Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1033 Huang Tingjing

Chapter 1033 Huang Tingjing

"Aunt Mei?" Su Yi came over and called softly.

Aunt Mei was looking in through the cat's eye, when she suddenly heard the movement and jumped up in fright.

Seeing that it was Su Yi, Aunt Mei let out a sigh of relief while rubbing her chest: "It's Ah Hao, people are scary, why are you walking without making a sound?"

"It's Aunt Mei, you take it too seriously." Su Yi smiled.

Aunt Mei was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "I... I have been knocking on the door, but no one opened it. I was afraid that something might happen to you, so I wanted to take a look."

Su Yi nodded and said, "Go in and sit down, Aunt Mei."

"No, no, no, I'll leave after a few words." Aunt Mei hurriedly waved her hand, and looked at the door of Su Yi's room with fear.

"That's right, you know that Uncle Dong and I are both retired, so we have nothing to do when we stay at home." Aunt Mei said, "So, when I have free time, I help the neighbors sew and mend, and find something for myself. Do things, so as not to rust my old bones. If you don’t charge money, you just won’t be free, hehe..."

"Ah Hao, we will be neighbors from now on. If you have any old clothes, bedding, sheets, etc. that need to be mended, you might as well bring them to Aunt Mei, and ask Aunt Mei to help you mend them."

Su Yi said gratefully: "Thank you so much, Aunt Mei, but I don't have anything to mend right now, if I do in the future, I will definitely trouble you."

"No..." Aunt Mei was taken aback, and said, "Your clothes... aren't torn?"

"Throw them all away, I only brought two sets of clothes when I came here." Su Yi said.

"Really? That's really a pity." Aunt Mei was a little disappointed, "Your uncle Dong asked me to come. He heard that Ku Liwei said that you helped Ajuan, and he was very happy..."

"Thank you Uncle Dong for me." Su Yi smiled.

"Okay, okay." Aunt Mei smiled and nodded.

Then the two fell silent together.

"Aunt Mei, why don't you go in and sit down? You're already here." Su Yi invited for the second time.

"No, no, no, I'm still making soup at home, so I'll go back to Ah Hao." Aunt Mei hurriedly waved her hand, "You're busy with your work, don't see me off, just wait and see..."

With a smile on his face, Su Yi watched Aunt Mei leave, his smile subsided slightly, he turned and opened the door.

Aunt Mei came to visit suddenly, but Su Yi didn't suspect her purpose.

At this time, she was still a kind and kind old lady, full of peace, and she should have no evil intentions.

As for Uncle Dong, a typical "smelly mouth and soft hearted" person, Aunt Mei's statement also fits his character.

After Su Yi poured himself a glass of water, he almost couldn't wait to open the actor mall, and spent 5 million fan points to buy the "Universal Stream of Consciousness Space Teaching".

5 million fans are expensive, but worth the money.As long as Su Yi is still in this world, he can learn anything in the stream of consciousness space.

Su Yi has personally experienced the amazing efficiency of this thing, even if a scumbag comes here for a while, he will immediately become an expert.

Chen You felt that it would take at least three to five months for Su Yi to memorize the complicated and awkward names of the gods and the obscure symbols and symbols, but what he didn't know was that for Su Yi's kind of obsession, Things that can be done in three to five hours are too much to spend an extra hour.

On the other side, Aunt Mei returned home and said to Uncle Dong: "Master, I feel that Ah Hao is quite difficult to deal with. He looks polite, but he is actually cold."

"Is it polite or cold?" Uncle Dong frowned, "Are you confused? Either you are polite or cold. How can you be polite and cold at the same time?"

"It's polite on the outside, but cold on the inside." Aunt Mei explained.

"Knowing people, knowing face but not heart, how do you know that his heart is cold?" Uncle Dong snorted, "A cold person would help Ajuan without thinking about anything? You, I have never seen anyone right in my life .”

"I found a good husband, don't you and I see it right?" Aunt Mei laughed.

"Except for me." Uncle Dong raised his chin with his hands behind his back.

The effect of the Universal Stream of Consciousness space teaching is very significant. After three hours, Su Yi has mastered all the content in the "True Spiritual Industry Bitmap", and now he has learned half of the "Mozhuan Danshu".

Just when Su Yi was about to strike while the iron was hot and make persistent efforts, Coolie Wei brought A Juan here.

"Mr. Qian, I'm sorry to bother you again..." Coolie Wei stood outside the door, bowing cautiously to Su Yi with a smile.

A Juan was still chained by him, and she was not so scared when she saw Su Yi this time.She hid behind her father and looked at Su Yi curiously.

