all, Ajuan is just an ordinary person with weak meridians, so it would be good to be able to run under the drive of Su Yi to carry her internal strength, but if she runs for a long time, she will still be "overloaded".

Su Yi stopped immediately, withdrew his internal force, and took his hand away from the top of A Juan's head.

A Juan suddenly felt a sense of loss.

There is also a feeling of extreme fatigue.

Su Yi smiled at her, took two steps back, and asked, "How do you feel?"

A Juan didn't answer, but just looked at Su Yi curiously.

"Ajuan..." Coolie Wei trembled at the side, his expression excited.

This is the first time that the daughter is not afraid of strangers other than him.

Ajuan looked away in a daze, glanced at Coolie Qiang, shrunk her neck, and hid behind Coolie Qiang.

"Ajuan, you, do you feel better?" Coolie Wei asked cautiously with hope.

"Father, I want to sleep." A Juan whispered.

These words sounded normal to Su Yi, but to Coolie Wei's ears, they sounded like thunder.

With tears in his eyes, he responded excitedly: "Okay! Okay, Dad will take you home and sleep now!"

This is the first time that my daughter has said that she wants to sleep. On weekdays, one of the things my daughter fears most is going to sleep, because she dare not close her eyes at all.

Coolie Wei suddenly said nothing, knelt down in front of Su Yi and kowtowed three times.

Su Yi frowned slightly, but he didn't stop him immediately. He waited for Coolie Wei to finish his kowtow before helping him up from the ground.

"Mr. Qian, I can't repay you for your kindness. From now on, my life will be yours..." Coolie Wei was so excited that he couldn't speak incoherently.

"What do I want your life to do?" Su Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Take Ajuan to rest, tomorrow is still this time."

After thinking for a while, he added: "If I'm not here, even if I'm with Brother You, you can also find me there."

"Okay! Mr. Qian, then I'll take Ajuan home first." Coolie Wei glanced at his daughter, Ajuan had already started yawning.

He couldn't wait to go back, for fear that his daughter wouldn't want to sleep again later.

"Go." Su Yi nodded.

After Coolie Wei left, Su Yi calmly thought about Ah Jiu again, and finally he stopped being entangled.

He convinced himself, and in the end he chose to stand by and keep silent.

If he knows spells and the technique of refining corpses, then he can talk about anything, and he might stick to his heart.

But his ability on the extraordinary side is basically zero. Even if he wants to kill Ah Jiu, he may not succeed, even if he surprises and sneaks up.

Because Ah Jiu is still raising a kid, God knows if he has any means to guard against him.

What's more, killing Ah Jiu doesn't necessarily mean you can sit back and relax. Ah Jiu will become a ghost who knows magic, and it may be even more difficult to deal with.

If you want to kill Ah Jiu, you must let him fly away. To do this, you still have to learn spells first.

So Su Yi feels that his only task now is——

Learn spells well!

As for A Juan, it was just that he was moved out of compassion and saved people casually, and he had no other purpose.

In this life, people always do some stupid things that don't ask for rewards and benefits. Only these things will bring you the purest happiness.

What Su Yi didn't know was that he was afraid of Ah Jiu, and Ah Jiu was also very afraid of him.

He was worried that Ah Jiu would deal with him secretly, but in fact it was unnecessary.

Because Ah Jiu was too jealous of him and felt that he couldn't offend Chen You, she had already decided to give up the twin female ghosts.

Su Yi's guess was right, the picture of him flying up from the window with Chen You, Ah Jiu had already "seen" it through the little ghost's senses.

Ah Jiu didn't know that this was light work. In his perception, only gods and ghosts could have such shocking methods.

While he was terrified, he was also a little stunned, no wonder the little ghost returned without success twice and three times, and suffered a loss in Su Yi's hands.

When he went to Chen You, he not only gave an "ultimatum", but also indirectly pleaded with Su Yifu.

But when Su Yi was at Chen You's house, he didn't say a word, but just watched with cold eyes, watching Chen You firmly reject him.

In Ah Jiu's view, this is naturally what Su Yi meant.

