Chapter 1032
After eating a bowl of glutinous rice with a familiar recipe, Su Yi and Chen You returned to the room, and Su Yi officially started his journey of seeking Tao.

Su Yi is a martial arts practitioner, and has also dabbled in traditional Chinese medicine, so he has dabbled in basic things such as yin and yang, five elements, and gossip.

Some of the most basic theoretical concepts of Taoism are nothing more than these. As a beginner, Su Yi doesn't need to understand too advanced things.

Cultivating Taoism is actually a general concept. Taoism is divided into five arts, namely mountain, medicine, divination, fate, and physiognomy.Talismans are also in addition to the five arts. They are the medium and channel for practitioners to communicate with ghosts and gods, and they belong to miscellaneous items.

Therefore, the Tao that Su Yi practiced was just a small branch of Taoism, and he didn't need to study the Tao Te Ching.He didn't even need to figure out what these scriptures meant for the profound truths in the Huang Ting Jing, he was far from asking for the truth.

Chen You gave Su Yi three books, the first of which was "Huang Ting Jing". Chen You told Su Yi that he should read it at least once every morning and evening.

"The so-called meaning of reading a book a hundred times is Confucianism. For us Taoist practitioners, the truth is self-evident if you recite the scriptures ten thousand times." Chen Youdao, "In fact, you only need to recite the scriptures [-] times. When you want to see ghosts, you can silently recite the cleansing mantra, and you will be able to see the ghostly things without resorting to any spells."

"If you want to catch ghosts, you have to be able to see ghosts, so remember to do your homework every morning and evening." Chen You said with a smile, "Remember, chanting is not memorizing texts. You must be calm and sincere. If you are not serious If you are not pious, even if you recite the scriptures for a lifetime, it will be futile."

"Also, don't chant sutras with a utilitarian mind, such as anxious to see ghosts, eager to understand... Chanting sutras must be extremely quiet, clear and clear, only in this way is effective chanting. Otherwise, don't say it is four One thousand nine hundred times, even forty-nine thousand times are useless!"

Su Yi solemnly took the Huang Ting Jing and said seriously: "I wrote it down."

Chen You nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Anyway, chanting is your daily homework from now on. I also chanted for more than ten years before I began to see ghosts and gods clearly. Slightly."

"As for you, it's up to you whether you want to waste time." Chen You said with a smile, "If it's just for hell, why not prepare more Qingming willow wine, or more reconnaissance symbols that can distinguish between yin and yang ghosts, in short, hell There are many ways to do it, don’t be silly and read the scriptures sooner or later.”

Chen You said that he was very indifferent to the matter of chanting scriptures, but he still spent so much talking, which shows that he is not as disdainful about this matter as he said.

Su Yi can actually understand him.

Chen You's current mentality is a bit like Su Yi's learning martial arts at a certain stage. He has great doubts about himself. What's the use of learning martial arts?

No matter how high your martial arts are, you will be knocked down with one shot.

Is it worth it in the end to practice [-] days in winter and [-] volts in summer, to waste time and work hard?

It's better to practice marksmanship, bow and arrow, learn chemistry, and prepare poison and explosives.

Chen You has been chanting scriptures for decades, and the only benefit he has gained so far is that he can see ghosts. How can he not be suspicious and resentful?

If it was just for hell, why did he have to do his homework for decades?
Therefore, Chen You no longer recites scriptures, because he does not believe that he can understand the truth, let alone that he can gain the Tao through chanting.

Now he only believes in his talisman, only in his mahogany sword.

The difference between Su Yi and him is that even if it is self-doubt, Su Yi did not give up martial arts.

Su Yi is more desperate than Chen You.Because Su Yi's world has Taoism, supernatural powers, and extraordinary technology, which one of these is not better than martial arts?

But Su Yi didn't think about it at all, he just wanted to practice martial arts to the extreme.

Chen You then gave Su Yi the second book - "True Spirit Karma Map".

"Do you know why the technique of talisman has supernatural power?" Chen You asked, "It's actually just two words—borrowing the law."

"Borrow whose method?" Su Yi asked.

"It's them." Chen You smiled and patted the "True Spiritual Karma Map" in his hand, "The talisman is actually to communicate with the gods and gods with pen and ink, so that I can use the nine gods and spirits for my use, and serve the gods to drive away ghosts to achieve blessings. Disasters, illnesses and rescues, and the purpose of subduing demons and demons."