"Awei." Su Yi greeted coolie Wei with a smile, and then waved to Ajuan.

A Juan immediately retracted her head in fright.

"Come in." Su Yi signaled them to come in, "Is there any change between Ajuan and before?"

"Yes, it has changed a lot!" Ku Liwei said excitedly, "She slept very well last night. After taking the medicine, she slept for more than six hours! And since she went back yesterday, she has not lost her temper. "

"In the past, it took me a lot of effort to persuade Ajuan to go out, but today I said I would bring her to you, and she didn't reject her at all. She was very cooperative and followed me."

"She knows everything in her heart and knows that I can help her." Su Yi said with a smile, "Sit down, I'll pour water."

"Don't bother Mr. Qian, I'll do it, I'll do it!" Coolie Wei hurriedly got up to get the thermos bottle.

Seeing this, Su Yi didn't stop him, and turned to look at A Juan.

Her father left suddenly, and she was left alone with outsiders. Ajuan was a little panicked. She was restless and her face turned pale.

Su Yi didn't take it seriously, and stepped forward, and before A Juan could react, he put his hand on top of her head, and his inner strength gushed out.

A Juan suddenly froze, blinked her eyes, and fell asleep with her head tilted.

When Coolie Wei came over with water from the balcony, what he saw was A Juan entering the water again, while Su Yi held her head with his hands.

He suddenly slowed down, with a sincere smile on his face.

A Juan was mentally stimulated, and her illness was called psychological disorder.

Su Yi's internal force can only be circulated in A Juan's meridians, and it is only because of the characteristics of the Book of Changes that cleanses the marrow, fills in the incomplete, and generates wisdom with a clear mind that it can help A Juan.

But whether A Juan can be cured, Su Yi is actually not sure.

But so far, the effect is gratifying.

After half an hour of treatment, Ajuan became very quiet and well-behaved again, and Coolie Wei took Ajuan away with great gratitude.

Su Yi saw the time for lunch, so he also went out to eat. After returning, he continued to enter the consciousness teaching space and finished studying the rest of the "Mozhuan Danshu".

He was not idle, and simply continued to chant sutras in the stream of consciousness space.

Chen You said that chanting sutras should enter a state of emptiness and tranquility, but who can restrain his thoughts when he eats five grains?

At every moment, people have innumerable thoughts that arise and disappear, which are completely out of human control.

Even the most dedicated person cannot achieve complete immersion without distraction.

You feel like you are paying attention, but your subconscious mind is active all the time.

People have dreams even when they are asleep, let alone when they are awake?

Therefore, it is easy to say the four words of emptiness, extreme tranquility, but it is almost impossible to achieve it.

At least it is impossible for mortals to do so.

That's why the Xuanmen Patriarchs asked their disciples to recite the scriptures over and over again. This is the truth that diligence can make up for one's weakness. It doesn't mean that you have to recite the scriptures tens of thousands of times to achieve any effect.

But in the stream-of-consciousness space, Su Yi has really reached a state of emptiness and tranquility!
The principle of stream-of-consciousness space teaching is to fully immerse yourself in it. All of Su Yi's consciousness is here, and he wants to be distracted unless he quits.

Therefore, in this stream of consciousness space, it is the most ideal environment for chanting sutras.

"The old gentleman wrote seven words in his spare time, explaining the body shape and the gods. There is Huangting on the top and Guanyuan on the bottom, there is Youque in the front and the gate of life in the back..."

If we talk about the three scriptures that Chen You handed down to Su Yi, the most valuable one is the "Huang Ting Jing" that Chen You thinks is the most useless.

In Chen You's view, the ultimate goal of reciting the "Huang Ting Jing" is "self-evident", which means to understand what it is talking about.

The next level goal is to see ghosts and gods clearly.

If you recite many scriptures, you will be able to overcome falsehoods and see ghosts and gods clearly.

Chen You believes that seeing ghosts and gods clearly is the greatest value of "Huang Ting Jing".

And this value is very tasteless, and it can also be achieved by other time-saving, labor-saving and clever methods. There is no need to be silly and chant sutras in the morning and evening.

In fact, Su Yi does not despise Chen You's "shallow knowledge" or "limited vision".

If it were Chen You instead, I'm afraid he would think the same way.

In this world, the "Huang Ting Jing" has been handed down for thousands of years. Throughout the ages, many Taoist monks have recited it day and night, trying to break through the magic truth in it and get out of the ordinary.

But has anyone done it yet?
Even if one has reached the realm of "seeing ghosts and gods clearly", one can already be regarded as an expert with real abilities.

