Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1029 On the Tao

Chapter 1029 On the Tao
The next morning, Su Yi was still sleeping soundly in bed, but was suddenly awakened by the movement on the balcony.

He heard a man jumping from the ledge into the balcony. The man was not tall and sounded like a child.

Su Yi guessed who was coming, and gradually relaxed his body.

After he got dressed and left the bedroom, he saw a little boy with white hair sitting in his living room playing, with his own sunglasses on his eyes.

Seeing Su Yi coming out, he seemed a little scared. While keeping a distance from Su Yi and moving towards the door, he took off his sunglasses and put them on the shoe cabinet by the door.

Seeing that he was about to open the door and go out.Su Yi suddenly asked: "Have you had breakfast?"

The white-haired boy was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

Su Yi went to the sofa and picked up his wallet, took out some small change and handed it to him.

"Baked pork buns, two cups of red milk tea, you can choose what you want."

The white-haired boy looked into Su Yi's eyes through the gap between his bangs.

Su Yi kept handing over the money and said, "Go quickly, I have something to do later."

The white-haired boy took a step forward, suddenly snatched the money from Su Yi, opened the door and ran out.

The sound of his fast footsteps gradually faded away, Su Yi shook his head, turned around and went back to the bathroom to wash up.

When Su Yi packed up and returned to the living room, he found that the white-haired boy was already waiting for him in the living room.

There is a large bag of char siew buns and four cups of red milk tea on the dining table.

Su Yi stepped forward to take out two cups of red milk tea, took four more pork buns, and handed the rest to the white-haired boy.


The white-haired boy stepped forward to take it, turned around and walked out.

When he reached the door, Su Yi stopped him.


Su Yi pointed to the sunglasses on the shoe cabinet: "Do you like this?"

The white-haired boy was silent.

"Give it to you." Su Yi smiled at him, "Take it as a meeting gift."

The white-haired boy was silent for a longer time, and suddenly said: "My name is Xiaobai."

"My name is Ahao." Su Yi said.

Xiaobai nodded, grabbed the sunglasses, turned and ran out.

Su Yi withdrew his gaze, and went out with the breakfast on the table.

Today is the first day he prepares to learn spells with Chen You, and he is full of anticipation in his heart.

When they arrived at Chen You's house, Chen You had already gotten up and arranged the living room into a simple altar.

The tables, chairs and other miscellaneous things in the middle of the living room were moved aside, leaving a large open space.

On the ground, it seems to be a mixture of cinnabar and some kind of pigment, and the pattern of the eight trigrams is drawn.

The cabinet by the balcony was sorted out, incense burners and candles were placed, and three portraits were hung.

The tallest one is the portrait of Yuanshi Tianzun, the left one is Taishang Daojun, and the right portrait is slightly lower, but it is a Jurchen, which is the portrait of Zixu Yuanjun.

Su Yi still has some understanding of Taoism. He knows that Zixu Yuanjun Wei Huacun, also known as Mrs. Nanyue Wei, or Grandma Erxian, is revered as the first generation of celestial masters of the Maoshan Shangqing sect.

"Coming?" Chen You looked up at Su Yi.

He was wearing a Taoist robe, and he was sitting on the edge of the balcony with his legs crossed, sharpening a mahogany sword.

Itchy Scratch's head had been chopped off by him, and his flip-flop-clad feet were covered in sawdust and looked filthy.

"Brother You," Su Yi entered, first subconsciously glanced at the balcony.

The glass on the balcony is still there, but the shattered glass was swept to the corner yesterday.

Only Su Yi was reflected in that mirror.

Su Yi looked at the pattern on the ground and carefully walked around it.

"Brother You, I brought breakfast." Su Yi put the food on the table in front of Chen You, pointed to the gossip pattern on the ground: "Is this a magic circle?"

It looks a bit crude, like a fake version.

"It will be used to save those two water ghosts later." Chen You said without raising his head, "When you worship the Patriarch, come and save these two water ghosts with me. You should experience it carefully, such a chance to save the ghosts is not good. Many. If it wasn't for your strong yang energy and ability, you would have to wait at least three years for you to do such a thing."

Su Yi was a little moved, and asked: "Brother You, how do you transcend? Do you need it? What preparations should I make?"

"No need." Chen You said, "As long as you know how to read, it's fine. You just need to recite scriptures with me later."

"Chanting?" Su Yi frowned, "Just chanting?"

"Why, look down on chanting?" Chen You squinted at him.

"That's not true." Su Yi shook his head, "I just didn't expect it to be so simple."

"The ancestors worked hard, and summarized the methods of subduing demons and eliminating demons into scriptures. The unscrupulous younger generations only need to follow the scriptures, and they will be able to overcome sneakiness." Chen Youdao, "For us, it seems to be very simple. But for those who have no basis, no For the ancestors who can follow the law, it is not easy at all."