He even suspected that the reason why Su Yi moved to 2442 was also for the twin female ghosts.

Although he hated Su Yi's "cutting Hu", but after weighing the pros and cons, he finally felt that his chances of winning against the combination of Chen You and Su Yi were too small, so he simply gave up.

He decided not to think about the twin female ghosts anymore.

He has advanced lung cancer, and there is no cure for it, but he doesn't want to die.

There is great terror between life and death, and even practitioners are not exempt from it.

Especially when Ah Jiu acted extreme and did some vicious things when he was young, he knew that if he died, there would be no good end in the underworld, so he was more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Therefore, he tried every means to survive, and for this reason, he even wiped out the last trace of conscience, at all costs.

He raised little ghosts first, and used the ashes of boys and supplemented by other materials to refine "life-extending smoke".

But this treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and the Yanshouyan can only delay his death temporarily, and he will die sooner or later.

He almost racked his brains, but in the end he couldn't find a way to survive.

How difficult is it to not die?
Although he is a Taoist priest, he has not attained the Tao. He is just an ordinary person.

In other words, he wasn't even in the Qi training period.

So how can he not die?

Just when he was almost desperate, he found a method from an evil classics to return yin to yang, and to use a corpse to revive his soul. Yu Yangjian.

This method requires him to refine a zombie, and use the energy of the corpse to refine its seven souls, making the zombie extremely yin and yang.

Then find a pair of powerful ghosts connected by blood, and let them use the zombie as a container to live in the zombie.

At this time, he will take one of the two blood-linked ghosts and seal it on himself, and then refine the other ghost and zombie into one, regardless of each other, and refine them into a ghoul.

And he holds one of the ghosts, because of his blood relationship, he can also control the zombies remotely, making the zombies an existence similar to his incarnation outside the body.

Dead ghosts are not tolerated by the heaven and earth, and they will definitely attract the ghost sona, and when the ghost seduces the soul, he will seduce the ghost among the zombies.But the zombie's body will remain, and this body has been registered in the underworld, so it is safe for him to occupy it.

At this time, he will also give up his exhausted body and devour another bloody ghost, so that he can use the resurrection of the zombie to fit well with the zombie and integrate into one, so as to make himself The purpose of staying in the human world in an alternative form.

This plan is very complicated and difficult, and the most important thing is that it is insane and hurtful.

But in the face of death, nothing matters, everything can be overcome.

Ah Jiu started preparations for this plan very early on.

Talisman paper, corpse oil, magic circle, etc...

He even prepared a lot of rations for the ghosts.

He has also chosen the candidate for the zombie, Uncle Dong.

This Uncle Dong was born in a cloudy year, a moon, and a cloudy day, so he was very suitable for refining corpses.Moreover, he is old and frail, has no children, and has only one wife to rely on, so it is easy to handle when he dies, and there will not be too much trouble.

As for Li Gui, who is connected by blood, the twin female ghosts of 2442 seem to have been born just for him!
He originally planned to do it when everything was ready, but during this period of time, because he was too early to die, and in order to make life-extending cigarettes and prepare rations for the ghosts, he killed several small ones. I got the wrong attention.

In the past few days, Yin Escort has come here to search and investigate the situation every night.

This made Ah Jiu not dare to act rashly, and sealed himself with a magic circle every night, for fear of being discovered by evil spirits.

After going back and forth, I didn't expect such an accident to happen when Su Yi came.

Now that the twin female ghosts of 2442 can't be used, Ah Jiu has to choose a new target.

He knew all the ghosts wandering in the world around here, especially the few ghosts, and he was almost clear about them.

But these ghosts are not what he wants.

What he wants must be a good relationship in life, or even a connection, preferably a pair of ghosts who died for each other.

This pair of ghosts must also have the same blood.

Such harsh conditions, except for the twin female ghosts of 2442, there is no other who meets the conditions.

Ah Jiu hated Su Yi and Chen You to the extreme, but he had to give up this only, ready-made goal.

Ah Jiu thought for a long time, and finally decided that since there were no qualified ghosts, he would create such a pair!

He has set his sights on the target!

(End of this chapter)

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