"So drawing a talisman is to borrow the law from the gods. If you ask them to borrow the law, if you don't even know their surname, their position and position, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?" Chen You said with a smile, "so You must memorize the genealogy of the gods in this book, and you must never be wrong about which god is which."

"Each talisman must write the main god. If you make a mistake, your talisman is worthless. This "True Spiritual Karma Bitmap" can be said to be a compulsory course for drawing talismans."

Su Yi took it, and asked a little late: "Brother You, it's not that I disrespect the gods, but is there such a possibility..."

"It's the supernatural power in the talisman. In fact, it's because the talisman is a formation that condenses the aura of heaven and earth. Each talisman has a different drawing method, so the effect is different. It has nothing to do with the gods?"

This is actually a bit disrespectful, so Su Yi hesitated before asking.

That is to say, Chen You, if it was another kind of decent Taoist priest, he would not ask Su Yi if he killed him. This is questioning his beliefs.

Chen You was silent for a while, and said quietly: "You think I haven't tried to remove the main god when drawing the talisman? But once it is removed, the talisman will not work."

He glanced at Su Yi and said, "Actually, I'm as skeptical as you are. I even think that even this doesn't mean that the power of this talisman is related to the gods. It's very likely that the strokes about the gods are part of the talisman array."

"I also thought, is it possible that these talismans are only named because they were invented by these gods? The power of the talismans themselves is obtained by absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth?"

"Hehe, but what's the use of doubting these?"

Chen You spread his hands: "Whether it is true or not, worshiping the gods is what the ancestors who created the talismans hoped for us to do. Even if it is for gratitude, we should not doubt anything."

Su Yi pondered slightly, nodded and said: "It makes sense."

Chen You took out the last book and handed it to Su Yi: "This is "Mozhuan Danshu". Wait, different talismans have different ways of drawing, if you want to make a fuss, you have to know how to write first, otherwise everything is out of the question.”

"The "True Spiritual Industry Bitmap", together with the "Mozhuan Danshu", are the basis of the talismans. Ah Hao, you should go back and study these two books carefully. When will you memorize them? Teach you how to start drawing a talisman formation altar."

In Chen You's view, Su Yi should not be familiar with these two books without a year or a half, especially "Mo Zhuan Dan Shu", the characters and symbols in it are very complicated, not as logical and extensible as Chinese characters. You can take the meaning from the text and read the words to make friends.The runes of various systems must be memorized by rote, and there is no connection and logic between them.

When Chen You was young, it took half a year to memorize a preliminary outline. It would take at least two or three years to fully grasp it.

Chen You is fast, but if you are stupid, this time will be several times.

Su Yi took the book and solemnly bowed deeply to Chen You: "Brother You's kindness in passing on the art, I will never forget it!"

Chen You was startled, waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay, I know, I haven't taught you anything yet..."

Su Yi smiled: "Everything is difficult at the beginning, but if you can get started, it's already half done."

He changed the subject, and said immediately, "Brother You, I'm also here to teach you the secrets of lightness kung fu, do you have a pen and paper?"

"Yes! Yes!" Chen You was very excited, and hurried back to the bedroom, took out a notebook and a ballpoint pen.

The ballpoint pen was dirty, and the ink came out after a few swipes.The book is also very dilapidated, and after opening it, I found that the first few pages were actually recorded.

Su Yi didn't bother, picked up the ballpoint pen and started writing.

He did not teach Chen You the great method of absorbing stars or the Sutra of Yijing.

The former Chen You is useless if he learns it. Whose work do you want him to learn?Could it be that he sucked Suyi?
The latter is Buddhist martial arts, and it is relatively advanced, so it is not suitable for Chen You.

Fortunately, Su Yi had studied Wudang's Taijiquan classics. The Wudang school's housekeeping internal skill "Chunyang Gong" required a child's body and was not suitable for Chen You, but another internal skill "Taihe Gong" was just right.The Taoist theory in it is also easy to understand.

"Taihe Gong" has only more than a thousand words in terms of movement routes and mental formulas, and Su Yi wrote down Ti Yunzong's method.

"Brother You, if you want to learn lightness kung fu, you must have internal kung fu, and if you want to practice internal kung fu, you must cultivate the first ray of internal power."