Su Yi nodded in agreement: "We all stand on the shoulders of giants."

"That's right, the ancestors wanted to feed things directly into our mouths, that's why it looks simple." Chen Youdao, "Ah Hao, no matter what school or sect, Confucianism, Taoism or Buddhism, chanting is the first step in practice. Famen!"

"For our Taoist disciples, chanting, holding, copying, and serving scriptures are for the purpose of forming three ties. Which three ties? At the top, the karma of immortality is to have a share in cultivation; Form a relationship with ghosts, and benefit the ghosts. The three conditions are well prepared, increasing good relationships, increasing blessings, eliminating disasters and prolonging life, and the merits are immeasurable."

"Let's not think about fairy fate, but it's still possible to make fate with people and ghosts." Chen You breathed on the Taomu sword, looked at it in front of his eyes, and noticed some asymmetry, so he continued to cut.

"In short, it's okay for a cultivator not to be able to make alchemy, not to be able to draw talismans, or even to be ignorant of worshiping gods and catching ghosts, but he must recite scriptures!"

"Do you know why when you see a black shadow ghost or a fierce ghost, you are immediately pulled into the illusion, but I am rarely affected. Even if I am affected, I can break through immediately?"

"Could it be because of chanting?" Su Yi asked.

"That's right!" Chen You smiled and waved the mahogany sword in his hand, and put down the knife, "I often recite the Taoist scriptures, the natural stars shine, avoid all evils, and the illusory art of ghosts and ghosts can't shake my natural spirit at all. .Reciting the scriptures often can cleanse the dust and turbidity of the world, and clear up the wisdom. In short, there are many benefits.”

"How many hours does Brother You recite scriptures every day?" Su Yi asked curiously.

Chen You's expression froze, and his smile faded a little.

"Counting it down every year, there is still four or five times." Chen You said lightly, "Don't imitate me, I'm just lazy."

Su Yi nodded, and pushed the barbecued pork bun in front of Chen You: "Eat first, let's chat while eating."

"Okay!" Chen You was not polite, rubbed his hands, picked up a pork bun and started to eat.

As the two ate, they brought the topic back to "Exceeding Degrees".

"Originally, the procedure of superseding is very complicated, because generally superseding is for the undead to eliminate their karma and return to the underworld early." Chen Youdao, "We have to fast seven days in advance and open the altar of Yin and Yang three days in advance, both to worship gods and sacrifices. Ghosts, you need to clean the altar, prepare tablets for the undead, tributes, incense candles, etc., all of which must not be missing, let alone sloppy."

"Then, there is chanting for super-salvation. Our chanting for super-salvation is generally "Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Rescue Suffering and Eradicate Sin Sutra", "Yuanshi Tianzun Said Fengdu Elimination of Sin Sutra" and "Taiyi Rescue Suffering Sutra" Tianzun said that if there are no female undead in the three volumes of "The Wonderful Sutra of Blood Lake in Fengdu", you don't need to read the latter one."

"The shortest time for chanting sutras is three days, and the longest is no more than seven or seven days, which mainly depends on the karma of the undead."

"You can't recite the sutras all the time, because when you recite the sutras, it is like a fire cooking oil for the undead. The karma burns and the suffering is unspeakable. It depends on the condition of the undead, and the recitation stops. When you stop, you have to give food. Chemical treasures, relieve the pain of the undead, restore its spiritual body..."

"Besides that, we need to send all kinds of lonely ghosts to prevent them from scrambling and even destroying the ceremony."

"However, for this time of our transcendence, all the ghosts and ghosts from all walks of life will have no time to hide, so they will definitely not come forward."

"And we're not that complicated. After the altar is opened, you and I can just chant scriptures and eliminate karma, and don't care whether the two water ghosts can hold on."

"If they can survive the karmic backlash, that's of course the best. We accumulate Yin virtues, and they will be happy when they eliminate their karma and go to the underworld. If they can't sustain it...hehe, we subdue demons and eliminate demons, they deserve what they deserve."

Su Yi nodded again and again, and asked, "Brother You, is there anything you should pay attention to when chanting scriptures?"

"It's very simple, what I will do later, and what you will do." Chen Youdao, "You just need to follow me to read, I will read a sentence, you will read a sentence, don't get distracted, and don't add or subtract words. If you can't keep up If you didn’t hear it or can’t remember it, then skip this sentence.”

"I asked you to chant scriptures with me. First, you also have a share in this merit; second, the spiritual power and karma in this magic circle are the most turbulent. If you feel more in advance, it will be of great help to you in making talismans and setting up formations in the future." benefit."

Su Yi understood, this is the rookie brought by the master, he only needs to make soy sauce, there is nothing to pay attention to, let alone tasks.

