Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1031 Fried Rice

Chapter 1031 Fried Rice
People often use the four words "ghost talk" to describe a person who likes to deceive others. It can be seen that ghosts are very cunning creatures.

So don't look at the water ghost now that he has changed his past, repented, and kowtowed to Chen You repeatedly to admit his mistake, but in fact it just doesn't want to disappear.

In fact, people are more complicated than ghosts.Su Yi can understand even the heart, let alone a ghost?
So the words "let the ghost go" was not because he was moved with compassion, but because he wanted to know whether to let the ghost go at this time, the ghost's better choice is to go to the underworld, or stay in the world to cause disaster.

Chen You's answer contained Su Yi's answer - a dog can't change it and eat shit.

Jishou burns incense and pays last respects.

Chen You chanted to the magic circle again.

Xu knew that Chen You was hard-hearted and would not let him go. The red-clothed water ghost once again showed a ferocious appearance, and crazily charged the magic circle.

Chen You didn't care and just sped up his speech.

After a while, the red-clothed water ghost was ignited with flames all over, filled with black smoke, rolled all over the ground, and screamed incessantly.

Its body shrunk and blurred visibly with the naked eye.

Chen You's chanting sound has been heard for a long time, even Su Yi who is standing outside the situation now feels uncomfortable, nauseous, dizzy, palpitations, and terrified, which shows its miraculous effect.

Facts were as Chen You expected, the water ghost never held on to the stick of incense. At a certain moment, when Chen You recited, "Either melt the copper into the mouth, or sharply saw the shape, hold the copper pillar to scorch the skin, and lie down." The iron bed was rotten, the body was cut with knives, the fire was burning, the iron rod and copper hammer were tortured vertically and horizontally. Such pain, there is no rest..." At that time, the red-clothed water ghost finally screamed and wailed endlessly It turned into a wisp of green smoke, completely dissipating.

Chen You paused for a moment, with a solemn expression, and once again offered incense to the head, and said in his mouth: "Heavenly Venerable is so merciful, and saves all ghosts. The ten directions proclaim subtlety, and the talisman pardons the spring. Save the three sufferings, and leave the Blood Lake Court. Depressed souls and souls, men and women always rise to the top..."

After reading it, he knelt down in front of the statue of the patriarch, with his palms facing the sky, and respectfully kowtowed three times.

Behind him, the red light of the magic circle dissipated, only a faint mark remained on the ground, and the rest disappeared without a trace.

Chen You stood up, put the incense in the incense burner, and finally bowed again, then straightened up, turned around, looked up, down, left, and right, and snorted: "This ghost in red has a lot of karma, it can be said that he is in a cocoon. .If it hadn't swallowed the big-headed ghost, it would have been driven out of its wits after burning the incense stick!"

"Being transformed by me is considered cheap for it. If it gets to the underworld, it will not have to suffer the punishment it deserves, and it won't be able to fly away!"

Speaking of this, Chen You paused for a moment, looked at Su Yi and said with a smile: "Ahao, in fact, this is how you study the Fa, killing ghosts and destroying life, suppressing demons and subduing demons. I dare not say that I am doing justice for the sky, but I can only say that it is crossing people. Self. It sounds very good, but that’s exactly what it is. No one will know about your good deeds, and you have to try your best to hide it, otherwise it’s easy to be regarded as crazy.”

"The most terrible thing is that although you kill ghosts to accumulate virtue, it is also a homework. Between merit and crime, it is hard to say. When you arrive in the underworld, maybe your karma is more than the ghosts you killed! It is better to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life. , When you arrive in the underworld, you will suffer a little bit of pain, and line up to reincarnate."

"Actually, in today's society, gods and ghosts are not visible, and humanity is prosperous. Is there any point in doing what we do?" Chen You sighed. Why do you need us to meddle in our own business if you came to the door and collected it?"

"Even if the underworld doesn't care, if the government sees that there are too many accidents in this river, if the government makes a lot of construction work, or simply intercepts and diverts the river, the water ghost will naturally be destroyed by itself. Why do we need us?"

"We worked so hard, can we get a penny? If the officials find out, they will suspect us and think that those who drowned in the river have something to do with us. How will you explain to them then?" Chen said When the netizen said this, helplessness and sadness appeared in his eyes, "We used to live in the countryside, and when people died, they were buried in coffins in the ground."

"At that time, the world was in chaos, and there were fewer people and more ghosts. That's why we went around hunting ghosts and killing zombies. But now? People are burned to ashes when they die, and all the grievances are almost burned by this fire. Now With such advanced medical care, everyone eats well and wears good clothes, everyone has so much yang energy, and they all believe in science and not in ghosts and gods. Ghosts are rarely useful in this world, and it is difficult to do evil. Those of us who catch ghosts, and What use can it be?"