As for being sensible?

It's basically a legend.

Chen You has recited the "Huang Ting Jing" for decades and has not found any tricks. He will naturally have doubts about this thing, or even disgust it.

The contents of the scriptures are also naturally considered by him to be the imagination of his ancestors,

However, "Huang Ting Jing" is an out-and-out treasure book for cultivating immortals. Since ancient times, it has been praised by the Shangqing School as the jade law for learning immortals and the golden discipline for cultivating Taoism.

This scripture...

how to say?

It's rather strange.

It is different from the cultivation methods of other Taoist cultivation classics, such as refining essence to transform qi, refining qi to transform spirit, practicing spirit to return to emptiness, refining emptiness to join the Tao...

It must first obtain the Tao, first find the innate qi, and refine the golden elixir.

But there are no such steps as Qi training, foundation building... Nascent Soul, and Spirit Transformation.

The method of comprehension in the "Huang Ting Jing" is called "keeping the spirit".It believes that there are gods living in every part and organ of the human body. Only by combining the two methods of contemplation and convincing, can these gods be refined for personal use, and finally all the gods will move together to refine the golden elixir, and then one can achieve Taoism. Immortal, long life and long vision.

In the scriptures, a person’s identity is divided into three parts: Shangyuan Palace, Zhongyuan Palace, and Xiayuan Palace. Each part of the Yuan Palace is guarded by the Eight Scenery Gods. fairy.

Of course, in the concept of "Huang Ting Jing", the human body is far more than these 24 gods. There are gods in every organ and even joint of the human body. The seven gods on the face, the internal organs, and the limbs form a huge body-spirit system on the human body.

The scriptures also describe the names, clothing, functions, and palaces and holy places where these gods live.In this way, practitioners can practice according to the image of God described in the scriptures, "preserving the spirit".

Of course, the names of these gods were randomly chosen, but they were refined and summarized according to the functions, positions, colors, and states of the various organs of the human body.

When one refines the body of a hundred gods, breathes in the same way up and down and removes distracting thoughts, then one can refine the alchemy and become a fairy.

Su Yi had also heard of the "Huang Ting Jing" before. This scripture exists in every world, and it can be said that it has been widely spread.

But he only knew the name, but not the content.

This time, after reading it several times and savoring it carefully, I realized that this sutra is only extensive and profound, with endless aftertaste.

Moreover, the unique theory of this scripture also made him amazed.

In fact, the theory of the body gods in the "Huang Ting Jing" is not new. It has already been used in all aspects of life, but ordinary people have not noticed it at all.

For example, the "six gods without masters" that people often say in daily life refers to the six gods of mind, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen and gallbladder.

There is also the word "carrying Liujia", which is also the six gods.

Jiayin wood god is bone; Jiashen metal god is tooth and claw; Jiaxu earth god is muscle; Jiachen wind god is breath; Jiawu fire god is warmth; Jiazi water god is Yuanze.

The six armors and the five elements form one body.It is a complete human body and life.

These similar idioms are all related to "Huang Ting Jing".

Although the more Su Yi read, the more mysterious and profound the "Huang Ting Jing" became, but he didn't feel that he was "like a treasure".

Because first of all, he is not qualified enough to cultivate according to the method of "keeping the spirit" recorded in the "Huang Ting Jing".

He has to find his innate energy before he is qualified to formally practice.

Secondly, the scriptures are completely incomplete, whether there are any omissions, whether it will be broken by practicing according to it, he has no idea, the cultivation of truth is not comparable to martial arts.

If martial arts is broken, the body can be repaired after leaving the set.

Cultivation is wrong, but the soul will be scattered.

Therefore, Su Yi must treat this scripture with caution.

In the following whole afternoon and the first half of the night, Su Yi chanted sutras in the stream of consciousness space, over and over again.

He didn't stop until he felt a little weak and dizzy.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Xiaobai came again.

He still turned in from the balcony next door, and he didn't run around when he came in. He just waited for Su Yi in the living room.

Su Yi came out of the bedroom with a yawn, and saw him standing by the dining table looking at him wearing the sunglasses he had given him yesterday.

"Morning." Su Yi greeted and handed him the money, "Same as yesterday."

Xiaobai took the money, turned around and ran out the door.

After Su Yi finished washing, he came up with red milk tea and barbecued pork buns.

Same as yesterday, Su Yi only took two copies, and let Xiaobai take the rest.

"Don't open the window in the future." Su Yi said to him, "Knock on the door early in the morning, and I will hear it."

Xiaobai didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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