Su Yi asked Chen You to sit down cross-legged, and put his palms on Chen You's back, "Generally, beginners practice internal strength by using the simplest internal strength. The Taihe Gong I taught you is the orthodox internal strength of Taoism. It is mysterious and profound. , it’s actually not suitable for getting started. But it doesn’t matter, I’ll guide you out of the first ray of internal energy, which is equivalent to helping you pass the most difficult level. If you rely on your own exploration... no matter two or three years Hard work, basically don't need to think..."

This is what Su Yi said less. In fact, with Chen You's current age and physical strength, it is very likely that he will not be able to cultivate internal strength at all, because his qi and blood have been weakened.

Chen You also has an understanding of the veins and acupoints of the human body, which saves Su Yi from helping him with illiteracy.

Su Yi injected a ray of internal energy into Chen You's body, and followed the "Taihe Gong" movement circuit to run around the sky, allowing Chen You to experience it with all his heart.

After more than an hour, Su Yi saw that Chen You was a little listless and sweating profusely, so he stopped.

"How do you feel now?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Hungry!" Chen You gasped heavily, his eyes turned green, "I've never been so hungry and tired! I'm just sitting here..."

"Although you are sitting, you are mobilizing all your energy and blood. You are hungry and tired, so that's right." Su Yi said, "Brother You, your energy and blood have been exhausted, so if you want to cultivate your internal energy independently, I guess it will take at least two hours." Ten days, and this is on the premise that I assist you to run your internal energy every day, and you make up for the deficiency in your body."

"I'll give you a food tonic prescription. You can take it according to this when you eat in the future, and you can't miss the medicine you should have." Su Yi picked up the pen again, "As long as you follow the rules, Brother You, I will guarantee you to repair it within a month." If you use your internal strength, you will be able to fly over the wall in two months!"

Chen You was very excited when he heard this: "Okay! I will fight this old bone!"

"Also, I left a ray of internal energy in your dantian, let it warm and nourish your dantian." Su Yi said again, "Brother You, you are old and frail after all, and your dantian is not as vigorous as a young man's. My Internal force has the effect of regenerating and repairing the deficiency, and can help you warm up and repair the Dantian meridians."

Chen You covered the position of his dantian, and said pleasantly: "I said how warm it is here, very comfortable."

"Don't try to guide this internal force by yourself!" Seeing that Chen You was eager to try, Su Yi hurriedly warned, "This is my internal force, and you have no way to control it now. Once it is exported to the dantian, where will it go? , it’s out of your control. If one is bad, your meridians will be reversed, and you won’t even know how to die, it’s very dangerous!”

Chen You was startled, and hurriedly said: "I won't move, I won't move...but it won't come out by itself, right?"

"It doesn't have long legs." Su Yi rolled his eyes, "In short, just leave it alone. From now on, I will help you practice for an hour every day, and you will eat your own supplements, and your body will recover soon. .”

Chen Youru took the book of secret books written by Su Yi as a treasure, and said overjoyedly: "Ahao, you are so kind to me, but I left two books for you, do you feel that you are at a disadvantage?"

"Brother You, why don't you teach me more carefully?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll take you as my closed disciple!" Chen You patted his chest and promised, "You memorize "True Spiritual Industry Bitmap" and "Mozhuan Danshu" carefully, and don't be lazy, as long as you memorize them similarly, I will I will teach you how to draw talismans right away. We two brothers will study together and work hard together, so that I can become an old hero as soon as possible, and you can become a master of Dao as soon as possible!"

What the hell is an old hero?

Su Yi couldn't help but laugh.

"Then let me borrow a good word from brother friend."

"I have to buy a lot of things in this prescription, and the price is not cheap..." Chen You focused on the prescription left by Su Yi again, showing heartache, "If you buy all of these, It takes so long to eat for a month, and thousands of yuan can't afford it..."

"Brother You, I've tried my best to save you." Su Yi said.

"Well, in order to become a hero, I will do my best!" Chen You gritted his teeth, "The big deal is that my coffin will be changed from nanmu to poplar!"

Su Yi gave him a thumbs up: "You are willing to pay such a big price, brother friend, I am optimistic about you!"

"Hehe, wait until the day I fly over the wall!" Chen You said happily, "By the way, do you want to go shopping with me later?"

"I'll forget it." Su Yi raised the three books in his hand, "I'll go home and study hard, and try to learn how to draw symbols from you as soon as possible. And Coolie Wei and his daughter will come to me in the afternoon."

"Okay, then let's divide into two groups!" Chen You said.

Su Yi said his farewell with a smile, and went home with three books.

When he was approaching the door, he saw a person knocking on his door from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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