"Go and ask the museum if they accept my pile of junk?" He pointed to the compass and gossip mirror, "Ask the garbage collector, how much can these things sell for? Ah Hao, do you still think , are we powerful in catching ghosts?"

Chen You smiled bitterly at Su Yi: "It's like you, who learned martial arts well, became a star, made a movie, and should have had a good time, but in the end? Your martial arts are still useful. It should be swept into the trash."

Su Yi looked at Chen You, and asked slowly after a long time: "Brother You, are you discouraged?"

"Frustrated? Decades ago, my heart died!" Chen You smiled bluntly, "Now I just express my feelings and complain a few words."

"It's hard to get over it after decades, it's not just a few complaints." Su Yi said.

"So what? There are too many unhappy people in this world, and there is no shortage of me." Chen You seemed to laugh at himself, seemingly disdainful, "In this life, four words-eat, drink, and scatter! The rest are everything. It's fake, just like the ghost's illusion, it will be broken one day. What's the use?"

"But you still want to learn martial arts, and I still want to learn spells." Su Yi said.

"So we are all stupid!" Chen You couldn't help laughing, "If you are smart, you can learn stocks and computers! If I am smart, I can speculate in uncompleted properties, even if I sell fish meal, I won't become today This way! This life has been like this, and I can’t change it, so I just continue to be stupid, hahaha..."

Su Yi also couldn't help laughing: "This is very good."

"It's only a fool who thinks it's good." Chen You replied, laughing uncontrollably again, tears streaming down his stomach.

"Let's go, let's go to eat, the sky is big, the belly is the biggest! Let's go, I'll treat you to glutinous rice!"

Su Yi said: "Is it glutinous rice again?"

"Hey, do you think that you will be clean after saving the ghosts? Their resentment and hatred are all on you. If you don't get rid of them, you can see your pair of Apiao when you go back! You and them grew up overnight Is it interesting to stare with small eyes?"

Su Yi hurriedly shook his head: "Forget it, let's eat glutinous rice. But brother friend, can you not spray wine into the rice this time?"

Chen You waved his hands disdainfully as he went out and said, "Also, do you think I think so? I use a little less of my real breath, it's precious. When the breath is gone, I'll just belch farts."

"True Qi?" Su Yi took two quick steps to stand side by side with Chen You, "We who learn martial arts, some people call our inner strength True Qi."

"It's different." Chen You shook his head and said, "Your internal power is the power of Qi and blood, right?"


"But zhenqi is a congenital qi." Chen You wrote in the void with his hands, "it's the character qi, but it should be called real qi. This thing is innate, not something you can practice. There is no way to practice it."

"The purpose of a Taoist practicing inner alchemy is to use himself as a furnace to refine this innate qi into a golden elixir, to achieve the golden elixir road, and to transcend life and death."

"However, the golden elixir is already a legend. Throughout the ages, most Taoist priests sat and chanted sutras all their lives, just to find their own innate qi. Only when they find the innate qi can they be regarded as Taoists. If they can't find it, they are mortals after all."

"Just like me, I know that this thing is on me. I also use it to communicate the aura of heaven and earth when chanting formulas, worship ancestors, and cast spells with the help of methods. But what does it look like and where is it? I don’t know at all.”

The two were talking and had already walked into the elevator.

After pressing the elevator, Su Yi asked again: "Brother You, can ghosts talk to people?"

"If it's in the bardo, of course it will, but ordinary people can't hear it." Chen You said, "Dreams, illusions, ghosts can talk to people, but ordinary ghosts don't talk to us, especially us."

"Because it's not necessary?" Su Yi asked.

"It's not necessary, but it's also because many ghosts have forgotten how to speak." Chen You said, "Ghosts who are stranded in the world, or ghosts who cannot be reincarnated for decades or hundreds of years, have to go through the cycle of death every seven days. After a long time, they become confused, and some ghosts don't even know what they are, let alone talk to people?"

After thinking about it, Chen You looked at Su Yi seriously: "But if you meet a ghost who can talk to you directly and die unjustly in the future, remember, don't offend! If you are already offended, you can run away." Run, if you can't run away, just beg for mercy, do whatever he wants you to do!"

Su Yi's heart moved: "Why?"

"A ghost who can recover his original spirit is already considered a ghost cultivator." Chen You said, "Even if it is still a fierce ghost, but this kind of ghost will sooner or later cultivate into a green ghost. Tickle."