"Before apprenticeship, I have to ask you, Ahao, do you know the history of our Maoshan School?" Chen You asked.

Su Yi nodded: "I know a thing or two, but I'm afraid that there are some fallacies. Brother You will take care of what I said is wrong."

"As far as I know, the Maoshan school was first established in the period of Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty. The three brothers Mao Ying, Mao Gu, and Mao Zhong in Xianyang, Shaanxi collected medicine and made alchemy in Maoshan, helped the world and saved the people, and gained Taoism in Maoshan. Mrs. Wei attained Taoism and became a fairy, and ascended to the sky in Huangting Temple. Later, she came to Tao Hongjing, the prime minister in the mountains during the Northern and Southern Dynasties..."

When Su Yi said this, Chen You shook his head and interrupted him.

"Ahao, what you said should be what you have seen from the history books and legends. These are just appearances, not facts."

"Since you know something about Xuanmen, you should know that Xuanmen is divided into two schools, Danding and Fulu, right?"

Su Yi nodded: "I know this, our Maoshan School is the Fulu School."

"In fact, what is the difference? Maoshan also has alchemy techniques, and Quanzhen also has talisman techniques." Chen You sighed, "Especially in today's Dharma-ending era, when the Dao is cut off, and even ghosts and gods are no longer visible. .”

"But you are right. The Maoshan School is indeed a talisman school. The purpose of my Maoshan School at the beginning of its establishment was to save the world and save the people, exorcising evil spirits and strengthening the righteous. However, before the Wei and Jin Dynasties, most Taoist priests in Maoshan lived in seclusion and made alchemy in order to achieve Taoism and longevity. Until During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Mrs. Nanyue saw the demons, witches and ghosts making troubles in the world, the defeated army died, the rebellious army died, the lonely ghosts and demons wandered around the world, doing their best and doing good fortune, blaming people's temples, begging people to eat at the shrine, and disturbing the world!"

"The common people slaughtered three animals and spent tens of thousands of dollars. They spent all their wealth and property. Instead of being blessed by them, they suffered from them. They died in vain. It's uncountable." Chen You shook his head, feeling very emotional, "Madame Nanyue is sympathetic to the world. Therefore, he taught the disciples of Maoshan the technique of talismans. Set 24 Zhi, 36 Jinglu, 400 people inside and outside the Taoist priests, and wrote the "Thousands and Two Hundred Official Chapters" Wantong, punishing talisman temples, killing ghosts and living people, and cleaning the universe. Tomorrow is three to five, the sky is full of circles, and there will be no more lecherous ghosts..."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and said: "Brother You, I didn't expect you to look slovenly, but you speak in a different way, quite ancient rhyme."

"It's also time-sharing." Chen You said.

"When will it be?" Su Yi asked intentionally.

Chen You picked up the open book from his lap, pointed at the words on it and said with a smile, "Just read it."

Su Yi smiled cooperatively. In fact, he had already seen Chen You repeating the scriptures.

"Hey, take this "Maoshan Chronicle" and read it when you have nothing to do. The history of Maoshan's inheritance from ancient times to the present is all recorded in it." Chen You handed the thread-bound ancient book in his hand to Su Yi, "Actually, Maoshan is a school. It has been passed down to now, especially my branch, which has little relationship with Maoshan."

"Our branch has only obtained Maoshan's method of catching ghosts and exorcising corpses, which is considered a trivial way." Chen Youdao, "Our ancestors in this branch are just outer disciples of Maoshan, and have not obtained the true inheritance of Maoshan's core. So we only have technique, there is no law."

"If it was more than a hundred years earlier, what we call heretics would be looked down upon by the real masters of Taoism."

"But now, the most useful thing in Maoshan is the technique of the talisman circle. As for the rest of the golden elixir, the way, and longevity, just listen to it, it's useless."

Hearing this, Su Yi couldn't help asking: "Brother You think these are all fake?"

"I don't know if it was true before," Chen You said with a smile, "but it must be fake now! It is impossible for a mortal to cultivate into a fairy! It is impossible to even attain the Tao, let alone become a fairy."

"In the past few hundred years, how many masters of the Taoist sect have sat with their eyes closed and silently illuminated their hearts for a lifetime. In the end, because of lack of nutrition, or because of sedentary illnesses, they did not live as long as ordinary people."

"Even if he died, he became a ghoul, and he couldn't get rid of it. It was very miserable."

"Ah Hao, you said that if no one can attain Taoism or become immortal in this Golden Core Dao, even if it is true, what is the difference between it and a fake one?"

"It's better for us to draw amulets to catch ghosts, at least to accumulate Yin virtues, eliminate karma, and reincarnate without having to queue."

(End of this chapter)

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