"Cheqing ghost...has it ever appeared in this world?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course." Chen You said, "But it's rare."

Ding dong.

The elevator door opened, and Uncle Dong and Aunt Mei were standing at the door on the first floor, waiting for the elevator with vegetables in their hands.

"Hey, Uncle Dong, Aunt Mei, you look very good recently." Chen You greeted with a smile.

Su Yi also smiled and called out, as a greeting.

"A friend, why didn't you cook rice at noon?" Uncle Dong frowned and said, "Ah Guang's fried rice is unpalatable!"

"I have a personal matter to deal with today, so I asked for leave!" Chen You said with a smile.

"Then you should write it clearly at the door," Uncle Dong snorted coldly, "We won't know you're not there until we go in and sit down. Isn't this a conspiracy?"

"Oh, Uncle Dong, how much is a bowl of glutinous rice? As for playing a conspiracy so exaggerated?" Chen You said helplessly.

Uncle Dong still wanted to talk, but Aunt Mei was the first to apologize, "Your Uncle Dong was joking with you, Ayou, did you and Ahao know each other before? Why have you two been inseparable since he came here?"

"Could it be that they have been separated for many years..." Uncle Dong said half of it angrily.

Aunt Mei pinched him hard, and said with a smile: "Are you going to eat? You are busy, you are busy."

As he spoke, he pulled Uncle Dong into the elevator.

"What are you pulling me for? Am I very shameful?" Uncle Dong said very annoyed.

"No, master, I just want to go home early with you." Aunt Mei comforted him in a soft voice.

"Hey, wait for me, wait for me!" Uncle Yan yelled and ran over from a distance, "Wait for me to go up together, Adong!"

"Hurry up, you're so young and frizzy!" Uncle Dong said angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my wife made soup and I must go back to drink it." Uncle Yan said with a smile, and then greeted Chen You and Su Yi, "Huh? Ayou and Ahao are here too."

"You go upstairs, Uncle Yan, don't bother me!" Chen You waved his hands while stepping back.

Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, Uncle Dong suddenly said to Su Yi: "Hey, what kind of clothes are there, I'll mend them for Aunt Mei!"


The elevator doors are closed.

Chen You shook his head and said, "Uncle Dong's stinky mouth... I wouldn't be surprised if he dies and suffers in Tongue Pulling Hell."

After a pause, he looked at Su Yi strangely: "What did you do, he actually took the initiative to treat you well?"

"Is it strange?" Su Yi asked.

"It's strange, why isn't it strange?" Chen You said, "Uncle Dong is famous for his Daozizui tofu heart, and you know what Daozizui means? That means he will never say anything nice! He must have done something to you when he said that to you." , made him feel happy."

Su Yi thought for a while, and thoughtfully said: "Yesterday I asked Coolie Wei to bring A Juan to find me, and I will help A Juan to treat her illness..."

"That's it." Chen You said, "Uncle Dong loves Ajuan very much, and often asks Aunt Mei to deliver food to Coolie Wei. Of course he will be happy if you help Ajuan."

The two were talking, and they had already arrived at the tea restaurant.

Ah Guang was cooking on the stove, while Chen You greeted the regular customers and walked inside.

This is not the first time Su Yi has shown up, and the neighbors all know him and greet him politely.

"Go to your seat first, I'll be there in a while." Chen You said to Su Yi.

"Okay, leave the rest to me!" He impatiently waved his hand at Ah Guang, "You are clumsy, you can't do anything well, and you will be complained by the neighbors...go make milk tea for Ah Hao! Silly What are you doing standing there?"

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away." Ah Guang laughed, beckoning to Su Yi, and ran away.

It was already an hour after Chen You finished his work and finally fried two bowls of glutinous rice and served them.

"Sorry for the long wait." Chen You put the rice in front of Su Yi, "Eat it while it's hot."

Su Yi looked at the glutinous rice with a sad face and said, "Brother You, did you do it on purpose? I just saw you spray it twice."

"Good things come in pairs!" Chen You smiled and picked up the chopsticks, "Hey, I'm saving you! What's so disgusting?"

"You haven't brushed your teeth since you got up in the morning," Su Yi looked at him helplessly, "After eating the pork buns, you still haven't brushed your teeth, how can you let me eat it?"

Chen You smiled, picked up the bowl and put a mouthful of rice into his mouth, and took a moment to say: "Hey, don't blame me for not telling you, when you go back, when those two Apiao at home invite you to play cards, don't regret it..."

"I'll eat! Is it okay to eat?" Su Yi gritted his teeth helplessly, picked up the rice and put it into his mouth, gobbling it.

(End of this chapter)

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